Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Apr 1958, p. 7

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w HELP WANTED NJSW 3 bedroom ranch; full tesement; gas heat;v garage; : beach rights; vacant how. Fronts highway, McHenry 1 mile. Contract sale. Phone 169. 44-tf ANTED , MAN to work rt time in yards; one or two j}ays a week. Phone McHenry TP7-J. " 49 ^KfcjJNE DRIVE-IN. Women tinted^. $art time . to w o r k ^cfniihgs. Phone McHenry 25S84 ftefnoons. 49 <r-»--i------i .• '..j. -- i-.' *"• " . '--f--- EXPERIENCED wool presser, S'7 Ue jbi female. Highest wages, plidays and vacation paid, .easaht working conditions. .Apply Twin Oaks Cleaners, llpund Lake or call Kimball >1-2179. *49 MOTHERS HELPER in good pome. Must like children. Private room and board and salary. To start May 1. Reply Je/'o McHiftry Plaindealer, Box Si. ' ' .. 49 tOFESSlONAL WOMAN, it appearance, to serve in 'capacity «f dealer ahd consultant for large hearing aid organization. ;\VU1 train. Call ' Icimbali 6-2683, or write Maico iHearing Service, 25 South Genesee St., Waukegan, 111. . WOMEN for general clerical Work. Temporary arid permanent positions. Apply Science £9 ^search Associates, Inc., 104 P e a r l S t . , McHenry, P h y o f i e McHenry 1048. ,it,.i. i.- 1_ JjpLL TIME BOOKKEEPER ijExperience necessary. Write 'f./o McHenry Plaindealer, Box 558.' 49 --IPIUCTION-^ * Attention Men Qtudlff Easily «*d QuleWf for Big Pay Jobs Asi HtOMNICJU. DRAFTSMEN HACHMSTS-TOOL MAKERS KML JIND DK OESKNEIIS Above ConnN^s GX Approved m.* . \ 1 ~ 1 Ho experience tettnbed. Free employment aervice. " Write c/o McHenry Plaindealer, Box 49 PLAINDEALER ' v - . # BEALESTATE SITUATION WANTED & Apartment building lot 09 John street in . McHenry. For quick sale $3*000.06 / " - Business lot on Ma£h street fin McHenry. For quick safe -- $7,000. " Business building oil Main strieet in lifclpfenry - £ :story brick. For quick sale $10,000.00 McHfiNRY REALTY 532 Main Street McHENRY 288 42-tf FOR SALE-HOMES-FARMS CHOICE LOTS - BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY KNOX REAL ESTATE 405 Richmond Road , McHenry, 111. Phone: McHenry 421-J 42-tf LEAVING TOWN, must sell almost new 5-rm. brick ranch; gas heat; 1% garage; on edge of McHenry golf course.' Tel. McHenry 2636-R. 44-tf NEW COl«STRUC?nON, additions, garages, remodeling, milk houses & farm repair. Karl , Fredricksen, Wonder Lake 3$34. 48-4 PAINTING arid light carpenter work by hoar Or 'contract. Call McHenry 797-R. 484 PAINTING, "papering, decorating byexperienced workmen. Low rates. Geo. Lindsay. Ph. McHenry 12&W. 49 DIUVER tq. join car pool between Lakemoor and northwest side of Chicago. Phone 557-J-2. • 49 -i. PARCEX. t^OST or package delivery daily to Elgin via Rt. 25. Also have room , for 4 passengers. Leaye McHenry at 8 back at 6. For information c$ll 2281 between 6:30 and 8 p.m. 49 ips on CHARGES F WANTED: MAN wants work for Saturday. Will consider any type of work. Phone McH, 629-M-2 after 7 p.m. 49 LIST YOUR FARMS WITH BY OWNER, year 'round 2 bedroom home, knotty j pine living room, fireplace, furnished, shady corner lot, 2 car garage, block from lake. $14,- 000. Wonder Lake 4121. 47-5 4. REAL ESTATE ;LAKE RIGHTS 'HtfEW 2 BEDROOM HOME, , picture windows, paneled livv: «gjag . rpom, acoustic / ceilings, •I large closets, built-in book rase and hi-fi, gas furnace *arid incinerator, full base- ^(lent with garage, landscaped Jot. Cash or terms. 213 So. Highland, Pistakee H i g Itelands'. Phone 644-M-2 evenings orweekends. 46-tf 3 BEDROOM HOME for sale. Living room with fireplace. All large rooms. Attached garage, gas heat. Also 4 room furnished apt. attached, provides ad- 0tional income. Call Wonder Lake 5654. 44-tf McHENRY and LAKE AREA Year 'Round Homes. Seasonal homes, farms, vacant. Home sites. Income properties. 