Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Apr 1958, p. 13

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ageTwtl?# ** i ytrPr # -<je ^ * 7, <- ^ ^ n^B , ^ <r T^F^VHfr* * vwjpr • kr ^ y y^**-<V v ypygfS® *•'* % April 2C"i&r? Wonder Lak#':-:':^'j-:? LEGION AT LAKE by Jane Ducey -- 2781 < A Junior Legion baseball team is now being formed under the sponsorship of the llobert - Vanderstraeten Post No. 1169. The team will be made up of Wonder Lake and Johnsburg * boys between the ages of'fourteen and seventeen years. All players must fill out an application card and be prepared to furnish proof of age. Transportation will be . provided for the boys whenever practice or games are held In Johnsburg. The team manager is legionnaire Robert Ca- , vins. All boys ' interested in. playing Legion baseball are asked to contact Cavins at Wonder Lake 3933 after 7 p.rh. as soon as possible. Again* this year American Legion Scholastic awards Will be given to the boy or girl chosen by their classmates, teachers and. principals at the Harrison and Ringwood - schools. The awards will be made on graduation night. ~~THe'McHenry County council of the American Legion will hold its monthly meeting at the McHenry Post Home, tonight, April 24, at 8 p.m. All \tyonder Lake Post members are invited to attend and get acquainted with fellow Legionnaries from all parts of the county. class: Mary Lee Wight, Darlene Browne, Deborah Gergits, Kathleen Sullivan, Su s a n Smith, Joan Gieselmanr Donna Lee Lazalde, Ellen Doutlick, Julie Coughlin, Linda Vanderbranden, Rosanna Strojny, Janice Menayk, Janet Gieselman, Julianne Wasielewski, Kathleen Miller, A. Selestio, Gerald Machalinski, John Mucci, James Kersten, Dennis Druml, Toby Zandier, Richard Oleszczuk, Tom McMillan, Jr., Forrest Borre, Vincent Alicoate, Martin Burns, William Wines, William O'Brien, James Ruggero, Daniel Doutlick, Eric Fay, David Legler, Thomas Flynn and Ray Dvorak. The parents of 'the children are asked to have the children at the church at 4 p.m. sharp Saturday, April 26, for their first confession. Important Change of Date The Altar and Rosary sodality fashion show date has been changed to Sunday afternoon, May 4, at Mathew's hall. It was prevously announced as May 18. Brand new styles for spring and summer will be modeled in both women's and children's wear. Mrs. Ethel VanI£anegon will be the guest commentator. Refreshments vtill l*e served and everyone is Jivited for this ^fashion review. Annual Basketball Dinner The inter-church basketball league will have its second annual dinner, Wednesday, April 30, at 7:30 p.m., honoring the Ringwood Methodist team .for winning the league title. Besides the awarding of the trophy, there will be a speaker for the evening. Max Brady, former head .coach at Crystal Lake high - school, who is well known in this area, will speak on Christian sportsmanship. In his eleven years as head coach at Crystal Lake, Max Brady's teams won five conference basketball championships. All team members and their parents are welcome to attend. Team standings at % the end of the season were: Ringwood in first place with five wins and one loss, a tie for second between Greenwood Methodist and Nativity Lutheran, with three wins and three losses, and in third place McHenry, with one win and five losses. Special thanks goes to all the coaches and sponsors of these four teams without whose help the league w^Hld not have been possible, , : '?<Y Christ tHe King Church News Sunday morning, April 27, thirty-four children of the parish will receive their first Holy Communion at the § a.m. Mass. This is a very happy day for the children and a most holy occasion. The following will be in the Communion Altar and Rosary Sodality 'News Mathew's Hall was the scene of the very successful card party last Thursday evening, sponsored by the Altar and Rosary sodality of Christ the King church. The inviting aroma of coffee and , many delicious homemade cakes combined with the fun of an evening with friends made the party a success. The next meeting of the sodality will be Thursday evening, May 1, at 7:30 p.m. This is the annual pot luck dinner night. All the ladies are asked to bring