fjfagt Twly* THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Lakeland Park CHUHtENMUST NOT PLAY WITH MU. BOXES Vickey Bottari 2262-J - 1524-J 5 LP.P.O.A. Neiro ^i^he board of directors received a letter from the post Office department in regard to children playing around mail bhxes and filling them with stones and dirt and sometimes even disturbing the mail. Also there have been complaints -irelative to other abuses of the mail boxes; that is of using them as a receptacle for private advertising and other .printed matter not bearing postage. It is imperative that the parents of these children ' and all parents see to it that this practice and all such dis- - traction of government property , be stopped immediately. This is a . punishable offence against the federal government. It has also been brought to the attention of our association that there are fences in the area that are either an eye sore or a danger. It is stated in the land contract that if fences are to be erected, they are to meet with the approval of the developer; so in the futiire always find out if the fence you are contemplating on building meets with their approval There will be no quarterly meeting of the general membership in June unless business of such a nature as to require a meeting before September Is sufficient for the calling of a special meeting before that time. Please let your block captains or board members know your feelings about having official speed limits for the internal area of the subdivision set at 20 MPH. (Block captains who have notrTJeen contacted* personally on this yet, please note!) Don't forget to get your dues paid up, there are only two weeks left in which to do it. We old timers know this, but for the benefit of the newcomers who have asked -- NO, the Tsoard members are NOT paid for their services. Invitations to bid on the cost of building the community house will be sent out to the various contractors this week. ments. Parents that attended Were Mr. Raiford and Mr. and Mrs. C. Davie. The next pack meeting will be held on May 26. Don't forget the bake sale on May 31 at the Justen's Furniture store on Green st. Mother's Day Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Glorch spent the Saturday before Mother's Day at the home of their youngest son, Bob and wife and son, in Chicago. Lee s a i d t h a t w a s t h e b e s t gift her son could have given her, inviting her and Ed out to dinner so she didn't have to cook. They were served a very delicious dinner and then all went for a long ride on the beautiful new Congress Expressway and then on Sunday, Foss and Dot and two sons (that's the one. who lives here in Lakeland Park) came over with a beautifully decorated mother's day cake and a lovely gift of summer jewelry consisting of a necklace and earring set. Creek It seems that some children have been building bridges across the creek with the large tree stumps that were cut down and these fall in stopping the natural flow of the water and this in turn causes the water to come to a stand still and eventually causes a very bad odor. Will the children doing this (you know who you are) please stop or it will have to be taken up with the sheriff and some form of punishment will be placed upon you. Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Irvln Becker, Jr. and children who moved in on Home Avenue during the past week. They are the niece and nephew of a very nice couple we all know, Lee and Ed Glorch. Installed Mr. and Mrs. A. Uttich were installed as co-presidents of the McHenry Community P. T. A. and Mr. and Mrs. R. Grote as first vice-presidents at a luncheon on Tuesdav. M^y 13 at the Wing and Fin club The installing officer was Mrs. Harry Hans. Loads of luck and may all four of you have a very successful year. Beach Committee If you have not as yet received your chance books and ffele books for our coming carnival to be held from the twenty- sixth to the twenty-ninth Of June inclusive, you can get them either from your block captains or by calling Floyd Tieigh. Please do your part on this as this is the only thing the beach committee has each year to raise funds for the upkeep* of our two beaches. Sympathy is expressed to the family of Mrs. C. Krater who passed away last week of a cerebral hemorrhage. She is survived tiy her husband, four children, one being Bill Krater well known by all of us and nine grandchildren. ^(others and