Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jan 1957, p. 14

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#ig« Fourteen THE McHENHY PLAINDEALEB ' : Thursday! January 24. "" '%¥ ^ Wonder Lake News ^ By Phyllis Whitfield Polio Benefit Card Party The polio benefit card party at " Wonder Lake on Jan. 15 was a huge success, with contributions Of $134.81 to date. The committee is grateful to the merchants and also to those whose efforts insured a good time for all. A few winners did not collect their coupons. Please pick them up at Millie's Pizza. A rousing cheer to the gallant men who marched in the cold "TSfbnday, Jan." T4, for the polio drive on the west side of Wonder Lake. The following "substitute mothers" collected $87.25 for the worthy cause; Howard Paulin, Frank Houda, Cal Kolaf, Harold Ooursen, Jack Moore, Rtady Jirousek, Ken Grothmann Wild Jim Stendebach. J . Nativity Lutheran Ctauch "There Comes the Time" is the sermon title chosen by Pastor Schroeder for Sunday, Jan. 27. At the 10:45 service the church council, officers of the organizations, Sunday School teachers and the choir will be installed into their various callings for the coming year. The Luther league will have a bowling party at the Johnsburg bowling alleys at. 6:30 Sunday, Jan. 27. Any young people of high school age desiring to go are to meet at the church at 6. Evangelism Mission Plans Plans for the Lutheran evangelism mission are moving ahead rapidly, with all of the committees of the area and congregational level efficiently carrying out their assigned tasks. Nativity is hold- »ing their mission, along with all other Lutheran churches in the Chicago area, starting Sunday, Feb. 17, with services every evening through the following Thurs- ~day. The mission will officially begin with the commissioning of the lay visitors at the 10:45 service on Feb. 10. During that week, these visitors will call upon the members of the church to pray for the mission and to attend the mission services and bring their friends. The theme chosen by the guest | missioner, Rev. C. Carl Eklof, is I "The Coming Kingdom . . . arid | YOU!" A great leadership rally j will start off mission week itself, j which will be held at St. Luke's | Lutheran church in Park Ridge at j 3 Feb. 17, to which all workers | in the mission are to attend. Dur- I ing mission week, calls will be | made on prospective members of the church in keeping with the I purpose of the mission, to make men aware of their need of a per" sohal Saviour." At the close of the mission, there will be a great mass rally at Lane Tech high school. Basketball League .. The inter - church basketball league has now entered its final round, with the results of this round to determine who will be the winning team in this fourchurch youth group league. The churches participating in the league are the Greenwood M.Y.F., j Ringvuood M.Y.F., the McHenry i M.Y.F., and the Nativity Luther league. Games are played every I Monday,- evening at Harrison school, with the first game at 7:15 and the second at 8:15. Sponsors j for the league have been Don | Schacht and Glen YValkington for i Greenwood; Chuck Sowers for 1 Ringwood and Russ Spuehr, Ed | Bell, Bill Nielsen and Ron Walsh for Nativity. The league has proved to be wholesome recreation for many boys in the area, and if you really want to see some fine basketball come to the games every Monday at Harrison school. Standings of the teams in this final round will be printed next week. weekend with Lynn and her family. Water Safety Course Richard Lappin, Red Cross county volunteer chairman of water safety in McHenry .county, announces a class for life saving and beginners in swimming, to start Jan. 30 at the Woodstock high school pool. Registration will start at 7 p.m. Two Card Groups Meet The Wooded Shores Canasta group met Wednesday, Jan. 16, at the home of Mrs. Prudence Grabovy. High scores were held by Mrs. Marion Ruzicka and Mrs. Loretta Pearson. Other players were Mesdames Eloise McCafferty, Jean Motulewicz. Betty Bland, Olga Grasser and Ann Werteka. Thursday, Jan. 17, Mrs. Judy Rassmussen was hostess to the Wonder Center Canasta group. Those present were Mesdames Pat Gallas, Grace Markel, " Lenore Jaeschke, Marie Milbrandt arid June Kiddell, with Ann Weretka and Neva Fuhrer as high scorers. The two groups collected $12 for the Woodstock hospital building fund-. • ' Wonder Lake Bible Church The married couples of the church enjoyed a wonderful evening of recreation in the Harrisoxi school gym last Saturday night. This group meets every month on the third Saturday night, with the purpose of making an opportunity for couples in church to become better acquainted. church for a small fee which includes the ' price of clamp-on skates.