• jvuuu Manor eggy Garrelts Tom'orfow night, April 18 at 9 Q'clock there will be a meeting of; the - property owners' association in the barn community house. We urge everyone who can possibly &o so to attend this meeting. Please come with your suggestions and ideas to make Eastwood Manor a better community. In order to have a working association we have to have attendance at the meetings. Simpson, , Lois Georgia 'Sigman Garrelts. McCormack, and Peggy , We are happy to report that there was a very good turn out from Eastwood Manor for the recent primary election. Warren Krebs, Bob Dethiefson, Lennie Laurence and Lennie Hansen all did their civic duty vby driving everyone who needed transportation to tlje polls to vote. They really worked hard all day, and we are sure their efforts were responsible for a lot of people voting who might otherwise have "just not bothered". We hope before the fall elections all the folks eligible to v o t e w i l l be r e g i s t e r e d a n d ready to cast their ballots. Progress Well, the kids lost a basketbill court when the cement slab was broken up to make room for a new model home next to the barn. They were all quite sad until they were assured that the baskets will lie put up again in the near future in the corral. Plans are also on the fire to lay out a baseball diamond in the corral. This should make a nice playground for the children for mta summer. ' Five! There was some excitement around here last Friday at 6:15 in the morning when the Mc- Henry fire department came roaring into the subdivision. They came in response to a call from the Tucker family on Manor Lane. We are glad to report that it was only the motor which burned out on their furnace, filling the house With smoke. A little fresh air cleared up the whole situatfcii. Sick Llstv, -. . jRIta Sijnpson entered Condell Memorial hospital in Libertyville a week ago Monday for surgery. She came home last Saturday, and will be convalescing for a few weeks. Ricky Weigman is laid up with pneumonia at home. He is a pretty sick boy, but is responding to medication. We hope he will be much better by the time this is printed. Anniversary Greetings Lee and Mim Hansen are ce l e b r a t i n g t h e i r s i x t h w e d ding anniversary the nine teenth. Congratulations. Spring Grove CENTENARIAN CELEBRATES AT BIRTHDAY PARTY by Mrs. Charles Freund Happy birthday Denise Dethlefson celebrated her birthday the fourteenth of this month when she was 7 years old. She is entertaining some young friends this coming . Saturday. Easter Doings Inasmuch as we didn't have a column in the paper this past week, due to lack of news and the fact that everyone was so busy with pre-Easter doings, we shall give you a run down on what the various neighbors did over tho Easter holiday. Len and Winnie Hansen and their family spent the day visiting Len's folks in Antioch. The Alfred Ritters spent the day visiting' Alfred's folks in Elm wood Park. Len and Dolores and their children journeyed to Chicago for a big turkey dinner with all the trimmings with their relatives. Gerry and '"Woody" and Donna Woods went to Kenos h a , W i s . , t o v i s i t G e r r y ' s folks. The McCormack family went into Chicago to visit Lois' sister, and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Halbey. Later in the day, they had supper ith Thn's folks. Mr. and Mrs. atrick McCormack. Ken and Florence Noonan entertained Ken's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Myles Penney for dinner. They had just returned from a vacation in Nassau and Florida. James Madden, who has lived in the Spring Grove vicinity his entire life time, celebrated his 100th birthday at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Charles Franklin in Milwaukee on Saturday, April 5. All except one of Madden's five living children, his five grandchildren and two o f h i s f o u r t e e n g r e a t , great grandchildren were at the party to enjoy a pleasant day of visiting and remiriisc ing. Those from here who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Madden of Roscoe, Mrs. Mary Harms, Mrs. Alice Van Every of Richmond, Mrs. Grace Shotliff of Woodstock and M r s. Alice Wagner. Our heartiest Congratulations are extendedto Mr. Madden. 