v*- V ,- >;r -t'«: f *7 ,"• Mv |N.^ ^ *y&T v. THE McgEHKY . : . . v v : ; . v ; ; ^CLASSIFIED HELP WANTED ^DEPENDABLE PERSON wanted for milk delivery route from June to* Sept. Must apply 1H person, afternoons only. Freund's Dairy, Route 3L 2V* miles north of McHenry. 1 WOMAN TO WORK in nursittjg home, near McHenry on ^stakee "Bay. Call McHenry HOUSEKEEPER needed for widower. Ed Peet, 513 No. Kark St. Call McHenry 3098-R. / 1 THE WELCOME MAT . IS OUT AT fLlinofe Bell Telephone Apply Now For A Job .; , AS A Telephone Operator In • McHenry Ex-Operators -- Salary credit given for past experience. D^op |h, and see Miss Marshall at (P2 N. Park, McHenry, or call her on McHenry 9901. Illinois Bell Telephone "Where People are Important" 47-TF FULL TIME saleslady for Ladies ready-to-wear dept. 40 hr. week. . Insurance plan, retirement plan, employee's discount, salary plus commission. 4f)ply in person to Mr. Dwyer, 'Montgomery Ward & Co.. Woodstock, 111. 1 KITCHEN HELP wanted at Pistakee Golf and Country Club. Call McHenry 9854. 1 PROFESSIONAL woman, neat appearance, to serve in capacity of dealer and consultant for large hearing aid organizatian. Will train. Call Kimball K2683, or write Maico Hearing Service, 25 South Genesee St., Waukegan, 111. 1 BOOKKEEPER, experience necessary. Preferably m&n. Reply Box 373, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 1 r REAL ESTATE £ BEDROOM, 6 room house. Screened porch, lot 100 x 225; hpt water gas furnace, garage, landscaped; fruit trees; river rights. Price $12,600. Knox Real Estate, 405 Richmond Rd. Phone 421-J. 1 FAMILYSECURITY begins with Home Ownership SEE THIS UNBEATABLE BUY! 3-Bdrm. Ranch with •• 1328 sq. it. undo* rOOf lor *14,500°° FULL PRICE $1,500.00 : DOWN Featuring • Attached Garage • Over-sized Bath • Colored Plumbing Fixtures • Family-sized Dining Area • Birch Cabinets • Direct access to Bath from all rooms • LotSvlOO' x 145' Other RANCH AND BI-LEVEL HOMES Priced From $12,920.00 Tp $24,200X0 LOTS AVAILABLE In three of McHenry's Finest Neighborhoods If you now have a lot of your own it may serve as/ your down payment. MODELS OPEN Mon. thru Sat. 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. Sun. -1 P.M. to 6 P.M. JOS. FRETT & SON BUILDERS Phone: McHenry 976 Office -- % mile east of Fox River on Hwy. 120 51-tf LAKE RIGHTS NEW 2 BEDROOM HOME, picture windows, paneled living room, acoustic ceilings, large closets, built-in book case and hi-fi, gas furnace and incinerator, full basement with garage, landscaped lot. Cash or terms. 213 So. Highland, Pistakee H i g falands. . Phone 644-M-2 evenings or weekends. 46-tf ^BEDROOM HOME for sale. Emng room with fireplace. All large rooms. Attached garage, gas heat. Also 4 room furnished apt. attached, provides additional income. Call Wonder Lake 5654. 44-tf McHENRY and LAKE AREA irakr 'Round Homes. Seasonal todies, farins, vacant. Home sites. Income properties. JACOB FRITZ REALTORS In Johnsburg, Ph. McHenry S) . lit. 5, McHenry, Illinois 18-tl LEAVING TOWN, must sell 0most new 5-rm. brick ranch; gas heat; 1% garage; on edge Of McHenry golf course. Tel. McHenry 2636-R. 44-tf FOR SALE "OR RENT with option to buy from owner. Lovely 4 bdrm, 2 bath home. New oil furnace & water softener, newly decorated, recently painted, large beautiful maples, 2 car garage. One block commuter service, close to elementary school & bus transportation to parochial & high school. Wonderful buy for $18,000. Write c/o McHenry