Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jan 1957, p. 6

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SiSSf Isilia-iiK® ' g' rv,::K.:.>3 Iv- / 'sLSX.^. Cv-*jl- m js >\ -. *<A I •r<r ^ f *r\ 1, '«n'f f Wr ^'F- ^ **----•» to - t<i?71 -v<:» !--/'<i:C, -.* RING 4.000 DOOB FOR $1.00 WITH A PLAINDEALE8 W ANT ADI Plalndealsr Want Ads No ad counted less than 25 Words, $1.00 minimum. 1 insertion i.... $1.00 (Count K words per line) 25c service charge on all blind ads. Cash with order. Card of Thanks--$1.00 Minimuln Want Ads close promptly at 10 a.m. Wednesday. BUSINESS SERVICE CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: 95c Col. inch -- 2 Inch Minimum. Classified Display must include a minimum of one 18 pt. head and one 18 pt. signature or its equivalent. 3 lines of 8 pt. allowed per inch.' ORNAMENTAL IRON RAILING SPECIALIST Fox •Valley Iron Works VICTOR A. HOPP Main St. BUSINESS SERVICE CASH WITH ORDER on following classifications-. Wanted To Rent Situations Wanted y Business Opportunities AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 1 block East of the river bridge. Open weekdays: 9 a.m. to 6 pm Sundays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 44-tf Ringwood, 111. Phone 1696-R 3-tf "HOURLY RATES for jackhammer service. Call us for the hard work. Arnold N. May Bldrs., Inc., Richmond, IU. Phone Richmond 4381." 26-tf I Pump Cesspools and Septic Tanks G. A. Douglas Lakeland Park Subdivision Phone McHenry 1480 Station Box 38 38-xf SEPTIC TANKS INSTALLED and Seepage Field Septic Tanks Pumped and Cleaned Trenching DODD Sanitary Service Rt. 2, Box 2 McHenry, 111. Phone 1370-W-2 GARAGE DOORS Wood Sectional Flush or Panel Radio Control Door Operators LElBACH DOOR COMPANY McHenry 1187-R 22-tf 21tf FOUR DOOR Dodge sedan, fully equipped, radio, seat covers, directional signals, fog lights, nearly new tires. Selling because of ill health. Ed Peel, 513 N. Park. 38 4'x6' TRAILER, metal bottom & Stake sides--$125. Phone McHenry 2092. »38 1950 4 DOOR Chevrolet, good condition, good tires--$250. Phone 299. 38 '51 BUICK, in good condition. Best offer. Phone 1308. 38 BOATS & MOTORS JOHNSON MOTORS New and Used -- rerms Motors and Boats Service • Refinishing and Storage BILL'S OUTBOARD MOTORS 104tt S. Riverside Drive Phone JfcHenry 1076 44-tf New -- BOATS -- Used Inboarns, Outboards, Cruisers. Fomahawk; Aristocraft; Inland: r&bstj Aluma Craft; Arkansas traveler; Carver; Yellow Jackit; Fiberglass Speed Queen & >ther leading makes. GATOR & TEE NEE TRAILERS STANDARD STEEL PIERS MARINE PAINTS & HARDWARE ED J. WENDT BOAT? & MOTORS Ph. 3231 . • Richmond, 111., on Hwy. 12, 1C miles north of Mo- Henry. OPEN D/ILY & SUNDAYS Roweoats ?79.50 and up. 1-tf Candid Weddings trom Home, Church ana Reception KOLIN Photograpners Baby Pictures, Taken In Your Home. Call us for appointment, el. 566-W-l McHenry, 111. 44-tf Disposal Service CALL Jim Jorgensen KIMBALL 6-1482 McHENRY 9865 Address: LONG LAKE, INGLESIDE, ILL. 47-tf WELLS DRILLED or DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS -- We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, < McHenry. Telephone 167. 