Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Jun 1958, p. 9

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lureday.June5. W0 THE Mc PLAINDEAtErf Page Nlni ond Community CROWDS PARADE MEMORIAL DAY f 9ft by Phyllis Carlson »:•(, The Memorial Day parade *his year was quite large, for R e s i d e s t h e v e t e r a n s w h o inarched, the rifle squad, etc., ^there were the Brownie*, the j5<rl Scouts, the Cub Scouts, •the Boy Scouts and their leaders. Rev. Noyce cf the Comjjnunity church gave the address at the village hall. L ^ J T h e p a r a d e s t a r t e d a t t h e fl%h school. We nearly forgot 3$. mention that the band played too, under the direction^of Vogt, the music teacher. ' ' , . - .A sw Engaged WikMr. * and Mrs. George Jone§ ftjf rural Richmtjmd announce ine engagement or their daughter, Sharon, to John Popenhagj? n of rural Richmond. John the son of Mr, and Mrs. 'rgil Popenhagen*. . 4 • Sharon will be a senior in R.B.C.H.S. in the fall. John is in the Air Force and is stationed at Scott Field in Illiijpis. John graduated from the Richmond-Burton high school in 1957. < Sharon is the newly installed president of the F.H.A. (Future Homem&kers of America). 3p must be she is getting in p r a c t i c e i n h o m e m a k i n g f o r John. • Joyce Erb,. David G^rdnpr, Patricia Genis, Darlene Goehring, Peggy Gunderson, Robert Harris, Rose Mary I^ill, Cindy Jackson, Barbara K a 11 n e r , T h o m a s L i n d b l o m , V i o l e t Reekie, - Sandra Schlosser. Keith Steinke, William Swartzloff, Kenneth Townsend, Kay Valentine and Miss Sepanek. Don Johnson is the e.ighth grade teacher. 8th Grade Promotion • On Monday, May 26, the eighth grade promotional exerc i s e s w e r e h e l d a t t h e h i g h school. The seventh dlnd eighth grade chorus sang three numbers under the direction of ^rman Vogt, music teacher. Charles. Eldredge spoke on ^ P a s t - P r e s e n t - F u t u r e , " P e g g y Anderson spoke on "Graduat i o n -- T h e T u r n i n g o f t h e Key," Sandra Schlosser gave t n e c l a s s h i s t o r y a n d Tom t,indbloom the 'class prophecy. 'Mr. Gunderson presented the dijplomas and spoke on some 9£. the problems of the school, how the home and parents in- 9>ence the school. |Th ose who will leave eighth s £ a d e f o r h i g h s c h o o l a r e : John Beato, Rita Davis, Michael Doyle, Charles Eldredge, Prospective Minister Rev. Schmidt from Toledo, Ohjo preached the sermon and conducted the service at the C o m m u n i t y c h u r c h S u n d a y morning. He is a candidate for the church for its pastor will be leaving July 1 for retirement. Rev. and Mrs. Schmidt arrived in Richmond Saturday afternoon and were overnight guests of the Drs. L. and B. Shafer at • Twin Lakes. Saturday evening- an informal get-together was held in the tbasement of the Community church to meet Rev. and Mrs. Schmidt. The Schmidts have three little gjrls, a blonde, a brunette and a redhead, aged 8. 6 and 5. At present Rev> Schmidt has a church in Toledo, Ohio. Punch and cookies w ere served «by some of the ladies of the church Saturday evening. Awards Dinner Monday evening a youth j leadership contest dinner was held in Woodstock. The Lions club gave the dinner and the a w a r d s w e r e b a s e d o n t h e young people's leadership in church, school and civic activities. Each high school in the county Was able to be repre1- sented. Notebooks were presented by the contestants and were the b a s i s o f t h e a w a r d s w h i c h were U.§. savings bonds. 'fhose attending from Richmond were Fred Gunderson, Marilyn Miller, Sue Johonnolt, Sue Harsha and Sharon Rex. • v " Sympathy Our sympathy to the . Fred Gunderson family on the death of Mr. Gunderspn's father. The Gundersons went to Gilmington, Wis., near Eau Claire, for the funeral last week. Retreat Sunday afternoon and evening the senior youth fellowship group is planning a retreat at Camp Alpine under the direction of Pastor Carlson. The group will have Bible study, will consume supper and w i l l h a v e a c a m p f i r e a t t h e camp as they did last year. We trust the weather will be cooperative. Graduations Last week Mr. and Mrs. Don Tilton were guests of JVlr. and Mrs. Wayne Tilton of