Plaindealer, Box 371. Shown by appt. only. 1 REAL ESTATE ONLY REMAINING high basement lot overlooking Mc- Cullom Lake. Owner must sacrifice due to transfer. Contract or auto in trade. Write or call Chas. E. Bennett, 315 Birch St., Crown Point, Ind. Phone Crown Point 2483. *52-tf COUNTRY CLUB A beautiful 2 bedroom brick ranch, large panelled family room with fireplace, 2 car' garage. All on spacious landscaped 2 lots. River and pier rights. EDGEBR00K , HEIGHTS , For the larger family, a red brick, 3 bedroom and 2 baths. All large rooms, built-in kitchen, 2 car garage.. Call Mr. Heinen McHenry 2527 BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. DELUXE, Regner Road, 3 bedroom. Large living room, dining and TV room; 2 fireplaces; full basement; gas heat; spacious grounds; many extras. Phone NlcHenry 1888-J. 1 MEAL ESTATE rt. FOR SALE OR ftEl^T. 3 room home,-full basement, tile bath, attached garage. Will sell on contract. In, Kent Acres. Phone McHenry 563-R-l. *1-4 REAL ESTATE WANTED FULLY IMPROVED LOT, 1 block from Catholic church and school. Phone McHenry 875-J. 49-tf 5 ROOM, 3 bedroom year 'round house, auto, oil heat, full basement, garage. $9,000 by owner. Phond Wonder Lake 8601. 1-4 FOE SALE-HOHE8-FARM8 CHOICE LOTS - BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY KNOX REAL ESTATE 405 Richmond Road McHenry, 111. Phone: McHenry 421-Jf 42-tf McHENRY, MODERN 2 bedroom ranch home, large living room, fireplace, dinette, modern electric equipped tile kitchen and laundry. 1% tile baths. Oak Parkay floors, Venetian blinds, drapes, storms St screens, aluminum boat ana motor, power mower, attached garage, gas heat, lot 80x150. River rights. C. T. Wessel, Hueman's Subdn. Phone McHenry 1877-J. 15-tf FOR SALE 2 bedroom insulated home, modern kitchen, wooded lot, river rights. Price last fall, $9,500. Price this spring $7,500. Widow says sell! Price now $5,000. Reason: foundation needs handyman. rt, HANK ^ i m i • H joaa Office Ph. McHenry 1655 Home Ph. McHenry 1216 1-2 4 ROOM all year 'round home. 2 blocks from Wonder Lake. Wonder View subdivision oi Gerson street, 1 house down from store on top of hill, same side of street. Needs slight repairs. No reasonable offerefused. ORchard 4-1947. 1 FORSALE McHenry -- A good buy, 2 bedroom home, 1 year old, full basement, gas heat, only $12,- 900.00. FOR SALE Apartment building lot on John street in McHenry. For quick sale $2,500. Business lot on Main street in McHenry. For quick sale -- $6,500. Business building on Main street in McHenry - 2 story brick. For quick sale $9,000. 3 bdrm. home with den, large kitchen, large living room, dining room, sewing room, 1% baths, and full basement. Located at 604 Center St, McHenry, 111. $16,000. McHENRY REALTY 532 Main Street McHENRY 268 52-tf FOR QUICK SALE reasonable, modern 5 room, 2 bedroom ranch overlooking beautiful Fox River near McHenry. Exterior attractively decorated, a t t a c h e d g a r a g e , c o n c r e t e drive, fully landscaped on 85x 110 ft. lot. Adjacent lot available if desired. Phone McHenry 2724. 1 2>'i;n incf y anJa, ^$bL<J ancing EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiii Starting Saturday, May 10 at the iHininiiiiiitiiHfliiMiMiiiii Cocktails -- Good Food -- Good Mutie 4 rooms, Utility, and garage, beach rights, only $10,000 For Information call at our office in Johnsburg. Jacob Fritz Realtor Rt. 5, McHenry, 111. McHenry 37 x 50-tf HOUSE IN LILYMOOR, 3 bedrooms, 20 x 20 basement, l a n d s c a p e d g r o u n d s , 185 f t . frontage, gas heat, $10,500 Terms by owner. Phone 433. 