26-tf A&B CONSTRUCTION CO. INC. Custom Homes Built to Order McHenry 901 48-eow SAW SERVICE. Hand and circular saws machine shar^ned and repaired. Edw Heyward, J06 S. Riverside Dr. Phone 445-M. 47-tf Nan TIQMT win MART txtra Benefit* Qreifer CoVtrai* FOR SALE KENT'S THE KENT CORP. Insurance & Real Estate For Over 29 Years Insure through this Agency and Feel Safe. PHONE 8 N. Riverside Dr., McHenry, 111. MUSKRAT COAT, size 14, good condition^ Phone 'McHenry 2489. *38 TABLE SAW; ThOr mangle; juke, box; single bed, spring and" mattress. Can be seen at 602 Allen Ave. 38-2 WANTED H2LP WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED GERMAN SHEPHERD female dog, 3 years old, registered, good with children. Excellent farm dog. Phone 814-M. , *38 STORKLINE\$Hfferobe, glass top, 5 drawers and blanket drawer. Excellent condition. Phone McHenry 47$. • 38 STEWING HENS, $1. alive,\$1.25. dressed. Phone McHenry 1208-W. 38 LEATHER top mahogany'cocktail table, $20; Cowboy lamp, $2; red dress, 14, $^; 1 pair bamboo drapes, $1; miscellaneous glassware, McHenry 2885. *38 FOB REUT FOR SALE Income Tax McHenry Accounting and Tax Service 123 Riverside Drive (In the R. I. Johnson Law Office) Phone McHenry 1400 for Appointment 38 Why Run Out? CALL Thennes Oil Co. PHONE 32 Degree Day Delivery FLOORS scrubbed, waxed & flfffished by machine. Call Wonder Lake 3143 or 5343. 27-tf 27-tf BUSINESS SEBVICE YOUR HAIR needs permanentcuftting and styling? $8.50 - $10.00 - $15.00. 3 competent operators- Eleanor. Mary, and Alice. Phone 890. Hair tinting a speciality. Alice Marie Beauty Shop, 202 N. Riverside Dr. Phone McHenry 890. Open Evenings. I 37-3 Big Family SPECIAL NO FOLD • 10 Loads *5. Wash & Dry SAVE $2 Rugs Not Included Tuesday Only Dec. - Ja». Riverside Drive Laundromat McHenry Near Old Bridge 31-tf SiPECIAL OFFER We will repair your old vacuum cleaner for maximum of $12.50. Guaranteed for 1 year. Call. 2029. 38 Peter A. Freund SANITARY SERVICE 1 clean and pump septic tanks 6c cesspools Phone McHenry 1819-J Residence Fox Street 10-tf Sewers Clogged? Complete electric sewer, sink rodding and root cutting equipment. PHONE McHENRY 1950 ELMER GLOSSON McHenry Disposal Service Phone 2221 for DEPENDABLE GARBAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE FRED WIRTZ USED BUILPTNG material 2 x 4's, 2 x 6's 30 ft., 2 x 8's, 10's and 12's. Also 3 x 12's!. Sheeting'plumbing. 2 -- 1 car gars pes. Wheeler Wrecking Co. 360 N Grove, Elgin, Sherwood 1-5677 12tf FOR RENT--1st floor of large barn and 1 smaller building, suitable for storage. Call McHenry 1074-R. 35-tf 4 ROOM Furnished Apartment, utilities furnished. Couple only. Call Wonder Lake 5654. 37-tf ROOMS for rent. $10 per week. Oak Park Hotel, phone 176. 31-tf 'YARD MAN for mowing grass and looking after flowers and shrubs. Can offer from 1 to 5 days a week from May 1. Phone Jiuby, McHenry 317i 38 LARGE selection of used rugs. Cleaned, repaired, and mothproofed. Average stock approximately 75 USED RUGS. All sizes and colors. These rugs are trade-ins on new rugs and carpets. Home shopping service and quality carpets at, minimum prices with easy budget terms are offered by TIDY CARPETS and RUGS. Junction Rts. 120 and 14. Phone WOODSTOCK 1000. 27-tf For Sale Nationally Famous Warrenville, Aluminum Combination Storm & | Screen j| Windows and Door$, m Factory To You Buy Direct and Save No Money Down F.H.A. Terms Doors Installed $44.50 P. E. DUKE Agent ' Phone Wonder Lake 6161' r--• 30-tf « 115 3rd Ave. 47-tf PAINTING, interior and exterior. Paper hanging, wallboard tapeing -- Free estimates. Nick Huff, Ph. 570-M-l Rt. 4, McHenry. 36-tf 406 John St. ^McHenry, 111. 42-tf GENUINE CERAMIC TILE. Do it yourself, or we'll do it for you. All necessary material and use of tools available. Average bath about $125. Complete instructions. Call Lake Region Tile Co., JAck; son 6-7298 or visit 414 . Ridge Court. Wauconda. 