Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Apr 1958, p. 12

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%ursd«7. April 24. 1958 McCulJom Lake VlliGE Mounts 1HEKA1H0F PLAINDEALEH Eve Levesque • ^Residents of the village were safldenea to learn of "the passing' of Henry Dyko, 74, who diejl Wednesday, April 16 in Alexian Brothers hospital, Chicago. Mr. Dyko- who had suffered from a heart condition for * the past three or four years, became.-quite ill some wjgks ago^and was under the care "bf a.'focal physician. A weiek ago Friday, he took a turn'for the worse, and hospital, care seemed advisable. Good; friends and neighbors, Mr., andMrs. Herman Langerbeck drjpve him to"the hospital where the Dykes' deceased son, William, had been a doctor on jthe staff. His condition , worsened steadily and the end cMse oft Wednesday night, abwt 8 pm. The cause of death was attributed to double pneuihonia: ' ^ Services were held Saturday, April 19 at a funeral home on the north side of Chicago at 2 p.m. A minister from St. James Lutheran church officiated. Interment followed at St. Lucas' cemetery. , Our deepest sympathy to his w®bw, Wanda, who had been his companion and helper for fifty-four years. Condolences also to his daughter, Mrs. Bertha Silhan, son. Officer Albert Dyko of the Chicago police department, and. his two grandsons. Henry Dyko was born in 'Europe, March 4, 1884. ^e married there and 4the couple inwiigrated to America in the fdw of 1905 and* applied for citizenship immediately. The deceased worked as a mechanic until his retirement some years ago. The Dykbs operated their own grocery business for thirty years. Six years ago. Wanda and Henry purchased their home on Spring Road and Park View. It was a smalj cottage -- set ii|^i swampy area.. With diligence, and "hard work, they transformed house and surrounding land into a show place. Flowers and bushes which were p'anted and nurtured, grew in abundance. It is hard to put into words how much Wanda and Henry Dyko have contributed to the rnmrminity in q fotv shnrt years: \ firs. DykoAvilV-Tnaintain her home here -- close to her sister, Mrs. Anto Hagel of Maple Hill Drive and. her brother, Carl Lipke of Park View. The family was sincerelytouched by the gift of two large floral pieces from - the neighbors here in the village. tect you and your family, the women who will be collecting funds this Sunday afternoon for cancer research will present each household with a pamphlet, outlining the seven danger signals to watch for. Collectors will include. Lillian 3 Ringelstetter, Elma Nelson, Theresa Schultz, Lois Parenti, Marge Egerstaffer, Eleanor Creutz, Pearl Padelford, Pearl Nersted, Dorie Brennan, Eleanor Reid and Alice Gustafson. Mrs. Anne Zahn is the chairman. • - Village Board Notes Work will be started shortly, oh the roads in the Knollwood area, according/to Don Parenti, road commissioner. The streets will be scarified and graded. , " • The budget for '57-'58 is being planned by the finance committee under, the chairmanship of Bill Creutz^ Appropriations are made in June. The police department will soon be attired in. regulation blue uniforms and the radio for the squad car has been ordered. The next meeting ...will be held Monday, April 28 at 8 p.m. in the beachhouse. Again may it be said, that every member of the board extends a cordial invitation to all residents to attend the meetings." It is gratifying to note the increase in attendance. See YOU Monday? "Cats 'In The Belfry** We've heard of "bats in the belfry," but this is a new one. Seems as though one of the "wild cats" that have been plaguing the community managed to crawl into the attic at the Bill Creutz home on Fountain Lane, and promptly deposited a litter of mewling kittens. When Eleanor Requested that husband, Bill and son, Ronnie investigate, they counted four--p'us the mama. The next day, father and son, returned to the attic with extermination in mind. Ttje mother cat must have sensed their intentions, for the brood was gone. The Creutzes sincereiy hope they stay away. Ladies of The Lake The gals will meet for a socal evening tonight at 8 p.m. in the beachhouse. Of necessity, there, will be'a shorts business meeting first. Why not plan to attend and bring a friend. Refreshments will be served. Unexpected Arrival Former residents, Beverly and -Frank: Rourke~tto*v~of-Mc-* Henry, were taken by surprise last Tuesday night, April 15 with the arrival of twin boys at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, two months premature. They had their order in, but expected only one child. Kevin Peter checked