their favorite dish and share in a delicious dinner. Tre business meeting will follow at about 8:30 p.m. Sunday, May 4, at the 10 a.m. Mass the members will receive Holy Communion in a bodyevening, April 17. The meeting was held at secretary Guy Henderson's home to consider the resignation of president Elmer Raske. The resignation of president Raske was accepted with regret. The board wishes to express its sincere thanks for the entire subdivision to Raske for the many years of service and leadership he has so Willingly given to Indian Ridge subdivision and hopes he may find it possible, in the future, to again take active pari in Indian Ridge. ceiyed this number they- called of the board of directors for the McHenry countyV sewing Nativity Evangelical Lutheran Church News Sunday, April 27, Nativity will observe Christian College and Career Sunday with the emphasis on Christian higher education in a church college, and the choice of a right vocation in life. The sermon for the day will be, "What df Tomorrow?" All young people and parents interested in this are especially invited to come. The C h i c a g o C o n f e r e n c e Brotherhood will meet Sunday, April 27, at Holy Trinity Lutheran church in Lombard. All men interested are asked to contact Ken Gabel, president of Nativity's Brotherhood. Dinner and a fine program and speaker have been arranged. The Luther League will meet in the evening at 7:30. After a brief but important business meeting, there will be a program, refreshments, and recreation: All young folks are welcome. Indian Ridge News A special meeting of the board of directors of Indian Ridge Improvement association was called by vice-president, Fred Kusch, Thursday Bntmess & Service Directory of Wonder Lake CRISTY and STENDEBACH General Contractors MEW HOMES Phone Wonder Lake 5432 , * 1 . HAVE YOUR OWN iRESH VEGETABLES (fet SUwt i/CljAEL-LEOHMM $EE0,f Serve Vegetables at the peak of freshness right froln your own garden, grown from high quality, fast germinating Michael - Leonard Seeds. Better seeds assure better vegetables. Get the highest yields by planting Michael-Leonard Seeds. VYCITAL'S Itt8.0reeii Phone98 Sheet Metal Shop McHenry, 111. 1 •;);[ • ^-V'. ,vj : . Fire Guts Jim Mill's Home The Jim Mills family has taken up residence in White Oaks Bay in a home wMich they have rented so that the children can finish out the school year at the Greenwood school. This is the second time in 1958 that fire has gutted a Wonder Lake home, leaving a family homeless and in the clothes they were wearing at the time. Mary Lou Mills was going around the neighborhood Friday afternoon, carrying the petition objecting to the re zoning for business in Wonder view. The Mills' housekeeper, Mrs. Antoinette Gignac was at home with the children, Todd, Linda and Monica. Smelling smoke, Mrs. Gignac opened a closet door and found the inferior in flames. She and the children quickly fled the house, but the fire had gained such headway that nothing was left but the exterior walls when the Wonder Lake department's two trucks put out the flames. Faulty wiring is suspected to be the cause of the blaze. The Mills had just completed remodeling extensively during the past year. The exterior siding of the Sullivan home next door was scorched by the intense heat and will have to be replaced. Twelve volunteer firemen used three hoses, one 2% inch and two 1% inch, to bring the fire under control and save the Sullivan home. it repeatedly and kept getting the busy signal. Not uhtfl another call came in locating the fire could the trucks get underway. The department also reports that their passage was blocked along the roads by cars and people w ho did not give thef right-of-way to the fire trucks] The fire department requests again that when the siren blows everyone who is not a volunteer fireman stay at home groups. • Present Svere Mrs. Leon Switzer; Mrs. Donald Swanson, Mrs. Harry Davidson, Mrs. Anthony Weretka, Mrs. William ;Fiala and Mrs.' Victor Milbrandt. and off the roads and yield the right-of-way to the ,fi?fe fighting equipment. * Plea from the Fire Department As a result of the devastating fire last week the Wonder Lake department Urges