111. INCOME TAX SERVICE LEE J. SPIEGEL TAX CONSULTANT 510 Main St. McHenry, 111. Phone • McHenry 1749 36-tf Well Drilling And Septic Systems Trenching and Digging Water Lines - Seepage Beds Morrisson Water Systems Installed. Walter M. Garrelis McHenry, IU. Phone McHenry 2101 Acousticon Hearing Aids $49.50 and up REPAIR WORK Ear molds made to order. Batteries, cords, supplies for all makes of instruments. 10 DAY FREE TRIAL OFFER Call for free demonstration at your convenience. RENA SCHEID 207 N. Green St; Tel. 126-R 48-eow TERRA COTTA ReSale Shop will be closed- January and February for inventory. Mrs. R. Dietrick. Crystal Lake. 32-6-eow License Plates 24 Hour Service No form to fill out. Worts Sinclair Rts. 120 & 31 -- McHenry Phone 9856 *36-4 2Vz ROOM Apartment, utilities furnished.' Apply Town Club, 201 Riverside Drive. McHenry 12. 38 3 ROOM HOUSE, -utility room, tiled kitcheh and bath with shower, electric stove. Available immediately. Prefer older adult couple only. Phone McHenry 995-J. 38 NEW MODERN STORES (or OFFICES) READY FOR OCCUPANCY Best Business Location in McHenry ^ize 30W x *63' , " or Two 15' x 63' PHONE 2042 209 E. Elm St. 36-tf FREE WATER ANALYSIS: Automatic water softeners for home or industry. Eliminate rust, lime and odor. Guaranteed. No money down. Gilmore Water Softeners. Call -- 431-R. 24»tf TYPEWRITERS and ADDING MACHINES for sale. Service on all makes, also ribbons for all makes. Carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, on Rt. 47, 1 block south of Rt. 14, Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf POODLE PUPPIES, beautiful toys and miniatures -- excellent blood line. All colors. Few older dogs to be placed in good homes. Phone Hazel 6-2461. 37-3 20" CONSOLE TV. Good condition. Phone 2247-M. *38 4 SPEED Columbia portable victrola. Only 2 months old. Write James Hunt, Box 111 • Ringwood. *38 SILVER LINK pullets for sale; also ducks and rabbits, alive or dressed. Tel. McHenry 622-W-2. 38 GARAGE-- 105 West Broad St. Call 90-R. *37-2 2% ROOM COTTAGE, furniture, dishes etc. ancf utilities completely furnished--$60 month. Ideal for bachelor or elderly couple. Use garage. On Route 120, next to Club Lilymoor. Hawkins phone 584-M-l.' *38 2V2 ROOM apt. Completely furnished. Adult couple or single person preferred. Available Feb. 15. Phone 843-W. 38 FOR RENT Feb. 1--5 room house in Lakemoor. Automatic oil heat, full basement, garage--$75. Ph. 557-R-l or 595-W-l. 38 Permanent Position New Modern Offices Excellent Employee Benefits Hrs. 8:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Apply Mon. thru Fri. Saturday Interviews by Appointment BARCO MANUFACTURING CO. §00 N. HOUGH SI BARRINGTON, ILL. Phone Barrington 1700 * 38 Plajit managers and salesmen for NH/3, chemicals and fertilizers. Farm knowledge .will help but not necessa^. Plants at Marengo, Harvard. Hebrbn and Ridgefield. Aj>ply in person. Phones CLVt107f or 1658. ./ '> Farm ChemicaLCo. or C. L. Farm Store, Inc. 208 No. Main St, • Crystal Lake, I1L -UU 38 EXPERIENCED wool,,, presser. Male or female. Startjng salary $1.85 p£r hour. Pleasalit' working conditions. Holidays ate , paid -- Apply Twin Oaks Cteaners, 33 E. Main StM Round Lake .Park. Ph. Kimball 6-2179. 38 BEAUTICIANS 2 full time 2 part (ime Happy, Modern Shopfor interview1^ BETTY'S PRETTY^SHOP 452 Cedar Lake^d. ' Round Lake, III. Phone R. L. 6-4519 ' * • ' 38-3 PART TIME credit investigator on a fee basis to coyer McHenry an£ surrounding area. Prefer retired or semi-retired individual having connections with banks or other financial institutions. Reply K. E. Blackford, Dun and Bradstreet, 300 W. Adams, Chicago, 111. 