3 This and That t'^ommy Schwabauer was hdsne on a 3-day pass last week, after completing his basic training at Fort Leonard Wood. Lee and Mim Hansen had & party in their basement a Week ago Saturday night. Six neighborhood couples dropped in for games and refreshments. Jack and Marilyn Fultz and tjjigir cildhren spend last weekenjl visiting relatives in South fiend, Ind. • jPeggy Garrelts , entertained for luncheon last week. Among those attending were Lois Krebs, Lois McCormack, Helen Birmingham, Winnie Hansen, Dolores Lawrence, Rita Simpson and Betty Radner. Bob and Connie Dethlefson e n t e r t a i n e d a S i o u x I n d i a n chief and his wife recently as house guests. Chief Black Elk and his wife Pretty Leaf, along with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Besseliever, all from the 'Black Hills of South Dakota, spent a few days with Bob and Conriie on their way to a sporting goods show in Minneapolis. Several couples from East- Wood Manor were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Varese lajgt Tuesday evening for din- Attending were Bob and / Connie Dethlefson, Lois and Tim McCormack, Lois and Warrei\ Krebs, Len and Dolores Lawrence and Len and Winnie Hansen. After dinner the $X$up proceeded to Woodstock victory celebration. Meet Yonr Neighbors The Jack Brigham family, consisting of Jack and June and their two boys, Scott, who is eignt years old, and Chris, who is five, moved into their home at 147 Mill Lane on August 26, 1956 from Connecticut. He works for an insurance company in Park Ridge as a pay roll auditor. Jack drives to work each day. Unfortunately, they wil}. not be here much longer as Jack has been 1 transferred back to Connecticut as of June 1. Jack and June both enjoy playing bridge, and June is quite handy with either the sewing machine or a needle and thread. Please, if you want the column to be in every week, call 2101 with your news items. Meetings The meeting of the Lotus Country Women's club was held at the home of Mrs. Leo Karls in Richmond last week. A program was given by Mrs. Arthur Helbling on gardens and flower arrangements. Refreshments were served after the meeting. The Spring Grove PTA had a meeting on Wednesday, April 2 at 7:30 p.m. at the school house. Plans were discussed for the graduation {tarty which will be held on May 7 at which time class rings will be prese n t e d t o t h e g r a d u a t e s . The seventh graders and parents of both classes are invited to attend this party. A discussion was also held on the coming April dance and field trips the pupils will go on during the month of May. Those from here who attended Mothers' club meeting at the high school in Richmond on Monday night were Mrs. Robert Kautz, Mrs. Russel Rudolph, Mrs. Nora Miller, Mrs. Eva Freund, Mrs. Clarence Miller, Mrs. Elmer Smith and Mrs. Ben Smith. Arrangements were made for a card party to be held at the high school on April 22 at 8 p.m. Many prizes will be given away and a lunch will be served. A part of the evening's program was an interesting film on the help given crippled children and adults at the therapy Center Woodstock. A lunch was served by the committee following the meeting. The birthday club held theii^ meeting at the home of Mrs. Mark Pierce on Thursday af- Bunco , The regular meeting of the j^injoo club was held at Ann Ritter's home, last week. One of the features of the meeting an Easter bonnet parade, l^dia Fenner, Lillian Zgorski a n d