Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 May 1958, p. 11

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ARDEAO - fcv® Levesque forjr of those who served their coiintry, special Memorial ©ay services will be jeld at the beach • with thel parade beginning at 12 noon, Friday, May 30. The program W®inder th£ auspices of th e Cullom-Knoll association, with Mrs. Theresa Schulta serving in the capacity of chairman. We, the residents of McCullom Lake, cart takef pride in the beautiful park and memorial corner which was erected at the northeast corner of the beach. The day of dedication which is set aside by the enti^ country will be long rem e m b e r e d r i g h t h e r e i n t h e village. All scouts, (girl, boy /and c u b , ) a r e r e q u e s t e d t o l i a v e their uniforms in readiness and a r e i n v i t e d t o m a r c h i n t h e parade. Details will be printed next week. Notes Prom Village'! Board Meet|*£ tremendous project of rebuilding the bad portion of H i c k o r y D r i v e a t t h e c o r n e r I H i c k o r y D r i v e a n d S p r i n g will be altered to fit. For the summer, -reserve Officers will wear khaki cotton with the' regular officers wearing regulation blue at all times. It is pleasant to see so many more residents taking an active interest in the function of t h e v i l l a g e . b o a r d . AU a d u l t residents of the community are cordially invited to attend the next meeting which will be heljf lyionday, May 26 at; 8 p.m. the bqpchftouse. \ Great For The Little GU§I Thirty tjvo young boys, ages 8-12,' turned 6ut last Tuesday for the Little League registration. This group will make up about two or three teams. If yOur soh is1 interested a n d couldn't make the first night, call 3123, and sign Up with B i l l H y a t t . A s s i s t i n g h i m a r e Bill Brennan, Gene Frost, Bud Harrison and Odell. Galvin. The young lads will be taught the rules and regulat i o n s . o f L i t t l e , . L e a g u e b a l l playing and every little fellow WILL play. According to Mr. Hyatt, he is interested not so much in having 'winning tean^s as GOOD SPORTSMEN! A Word To The Wise* It has been noted and com-' mented upon by our village trustees that right after completion of the work done on of Park View West got under way last weekend. The road was graded, scarified, and gravelled. The steep incline has become a gradual slope which should help to keep the road in gOod condition. Other road work is contemplated, or already in the process. aShtrance walks for Eastwood Drive dwellers have been ordered and will be installed where they are necessary. Our. new squad car may have been delivered by this reading. If not, the new car is expected shortly. At the last meeting, a motion was made for the purchase by the trustees and was passed with a vcfjj of five trustees to one, in favor. An amendment was made to the existing dog ordinance. Spayed females will be taxed at the rate of male dogs, upon receipt of proof. Officer Paul Nitz was decked out in the new, regulation blue uniforms of the police department and modelled same for^msnpbers of the board and spwtatorsv. The men of our p o l i c e d e p a r t m e n t R e s e r v e p r a i s e a n d c o m m e n d a t i o n f o r their willingness to serve and the fine appearance whieh they present. The new uniforms are a tremendous improvement and we can--a n d Should--point with pride to McCullomr' Lake's finest! Chief Larry Murray informs M Road, speed increased excessively. Many little children make their homes along these roads, and their very existence is threatened! It is with utmost sincerity that a request is made for our neighbors to S^OW DOWN!! We hope that it Will not be necessary to use processes of the law to enforce the speed control. REMEMBER the speed limits are posted as 15 MPH!! This notice is by order of president of the village and the trustees. *• come the bride of Mr. Wilburn Spradlin of Ringwood sometime in June. The exact date h®s not been set yet. Mrs. Deyer$. received a beautiful liamond solitaire