Daughters Tea , The Girl Scouts had their Mothers' Tea on Monday, May "£2 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sf. Parisi on Shore Drive. The girls put on a little dance and later they served assorted refreshments which by the way each of the girls had a hand in making themselves. There were fifteen mothers and sixteen girls. Happy Birthday to Tommy Messel who celebrated his sixth birthday with his kindergarten classmates on Friday, May 16. The boys and girls were supplied with hats and loads of goodies. His proud mom and dad,- Mr. and Mrs. C. Messel, are to be thanked for the good time had by all. Ringwbod • ' SHIRLEY CRISTY INSTALLED AS HEAD OF W.S.C.S. by Shirley Cristy 4V. s. c. s. At a lowly^ candlelight service at the Methodist church Wednesday evening the officers of the W.S.C.S. were installed. Mrs. Wyman was installing officer. Mrs. Shirley Cristy as president; Mrs. Phyllis Rasmussen, vice-president; M^rtie Harrison, recording secretary; Althea Walkington, treasurer; Clara Cristy, secretary of promotion; Iona Hood, missionary education; Bobbie Fossum, christian social relations; Viola Low, student work; Helen Hunt, youth work; Mary Butler, children work; Bessie Cruickshank, spiritual life; Ila Hogan, literature; Dorothy Jepson, supply work"; Doris Low, status of worrien; Jean Decker, local church activities. After the installation all went to the fellowship room where the business meeting was held and Mrs. Bessie Cruickshank, Mrs. Aissen and Mrs. Rose Walkington had the lesson on the March of Mission Dollars. Hostesses were Mertie Harrison and Helen Hunt. -- -- - r ning at 7:30 in the church basement and a meeting afterwards. at-"7/ V"" ^ Thursday, May 22, 1958 Decoration Day Dinned The annual Decoration Day dinner will be held in the church basement. Bakbd ham and salmon loaf will be the main dish. Serving to be 11:30 to 1:30. Tickets at the door. Graduation Graduation exercises for the Ringwood school will be held on Tuesday evening May 27 at 8 p.m. Those to graduate are Jackie Aissen, Judy Bruce, Emily Ortlieb .and Tim Lively. School, Picnic The school picnic will be held , on the school lawn Sunday, June 1. Bring your basket and join your neighbors for the first big picnic of the season. W.S.C.S. Sewing Circle The W.S.C.S. Sewing Circle cuenard was entertained in the home of ' Mrs. Lena Peet Thursday. A pot-luck dinner was served at noon. In the afternoon the women sewed and embroidered. Personals Mrs. Agnes Jencks w&s a luncheon guest of Mrs. Fred Wilson at Richmond Wednesday evening. Mrs. William Hepburn and granddaughter, Joan Blackman were visitors at Waukegan Wednesday. Mrs. W. J. Mortimer of Barrington was a luncheon guest of Mrs. Charles' Anderson Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Martens and daughter, Beverly, of Walworth, Wis., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Baker. Mrs. Helen Young of McHenry spent Friday afternoon and evening with Mrs. Ruby Stork Shower Mrs. John Baker entertained at a stork shower for Mrs. Kenneth Dix at her home Friday afternoon. Games were played and Marilyn Beaman won the first come prize a Haworthia plant from South Africa. Guests were Lona Brever, Dorothy Jepson, Helen Backer, Velva Pope, Sue Wheeler, Marilyn Beaman, Carrie Bass, Glenda Dix and Eileen Pope. Mrs. Josephine Peterson of Milwaukee spent the weekend with her daughter and family Mr. and Mrs. John Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger, daughter Mary, and son, David, of Hebron spent Sunday evening in the Louis Hawley with her mother, Mrs. Ruby home.' Shepard. . > I Mrs. Phillip Funk and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ardin Frisbee of Greenwood spent Thursday evening with her mother, Mrs. Flora Harrison and all visited at Lake Villa. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Holley of McHenry were supper. guests of Agnes Jencks Saturday evening. ' Jim Pearson who is attending college at DeKalb spent the weekend at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox, of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family spent Sunday in the Beatty- Low home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aissen spent Friday evening in the Harry Thomfordha home at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. William Cruickshank spent Wednesday evening Jn. the William Cruickshank, Jr., home at Mundelein. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley were callers in the Bosse Olen home at Fox Lake Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Roy Harrison was cohostess with Mrs. Vera Vogel at their circle at Greenwood Wednesday. Miss Alice Peet spent Sunday afternoon with friends in Elgin* , Mr. and Mrs. Irving Walker, Jr., and family and Mrs. Irving Walker, Sr., of Waukegan spent Sunday afternoon in the Roy Harrison home. lyir. and Mrs. Stanley Jepson and Mr. and Mrs. James Finley spent Sunuday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. William Harrison • of Round Lake visited his mother, Mrs. Flora Harrison Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Howe of Crystal Lake spent Sunday The finance committee of the Methodist church held a pot-luck supper Sunday evetifully decorated in the theme of Sayonora, even to the bridge. A good time was had j by all, but they sure sounded j tired when I talked to a few of them. (Oh beautiful memories way back when). YOUR BEN FRANKLIN & CERTIFIED STORES WILL BE OPEN . ' 1 . * i ' . » , May 29th Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Dent on Saturday was Marge's sister and her husband. Mr. and Mrs. C. Richter of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gerambio entertained Helen's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. F. Gardner and children, on Saturday and also her mom and dad, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner, Sr. Mom and dad stayed overnight and then took in some early morning fishing on Sunday. Cub Scout News TTCie monthly pack meeting Was held on April 28 at the Legion Home. The theme for the month was "Keep America Beautiful". Bear badges and pins were awarded to Alleti Raiford and Dale Marzano for completing twelve achieve- Sympattty is extended to the family of little 5 year old Laura Lee Fransen who passed away on Friday night. Some of you may remember her and her family when they were residents of Lakeland Park on Shore Drive. She was the little niece of Mr. and Mrs. Blanc of the Corner Store. New Arrival at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Nellessen of Evanston a son was born on May 13. Name of this little lad is Jeffery Allen. Maybe this is why Mr. and,Mrs. Heber have such a glow about them, because you see, he is their little grandson. Lakeland Park was very well represented at the Junior-Senior Prom at the McHenry high school on Saturday, May 17. Those who attended were Jack Lavin and Janice Parisi, Butch Bujak and Leona Arndt, Pat Lavin and George Krickl, Connie Jayko and Don Rockel, Rosemary Heber and Stan Pollet, Judy Barwig and Dave Fantus and Vince Cina and Ruth Tabor. The hall was beau- CARNIVAL MAY 30 and 31, JUNE 1st GAMES -- RIDES REFRESHMENTS NAVY JET EXHIBIT JET AIRCRAFT . . . JET ENGINES AND OTHER EXHIBITS i NUNDA RURAL FIRE DEPARTMENT ROUTE 176 -- BURTON'S BRIDGE Between Wauconda and Crystal Lake "OBEY THAT IMPULSE" * (Author's N ame Below) All of us have the impulse to live as long as possible, a Each year the opportunity of granting this desire is increasing. Modern physicians have greater knowledge of the cause and treatment of disease. M a n > recently perfected horm o n e s , " v i t a m i n s a n d other medicines help the body to resist old age. Obey that impulse to live longer by regularly consulting your physician about what you can do t o h e l p y o u r b o d y . Should any medication be needed, we welcome the privilege of supplying it. YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE McHENRY 26 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE Pick up your prescription if shopping near us, or let us deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people entrust us with the responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May we compound yours? NYE DRUGS "'k/nlyimn Ayttctf" PHONE 26 129 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, III. • PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS WE DELIVER •Quotation by Thomas L. Masson (1866-1934) TIMt 8'R.uij FOR YOUR HOLIDAY SHOPPING CONVENIENCE "WELL, MOM, LOOKS LIKE WE'LL HAVE THE CAR TONIGHT." Bob of Kenosha were dinner guests Sunday in the Dr. Hepburn home. Mrs. Mildred Munshaw and Melvin Wagner of Elgin were callers in the Lester Carr home Sunday afternoon. ' Mr: and Mrs. Ebert of Des- Plaines wjere ^callers in the Dr. Hepburn home, Friday. Mrs. Irving Walker of Waukegan was a caller in the Lester CaW home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Agnes Jencks with Mrs. Eva Eppel and son attended the Lilac Festival at Lombard Sunday. <5> CAREERS DON'T happen., THEY'RE EDUCATED START SAVING FOR THE FUTURE TODAY SAVIttS omotrows 206 W. ELM McHENRY, ILL. PHONE McHENRY. 