- Shoe skates may also be rented at an additional cost. The date for this' night of Christian family fellowship is Monday, Feb. 4, from 7:30 to 10:30. Birthday Wishes Little Lynn Wines, daughter of the L. J. Wines of Wooded Shores, turned five years old Saturday, Jan. 19. Wishes for many happy returns were given her by ten little friends at a party completewith games, favors, prizes, ice cream and, of course, a birthday cake. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bouer and two sons from Arlington Heights were present for the party, as were Lynn's maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dyck, from. Chicago, who also spent the Guest Missionary Last Sunday evening, Rev. Robert Crump visited this church and presented the most interesting and effective work he and his family are doing as missionaries to friendly and unfriendly indian tribes of Brazilian jungles. The people who attended this program were greatly impressed and Rev. Crump will be as|ted to return at a future date to relate more of their experiences in reaching heathen tribes with Christianity. Family Roller Skating Special note is to be made of the roller skating party being sponsored by the Inland Lakes Youth Fellowship.. Ailthough the youth are sponsoring this affair, it is intended for the entire family. Tickets are now available at the Happy Birthday Pamela Young celebrated her eighth birthday Jan. 18, with a party in her home after school. The friends who helped her celebrate Ivere Debbie Falkenthal, Lois Hansen, Joyce Young, Susan Grasser, Cheryl Schwarz, Kathy Poetow, . Joanne Feyerer, Gail Mc- Comb, Arlette Johnston and Penny Hager. After playing games, the girls enjoyed the birthday cake and milk. The Sunday before, Jan. 13, a family dinner was held in the Jake Yoimg home. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Young, Pamela's grandparents from Chicago, were present, as were the Harold Young family of Wonder Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cooney and son, Dale, and Dale Lary of Chicago, and Delores YoUrig, sister of Jack and Harold Young. POST 491 bv Dorothy Weichmann The third annual membership dinner will be held on Feb. 2 at 7 p.m. at the Legion home. 'All members are invited to attend this dinner. This is an excellent opportunity for the new members, especially, to get acquainted with everyone. A delicious chicken dinner is being planned, and as usual will be served by the men. After dinner, the men may join the ladies to round out a pleasant evening with dancing. Several members of the McHenry county council will be special guests at the dinner and I'm sure their informative talks will be enjoyed by all. .* Reservations may be had by calling the membership chairman, Lee Bassi, at McHenry 578-W-2. Remember the date, Feb. 2, 1957. See you there. Remember, too, if you have auxiliary news you v£j|*h printed, call "crtsf me at McHenry T137. DEAR YOU SAY UNI-TEX CM BRINGING "THE KOMETO DINNER TONIGHT YES. UNI TE* WHY. THIS THANKS TO TEX I 00 NT HAVE TO APOLOGIZE fOfc DIRTY WALLS! WHAT IN me wo*Li> HAPPENED TO jHtt *OOM?/T LOOKS l / K f PRIES IN 2HOURS ANDl/CCVfRS WAUPAPER Oil PAINT is amazing I CAN DO II MYSELF? PEftf ECTLY IN 1 CDAT. III HAVE THIS ROOM YOU CAN DONE KFORE OlNNFR CkOOSf f OH DEAR tOOKKS iOVfilY ROOM our dining room 3K$ so TERRIBLE IT NEEDS RE PECQRATIN& MOMMIE HAT COVERED UP M.L THE MARKS I TON THE WUL DIDN'T IT? MOMMJE^ SMART. AIN'T l's H 132 S. Green Si. Phone 98 ware McHenry, 111. McHENRY'S HEADQUARTERS FOR U N I - T E X Z is for ZEAL The progress you make toward your great goals in life (that money can buy) depends on the "Zeal with which you save. This Association encourages you by offering liberal earnings to add to the sums you invest regularly in your effort to reach your goals. S%- CURRENT RATE SAW0N©S and LOAN ASSOCIATION PHONE 2 522 W. Main St. McHenry, 111 SAVE THESE AOS Collect enough of the big capitals to make any word (of 4 letters or more) which appears in the MCHa&es, or tn our firm name. Bring them in, and receive an attractive FREE GIFT. Johnsburg N^ws By Mrs. lbtty Hettermanjn _ Li Warning Reminder. A word of warning is once again issued to persons' driving cars at the time the rescue sqtiad and fire trucks are on the road. If you should hear either truck siren, pull immediately off the road and remain there at least three or four minutes or until the truck and members following in their cars have all had a chance to be on their way, Their time is precious so please give them a chance to do Jieir best. Treat At Meeting All the members of the Johnsburg Community club are in for a treat, at the next monthly meeting on Feb. 4. The good committee is making plans to serve hasenpfeffer for this particular meeting. Plan on attending. Congratulation Corner Master Timmie McGuire felt quite grown up last Saturday, Jan. 19 when he was host to eight of his friends in observance of his seventh birthday. Joining in on the festivities were Richard Fredericks, Richard Gamprel, Harry and David Weber, ".Buddy" Smith, EAGLE - PICHER STORM WINDOWS and DOORS JALOUSIE DOORS & WINDOWS • Narrow Sturdy Frames • All Inserts Glide Easily • Self Storing • Simple Seasonal Changing Liberal Trade In Allowance on your Old Doors and Windows. ORDER NOW Zephyr Ventilated Aluminum Awnings knd Door Canopies. Color and Style for Every Home. ARTHUR BOGER PHONE 1180 307 E. Waukegan Road McHenry Bobby Joyce, Mary Ellen Freund and Mary Anderson. Jan. 15 marked a double celebration in the Martinec home. It was the nineteenth wedding anniversary of Bill and Ruth, besides marking the fourth birthday for young Bobby. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oeffling will complete one year of marriage come Jan. 28. Best wished ^o all.. New Residents Our community welcome mat is laid out this week for Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Duescher and daughters. The Duescher family, formerly of Roselle moved into the, Stilling home in Jak-Ana Heights last weekend. They have high hopes of spending quite a long spell in our community. Unexpected Death The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Meyers were, shocked to learn of the sudden death qf their two and a half month old son, Randy Dean. Mrs. Meyers found the infant in his crib early Monday morning. The cause of Business & Service Directory of .Wonder Lake Open On Hun days 9 to 1 death is undetermined at the time of this: writing. The Meyers "have two other sons, Glenn and Roger. Our heartfelt sympathy if extended to the Meyers family at this very sad time in their life. , Aronno the Town ' , Mr. and Mrs. Hank Nell'of 'Sunnyside Beach are among the lucky persons to head south for the winter. They will be spending their time in Del Ray* Beach. Fla., visiting their daughters, Ethel and Henrietta. The Gerald Wakitsch^s were happy to have his brother, Harold spend a few days with them on his way to Alabama. Bill a^d Dolly Schmitf visited his. parents, the John N. Schmittii, last weekend. Missed Joan and Rita Dejin of Chicago and Ted Beeskow of Round Lake Park spent Sunday with relatives here. ; The George Lasser family of Chicago were weekend guests at the home of his parents: inj Jak- Ana Heights. . . j : : FARM AND HOME . WEEK AUDIENCE HEAR ; SOIL BANK TALE ;. w-1 How "The Farmer Looks at the f Soil Bank" will be told by two"' farmers and other guest 'panelists during the Tuesday morning session of the Farm and Home Weeljk program at the University of Illinois Jan. 27-31. Planned by the College of Agriculture soil bank committee, the program will tackle many of the management problems farmers fact in deciding whether to cooperate in the soil bank. Ira E. Hamer, DeKalb county farmer, will point out "Why I Plan to Participate in the Soil Bank." Warren Moffett, Macoupin. counA ty farmer, will discuss "Why r Cannot Participate in the Soil Bank." Questions from the audience will be answered by a panel moderated by R. M. Finley, extension farm management specialist. SHOP IN McHENRY S drug st@re I0S So. Green St. PHONE 40 McHenry, HI. WONDER LAKE BUILDERS SUPPLY Free (Estimates & Delivery Phone W. L. 3231 CRISTY Mid STENDEBACH General Contractor* NEW HOMES ' and REMODELING Phone Wonder Lake 5432 -- 2464 -- 5301 51-gauge Elastic Stockings Look just like regular nylons on your legs. You will never again feel self-conscious because of varicose veins. FULL-FASHIONED with correct support (the kind doctors recommend) FULL-FOOT . . . with stretchy toes and heels for comfort made by lamnsma :» Other Bauer & Black nylon or cotton elastic stockings from $10-00 a pair. New Super-Strong Body New Comfort- Contours^ Seats New Deep-Offset Rear Axle, New Even-Keel Rear Suspension New Wide-Contoured Frame New Double-Wall Cowl Lets see the^deefeiwe factors in the'57 DmOQ®!? New Electronically Balanced V-8 Engines New Giant-Grip Brakes New Swept-Back ' - Ball-Joint Suspension They show you why th« new kind of Ford it worth more whon you buy it, worth mora whtn you toll The secret of Ford's nationwide success is this: it's a new kind of Ford ... new from the wheels up ... . more than a last year's model with a few "face lift" changes. In a Ford the chassis, engine and body are individually engineered into one spacious rock-solid unit. If you're a careful car-buyer with whom features count, count.the new features of the '57 Ford. Then drive it! There's only one conclusion: the liveliest car in the lowprice field is the completely new Ford. For the decisive facts see your Ford Dealer. This Custom 300 Fordor Sedan has the Mark of Tomorrow at the low Ford price »* See and Action Test thenew kind @f IR^ BUSS MOTOR SALES 531 Main Street Phone McHenry 1 McHenry, I1L

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