and a diamond studded watch in honor of the occasion. The gifts were such a thrill because Delorps more than had her hands full with her two young lads, Glenn a n d R o d g e r , d o w n w i j t h t h e measles. Wedding details will be published later. Welcome Ifonie, Soldier! A hearty welcome home to young Charles Sales who' flew home from Korea last week. He was greeted at Midway airport by his mother, Irene, in the wee small hours of the morning, last Friday. Chick is enjoying his ten day leave, renewing old acquaintances before being re-assigned to active duty. d ALL STYLES FO RMAL RENTALS '1$ AT oJ/iz^torc for M en HE5EI>SBMIL WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS PpUom-Knoll ?, n • members turned bpt, for the special meeting which was hel.d Sunday, Afay 18 in the beachhouse. During the lively discussion, funds were allocated to the Little League whiqh will help them purchase necessary equipment. The members voted to give fifty dollars to the Mc- Henry hospital auxiliary which will be used as the organization sees fit. Paint will be purchased by the Cullom-Knoll association for recovering the beach. All the tables, equipment, and perhaps the beachhouse will be decked out in time for the summer . season., A hearty thanks to Willard Schiiltz who i s r e s p o n s i b l e f o r t h e w h i t e cleaii Xook of all the trees at the beach. Arhied with broom and buckets of whitewash, Willard added a great deal to the appearance of the beach. Floyd Fry, president of the McCullom Lake Sportsmen's club made a guest appearance and informed the members about the contemplated project o f r e s t o r i n g t h e l a k e t o t h e fishing paradise it once was. Old timers will recall the piscatorial beauties which have come from the water. His talk was concise and covered all phases of the work. The next meeting will be held the first Sunday in June. Ladies Of The Lalfe p.ip, m the beachhouse. This is social night and everyone is guaranteed to have a good time. After an evening of good fun, the refreshment committee will supply all the goodies and coffee your tummy will hold. Why not plan to come for an evening out? It's ^mighty fine to chat With yOilr neighbors, •fdo'S" i -1: 1 Presented At The Font Hie three week old son of Helen and Paul Nitz was presented for baptism at St. Mary's church in McHenry oil Sunday, May 4. Father Johji Reuland officiated. Godparents were Lillian Clarence Szymaszek of M"|t j. Prospect. After the service; Helen served a sumptious rep a s t f o r t h e g o d p a r e n t s a n d Father Reuland at the Nitz h o m e . T h r o u g h i t a l l , t h e guest-of-honor, Michael Stephen, cooed and slept, endearing* himself to all. Advance NqJice "Saturday, June 7, has been designated as McCullom Lake Day for the bake sale at the Pink Lady Shoppe, With proceeds going to th^- McHehry hospital auxiliary j of the committee!!!; bring any kinc| of< bakery goods to the1 shop On Saturday mOrnlng. ' f If you would be kind enough to offer, please call 1961-M or 2171 and volunteer. Can we ' cpunt on YOU? A Trophy In A softball game at . its. vvery best was played last Thursday night at the' V.F.W. field! The McCullom Lake team "whupped" the Busse Ford nine by a score of 7-2. Both teams played like professionals, but n a t u r a l l y , w e ' r e h a p p y w i t h the. score in the favor of our lads! The public is invited to attend these games, and a schedule is posted qt Berenice and Whitey's. Infant rhiittoqnj Wee Susan Beth, the five month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. "Bud" Cable of P a r k View West, was presented for christening at the altar of St. Paul's Episcopal chureh, McHenry, last Sunday. Her godm o t h e r s i n c l u d e d M r s . P e a r l Dean of Chicago and Mrs. Marian Rietz, while Ray Rietz served in the capacity, of godfather. The Rjetzes hail from Springfield. Father Vincent Fish officiated. After the ceremony, dinner ind supper was served to outof- town guests Who included the baby's big sister, ' Poppy, home from the U. of