0 J ACOB FRITZ REALTORS In Johnsbtirtf, Ph. McHenry S"J Rt. S, McHenry, Illinois • 18-tl NEW 3 BEDROOM BRICK i;arich house, 28x82 on 1 acre lot in McHenry. Full baseipent; 2 ear garage, fireplace, built-in oven and range. Matiy i^her Quality features. Priced 16 sell. McHenry 409. 49-tf Griswold Lake Like new tri-level, 3 bedroom, attached garage. Good fishing and boating. Wonder Lake Well built, 2 bedroom, high on lake shore. Located, on choicest part of lake. Mak^ an offer. CALL MR. HEINEN McHenry 2527 Baird & Warner, Inc. 49 3 BEDROOM RANCH home on % acre lot. 2 fireplaces; full basement;' 2 car attached garage; IV2 baths; birch cabinets with built-in stove and oven. Many extras. $20,000. tfall evenings, Saturdays or Sundays. Genoa City. Browning 9-3308. 49 ALL MODERN, year round 5 room house and garage. $500 down, $75 pejr month. Immediate possession. For information call McHenry 590-R-l. > 49 FULLY IMPROVED LOT, 1 block from Catholic church and school. Phone McHenry 875-J. 49-tf YEAR 'ROUND home in Wonder Woods, overlooking Woiider Lake. Double corner lot, 2 bedrooms, large living rpom, cabinet kitchen, breakfast nook. Auto, forced hot air furnace and- water softener in basement. Priced for quick sale at $9500. Call Wonder Lake 4444. 49 NEW 26x72 3 BEDROOM Lanon Stone front home on choice c o r n e r l o t in E d g e b r o o k Heights. 2 car garage, many outstanding features. Priced to sell. Phone McHenry 409. 49-tf SHOP AT HOME or Contact us if you wish to buy. L. B. ANDERSON & CO., Inc. WHEELING, ILL. Phone Wheeling 53 N or . 3LENN H. WILL Salesman Rt. 1, Alden, 111. ^ . Phone Hebron 3114 49-tf TOP PRICE PAID for iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock -- 1610-M-2. 43-tf WANTED FAHM LISTINGS We have Chicago investors and Cook County farmers as buyers. Call or write us if your faj^n is for sale or if you want to buy. M. RODEWALD & CO. Real Estate • Insurance Main Office 1818 E. Northwest Hwy. Arlington Heights CLearbrook 5-3535 Residence - MeHenry 612-J-2 47 TF State of Illinois) County of McHenry) .ss-.' • IN THE CIRCUIT COURtf OE McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS, CLARENCE L. ROUSH, Plaintiff,) vs. KATHRYN MROUSH, Defendant, Gen. No. 35956, , - PUBLICATION NOTICE The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed, notice is hereby given tQ you, KATHRYN M. ROUSH, that a„ siiit jl^s been filed in the Circuit/ "pourt of McHenry CountyV/Hlinqis, by plaintiff against you, for1 Divorce and for other relief; summons duly issued against you as provided by law, ar\d which suit is still pending. • Now, therefore, unless you, KATHRYN M. ROUSH, f i l e your answer to the Complaint in said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein, in the said Circuifef^ouKj, of ^fpHenry C o u n t y , h e l d in t h e C o u r t House in . the City ' of Woodstock, Illinois, on or before ^ the 3rd day of May, 1958, • default may be entered against .you at any time after that day, and a decree entered in accordance with the prayer of ..said Comp l a i n j t . v " ; t LESTER} FEDINGER Clerk (Court Seal) : JAMES H. CO(»lEY State Bank Building ^. Woodstock, Illinois Attorney for Plaintiff (Publish April 3-10-17) S r C r c t .1 r y of," With the advent of spring^ mo torists are faced with a bazar< particular to this time of th« f«ar--highway soft shoulders. Soft shoulders are the result o'. thawing or recent rain. The con lition cannot be readily corrected i>y maintenance except where th( excessive moisttire' is caused bj iefective draining. ; Motorists will find . their vehi ;les'on highway shoulders usuallj because they wish to repair theii vehicles or because they have loei :ontroL, . WANTED TO BUY GIRL SCOUTS heed rug $£arps and. clover sacks for service