1-2 HIGHLAND SHORES year 'round 2 bedroom home, full basement, attached garage, sun deck, fully landscaped. Widow must sell, reasonable. Phone McHenry 54. •52-2 BRICK RANCH With River Rights Attractive 2 bedroom brick ranch home with attached 1% car garage. Plastered walls, gas forced air heat. Nice large landscaped lot. Hunterville Park. $14,500. PHONE 2269 50-tf 3 BEDROOM m BATH DELUXE HOME This Home Has Everything • 1500 sq. ft. living area • Large living room Spacious Kitchen • Large dining room • Tile bath • Hardwood floors • Large patio with sliding glass doors • Car port . • Completely decorated • Landscaped • lA acre lot Located Near McHenry In Eastwood Manor Must Be Seen To Be Appreciated $17,300.00 Excellent Terms Cheaper Than Rent Phone 191 Ask for Mr. Heinz 2 BEDROOM RANCH in Hunterville Park, 2 yrs. old, ittached garage, river rights, 2 blks from McHenry & shopping. $15,500. Call McHenry 433. 1-2 3 YR. OLD, 2 bedroom home, 1% car garage,, nice lot, beach rights. Phone McHenry 2715-J. 1-3 LILYMOOR HOME for sale. Owner transferred, must sacrifice. 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, new forced air oil heater, elect r i c s t o v e , 80 g a l . e l e c t r i c water-heater, newly decorated. Phone McHenry 742. 52-tf HOUSE, 200 ft. lot, Pistakee Bay Wooded Estates, RR 1, Box 318-A. Furnished, gas space heater. Address to T. A. Canty, 528 Lathrop Ave., River Forest, 111. *52-3 LARGE RIVERFRONT summer house with duplex arrangement, fireplace, garage, seawall. In Fair Oaks Subdn. $12,500. Phone McHenry 169. 1 miiiiiimiiiiiniiiiiiiiijiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiL =Re(i laioud guwetrjp= -..V.. -«A -ii . . . for # Bracelets # Necklaces « Bibles # Crosses » Rings « Medals • Missals a Rosaries Beautiful Hand Made ITALIAN STATUES € McHENRY IIIIIIIHIHIIIIHIMHmillllllllllHIIIIIIMIIIIIIMHIHIHIIIIimilimWinMWimimillMHMMIHIMBIIH FOR SALE -- McCullom Lakefront 3 bedrooms first floor, attic, basement. Needs interior finishing and decorating. $10,- 500. Contract possible. McHenry 169. "52-tf SITUATION WANTED NEW CONSTRUCTION, additions, garages, remodeling, milk houses & farm repair. Karl Fredricksen. Wonder Lake 3934. - 1-tf TWO HIGH SCHOOL boys want summer work, or after school. McHenry 601-R-2 OK. *1 PAINTING' AND light carpenter work by hour or contract. Call McHenry 797-R. 1-4 EXPERT SHRUB and yard work. Tree trimming and spraying. By hour or job. Ph. Wonder Lake, 4481. Ask for Mr. Gibson. *1 WILL DO bookkeeping, typing or any office work in my home. Have 11 years bookkeeping experience. Phone McHenry 584-J-l. *1 WANTED WOMAN TO care for children. Must be able to sle^p in for one week in May. Provide own transportation daily for several weeks thereafter. Call 1448. 1 USED LAWN MOWERS, any type, any kind. Giant trade-in allowance on new mowers. Althoff's Hardware, 501 Main St. McHenry 284. l WANTED FARM LISTINGS We have Chicago investors anil Cook County farmers as buyers. Call or write us if your farm is for sale or if you want to buy. M. RODEWALD & CO. Real Estate • Insurance Main Office 1818 E. Northwest Hwy. Arlington Heights CLearbrook 5-3535 Residence - McHenry 612-J-2 47 TF WOMAN to do light housecleaniht. Phone 750-R. 1 WANTED ON CONSIGNMENT: Furniture, -dressers, ieds, dishes, lamps, rugs, mirrors and clothing. Must be c l e a n . R i n g w o o d B l a c k t o p Store, West Shore. Phone ,3367 or home 2519-R. 1-2 TOP PRICE PAID for iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock , -- 1610-M-2. 