in at 10:32 p.m., weighing 2 lbs. 4 oz., and measured a mere 13% inches. His brother, Kurt Patrick arrived on the scene at 10:45 p.m., weighed only 2 lbs. 1% oz., and measured 13% inches. Really wee ones. They were placed in incubators immediately but Kurt Patrick survived less than 24 hours. fCevin the' hardier twin, was transr ported to St. Francis' hospital, Peoria which specializes in premature infants. So far, the little fellow is coming along quite well, and ;our " prayers will be with. him in: his bat,tle for life. It may be as long as three months before the little guy will be able to join his mother, father, sister Cynthia, and brother John at home. Mother Beverly came home on Friday, to be greeted with" a large array of beautiful floral arrangements. Happy we are to say, th&t she is doing just fine. Ifs Another Boy! In spite of the fact that they had their order in--for a chubby girl bahy, Helen and Paul Nitz were thrilled by the' arrival of Michael Stephen, their third son, who was . born Tuesday/ April 15. He made his appearance at 10:44 a m? and weighed 6 lbs., 5 oz. *The other lads, Ronnie, 16, and Paul, Jr., got just what they wanted. No silly girls for these fellows. Mother Helen and the new baby came home from Memorial hospital on Friday, in tiptop condition. Congratulations to this very nice family. McDonald's "Emporium" ..were treated to a wiwtuous recast of fried smeltii pst* Thursday. Jean prepared over twenty-five pounds of th©> tittle critters", and all of th^jMme consumed. The aboy<jP motioned lads made the haalf Harbor on Everyone a I Winthrop day night, that they were just plain dee-licious. \. -Blue fti&tkes! ... *. Mr.- and Mrsj^Ndrmah Fredricks (he* is ertljttoyed here "at the lake) of. Crystal Lake=welcomed their first;child; a boy, Monday morning April ;14. Master Norman Scott arrived at Sherman hospital, Elgin to keep his mother company, sat 10:44 a.m., and tipped <the scales at a husky .7, lbs*, 12Vi OZ.. ,. ;f According to reports, iPapa Norman is already checked out in the intricacies of/preparing and serving formula.' Congratulations to these two nice young people. To The Rescue "Johnny-on-th-spot" was Willard Schultz, the other afternoon, to put out. a grass fire which could have had < serious consequences. The conflagration, which was caused by a gang of youngsters wit^i matches, according to reports, endangered the Hejkal home pn Fountain Lane/ aided by Bud Harrison anil a group of women, armed with brooms and sticks, who managed to stamp out the grass firi, saving the fire department a trip. Hats off to all of them. Altar Bound v Miss Violet Elmer of Foun- i tsfin Lane will be come the bride of Mr. Leonard Levy of Chicago, Saturday afternoon, April 26, at Nativity Lutheran church, Wonder Lake, with the Rev. Burton Schroeder officiating. A large reception for invited 'guests will be held in Mc- Henry, following the ceremony. Public Invited To Breakfast The McCullom Lake. Softball team will sponsor another breakfast at Berenice and Whitey's, this Sunday, April 27 commencing at 9 a.m. A lot of goodies will be included in the menu, so bring the entire 'family- The fellows are going right along with plans for a "hoopde- doo" party on Saturday, May 3, also at Whitey and Berenice's. The public is invited. This will be the last social before1 the start of the tegular softball season. Protein At Its Best! Thanks to the determined efforts of Fred Matthesius, Bill Brennan, Len Mager, 'and I Jay and Ed Crick, guests at Mark Fifty Years Together ilr. and Mrs. Tony Lennert of^Orchard Drive will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary on'/Sunday, .April 27 with a mass at St. Mary's church at 9:30 avm. Dinner for invited guests will- be served at their home starting at 12 noon. The Lennerts have been very active in civic affairs in the community ever since their arrival, many years ago. The eijgpre village joins in wishing them much happiness in their future years. Cancer Drive-Sunday, April 21 '• The- importance of detecting early symptoms L of the presence of cancer cannot be overemphasized. In order 'to pro- ZEPHYR VENTILATED AWNINGS All Aluminum ADMIT LIGHT & AIR SHUT OUT HEAT & GLARE ROLL UP AWNINGS -- DOOR HOODS EAGLE PICHER ALUMINUM COMBINATION WINDOWS and DOORS Liberal Trade-Ihs Arthur Boger -- PHONE 1180 -- Convenient Terms S07 E. WAUKEGAN RD. McHENRY, ILL. Thrilling journey Marie and AntoA Hagel of Maple Hill Drive returned' Thursday, April 13 from a delightful trip tp Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo„ where' they visited with their granddaughter and brand new husband, Pvt. and Mrs. Thomas Emory Hogan. Mr. Hogan's parents reside in McHe^'-y Shores. • The Hagels were treated toa -turkey dinner with all the trimmings, prepared entirely by Mrs. Hogan, on Easter Sunday. Another treat was a torn; of the base where Tom is stationed. Their eyes took in" many awe-inspiring sights. With the wonderful weather, and the hospitality . shown them, the Hagels enjoyed their trip to the utmost. Big News For Small Fry; : McCufiom Lake will have\ its own Little League for young lads, 8-12 years of age.