17. j[|§g-y^#y^y^;:"";;- ^W^pfS ^%**?i r*r * f r< • REAL ESTATE LAKE RIGHTS ..NEW 2 BEDROOM HOME, picture/ windows, paneled liv- >$ng room, acoustic ceilings, *-large closets, built-in book case and hi-fi, gas furnace ind incinerator, full base- Jinent with garage, landscaped ofot. Gash or terms. 213 So. Wighland, Pistakee H i g hlands. Phone 644-M-2 evening^ or weekends. , 46-tf 3 BEDROOM HOME for sale. Living room with fireplace. All large rooms. Attached garage, gals heat. Also 4 room furnished apt attached, provides additional incpme. Call Wonder Lake 5654. 44-tf *McHENRYand " LAKE AREA 4Tear 'Round Homes. Seasonal homes, farms, vacant. Home sites. Income properties. JACOB FRITZ REALTORS '0 Johnsburg, Ph. McHenry in Rt. 5, McHenry, Illinois 18-ti FOR SALE Apartment building lot on John street in. McHenry. For quick sale $3}900.00 Business lot on Main street In Henry. For quick sale -- ,000. Business building on M&in street in McHenry - 2 story brick. For quick.sale $10,000.00 McHENRY REALTY 532 Main Street McHENRY 268 42-tf family Security Choose from our large select i o n o f 3 a r i d 4 b e d r o o m Ranch and Bi-Level Homes in a wide price range -- to be built on your lot or ours. We h a v e i j o t s i n M c H e n r y a n d Crystal Lake. g Financing %Is Easy! A /minimum of 10% down including house and lot. If you liow own a lot, this may be your down-payment. . Models. Open Mon. thru Sat • 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. Sun. - 1 to 6 P.M. Available For ^Immediate Occupancy Jy3 bedroom ranch with atnrched garage, including 100' x 173' lot. $12,140.00 full price. $300.00 down. and Son Builders A Hwy. 120 - Vi nolle east W of Fox River Phone McHenry 976 BRICK RANCH 'With River Rights Attractive 2 bedroom brick f&nch home with attached 1% car garage. Plastered walls, forced air heat. Nice large landscaped lot. Hunterville Park. $14,500. . PHONE 2269 50-tf REAL ESTATE THE HOME FOR A LAlWJfc FAMILY Nojt new, but all rooms -big, for good living.. 2 bdrms up, 1 do^n, 18x12; Living Room, 13x18; Dining room 12x15; kitchen 12x15; bath; sun'room, 12x34. Former .owner used it as his office-study, full basement, oil hot air furnace, corner lot. Selling to settle estate. Immediate possession P r i ce $13,000. Phone Mcrtenry 1655 50 tfEAR ROUND HOME on Fox River water front. McHenry 1363. 50-1 FOR SALE McHenry. -- A good buy, 3 bedroom home, 1 year old, full basement, gas heat, only $12,- 900.00. REAL EST ATE t"OR SALE - HOMES - FARMS CHOICE LOTS - BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY KNOX REAL ESTATE 405 Richmond Road - McHenry, HI. Phone: McHenry 421-J - 42-tf LEAVING TOWN, must sell almost7 new 5-rm. brick ranch; gas Heat; 1% garage; on edge of McHenry golf course. Tel. McHenry 2636-R.. 44-tf BY OWNER, year 'round 2 bedroom home, knotty pine living room, fireplace, furnished, shady comer lot, 2 car garage, block from lake. $14,- 000. Wonder Lake 4121. 47-5 FULLY IMPROVED LOT, .1 block from Catholic church and school. PHone McHenry 875mJ. 49-tf 2 bedroom, Living Room, Kitchen, Utility, Att Oarage, Range & Refrigerator, wooded lot. Price $10,900.00. 4 rooms, Utility, and garage, beach rights, only $10,000. For Information call at our office in Johnsburg. Jacob Fritz Realtor v Rt. 5, McHenry, 111. McHenry 3T 50-tf Shalimar 9 room frame on landscaped lot 100x160. All park and river rights. Priced for quick sale. * Edgebrook Heights 3 bdrm brick, built in 1955. Ultra-modern kitchen, large rooms, 2 car ^garage. Country Club Brick and Lannon stone ranch, 3 bdrm, comb, livingdining room with fireplace. Nice lot Rjyefr & pier rights. Call MR. HEINEN McHENRY 2527" Baird &" Warner, Inc. FOR SALE ' Tri-Level housfc* 2 "years bid, 3 bedrooms, modern kitchen, large living room, fireplace, bath, basement shower, garage, IV2 acre. $19,500. 8 room house, 4 or 5 bedrooms, modern kitchen, dining room, living room, l a r g e rooms, full basement, oil heat, garage, 3 blocks depot. $16,800. Many other houses, farms and acreages for sale. F. E. HOWE 85 Gates St., Crystal Lake Ph. 495 or 965-R *50 RIVER FRONT All year home.. ^Designed for easy living. 