Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jan 1957, p. 5

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Thursday, January 24, 1957 VA '*V ^ v'lri ^ ^ ^ ' I - . v . ' > ' - , . . - * . _ J : _ _ McHenry Plaindealer Phone 170 - 171 -JL tfk*P, . VkV: % vMnmn « •• mniim ' "'~ 'L .1 • *" ' *'v '":" '^••"4 -•• jl'V Published every Thursday at McHenry, in., by the McHenry ^Publishing Company, inc. N A T I O N A L E D I T O R I A L A sTb CITATION ^ U t il'HMI.'ll.'K.'.ll.'.Uil , W. BURFEIISDT, Gen'l. Manager ADELE FR0EHLICH, Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATE & x In McHenry County 1 Year ~ ; $3.00 6 Months $1.75 3 Months $1.90 Outside McHenry County 1 Year $3.50 6 Months $2.00 3. Months $t$5 4 lm IfM \ ««3»cnrT>iiT7 Entered as second-class matter at the pofet office at McHenry, Illinois, under the act of May 8, 1879. Urge Distribution Of W-2 Tdx Forms Employers were asked today by H. A^an, director of internal revenue's Chicago district, to distribute >1956 W-2 Withholding tax statement# to their employees as early a^. possible. Receipt of these statements will enable thousands of taxpayers to file their returns immediately because almost the entire tax situation of some people is refleqted on these forms. "WJe'd appreciate taxpayer cooperation in getting their tax returns in to us at once, "Mr. Long said. "It will help us to take care of the heavy work-load during the deadline period." The director also pointed out that the law requires employers to furnish thesa statements: to their employees on or before Jan. 31. WINTER CARNIVAL Something big is going to happen igi (Srystal Lake on March 2 at 3 p.m. rlt.will be Crystal Lake's first fennUal winter carnival, which will Ibet held in the large field hous* «fe the Crystal L&ce high school. jrhere will be two and onehalf hours of6 fun and excitment for all ages. This event is being sponsored by the building committee of St. Paulas Evangelical and Reformed churlh, JDrystal Lake. V'Vj" $ v *\e-A v* J papip- \ * £• wmms. V?&>< - * " "ft b # - j- _ 1 ' '.vv , JOIN THE MARCH OF DiMES •e 9 A GHAT1 us Regular check-ups-1 'and maintenance by our experts, means,.lower car costs to you! Call us today and hnd out for yourself. Brake Service All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling BUTCH'S 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE 516 Front St. ) Y5 - McHenry, IU. Phone. 811 - Residence 91-lt ii McHENRVu. TOPICS Glenn Paulsen IVe been trying for stfme time now- to find someone who - can /"explain Einstein's "Relativrstic Theory of the Non-Symmetrical Field" to me in simple language that I can understand. Not beii}g a ,physicist, it will have to be on a- television serviceman's levtfl. The ssime way that we at McltEjNRY TV explain our television service when a customer asks: "What is wrong with my TV and what; must you do to fix it?" Allan McKim I 11. When you phone 2233 for service we will not only tell you what causes your TV trouble and what must be done to correct it. but we will explain it so that you will understand it on your own level, be it housewife, plumber or financier. We also keep a filed record of the service for future reference in maintenance. Our TV tubes and electronic parts are guaranteed for certain peripds of time. You'll like our down-to-earth level policy. McHENRY TV PHONE 2233 On Route 120 • 2 Blks. East of New Bridge i l t l l l l M 1 i 1 ! 11 i » I g . < •- I . - I - ODORLESS GAS. . INSIDIOUS KILLER Dairy A? Auction Charles J. Schroeder With cold weather comes one should be admitted and artificial of the most vicious threats to weather, -ventilatiorj is likely to be reduced to a minimum. This encourages increased concentrations of the gas to build up. - tf a person is exposed for a long period of time without detection,. death will result; If, however, the victim is found "before too j °n account of my health. I have long after exposure, fresh air I decided to sell my Dairy, Feed William Russel -- Edwin Vogel Auctioneers Gooki, GoJuteA. human life--carbon monoxide gas poisoning. Because of its odorless, colorless and tasteless qualities, the gas attacks its victim; without warning, frequently resulting in death, the educational committee of the Illinois