---The and Bill Brennan of Vilest Lane. This could be a golden opportunity for „ our young boys,, so this reporter urges eyery. parent to have his son at McDonald's Field, Tuesday evening, May 13. The boy MUST be accompanied „ by either his mom or pop. In order to get the fullest co-operation, the parents must be present, For further information, call Sir. Hyatt at 3123 any evening. More on this subject, next week. Page Eleven A Hearty Welcome Home To Max Kolin, who spent a week and a half at the Veteran's Research hospital in Chicago, Undergoing, tests and observation. He arrived home last M o n d a y a f t e r n o o n , a f e w pounds thinner, but feeling better. Here's' hoping his illness is a thing of the past and he can spend his time getting "fat and sassy". Max was thrilled with the deluge of get-well messages which did much to cheer him, » -v- Mrs. Walter Patzke is recovering splendidly after undergoing surgery at McHenry hospital recently. During her convalescence, she wobld love to receive a cheery message. vailed upon to leach second grade at St. Patrick's school in a substitute capacity, starting on Monday. Her older son Tom, is a member of the first grade, at the same school. Wee fellow Johnny, is being cared for by "Aunt Betty" Houck, during mom's absence. "Right (Jp His Alley" Word was received last week that apprentice seaman Bill Houck has a new position in the Navy. He* was put to work as lifeguard for the base at Green Cove Springs,' Fla., where he is stationed. Bill would love to hear from his old classmates and friends. For their convenience,his address is: William Houck, SA - Box 13 - Special Services - Green Cove Springs, Fla. What a beautiful tan he will have. With Outstanding Arms We welcome the permanent arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Cozzi who moved into their big, beautiful home on Fountain Lane and Spring Road last weekend. The Cozzis purchased their summer cottage inany years go. and were always a welcome sight when the warm weather rolled around. Last year, the couple had the small house razed, and the new brick dwelling was erected on the site. When their huge landscaping project is completed, this corner will be transformed into a thing of beauty and do much to enhance the appearance of "our town". We' re happy td have them increase the permanent population. Bark In Harness Our "semi-retired" school ma'am. Mrs. Mark Ringelstetter is getting teaching experience once more. Shis was pre- Special Occasions - Belated greetings to Irma and Alfons Oberhuber of Maple Hill Drive who marked their seventh wedding anniversary, Sunday, April 20. They spent the afternoon entertaining Theresa, Willard., and Lyhne Schultz, who offered 'congrats. Eddie Koch celebrated his ninth birthday after school on Monday, April 21. with a party at his home for his chums. Mrs. Marie Howe, wife of our police magistrate is due for birthday greetings today, Thursday/ April 24. Betty and Henry Houck are wedding anniversary, also today, Thursday, April 24. Little Nancy Matthesius is looking forward to her sixth birthday, Sunday, April 27. Daughter Chryssie Levesque is thrilled with her last year as a pre-teen. She will be 12 on Monday, April 28. Master Bruce Thacker w-'1 observe his fifth birthday with a party for his young friends, on Monday, April 28. Glad we are that Max Kolin s home from the hospital in time to celebrate his wedding inniversary with his ever lovin' Helene, on Monday,. April 28. Doesn't seem possible to look at them, but Violet and Ben Gates of Fountain Lane jyill be observing their nineteenth AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING RULES REGARDING STARTING OF FIRES IN THE McHENRY TOWNSHIP FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT. BE IT ORDAINED by the President and the Board of Trustees of the McHENRY TOWNSHIP FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT: SECTION l: If any person shall wilfully set on fire or cause to be set on fire any lands, fields, crops, woods or grasslands, not his own; or shall knowingly permit any f i r e t o p a s s f r o m h i s o w n lands to the injury or destruction of the property of any other person, he shall be fined not exceeding $100.00 or be imprisoned in7 the County Jail, not exceeding six months, or both. done, such person shall *be fined* not exceeding $100.00. SECTION 3: If any < person shall start a fire or cause a fire to be started on property of his own or property under his possession and/of control and said fire gets out of control so as to necessitate calling the Fire Department, he shall be fined not exceeding $100.00 plus the costs incurred by this Fire District in answering the call. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after- its passage and publication as provided by law. AUGUSTINE M. FREUND President, McHenry Township Fire Protection District Attest: CLAUDE F. ^JdcDERMOTT >"• Secretary Approved: V. J. KNOX . , Attorney SECTION 2: If anyVperson Passed: April 18, f958 oKr.11 Approved: AA pri.i1l 1ID8 , ,1r9 58 Published: April 24, 1958 shall negligently or cai^lessly Cause a. fire by means of a lighted .ihatch, cigar) cigarett^j or other burning article, which --Kv\l957. 7,500 pedestrians damages property not his own; | were killed by autos in the or shall, start a fire on land (U.S. or property not his own; or J upon any public highway in | the State of Illinois, and neg-f ligently or carelessly leave! s a i d f i r e u n e x t i n g u i s h e d , I whereby any damage shall be ' wedding anniversary on Tuesday, April 29. Best wishes to all. •M I00TMIIIS » miukhis NEW SUIT? Remember registration t for kindergarten classes in McHenry is May 2. Wow! I think tViis was a record column, but everyone has been so wonderfully cooperative. I'm thrilled with every call I receive with news notes. Keep 'em coming. See you next week? REUEF FOR TIRED FEET AND WEAK ARCH PAIN teams will be1 composed of1? youngsters from -the village;'!' Lakeland Park, Lakewood j Subdivision, and West SShheo re Beach, under the guidanieeee of Bill Hyatt of Maple Hill Drive ON DUplAY SB THEM WORK. OVBl 70 PUMPS IN STOCK EASY TERMS ^ McHwvy Coatoty W«l & PMnpCo. WELLS DBHJJBD OB DUT19T «• MM* M* •«T+M ALL MGW «T NNM! LnM la D» Vttafc* «f McC«Do« Lak* m McJtoiry pri I Imka I PHONE ns W0RTHM00R ESTATES FOR FINE CAREFREE COUNTRY LIVING YOU MUST SEE THESE FINE HOMES TO REALLY APPRECIATE THEM CONTEMPORARY DESIGNS 2200 FEET OF GRACIOUS LIVING • 1008 FEET LIVING SPACE Brick Veneer ' • S Bedrooms ' • Gas Heat _ • Ash Cabinet • kitchen 4 Car Garages # 120 x 136 Lot • # Family Room THE FINEST THROUGHOUT Full Basement S Baths Custom Fireplace Built-in Oven and Range Recreation Room Beam Ceiling • Hardwood Floors • Bnilt-In> Oven A x Range • Fireplace • Brick Front • On'£l x 141 ft. Lot • 3 Bedrooms • Carport' • Gas Heat' • Tile Bath' • Youngstown Cabinets • Beam Ceiling' *39,500 ONLY *16,000 <t> Remember "We Feature Quality Reasonably Priced" t Before you decide to buy -- pay us a- visit and be convinced. A FINE COMMUNITY TO LIVE IN -- ACCESS TO CHAIN OF LAKES On Route 12 -- 3 Miles North of Volo Turn Left on Round Lake Road l'/z Miles McHENRY, ILL. ' PHONE, 457 KITCHEN NOW OPEN at MCDONALD'S McCULLOM LAKE l< Lobster Tail Shrimps -- Steak TAKE-OUT ORDERS PHONE McHENRY 1199 It's Just c» I frScho/ls FLEX-FOAM ARCH An extremely lightweight (!••• than 1 oz.) supportthat comfortably molds to the contours of your foot Genu* Ine leather top with pillow »oft Latex Foam Cushions that relieve tired feet, path and callouses at bail of foot . Worn invisibly. Men's and * n aa women's sizes... PAIR BOLGER'S Drug Store 108 S. Green St. McHenry PHONE 40 D R Y C L E A N E R That mdans all the dirt's removed so that both the look and feel of newness are fully restored. , Try it and see! SAVE 10% Cash 'N Can? R A IN BO W CLEANERS Around Corner North of -National Tea | . d North Front Street PHONE 927 Open Fri. Eves. Til ® •.»' AT YOUR CHEVY DEALERS USED CAR 101 even the price tags liartgB • :4 ALL MAKES! ALL MODELS! ALL COLORS! ALL PRICES! (//J:\JiOIEI Check the classified ads for good bargains at your Chevrolet dealer't Big doings! Big dealings! Good looking used cars! Attractive price tags! For the make and model of your choice; go where you see the OK Used Car sign. Your Chevrolet dealer has the widest variety of used cars. And he has them priced to move fast to make room for the cars he is taking in trade on new 1958 Chevrolets. Without doubt, he has one that will satisfy your needs! - See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer "3 "U'Tu 204 W. ELM ST. CLARK CHEVROLET SALES McHENRY, ILL. MCHENRY 277

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