36-3 EXPERIENCED CLERK-TYPIST. Some knowledge bookkeeping required. Permanent--five-day week. Give references, age, experience and salary desired. Apply Box 211, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 27-tf Mechanical Design Industrial joint manufacturer, 48 yrs. in the field, hag an excellent opportunity for draftsman, with minimum of 5 years product design experience. A broad knowledge of materials and heat treatment, castings and machinery methods desired. Interviews daily 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday by Appointment BARCO 246 ACRE area dairy farm, near Burton's Bridge. Available Mar.' 1. Call McHenry 33. *38 HELP WANTED MANUFACTURING CO. 500 N. HOUGH ST. BARRlttGTON, ILL. Phone Barrington 1700 38 Help ' Wanted Doll (Nothing and Wigs DOLLS REPAIRED McHENRY DOLL HOSPITAL 1 block east of'old bridge Pistakee Road Phone 1591-R • 20eow Business Opportunities l-tf WELL ESTABLISHED business for sale. Located on Green St. Reply c/o Plaindealer, Box 226. 38 FOR SALE TWIN CEMENT laundry tubs, stand faucets, $10. Phone McHenry 13Q4. 38 COST OF THINGS GOING UP faster than your income? You can make more full or part time as a Rawleigh Dealer in cities of Mc- Htenry, Fox River Grove and Cary. Write for full particulars. Rawleigh's, Dept. ILA-52-RR Freeport, 111., or see Geo. Hendrix, 33 Aspen Lane, Carpenterville. Tel. Hazel 6-4308. *36-38 Want to wqrk at the friendliest place ip t6wn? ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE CO. . . . has a few openings for operators! IF YOU LIKE • People • A responsible job • Good pay and • Pleasant surroundings Come in and learn more about bec6mlng a 'Voice with a snfille". EX-OPERATORS: Credit Given for past experience. Salary higher than ever. Call Miss Marshall on McHenry 9901 or see her at 102 N. Park, McHenry. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE CO. S14I SEWING MACHINE operator, male or female, for marine products. Steady work, good pay -- benefits. Apply in person Northlakes Mfg. Co., Ringwood, across from Chemical plant. 38 MECHANIC experienced in G.M. automatic transmissions. Good working conditions. Benefits. Apply in person. R. I. Overton Motor Sales, 403 Front St., McHenry. 38 CyCoitoGysEi REAL ESTATE l FOR S.&OC-- HOMES--FARMb CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERW KNOX REAL ESTATI 405 Richmond Road ( McHenry,IU., Phone: McHenry 421-J - 42-tf 3 BEDROOM all briek ranch liome, carport, ceramic tile kitchen, .and bath, gas heat, close to school's and transittrtation. 60fyM-l. "35-4 FOR SALE * 3 Bedroom year round home with forced- air heat, -2 car garage. $9,000. Terms. * Large commercial building with 2 stores and fine offices. Will sacrifice. Call for appointment. . Immediate possession, 3 bed- A, room, brick ranch, steel kitchen, large 2-car garage with workshop. This six month old home is well worth $30,- 000. Will sacrifice at $24,- 000. Terms. 5 room ranch with fireplace, garage, river rights. $11,600. Terms. Tavern on main highway with living quarters, good going bi|siness. $24,000. Retiring. Terms. AIRSPUN BUILDERS and REAL ESTATE Located 2 blocks east of bridge on Route 120. PHONE 430 36-tf 2 YEAR OLD, 3 bedroom brick home, plastered walls, full basement, screen and storm windows, 2 car garage, Edgebroolc' Heights. Phone 1485-M. " *36-4 FOR SALE or on contract. 