2 Jim Conway ^ CBS Television Star of "In.Town Tonight," meets Mrs. Robert Jarchow "Just imagine, this whole meal was cooked to a turn while 1 shopped! "Electric cooking is so automatic, it's like having someone else do the cooking for you!" jf says Mrs. Robert Jarchow, of Northbrook, Illinois, a leader in theJNorthbrook Service Club, school organizations, and civic and charitable groups. " JIM CONWAY: Mm-m-m-m. A rib roast, baked potatoes, broccoli. What's for dessert? MRS. JARCHOW: Baked Cherry Delight, Jim. A whole meal ready'for me to take out of the oven and serve-... and all I did was set the controls before I went shopping. That's how easy automatic electric cooking is! JIM CONWAY: I know, Mrs. Jarchow, and the nicest thing: anyone can have it just that easy with a modern electric range .. . 'cause there's no doubt about it, they're completely automatic and foolproof. As you say, you just set the dials and the electric range takes over... food comes out cooked exactly the way you want it, wfien you want it. Electric cooking is economical, too ... only 71 a day for the average family. , MRS. JARCHOW: And another thing I like about it, Jim... it saves time; gives me a lot more time to be with Bob and the youngsters . . . and extra time for volunteer work. I haVe a lot metre energy left at the end of the day, too. Now that I've experienced electric cooking, Jim, I wouldn't put up with any other kind! JIM CONWAY: I*U be| your husband wouldn't either... not when you put meals like thin on the table! ( Every day. more modern women COOK THE MODERN ELECTRIC WAY So clean... so c-o-o-1... so automatic SEE YOUR ELECTRIC APPLIANCE DEALER u • - - © Commonwealth Edison Company i (J Public Service Company If a man presents a thqy^t, written in plain words,, rectly spelled, arranf' flawless sentences and in a distinguished mi his friends probably mute. What they await" moment) ot j(nadverteA|i weakness, r 0 • • * -1- PR0FEJ5 lOHRL DIRECT0RV DR. JOHN C. GOETS< Chiropratic Physician g Naprapathic Manipulation Steam Baths and. Massag^e 304 East Elm Street McHenry, 111. ! Hours: . Mon., Tues., Wed. ft FrL a.m. to 12 p.m. ;; ^1:80 p.m. to 5:80 pjn. " 7 p.m. to 0 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. to 2 pjn. ^ Phone McHenry 748 DR. C. R. SWANSON ' Dentist Office Hours: Dally Except Thursday' 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:30 Mon., Wed., ft Fri. Eventtlgi By Appointment Only ^ Telephone McHenry 160* ROBERT A. CAMERON Complete Insurance Serviof Since 1923 : ' R.F.D. 3 -- BoX 12 * I! McHenry, HI. •> Phone 1872-R k EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE! i Fire, Auto, Farm ft Life pi Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When You Need 'Insuraiic^ o! Any Kind S PHONE 43 or 958 * Green ft Elm McHenry,. SCHROEDER IRON WORlCS Ornamental ft Structural Steel Visit Our Showrooms^ 8 Miles South on Rt. » PHONE 950 -r- '<"•'1 , ... - .. I, ...Cjf-V ' IL F. HARRISON" e|y Realtors Insurance - Real Estfcffi Appraisals ' Phone 1910 , 405 W. Elm Street t You can retire on the dollars you use to protect yon? family. l.arry Booster -- Virgil Pollock The New England Mutual. Life Insurance Company 204 E. Elm St. Phone 2800 Expert I PIANO TUNING and Repairing ' A. G. SKALA c/o Steffan's Jewelry Store 514 W. Main Street PHONE 128-J DR. JOHN T. GRAY | Optometrist 126 So. Green Street Office phone McHenry 189 Res. phone McHenry 604-MkI Hours: Daily 9:30 - 5:00 .. Tues. & Fri. Evenings >3 6:30 . 9:00 ' Closed all day Wednesday Eyes examined - Glasses fitted Repair Service ?- DR. LEONARD L. BOTTi Optometrist Eyes examined -• Glasses llfttef Contact lenses 105 Richmond Road . Hours Eve.: Wed., Thurs ft Frl^ 7 to 9 p.m. | j Saturdays - 3 to 6 p^lh. : Phone McHenry 2262-J ' Loop office - 108 N. State St Phone DEarbora 2-2096 GEORGE J. CASTLE, j^gent The Prudential Insurance Co. of America Life, Retirement, Sickness A' Accident and Group Insurance 826 Crystal Lake Road, McHenry, lit Phone: McHenry 2588 ALYCE JOYCE MUSIC STUDIO Gulbransen - Hammond Organs New -- Used Piano-ft Organ Instruction 308 W. Elm Street McHenry, I1L Phones: . McHenry 812 • 202