I. for the occasion, Bud's mother, Mrs. Ida Cable, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rothe and children* Linda, ,^andra,0 Edward, Jr., ahd Ed's 'fiancee. Miss Nancy Zika, Bob Dipper, Mr. and Mrs. George Kern and family, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Dimio, William Dean, Mis$ Ruth Dean, and Tom Elder. Many of the local fojks wand e r e d i n d u r i n g t h e d a y a n d e a r l y e v e n i n g t o h o n o r t h e little miss. s at 9:30. There is a great deal of work to be done in order to get the beach ready' for our kids to have fun. Ole Olsen is in charge and promises a good time along with soul-satisfying hard work! "Many hands mal^e light work" •s a time worn cliche but best describes the situation. With a large crew, there won't be a great deal for any one person. How about it, fellows? Hearty Welcome To permanent* resident, Frank Lukawczyk, who hails from the south side of Chicago. He purchased the Mellies cottage on Hickory Drive and has swelled the local population. , . . . " Greetings To President J. R. Levesque who Will be celebrating his natal day, tomorrow. May 23, on his way t o N e w f o u n d l a n d ! H i s squadron takes off from Glenview in the evening and will s p e n d t h e w e e k e n d i n t h a t northern country. Friday, May 23, is also the birthday of Hildur Stohlgren, "Sonny" Hocin, and Mrs. Vio- Work Party Urgently Needed! let Levy. All able bodied men who Little Mikie Oberhuber will are ambulatory, are requested be four on Monday, May 26 to show up at the beach next and this day is also the birthday tifnew mother, Mrs. Helen Nitz. Nancy and Tony Doolin will mark their twenty-sixth wedding anniversary on Sunday, May 25. ' Bye, bye for now. See you next week? A simple-minded person who has not been reproved by scornful children often speaks a superior grade of English. To know Nothing about grammar is perhaps better than to know just a little, especially if most of what you "know" is wrong. Sixty-four per cent of the world's car production was in the United States in 1956. The average, life of motor vehicles has doubled 1925. on m & s. OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone McHenry 63 Let Us Take Down Your Old Storm Windows & Install.. Alum. 3 Track Self Storing DeLUXE WINDOW ^nodized--satin $19.95- Installed Full 1 Inch DeLUXE Weatherstripped DOOR Anodized--Satin;.. v $47.95 *'** Installed GUARANTEED MATERIAL and CONSTRUCTION FOREST SALES F.H.A. TERMS McHENRY 1797 ELliot 6-2581 ELliot 6-5220 THERE ARE MANY KINDS OF STORM 'WINDOWS an ooo WiSCO gives you y LIFETIME ALUMINUM "^Guaranteed b Good Houseketp MI-POSITION AUTOMATIC STOPS FINGER-TIP OPERATION DRAFT-FREE PROTECTION fUcnt Not. >564264 2S6426S Other Patients Ftndlni. WUco AltMiintua Corporation THE ORIGINAL SELF-STORING TRIPLE TRACK EASE OF CLEANING WISCO Products Are Better EXPERT INSTALLATION LUX U RY ANOTHER GkEAT CADILLAC HERITAGE Never before have those who ride in Cadillac motor cars been surroiinded by such luxury. In fact, Cadillac's 1958 Fleetwood interiors provide a wholly new measure of comfort . . . convenience ... and riding pleasure. Your dealer will be happy to introduce you to this great new Cadillac elegance at any time. STANDARD OF THE WORLD FOR MORE THAN HALF A CENTURY i mmm 4QQ. FfiQNT STREET VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CADILLAC DEALER OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTIAC CO. PHONE 17 McHENRY, ILL. F R E E HOME D E M O N S T R A T I O N AND E S T I M A T E S McHENRY Call... 1424 NOW EASY PAYMENT TERMS BEFORE YOU BUY! lAKIMOOt A COMPLETE LINE OF Painting Supplies CHOOSE FROM A NEW COMPLETE LINE OF GAY •Springtime (Colors OUR NKW LOCATION IS EAST TO FIND OUR COMPETENT STAFF IS EQUIPPED TO ASSIST YOU WITH ANY BUILDING PROBLEM ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" On Highway 31 -- South of Main Street -- McHenry, Illinois PHONE 1424 - , "ALWAYS FIRST ... SERVICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS"

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