M a r | e ' T h i e s w e r e t h e i f l r i z e M a n n e r s . * T h e i r A p r i l uiowers meeting will be the twenty4h«rd of April at Marge Tlnkter'ii tiotiiti.! •"Betty Radner was hostess for a demonstration a week ago Monday. Marge Zancha, a friend of Betty's was the demonstrator. The girls attending wiere Dolores Lawrence, Win- We. Hansen, Helen Birmingham, Marilyn Fultz, Rita WATCH THESE MAB&HNQ FEET VALUABU COUPON 0--4 fw On*- i FREE SAMPLE I*ttw .6 waysl Not a pail* or powder but q tuba of flowing p!a*tic that cushions sore spots and kMps fats* teeth tighter longer. Une application lasts weeks I Bring this coupon to our store for generous FREE sample of DMtwr»iM,Hril)ci*iitfor application to both plates. Offer good only while sample supply last*. MINO THIS COUPON TODAY TO: NYE DRUGS "Walgreen Agency" PHONE 26 129 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111. ternoon. Games of five hundred were played aftd prizes went to Mrs. Alice Stevens, M r s . E l i z a b e t h F r e u n d , M r s ! Tillie May and Mrs. Susie Ru^ doljph. A lovely lunch was served after cards. Mrs. Jake Miller was hostess to the members of her club on Thursday afternoon. Prizes awarded those achieving high scores in cards were Mrs. W i 11 i a m Britz, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. John Sniith, Mrs. Frank Sanders and Mrs. George Huff. The serving of ( refreshments completed the party. Members of her club met at the home cf Mrs. Arthur Klein in Fox Lake on Thursday. A delicious chicken dinner was served and the evening f was spent at cards. Prizes went to Kattner and Mrs. Eldred Johnson. Mrs. Catherine Kageri received the birthday gift of the month. The club, will meet next at the Home cf Mrs. Norbert Klaus in'Fox Lake. V .vjf Dinner Party and*'J^rk Caryl Vision of Northbrooic and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Haly of Rogers Park were dihner guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'Joseph Koberstine. They ajl went but to dinner as a farewell party for Mr. Haly whb is leaving on an extended trip.' ' It was also ,a birthday (telebrfttion. Christening The .infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Leander Lay was baptized Thoma$ / Patrick at St, Sponsors for the baby were Mrs. Sani Haldeman and .Arthur Kaltner. • Charles• F. itopwIeCv*?;':', yDles March SI £ t \ '• Our heartfelt sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Knowles of Colemar on the death of his father, Charles F. Knowles,1* 68 years old, who passed away on March 31. The former carpenter spent all his life in the Fox Lake community and was one of the first volunteer' firemen joining the force in 19P8. (?. "Congratulations v* y . to 1Vf r. and Mrs.' A1 Adoftiaitis on their baby girl, weighing 7 lbs., born April £ Mrs. Paul Lewis, Mrs. Arthur Peter's church last Sunday. SHOP IN MCHENRY jt'i" itei DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST TAt136' S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) Take It Easy -- Take A Cab! When the weather's bad . . . When you want to reach your destination in a hurry • . . When you have luggage or heavy packages with you, it's time to call us for a cab. Remember our number. Radio Dispatched McHENRY CAB PHONE 723 OBENAUF AUCTION . Having decided to discontinue dairying, the undersigned will sell the following personal property on premises located of Lake Zurich> 2 miles south of Forest Lake on the Old McHenry Road, >/2 mile North of Rout<* 22 on TUESDAY. APRIL 22 at 1:00 PJM. 24 HEAD Or LIVESTOCK Consisting of 20 milk cows, 8 recently fresh, 3 springing, balance milking well and rebred for fall freshening. 