all residents to scotch tape, or otherwise secure, the hre telephone number, Wonder Lake 2341, to the telephone, It took 30 to 35 minutes for the trucks to reach the Jim Mills home instead of the 12 to 15 that it would have taken if the department had had the call directly. A child put in the call to the Richmond switchboard leaving the Mills'1 phone jium- Kiwanis News j The Kiwanis club of McHenry township has scheduled its annual merit award dinner for May 8, at the McHenry Legion home. Lennie Freund is chairman of the affair, and; he reports that the "Magical Wurtzels" will be on thfe program again this year in a new and different act. He also wishes to announce a May 1 deadline for registration for dinner and asks everyone to obtain his tickets by this time or turri in any that are not going to? be used.. •- At Monday night's nieeting at LaGrecas Lake Viefw inn, Ernest Useman, president of the McHenry Rotarians, was the guest speaker and he asked 'for a! closer relationship between the two clubs as service organizations. The Monday previously, Mayor James Cooney of Woodstocky spoke to the club about "City Planning". Of particular interest to the community at this time was his statement that business property is centralized a well planned community. ' --SGuests these last two meetings were Jim Higgins and George Street of Wonder Lake and John Schlofner of McCullom Lake. '•News; Briefs Rummage Sale The Wonder Woods Women's association is sponsoring a rummage sale to be held in the Vacula building oiT the county road May 2 and 3. Saturday, May 3, the ladies will also have a bake sale of home-baked goods. The public is invited to participate. Funds raised Mjill be used for beach and subdivision improvement, plus a free picnic for the subdivision mem?' bers this summer. Sew-N-Sews Mrs. Elizabeth Munson was hostess to the Sew-N-Sews last Thursday, April 17. At this meeting the ladies reviewed the articles for the Gift and Thtrift Shop and discussed what ber. When the department show'at the coming meeting A party of1 -four .enjoyed lunch in Rockton last Friday and then inspected the candy kitchen and shops displaying craft items there and brought home a lot of "know-how" in these departments. The ladies were Mrs. Donald Swanson, and daughter Susan, Mrs. L. C. Fuhrer, Mrs. Clemence Grata ovy and Mrs. Anthony Weretka. Mrs. Wanda McCafferty, the Kapiks, Halbauers, O'Connors and Duceys have been enjoying fresh fish dinners out of the icers the Ben Redmans'brought hoine from Big Bear Camp on Kentucky Lake last Saturday. They fished four days and caught, fifty-two croppies weighing from 1 to 2% pounds ahd 3 bass -of 1 pound each. Those fishing Redmans were relaxing from a Kentucky Education association meeting in Louisville which they attended. The canasta group of Wooded Shores met at the home of Mrs. Andrew Johnson Tuesday. High scores were held by Mrs. Donald Michels and Mrs. Anthony Weretka. The ladies contributed $6 to the Memorial hospital. Present were Prudence Grabovy, Anita Hansen, Dolores Peterson, Ellen Christsen and Dolores Wines. A double celebration was in store for young Ricky Weeks who reached the ripe old * age of 8 on April 20. Morton Frodin, Richard Oleszczuk, James Ruggero, Danny Doutlick, Mark Lennbtf Forrest Borre and Martin Burns were on hand to help Ricky celebrate. "Party crashers" who were brave enough to invade an all< male party were Rick's sister Karen and Judy and Janice Jurgensohn. On Sunday, a family party was held with grandma Frodin, uncle Ray and cousin Marty present. The girls gathered at the home of Mrs. Betty Selsdorf last Friday for a combination NOTICE OF- > ' PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a tentative, budget and appropriation ordinance for J he Wonder Lake Fire Protection District, in the County of Mc- Heriry and State of Illinois, for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 1958, and ending April 30, 1959, will be on file and conveniently available to 'public inspection at the office of Victor Milbrandt at his home in Wondejr Lake, in the Towns n i p o f M c H e n r y , i n t h e County of McHenry and State of Illinois, in sffld Fire Protection District, from