2 bedroom home, tile bath, oit heated. Decorated inside and out. 'Gdrage. Large lot. G. Skinner. 'Pnonfe McHenry 2050. 3 38 WILL GIVE .>$3,500: Pearl Chin chilla ranch complete as down payment on ranch type house, attached garage and barn for poultry. Reply Bo* 227 c/o The Plaindealer. 38 HOUSE near fox River, furnished or unfurnished, 3 bedrooms, large Jiving room and kitchen, glassed-in porch, gas heat. Contract sale With down-payment. Move In Feb. 1. L. Neiklrk, Huemann's ' Subd., Phone McHenry 1353. 37-2 McHENRY t 2 bedroom ranch type home, tile bath, gas heat, attached garage. Lot 60 x 167. Near shopping and railroad, 2 yrs. old. Price $12,800.00 -- For appointment call at our office in Johnsburg, McHenry 37. JACOB FRITZ » REALTOR 37-tf FOR SALE -- Lake front lots on Snider L»ke. Hp,,r""iH. w«S Telephone McHenry 1624-M. *38-2 Northwestern Construction / : . SPECIALIZING IN: Garages 1 Breezeways Additions No Money Down -- 5 Tears To Pay Plum© McHeas^ 2245 P.O. Boss FARMERS TRADING POST BRED DUROC Gilt one year old. Due to farrow the last week in Feb. Papers available. Meal for 4-H project. PhonS 1' McHenry 507-M-l. *38.2 ELECTRIC Incubator, will hold 30 goose eggs, 75 to 90' chicken eggs, duck or pheaSftttt eggs. Frank Zimmermanni - Pistakee Bay Road. Phone 1591-R. 38 LARGE BARN, suitable rfor storage. Phone 748. 1 37-tf BE TAVERN refreshed: Taverns. Etiepen clear glass guarantees perfect glass washing. 3 month supply, $1.60 gal. Riesen Liquid Hand Lotion Germicide lasts 2 months, $2.50 gal. Thiee. 153 38*.o.w. BILL'S SAW SERVICE HAND - BAND - CIRCULAR MITER BOX - LOG CROSSCUT and Most Miscellaneous Saws MACHINE SHARPENED & REPAIRED PRECISION ICE SKATE SHARPENING FREE PICKUP SERVICE PHONE McHENRY 562-W-2 Across from Chapel Hill SlLL DIEDRICH, -Owner 37-2 © LOCAL TRADEMARKS, Inc. WORRY 16 Llk,£ A ROCKIKJG CHAIR, - IT WILL 61VE SOU SOMETNIM670DQ BUT rr WOWYCSET^DU AWYWHE&E, 9/W.GENERAL INSURANCE! T/5+A AGENCY ££^1 MORTGAGE PROTeCTlON RO. B0X4OI 2IO SOUTH GREEN 1450 <*.1126 McHENRY, ILL. Dead Animal Remdval WHEELOJ© EE2NSD03RING WOKES' " Be Legal* Keep a Clear <W setenee. ^ , Prompt Service, Day *§• Wight Sundays and Holidays No help needed to load. Operating uiider State Inspection made by Dept. ^ Agriculture. Highest cash prifpaid. Phone Wheeling 3, collect. 45-tf HOGS wanted. All cB&ses and weight Mr highest jnet return. Monday through Friday 8 a.m to 1 p.m. Marengo Daily Hog Market, phone JOrdon 8-7291. 50-tf GEO. P. FHEUND. Authroized Dealer for SALES A SERVICE PHONE MeHENRY 420 001 Cryrtal Lake Road 20 TON of Alfalfa, 1st and 2nd cuttings. Also 100 yearling laying hens. Sam Fischer, Ingleside, IB. Phone Kimball 6-2832. *38-2 LETT US give you a free estimate op Joliet Stave Silo, Klinginffc Barn Cleaner, Van Dale Silo Uriloader, Van Dale Bunk Feeder, combination cribs. George Howard, Woodstock 1665-W-l. •SS-S DOWN and CRIPPLED Cattlft wanted, at better cash price*. Orville Krohn, Woodstock. Phone 1651-R-l, collect.. 15-tf R. M. FLEMING & SON NEW IDEA -- PAPEC DEAIJC& TRACT®US SALES A SERVICE A Complete Farm Implement Service. , PHONE McHENRY S3 522 Waukegaa Road % WILSON Bulk Milk Coolers for sale. Disston and Homelite chain saws sold with service by Laurence E. Anderson, Dairyman's Supply Co., McHenry 475. 23-tl McHENRY EQUIPMENT CO. •• SALUS & SERVICE ' GUS FREUND PHONE McHENRY 165 ' 808 W. Elm St. (basemeat) • -

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