4 Holstein heifers weighing about 600 lbs. This herd is mostly home raised, having much size and being good producers. MILKING EQUIPMENT _ Surge Milkers, 2 seamless, like new; hot (water heater; other^tems" cleaner and cha*r' Surge pump and pipe line "and MACHINERY J°hnv Deere Model LA tractor with mower. ED OBENAUF, Owner Not Responsible for Accidents TERMS: All sums of $25.00 and under cash. Over this amount one-fourth down and the balance in six monthly payments. Make arrangements for credit, with clerk before sale. Gordon Stade Si Bill Stade, Jr. -- Auctioneers McHENRY STATE BANK, Clerking J •i,vrr. EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED „ VISUAL TRAINING - VISUAL Rf^LABILrrATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 TO 12 AM. and i TO FRIDAY' EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:SQ P.Bfc v: EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT / ^ v P^ONE BJcHlNRY 4^ 'i 129 N. Riverside PHONE 26 McHenry, 111. ^ YOUR FRIENDLY I j V a f y A z e J t & j e K C t / mmm Famous Creations COSTUME Your choioe A P «fl Q A peirsonal KYCItttIC safegv P0U1DCR daintiness LMI of OC^k piiis oir Buy one Hem »t Its regular price. . .Add l ceiit ami get twe 0 CHECK LIST Use this ad as your shopping list. Check the square and order in advance if you wish. Your Druggist will gladly lay away your order, to be picked up at any time during the Sale 57E MOOTHWA^ «,C. Chloraphrll I2-oi. I'wO 69 c Itubbing Alcohol Valmen.llgi'gt T 69clfflN|RAL 55C IISHMINE •et^Ussr -Zsar • LEATHER Powder orfCrystol 8.„ 2:40* BILLFOLDS 3BC SUPPOSITORIES 4,JA, *•**<* Adult or Infant I2's....y Z*4|P styj« & 19c INK TABLETS grains Holland Linen finish: /L\GJr SHAVE 1 Aerosol ZSOV Mtre&rd & Ketchup •. DISPENSERS I' Ol 55c BABY SHAMPOO n>BAt Physicians A Surgeons. CHECK THESE BEAUTY NEEDS! WiwFMdlLJ Perfection i.i'igc»2':40c| HAND CREAM © 2i2** cf'SSl 1ampoc ^*>nn ^ FORMULA 20 ID CREAM With heart of lanolin to soften and protect your handi. If», &&&&&*' , '"*• r-|loL%nd Creaw & fragrant. # O I tor 4»fv>TH 9-Oune« [SHAM POOl Urincho lin 2190*1 ' LJ 79c Bubble Bath 8-Ounce Pine or floral scented...... Best Buys on Olafsen Vitamins • *2.39 BAYTOL VITAMIN "B" COMPLEX 2-2" Vitamin supplement for adults. Bottle of 100 • JR. AYttNAt' V\ itamins & . 2S2W • Regular $S.59 SUPER POTENT Bottle of 100 Geriitrk Elixir With its blood building Jivei.j uon^ond copper, plus the fatigue-fighting Vitoroin B-12. Q1 KOU Bottle 100 It* OLABERON12 Aytinal Vitamins &| MINERALS 114-vitamins, 9 mineralsI 'The family i 99c BODY MASSACE Physician I Surg*ons.l6-oz PIPES 79c Zinc Oxide Oint. eri Keller Antibiotic I'/i-oz. .g,i{ 98c SHAVING BOMB •i or Lotion by Briargate ~ 28c TR. IODINE ..." 0^.P. Quality 1-oz. /jdV 59c Po-Do Mali" Brass a,** 5-oz. Bottle...,.: &SDU 29cEiMlr«Bnitli Physicians tSurgeons 5-ot. < 2:30* Bottle Brushed .... 30t 29c Calamlae LOTION a f'ah. Plain or phenelated 4-oz.*|Vw $1.59 MOTH PROOFEH0r|fi0 Pine scented 10-oz. Aerosol 4ti I 99c Ant, Roach Spray aiail Dolph 12<oz. Aerosol $1.49 INSECT SPRAY Non D.D.T. 12-oz. Aerosol. «8c Pik-Elwtric Shave lotion jfoL Po-Do...., 49c Saccharin Tabs Effervescent <$50's VA gr--• 25c TOOTHBRUSH Valudent Oval or nilsedvitamin. ^Bottle 100 99c BiaporRASh Oint, PhysiciansM f Wf^eens ll^oz. R«91V° • 65c Keller ntibiotic Lozenges VTIMISTA TMUTS Tube of 12.. • . Antihistaminic COUGH SYRUP • NASAL DROPS -oz. Droppe bottle Antihistamine 8 -oz. Bottle Tube of 24. u--' O- 5 Grain Walgreen 2'.7fie • ASPIRIN j| TABLETS 6* Bottle of IOO el .. EXTRA VALUES NOT AT 1c SALE PRICES BUT TOO GOOD TO LEAVE OUT. NYLON HOSIERY • Pol) Picktd DISH TOWELS The latest in shades. A full 18x30 inches 51 guage f(t 15 denier...M a m i j | 7-Inch PAPER Padc of 6....^^™-^ k'kc* of .40 69c • Walfroen fiHaraattod All pack 89198 ASSORTMENT Thread & Needle Special 29c COLOR BOOK •Co mplete with crayons.. £ * y9n. 99c lee'Crean Sccop Chrome plated.... ..... *||||* •63 c Rubber Sieves afail Quality by "Test Rite" Zivv d ? " "ij ? y f •at Embossed Plastic BABY PANTS Regularly 29c 2 45* i ,<•