and after the 24th day of. April, 1958. Notice is further hereby jpven that a public .hearing on said budget ' and appropriation ordinance will be held at 7 "O'clock P.M. Central Daylight Saving Time on the 7th day of May, A.D. 1958, at Wonder Lake Fire House in the Township of McHenry, County of McHemy, State of Illinois/ in said Fire Protection District, and that final action on said ordinance will be taken by the Board ^ of Trustees of said Wonder Lake Fire Protection district, at ,a meeting thereof to be held at 8 o'clock P.M. Central Daylight Saving Time, on the 7th day of May, A.D. 1958,. at said Wonder Lake Fire House in said Fire Pro1 tection District. By order of the Board Qf Trustees of said District. Dated this 21st day of April, A.D. 1958. hbusewarming and surprise birthday' party. No small part of the surprise was that the planners had to wait until 10:45 for the honoree to come home. Meanwhile they had a lively gab session while admiring the recent home improvements which Betty had install? ed. The conspirators included M?s. Alice Noren, Mrs. Van Sells, Mrs. Grace Selleclf, Mrs. Pat Wrede, Mrs. Leah Cormier and Mrs: Dorothy McEachren. Birthday cake and candles climaxed the evening. > m mM car has Clean Line Design «tdput you : in tune with the times V • SEE YOUR LOCAl.MERCURY DEALER WONDfcft LAKE FlftE PROTECTION DISTRICT by HORACE R. WAGNER Secretary JOSEPH X. WAYNNE Attorney for District - (Publish April 24, 1958) ' "vy \ NOTICE x IN THE MATTER OF .THE APPLICATION OF FRED DE THOltN AND HELEN DE THORN FOR RE-ZONING OR VARIATION OF. ZONING CLASSIFICATION. In compliance with the pi** visions of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of McHenry, Illinois, relative" to the classification of property presently classified as Residential (Rl) District a public hearing will be h a d b e f o r e t h e Z o n i n g Board" of Appeals of the City o f M c H e n r y i n c o n n e c t i o n with the petition of Fred De Thorn and Helen *De Thorn, his ,wife, titje holders of record, that the Zoning Classic fication concerning the following described real estate be changed to Residential District R2. That the property" involved is located at 207 Court Street, McHenry, Illinois, and is le- D-'Scholls Air-Pit 10 Insoles PlrforiMAir V«itilatia| if iatox tarn... :o wmkliig m Pillows BOLGER'S Drug Store 109 S. Green St. McHenry PHONE 40 gaily described as foll< Lot 5 Block 14 in pi Town of Mclienry lying of' Fox River in Sectloii ..SjjB Township 45 North, Rkn|£ 8 East of the Third Principal* Meridian, in McHenry i Coui% ty, Illinois. . The hearing will be held &t 3 P.M. on the 12th day of May, 1958, in 'the City Hall of the City of McHenry, dinois, at which time and place' any person or persons desiring to object'to such petition will be entitled to be heard. •• iv Zoning. Board of Appeals of the City of McHenry by FLOYD COVALT, JR. Chairman' JOSEPH X. WAYNNE » 308 W. Elm Sfc , Attorney for Petitioners (Publish April ^4, 19S8)">r • -- ' n ' • : • - '• JYSHOP IN McHENRY IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE soft wATER SERV*CE As low' as $2.75 each 28 days J| For Information Call ROBERT KREIER McHENRY 1058-R 2 or ' R. O. ANDREW CO. 9. WOODSTOCK 428 • _n_ru~-rj-u-.-*TLn_-j-|j-ij-LrLHome You may borrow up to $3,500.00 for Repairs - Modernization - Remodeling No loan costs or expense No down payment needed Rates are low Up to 5 years to repay in convenient monthly amounts © Merengo Federal Savings ahd Loan Association MARENGO, ILLINOIS JOrdan 8-7258 & Total Assets-over $8,500,000.00 c YOUR-SAVIHBS i: 1 ij. : ^ I $ ew omes... ON YOUR LOT finest ... • MATERIALS • WORKMANSHIP O ALWAYS THE BEST SELECTION BY NOW AT BOLCER'S McHENRY DOUBLE WALL O WE OFFER THE FINEST IN... WORK * PAINTING BEFORE YOU BUY OR MAN TO HAVE WORK DONE SEE US BE PLEASANTLY SURPRISE] ALL •1-. '• V 100% FINANCED UP TO 7 YEARS TO PAY STRAIGHT BANK INTEREST No Service Charge BEE LINE BUILDING CORP. Phone Crystal Lake 918 WE SPECIALIZE IN GARAGES & FLOOR COVERINGS CUSTOM BUILDING & REMODELING NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL 81 W. Mary Lane Crystal Lake, 111. O . •• <

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