43-tf - - _ ^ ^ WANTED TO RENT PROFESSIONAL MAN wishes to rent 3 or 4 bedroom house. Call McHenry 68-R. 1 LOST AND FOUND FOUND, sum of money. Inquire McHenry 33. *1 MISCELLANEOUS GENERAL HOUSEWORK done J»y the hour, day or week. Phone 515-M-l. 51--1 Grand Opening Gllmore's Park Pub May 17-18-19 Come in and register for DOOR PRIZE News About Our Servicemen Donald W. Veenhuis, seaman apprentice, USN, son of Mrs. Ruth Adams of 913 Valley View road, McHenry, is attending the Radarman school at the Naval Station, Norfolk, Va. Graduates are qualified to be members pf the highly skilled combat information center teams aboard ship. Andy Anderson is home on leave at ' Pistakee Highlands. With him is one of his buddies, who is vacationing with Dick Raap is home on leave for twenty-six days and is spending the time in Pistakee Highlands. Wayne Taylor of Pistakee Highlands has returned" to Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., rather than being sent to Germany as expected. Richard Michels, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Michels of McHenry, was released from the armed service on April 26. He has been in Korea for the past sixteen months. One out of every five motor trucks produced in this country is exported.- BOARDING KENNELS DOGS & CATS • Radiant Heating • Individual Kennels ft Runs • Pickup & Delivery umw\ $$oardina tJCennetb Rt. M -- 8 Miles North of 120 .PHONE McHENRY 6S2-M-2 New freshness for all the family's finery Your "Sunday best" will look even better when we clean your clothes. The whole family can "step out" with confidence in clothes cleaned here. We treat all your precious garments with care, remove every spot and stain, restore the freshness they had when new. Prompt deliveries. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Fit E E PICK Ut DELIVERY McHenry Cleaners 103 E. Elm St. McHenry, HL PHONE 104-M NOTICE OF HEARING Public notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of< the Village of island Lake, Illinois, has under advisement a petition to re-zone Lots 12 and 13, Block 10, Inland Lake Highlands, Unit 1, from A-l Residential tp B-l Business as described in Ordinance No. 11, Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Island Lake, Illinois. Public notice is hereby further given that said Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing at the Village Hall ir said Village of Island Lake on Saturday, May 31, 1958, at 1:30 o'clock p.m. for the purpose of considering such a rezoning, and shall afford all persons interested an opportunity to be heard thereon. Dated at island Lake, Illinois this 8th Day of May, A.D. 1958. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS ^ island Lake, Illinois Ford A. Marsh, Chairmau (Publish May 8, 1958) NOTICE Sealed proposals for the following improvements will be received at the office of the Village Clerk of Island Lake, Illinois until 8 o'clock P.M.. D.S.T., May 19, 1958 and at that time opened and read: A gravel or crushed stone surface course Type A, 8 inches of compacted thickness, 22 feet in width, 1100 linear feet with the improvement of grade at the intersection of SBI 176 and Eastway Drive, and One catch basin, Type A with Type 8 grate, 140 linear feet, 12 inch V. T. storm sewer, Type 2 and one inlet, Type A. Plans and proposal forms may be obtained from the Village Clerk or Village Engineer, Baxter and Woodman, Crystal Lake, Illinois. Work to be constructed under the Motor Fuel Tax Law. Signed HELEN H. DE WIRE Village Clerk (Published May 1-8, 1958) One fourth of the delivered price of a passenger car comprises taxes of all kinds. 