2 story, 8 rooms, 2 baths, cedar den, fireplace, oak floors, full basement, oil heat, 3 car garage, concrete pier, sea wall. £xtras -- carpets, drapes, curtains, refrig, range, dish washer, etc. $31,500 or best offer. Leaving state. Brokers protected. WALTER E. ROGAN Rt. 1, Box 34 • 1 mile north of McHenry on east bank of river Phone McHenry 1026 50 ATTENTION BOATING & fishing Tans: For year round living, two adjoining hilltop lots overlooking Fox River in McHenry Shores on Kinley Boulevard. Private channel & beach rights. $2000 each. Contract can be taken over. Will sell separately. Phone Mundelein 6-0167. Specialise in _ I Equipped to ff m. Cement,Work K Ann I Do Any 8tae 1 Only D d,,U L M, CONSTRUCTION COMPANY ( CEMENT CONTRACTOHS | Phone 409 < 1 BOB PEPPING, Owner ^| iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiimiiiuuiuiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinjHiiiiuiiiiiiiiiii NEW 26x72 3 BEDROOM Lanon Stone front home on choice c o r n e r l o t i n E d g e b r o o k Heights. 2 car garage, many outstanding . features. Priced to sett. Phone McHenry 409. 49-tf SITUATION WANTED NEW CONSTRUCTION, additions, garages, remodeling, milk houses & farm repair. Karl Fredricksen, Wonder Lake 3934. " 48-4 PAINTING and light carpenter work by hour or contract. Call McHenry 797-R. 48-4 PAINTING, papering, decorating „ by experienced mechanic. Low rates. Geo. Lindsay. Ph. McHenry 128-W. ,50 WANTED: YARD MAN 2-4 days a week. Phone McHenry 187-J. . 50 WANTED LIST YOUR FARMS WITH tJS or Contact us if you wish to buy. L. B. ANDERSON & CO., Inc. WHEELING, ILL. 3LENN H, WILL > Salesman Rt. 1, Alden, in. Phone Hebron 3114 49-tf WANTED FARM LISTINGS We have Chicago investors and Cook County farmers as buyers. Call or write us if your farm is for sale or if you want to buy. f M. RODEWALD St CO. Real Estate - Insurance Main Office t 1818 E. Northwest Hwy. Arlington Heights CLearbrook 5-3535 Residence - McHenty 612-J-2 47 TF TOP PRICE PAID for iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock -- 1610-M-2. 43-tf RIDERS TO Van feuren and Canal. Leave Griswold Lake 4 A.M. Leave S$i<Ago 3 P.M. 6 days. Call after©! 625-J-2. 50 WANTED TO BTJY IT JUST MAKES good "cents" to sell articles th&t are old and broken or discarded. I buy these articles in the form of gold or platinum 'jewelry, gold teeth, etc. Everything checked and weighed before, you. CASH on the spot. McHenry 1094-W. *50 WANT TO BUY motor scooter; under 5 hp. Teji. McHenry 2530. ^ - 50 WANT TO BUY used treadletype sewing machine. Call 3273-W. *50-tf WANTED TO RENT 2 BEDROOM HOME, must be completely modern. Must have basement, garage. Rent up to $150. Reply Box 349, c/o Plaindealer. 50 MISCELLANEOUS CLUB LILYMOOR Presents The * Roger Williams Trio Saturday, .April 19 State of Illinois) ; County of McHenry) ss IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF McHENRY COUNTYV ILLINOIS, CLARENCE L. ROUSH, Plaintiff, vs. KATHRYN M. ROUSH,* Defendant, Gen. No. 35956. ' PUBLICATION NOTICE The requisite affidavit for publication haying been filed, notice is hereby given to you, KATHRYN M. ROUSH, that a suit has been filed* in the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, by plaintiff against you, for Divorce and for other relief; that summons duly issued against you as .provided by law, and which suit is still pending. Now, therefore, unless you. KATHRYN M. ROUSH, f i l e your answer to the Complaint in said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein, in the said Circuit Court of McHenry C o u n t y , h e l d i n t h e C o u r t House in the City of Woodstock, Illinois, on or before the 3rd day of May, 1958, default may be entered against you at any ^time after that day, and a decree entered in accordance with the prayer of said Complaint. LESTER EDINGER Clerk (Court Seal) JAMES H. COONEY State Bank Building Woodstock, Illinois Attorney for Plaintiff (Publish April 3-10-17) Fish Dinner Friday - 75c Shrimp $1.50 Lobster $2.25 Located on Route 120 50 For Sale -- Phone 169 RIVER FRONT Large duplex & garage LAKE FRONT Large home (McCiiiloih Lake) • NEW RANCH HOUSE 3 bdrm., garage., bstht | SUMMER HOME i , Small 2 bdrm, % lot --= 50-tf McHenry Moose Lodge Invites Members & Guests to a "Gold Rush Costume Party 8:30 P.M. Sat., April 20 Fun Food Prizes Come out and have a of the Illinois Commerce Commission, 160 North LaSalle Street, 19th Floor, Chicago, Illinois, on the 5tli day of May, 1958. DATED this 12th day of April, A.D., 1958. Applicants' Attorney and Address: N Charles C. Stadtman ' 215 West Judd Street Woodstock, Illinois Applicants: Alvin J. Blumhorst, Route 2 , W o o d s t o c k , I l l i n o i s , Transferor, Howard R. Bell, Route 4, McHenry, Illinois, Transferee. Transferee's principal place of business in Illi nois will be: Route 4, McHenry, Illinois PERSONALS PUBLIC NOTICE State of Illinois) County of McHenry) ss i APPLICATION UNDER THE ILLINOIS MOTOR CARRIER OF PROPERTY ACT Before the Illinois Commerce Commission, Docket No. 5678 MC Sub 1 To Whom It May Concern: The undersigned applicants hereby give notice to the public that they have filed with the Illinois Commence Commission under and by virtue of the Illinois Motor Carrier of Property Act an application for transfer of Common Carrier Certificate or Permit No. 5678 MC from ALVIN J. BLUMHORST, Route 2, Woodstock, Illinois, Transferor, to 'HOWARD R. BELL, Route 4, McHenry, Illinois, Transferee. Certificate or , Permit requested to be transferred authorizes transportation of good time 50 HARDEST BUSIEST CHEAPEST WORKERS IN TOWN PLAINDEALER WANT ADS Creative thinking is the ability to dress an old idea in a new jacket, COMHEffi • OFFICE SUPPLIES • OFFICE FURNITURE -Libert ^jKraOSe 808 E. Elm St. PHONE 878-Ji on McHenry, III. A CHAT WITH US Regular check-ups and maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs to you! Call us today and find out for yourself. Brake Service s All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling BUTCH'S 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE 516 Front St. McHenry, Hl.> Phone 811 -r Residence 91-R agricultural commodities within a fifty (50) mile radius of a-', point three and one-half (3^) miles West of the City of Marengo, eight and one-half (8%) fniles East of the City of Belvidere on State Route No. 5, Illinois, and to transport such property to or from any point outside of such authorized area of operation for a shipper or shippers within such area. The Transferee, HOWARD R. BELL, does not now hold any authority to operate as a motor carrier of property. All parties interested in this application and any 'public hearing or hearings to be held thereon may obtain information relative thereto by addressing the Illinois Commerce Commission, Motor (Carrier of P r o p e r t y D i v i s i o n , S e c o n d Floor, New State O ff i c e Building, Springfield, Illinois. Initial hearing of the application will be held at 10:00 o'clock a.m. Dst. in the offices Visitors tn the home of Mrs Zena Bacon during the past week included .Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Damm of Kenosha, Mrs. Harvey Rapp of Arlington Heights, Mr..arid Mrs; Edward Baron of Round Lake. Mr. ; and Mrs. Walter Rose and children, Susie and Bobby, of Chicago visited her pare n t s , M r . a n d , M r s . H e n r y Scholts, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reutell and son, Richard, of ' Chicago were Sunday visitors in the home of Genevieve Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vickus of Chicago and sons, Charles and William, spent Monday with their aunt, Mrs. Gertrude N e i s s , w h e r e t h e y saw t h e beautiful new automatic washer she won in a contest recently. Miss Margie Freund has\re turned to Indianapolis, where she is a student nurse, after spending the weekend with Jier mother, Mrs. A. P. Freund. Seaman S.N. Bill Weber of A l a m e d a , C a l i f . , h a s b e e n spending a two weeks leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber. Mrs. Lillian Hall of Wilmette, a former McHenry res ident, spent the weekend with friends here. Sunday visitors in the Raymond Powers home included Mr. and Mrs. William Heine, of Chicago, Mi's. Ruby Shepard of Ringwood, Mrs. Ella Walkup of Greenwood, William Claxton and John Dreymiller, McHenry. Mrs. Elizabeth Kaddatz " of Lake Geneva, Wis., and Miss Georgiana Donohue of Huntley, were weekend guests of Miss Genevieve Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fish and daughter Pamela of rural McHenry have been vacationing at Fort Meyer, Fla., the past couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brug ger and family of Kenosha, Wis., were Sunday guests in the Fred Bienapfl home. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bauer and little granddaughter Linda Wilde accompanied their daughter, Mrs. Doris Andreas, to O'Hare Field Monday of last week where she boarded a plane for Germany to join her husband, Pfc. Duane Andreas. Mrs. Ray Hammershoy and children, Robert, Renee, Rosalyn and Ricky returned last week from a visit with relatives in Bangor, Mich. Mrs. Thomas Murphy and daughter Maureen of Torrance, Calif., spent' the past Week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber. Miss Ann Loretta Weber returned to Clarke College, Du- IF YOU NEED . . . LAWN or GARDEN SUPPLIES • SEED • FERTILIZERS • MOWERS •TILLERS ADAMS REPAIR SHOP PHONE McHENRY 434 JOHNSBURG and PISTAKEE ROAP FOR THE FINEST IN A CATERING SERVICE • WEDDINGS • INDUSTRIAL • PARTIES • PICNICS • LUNCHEONS • BANQUETS ALL TYPES OF CATERING Norman Graham John Graham fU. ern *3i(inoid C^ateriny 119 SO. MAIN ST. -- ALGONQUIN, ILL. Phone OLiver 8-7021 FORTY YEARS AGO From issne of April 18, 1918 McHenry gave her first son when Victor E. Peterson, son bf- Emil Peterson of this city and a resident of McHenry since early boyhood, passed away at Camp Grant, Rockford,- April 14. The body was buque, Iowa, Sunday after n weekend visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weber. Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Bauer and daughter Cindy, returned to their home in Detroit, Mich Thursday after a week's visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Bauer. Mrs. James West of Lorn bard and Mrs. Dave» Haver kamp and daughters Joannr and Nancy of Dundee, visited relatives here Thursday. Mrs. Emil Patzke was a weekend guest in the home/^( her son, Ralph and wife (ir Champaign. , Mr. and Mrs. Marion Messman and family of Woodstock visited her mother, Mrs. Eliz abeth Thompson Sunday. William Sutton of Maywood, visited relatives here Saturday Mr. and Mrs. George Freund and family of Woodstock, were guests of her mother, Mrs. David Powers Sunday. Mrs. Elsie Voeltz spent the past week with her daughter. Mrs. Howard Heidemann and family in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. William Nye of Madison were here to at tend the Berthoux-Nye wedding last Saturday. economical! where you SAVE SAFELY! " McHENRY CLEANERS 108 Elm St., McHenry, 111. We * Give and Redeem Gold Bond Stamps brought to the home of his' brother, Alvin, on WaQfopgait st. and services were held feom St. Patrick's ciftirch tfriii (Thursday) looming. Miss Kathryn Pitzen and Mr* George Schreiner were united <ii marriage at St. John's church, Johnsburg, Wednesday April 17. Attendants were Miss Caroline Miller, nicce of th| bridegroom, and Lewis Pitzen, orother of the bride. # Mrs: August Huff, a form* ar McHenry resident, passed away at her home in Spring Grove Sunday, following a linll gering illness. ; | Goodwin's saxophone orches*' tra will furnish music. for a dance to be sponsored by the "Just Us Club" May 4, the pr<> •seeds to be given to the local chapter of the Red Cross. : " Fishing has become quite popular pastime. Rock and^ silver bass have been caught in big numbers in the.river, while the »boys are again enjoying 'he great sport of hooking >uckers. at the mill pond. ¥ The finishing touches are now being put on the new tens nis awrKiii' the rear of the W^fv^Vflfgt--^residence/on the West Siqe and the members of. ihe newly organized tennis club will soon be enjoying this, popular sport. We have ft! H A Hair Arranger Itutant Remedy for dry, helter-skelter hair Yes, if your hair is dry and unruly, keep it neatly combed, hoar after hour, with H-A Hair Arranger. H-A is bc«t, four ways: A No greasy, sticky fingers after application. A Gives your hair a natural-looking^ lustrous sheen.. A Stimulates and invigorates the w scalp; gives it a tingling, refreshing "just-washed" feeling. 0 And see how effectively H-A checks dandruff. Preferred by Fraternity Mm, 10tt1 (And praftrrad by th* ladtM to control VIOOM balr-»nd* In today's thortlfir ityW B0LGER McHENRY IjiiiiiiinininiiiiiiiimtiniiiimiiiiiiiiiuiniuiiiHiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiniiiiiiiiiiiNiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiia^ i VILLA NURSING HOME S • * 1 ON PISTAKEE BAY NEAR McHENRY X ' i Home for the Aged § • | . SENILE . . . . BED PATIENTS I PHONE McHENRY 461 illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllimi Announces The Opening of a Swedish Massage Room with Steam Baths. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY McHENRY 10 LADIES ONLY Which car has self-adjusting brakes that give free brake tuneups while you drive • Mercury SEE YOU* LOCAL MERCURY DEALER watch for 4ii m mm mm m BEN FRANKLIN'S ANNIVERSARY SALE V A V E • STARTS THURSDAY. APRIL 24th W • v'.-r , npTf •, f