State Medical society observes in HEALTH TAXK. The most common source of carbon monoxide gas is the exhaust from an automobile. In real cold weather, persons are inclined to drive with the windows tightly closed. The exhaust fumes seep into the car where they are inhaled. Because of the odorless, colorless and tasteless characteristics, persons breathing the fumes are unaware of the gas until symptoms develop. These vary, depending onMhe amount and time of exposure. The first symptom may be headache, then dizziness, muscular weakness, disturbed memory, loss of consciousness, coma a n d f r e q u e n t l y d e a t h . O n e frightful complication, as the condition progresses, is the inability to move because of muscular weakness even though consciousness remains. How does this strange gas act chemically? As it is inhaled, the carbon monoxide mixes with the hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying red pigment of the red corpuscles in the' blood. The normal function of red cells to carry oxygen from the lungs throughout the body is essential to good health. When their purpose is impeded by conveying carbon monoxide gas, instead of oxygen, suffocation results. "V While carbon- monoxide gas poisoning can occur at any time, the condition is more acute in cold weather when there is a tendency to keep windows and doors closed. This is particularly true in garages and homes usrespiration employed. Preferably the patient should be taken to a hospital where life-saving techniques are available, and. blood transfusions given should they be necessary. Accidents from carbon monoxide are preventable. Don't drive your car with the wi?:dow& tightly shut. Keep- fresh air coming in to dissipate the fumes. Remember that the insidious characteristics of this killer give. ytiU no warning of its presences See that fresh air is 4riftihg into your garage !; should. you have the motor running' in your car, and into you home should you be using gas heating equipment and appliances. Remember that carbon monoxide gas poisoning is a preventable accident, but one that, through carelessness and inattention, produces severe brain damage and takes numerous lives. Don't ' be a, carbon monoxide statistic! T++++"W,MH§ Athletic Program Is Fathers' Nighi by Marie Schaettgen Meat, meat and more meat. and Milking Equipment on the! us ea* °nce a day Charles Schroeder Farm on Route i an<1 ®re always willing to vary the „1C ^.1CUI1I , thorc' NTioht Kv -Mr ifaiu nnrf 176, 3^ miles East of Crystal meat by USU1« the same : the estate of ALBERT KRAUSE, ^ Night by Mr. Kalk and Lake, 2 miles East of Route 31. meat in a differently. Swiss : Deceased, pending in the Countv' DraJeford of the high schoo8 stepk is a very populs^ way to ! Court of McHenry County, Ulin- hletlc dePartment- : The first .1957 meeting of the: NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE McHenry Community P.T.A. will, . ... . „ _ . be held Thursday evening, Jan. 245 • " "T'^'niat 8:15 p.m. in the hi|h sdtoolf persons th, a*. .h. e f^ir st Monday ofr !• gf ynu.i asium,. A , s.p ec.i al rp robg ram March, 1957, is the claim date ini has been planned m observance ot QOUNTY FARMERS JUDGE MEAT TYPE HOGS NEXT MONTH There's more to the meat-type hog than sometimes meets the eye, •says McHenry County Farm Ad viser Gene Brown. And county swine growers will have a chance to find out just how hard it is to call their shots exactly 011 hog quality on the hoof at a special meat - type hog demonstration scheduled for Feb. 5 and 7. The meeting will be held at the Woodstock high school vocational agricultural shop starting at 1:30 p.m. Feb. 5 and 1 p.m. Feb »7. Extension. Livestock Specialist Prof. Harry Russell and Don Walker from the University of Illinois College of Agriculture will be on hand to lead the demonstration. First day of the demonstrations 4 Miles North of Cary and 6 miles South of McHenry, and 6 miles North of Wauconda, on SATURDAY. FEB. 2. 