'wti. NOVICE OF' SPECIAL TOWN ELECTION WHEREAS, there has here* tofore been filed with the Town Cierk of McHenry Town. ship, McHenry County, Illinois, a Petition requesting a Special Town Election to vote for or against an annual tax not to' exceed .167 per cent of the full* fair cash value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, for the purpose of constructing or mainlining gravel, rock, macadam, or other hard roads, or for improving, maintaining or re-, paving earth roads by draining, grading, oil-treating or dragging- NOW, Therefore, Notice Is H e r e b y G i v e n t h a t on May 2 3 r d , 1 9 5 8 , a S p e c i a l Town Election will be held in and for McHenry Township, Mo- Henry County, Illinois, for the purpose of submitting to the legal voters of Said Township the following proposition:--. Shall A Special Tax fbr\ Road Purposes be Levied? That for said election said Township shall constitute /one (1) voting precinct. The^ polling place for this Special Town Election, is McHenry City Hall, located at McHenry, Illinois, 'n said Township, McHenry County, Illinois. The polls of said election will be open from 6:00 o'clock A.- M. to 6:00 o'clock P.M. of said day. Given under my hand at McHenry, Illinois, this 5th day of May, A.D. 1958. H. WALTER ANDERSON Town Clerk (Publish May 8, 1958) Most imported cars in 1957 | came from Germany, with 59,- f 911, and from the United King* | dom, 36,453. , 1 New, Instant RELIEF for TIRED, ACHING BACKS! ••ACK-IASB* KMMM «1m UIM IT for firm. to*tarUUfc fMeCadNlUnI*M fuMrtitDcaMl rtlM iDa*mtli( MMd Mhtyo tmwoirDM * KKJ>r ifMrom b; y doeuti. N» fitting NWiNi •will ••mmM(I . barockam a raubcbketi . Kbaackd reMliia.c WMialli ha(btlret.p tI mnltelbiUt falmtmle.r lmighat < •norp --MI, mma. stop lufrrtitx I«t your M PMT BACK' Bolger's Drag Store Phone 40 Let Us Take Down Your Old Storm Windows ft Install Alum. S Track Self Storing DeLUXE WINDOW Anodized--satin $19.95 Installed Full 1 Inch DeLUXE Weatherstripped DOOR Anodized--Satin $47.95 Installed GUARANTEED MATERIAL and CONSTRUCTION FOREST SALES \ F.H.A. TERMS McHENRY 1797 ELUot 6-2581 ELllot BUY NOW! SPECIAL SALE PRICES 1957 FORD 4 Or.' Station Wagon Local car - special care radio, heater, like new *1995.00 1957 DODGE Custom Royal Sedan Radio, heater, tutone Power steering & brakes *2195.00 1957 PLYMOUTH 4 Door Sedan Radio, heater, auto- trans. 6 cly. - local car. $1545.00 1957 DODGE 4 Dr. Hard Top 9,000 miles, radio,. heater Auto, trans. • local car *2195.00 1956 OLDS 88 Club Coupe Radio, heater - local car Auto, trans., dean *1450.00 1956 RAMBLES Custom Station Wagon Economy plus looks , Real clean - local car *1695.00 1956 DODGE 4 Dr. Hard Top Radio, heater, power brakes Tutone - local car *1695.00 1956 PLYMOUTH Hard Top Coupe Radio, heater, std. trans. Twin spots - local car *1125.00 "55 Plym. 4 dr. Sed. $875 '54 Dodge CL Sedan $575 *5S Dodge Gt Sedan $825 '55 Dodge L'cer 2 dr. $1145 '54 Ford Club Sedan $395 '53 Plym. 4 dr. Sed. $825 Many Other Bargains To Select From . A. S. Blake Motors, Inc. SOI E. PEARL ST. PHONE McHENfcf $108 Open Nightiky Til 9 -- Sat. Til 6 During This Sale:' Dodg* Plymouth -- -- Skoda