project. Call Mrs. J. Harper, McHenry 672-M-l. *49 MISCELLANEOUS Small Band Available Music For All Occasions ^ . Call after 6:00 P.M. McHeiiry 2146 49 READ THE WANT ADS Specialize in Cement Work Only BandL Equipped to bo Any Sice Job | CONSTRUCTION COMPANY | | CEMENT CONTHACTOHS | | Phone 409 | | BOB PEPPING, Owner | NG AT . JUST-FOR-FUN ROLLER RINK McHENRY, ILL. THURSDAY. APRIL 17th - 8:00-11:00P.M. DONATION .75 PE^ PERSON / "" ; Presented By • McHENRY-TIE-RODS NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of ALBIN VOLDNESS, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that May 5th, 1958, is the claim date in the estate of ALBIN VOLDNESS,, Deceased, pending in the' County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said es&te urn or before said datie 1 -without issuance of summons, ! " ' EDNA VOLDNESS, Administrator JOSEPH X. WAYNE ^ Attorney v 308 W. Elm St., McHenry, Illinois ^ . 'Ohib/iiar. ^VAprr$it),r,iisj^) PARK ADMI&SION8 Visitors to Illinois ( State Parks began Tuesday, Aprii 1, paying admission to 31 of 'the 45 parks in the system, 24 of them for the first time in the history of the state recreational program. Under legislation passed by the 70th General Assembly, the admission fee of lb cents for each car and 10 cents for each occupant 12 years of age and older will be extended from the seven parks where charges have been in effect since July 1953 to 24 Others. Exempt are parks of less than 100 acres, Lincoln's New Salem which carried a "no-charge" clause in its artic l e s of a c q u i s i t i o n , - and t h e state's 29 memorials. The 1957 law also provides for a "season ticket" plan whereby it is possible to purchase a $2 windshield sticker. NEW SUIT? l0» alu It's Just D R Y S A N S D That means ALL the dirt's removed so that both the look and feel of newness are fully restored. Try it and see! SAVE 10% Cash TT Carry RAINBOW CLEANERS Aroond Corner North of National Tea Ndrtfc Fr^if ^Street PHONE 927 Open Fri. Eves. "Til 9 April Id Young Athletes' Honor. Banquets- High School Cafeteria-- Sponsored by the Moose. April 11 McHenry Woman's Club Regular Meeting--Legion Home-- 1:30 p.m. . >ApHl 12 6ake Sale -- Sponsored by Zion Lutheran Ladies' Aid--1 p.m.--Art Smith Market. Joiinsburg Firemfen's Dance --Alenibrial Hall, Johhsburg. April 16 Woman's Club Style Show- Legion Home Dedication Service--8 p.m.-- St. Paul's Episcopal Church April 80 Lecture Luncheon Club-- NOon--McHenry Country Club. May 8 Style Show--Wing and Fin Lodge--Sponsored by Woman's Auxiliary, McHenry Hospital. T/AfMf If yoa wish to pull off of th< •oad to repair your vehicle, loot lor a turnout or driveway it which to stop. If such a spot ;annot be located nearby, reduci ipeed to the point where' the vehi :le can be controlled before enter ng the shoulder. If you should suddenly fine rourself upon the shoulder bj nistake. do not pull the steerini vhreel hard to the left. Instead •educe speed and watch for i >lace where the shoulder anc lighway are level and work youi rehlcle back on the pavement This maneuver should be don< tlowly and with patience lf disas er is to be avoided. A copy of the completely nen 'Rules of the Road" booklet wil » sent to you free upon request Write to CHARLES F. CARPEN TIER, Secretary of State, Spring leld, Illinois. Hospital Auxiliary • by June Allan Order your rubber stamps at the Plaindealer today. The woman's auxiliary to the McHenry hospital is honored to participate in a fashion show sponsored by the Grant hospital woman's auxiliary. It will be held on May 2 at the Conrad Hilton hotel in Chicago. Approximately twentyfive hospitals, will send a representative model from their auxiliary. A cash prize will be awarded to the organization having the best model. McHenry is pleased to have as its