1957 Commencing at 1:00 use round steak. Swiss Steak l'fc lb. round steak about inch thick , i'/fc tbsp. butter *4 cup flour tsp. salt cups hot tomatoes or sliced mushrooms . pepper to taste Sift flour with salt and pepper ois. and that claims may be filed j The public is invited to attend, against the said estate on or be-1 meeting, which will be cpnft property, to-wit: 1 36 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK Consisting of 19 Holstein cows; 6 Holstein heifers 1st calf close, 1 j fresh; 2 Holstein heifers, 18 mos. | . ... . . , old. bred; 5 Holstein heifers 14 *"d, P°u"d thoroughly into steak mos. old; 2 Holstein heifer calves Melt. butter in^heavy pan. Sear 6 mos. old; 2 Holstein bulls 6 : meat on ^ s!deS in Pan and add mos. old. 16 GOOD FEEDING HOGS, FEED 12 ft. Silage in 14 ft. Silo; 12 tons straw; 400 bu. COrn; 300 bu. Oats: 20 tons mixed Hay. MILKING EQUIPMENT 8 can Stanley M. cooler; 3De- Laval M. units; Steel wash tank Losee ho; water heater; 10 milk cans; 2 pails and strainer; cement wash tank. Not Responsible For Accidents Terms: Usual Bank Terms Charles J. Schroeder, Owner FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WOODSTOCK, Clerking Member Federal Reserve System Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation fore said date without issuance of summons. Administrator RBARA KRAUSE, Executor JOSEPH X. WAYNNE, Attorney \ ' (Pub. Jan. 17-24-31, 1957) Order your Rubber Stamps a1 the Plaindealer Office today. eluded with a social period and re|;' freshments. ^ •fi : i BETTER SCHOOLS SUILB BETTER COMMUNITIES vegetables. Cover and simmer until meat is very tender about two hours. Add small amounts ot water from time to time. Other vegetables may be added if de- •! sired. Serves 4. | -- I \VM. AEBISCHER DIES i William Aebischor of Oak Lawn, \ a former McHenry resident, died of a heart attack last Thursday. Survivors include his widow, Eva Stoffel Aebischer; two sons, Edward and William; his mother, . Mrs. Gertrude Aebischer; and five grandchildren. I Mr. and Mrs. Glen Robison of 1 Woodstock visited McHenry rel- I atives Sunday. I Mrs. Gretta Goodrll and Miss ; Ethel Jones left Monday afternoon for a trip to Florida. Genuine Clay Tile • p arm orient llred-ln billy • long-range •cooomy --. W»I^H I MqtidM. ptuul ksap dM • cmrKmi color wmMwUm • low inttallatlon co«t •ifftmifai thdty§tmi LAKE IEGION TILE CO. 107 Mill Street Tel. JAckson 6-7298 Wauconda* III. will include a close look at hogs ing improperly working heating ; on *'le J^oof Visitors wil» be able to try their skill at picking out the better grades of live hogs. The | second day, they will be able to equipment and gas burning appliances. Whenever coal, wood, oil or , any other fuel is burned, carbon ; ?ee carcasses of the same hogs monoxide forms. During cold they judged. ARE YOU LUCKY? No purchase necessary! No registering to do! To win, just watch for and read our ad each Thursday, you could be the lucky winner A new winner each week. Is this your telephone number? McHENRY If so, stop in this week-end before 6 P.M. Saturday. You will receive 10 gallons of Ethyl gasoline Free of Charge! • diittler's Cities" Service "SPECIAL DISCOUNTS TO COMMUTERS Washing - Lubrication • Repairs - Complete Car Service PHONE 9831 On Highway 31 2 Blocks South of Main Street aoaoi IOBOI WE WILL BE lOESOl locao Moving Soon TO OUH NEW LOCATION ON HIGHWAY 31 » 2 Blocks South of Main Street WATCH FOR OPENING MISCELLANEOUS & ODD ITEM& NOW ON SALE ALEXANDER • LUMBER Co. PHONE McHENRY 1424 541 W. Main St. OPOI-- iopoi McHenry, I1L I0E301---- OUR ANNUAL ARMOUR'S BEEF SALE LAST 3 DAYS! THURS., FRI. & SAL JAN. 24-25-26 1 100% Pure Fresh Ground Beef HAMBURGER 3 lbs. 98* (35c per B> ) ARMOUR STAR SLICED BEEF LIVER 45i. SAVE MONEY -- BUY 'EM BY THE PIECE 8-10 lb. Avg. -- 39c lb. SHORT RIBS OF BEEF ROUND STEAK T-BONE STEAK lb. SIRLOIN STEAK CHUCK ROAST 35 lb. RUMP ROAST RIB C 'OC ROAST J FVIB. Fill Your Home Freezer Now During This Gigantic Sale! U.S. Gov't Graded Beef Prices on Hind & Fore Quarters Shown Below are "Carry Out" Prices. ' We Cut & Wrap for Home Freezers at A Small Additional Cost. , for tone Freezers 4% (rs. f®r Hoii® frtfiirs '35* Here Are Some Specials From Our Grocery Department Farm Fresh COUNTRY Certified's Country Delight SOLID PRINT BUffii 59CB Reg. S5c Each - Savf 40c PILLSBURY'S CARAMEL CAKE MSI 4k $lifi pkgs. A Certified Red Label TOP BLEND 75 CERTIFIED FOOD MARKET GREEN & ELM STREETS PHONE 80 McHENRY. ILLINOIS " k ;

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