representative a charming model who has been an eager worker for the auxiliary. She is Mrs. Alice Marion of Wonder Lake. We feel sure that Mrs. Marion can bring compliments plus to McHenry. It is hoped that many members will be able to attend. Further information about transportation and reservations can be obtained by calling the Pink Lady Shoppe, McHenry 2424, or stop in at I your earliest convenience. FORMER McHENRY RESIDENT WILL SHOW ART? WORK THANK YOU I wish to thank the voters of McHenry County for the wonderful support received in Tuesday's Primary. ' A. B. McCONNELL 49 Mike's Fireside Inn Ringwood, 111. GRAND FRIDAY and SATURDAY APRIL 18 and 19 Featuring DON ALLEN Chicago TV Personality Saturday Evening, *49 9P Algonquin art group, under direction of James Walker, will open its annual spring exhibit Saturday, April 12, at the Martinetti'gallery, Rt. 14, in Crystal Lake. Mr. Walker,, member of the teaching staff of Chicago Art Institute, will exhibit a select group of his work. He & now showing in various airt exhibits about the .country, and the "Creation of Eve." his prize collage which won its position in the Navy Pier exhibit, is still with the State department collection in Europe. Mr. Walker has won much recognition for his way of using far miliar subject matter and media in sucir a way that his results are new, unsual and sometimes puzzling. The Algonquin group is unique in that it is characteristically American; although under the personal direction of Mr. Walker, each artist does work that is creatively his own; although the medium and subject matter might be the same, the ultimate results in the painting is individual. There are forty paintings now 'ready for the exhibit. Some are in French chalk, water color and oil. Ink driaNvirtgs and collages, etc., developed variously are scheduled to be' shown. Subject matter and its handling range from the familiar to the controversial: ? AmOng the exhibiting artists1 are: Stephanie Waynne, Lu^: cjUe McKay, Lucille Schuett^ Helen E. Rattray and Ann BL Falon of Algonquin; Wanda, Weaver of Cary; Jean Steadg Joyce Bishop and Lorraine Schiebel of Barrington; Mabel Paddock of Palatine; Katherine Test and Ruth Edwards of Dundee; and Mildred „ Flood and Ursula De Vine of Crystal Lake. The exhibit will continue for one month and may be viewed without charge. VA ASSISTANCE A Veterans Administration representative from the Rockford VA office will be on duty at Woodstock Tuesday, April 15,, to inform and assist veterans, their dependents and the general public regarding all benefit programs of the VA* Their representative will be on duty from 10 a.m .to 4 p.m. at the U.S. post office building, second flOor, in Wood* stock. Be not simply good. Be good for something. , h Pays t» Advertise AUCTION Auction every Wednesday night starting Wednesday, April 9th. Consign your butcher cattle, veal calves and feeding pigs. Dairy cows and feeding cattle on hand at all times. Located. 3 miles west of Woodstock on Franklinville blacktop road. For pick up service call Woodstock 1891. Woodstock Commercial Sales W. H. RUSSEL, Owner NOW OPEN SUNDAY MOSUVS RESTAURANT (formerly The Nook) will be open from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. every Sunday, beginning March 30. Home Codking ~ pinners -- Home-made Pies FAYE MOSLEY, Proprietor 408 Front Street McHenry, 111. TELEPHONE 9787 „ THIS IS THE DAY! SAVl NOW! ABE YOU getting Income on your savings? Are jtiil saving just any old day of the month? Then bpre'a a profitable tip! ALL MONJS* SAVED HEM MTFOTK MALCH lOlB KAKTT ROM MIUTCH 1ST. And «hat a profitable difference it makes come dividend time, too. So Save today! 206 W. ELM 1 McHENRY, ILL. PHONE McHENRY 2t fkii^ <,

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