Wilmot, Wis.. a,t^|he graduation party for their 'daughter, Donna Rae Tilton. Donna Rae is a niece pf the Don Tiltons and is the godmother of little Robbin'Tilton, the youngest v of the Don Tilton family. Mrs. Ethel Bell, and Mr. and Mrs. ClintOi) Bell attended the graduation of'Donald Bell, son Of Mr. and Mrs. George Bell, at St. Mary's high school in Burlington, Wis., last Sunday. Donald, with his parents and brother and sister, were formerly residents of Solon Mills and used to attend RBCHS. Visitors Mrs. Gladys Meyer of Long Beach, Cal., and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cooler of San Marino, Cal., are visiting ii. the home of Mr. and Mrs- Frank Motley. The California visitors have travelled 9,000 miles, not c o u n t i n g t h e i r h o m e w a r d journey. Measles More popular than ever are the red spots. Harry Buchert, the littlest Tiltons, Melanie and Village of Sunnysidf STRAWBERRY* FESTIVAL IH VILLAGE SUNDAY Lillian Niemiec, reporter McHenry 2778 Don't forget the strawberry festival to be held this Sunday,,., June 8 at the beach grounds. It is being given by the social club and everyone is welcome. Strawberries and ice cream will be served and we hope to see many of our villagers attend this outing. Fishing Derby The fishing derby held in bur village on Memorial Day was a great su£ces&. There were quite a minK>»?r of child-' ren present, also their parents. Hot dogs and soda were consumed in a hurry' after the fishing. Those winning prizes for their fish were Jeffery Lehman, for children up to 5 years ot. age; Dorothy Kupstis, for children from 5 to 10 years ' \ • •• and Larry Heitz for those over lo years of age. Bamboo fishing poles were* awarded the prize winders. The children 'of Sunnyside showed a great appreciation to the members of the Social club for having the ^fishing derby. Also to Mr- and Mrs. Joe Benoche and to Mr. and Mrs. Kaspefeki for their many services. Rohhin, Rickie Barber,' threty or four of the Owen Richard? sons, at least some of the Djvi" Rawlins have had them, "pis a remarkably long list year, or at least so it seems.' . IT.LX3.W. Jr' The United Lutherah Church Women of Grace church rriet at the parish house Moi\day;" evening. Mr. Westby, on the staff of Lutheran Home Findling Society, showed slides and spoke of the work of t h'e greater church in foster hoiVie placement for children. Tl\e nearest Lutheran Home Finding Agency is in Chicago. Gordon, Wis. If yqu are missing a few familiar faces in town, just go to Gordon, Wis., and you w i l l m o s t l i k e l y f i n d t h e m there. The Art Schultz family, t h e Ed W a s p i s , t h e H e n r y Cairns went. Babs Buchert, Shiner Klemstein, Andy Haraldsen, Bud Hendrickson and others left for Gordon and perhaps have returned by this time. |llllllllllllllllll!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIfllllllllllllillil(ik VILLA NURSING HOME J | ON PISTAKEE BAY NEAR McHENRY | Home for the Aged SENILE BED PATIENTS | PHONE McHENRY 461 § iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiniHwmil P. T. A. •- On Monday, May 28, St. John's P.T.A. held their last meeting of the school term. They had the installation of their new officers for the following year. Tw6 of our villagers installed into office were Katherine Fredricks as president and 'Lillian Niemiec as secretary. Some of .the school children entertained their parents with'a show, then after t he entertainment refresh? i^ents were served. The Johnsburg school P.T.A. held their last meeting of the .season May 20. Monday eve-, ning ta reception for the graduate^vand .their rents. / Brownie News The Brownies had a Mother and Daughter Tea Wednesday, May 25 at Johnsburg Community center. The girls were awarded their Brownie and yearly pins and entertained their mothers with songs' and a barn dance. Coffee, soda and cakes were served. Birthdays The month of June brings more birthdays around. Birthday greetings are extended to Karen Kasperski who was 10 years old June 1. Also Bobby Rogeribach who had a birthday June 1. Little Jimmy Cios who was 6 June 4 and to A1 Niemiec who has a birthday today, June 5. On May 25 Mary Beth Williams celebrated her third birthday by having some of the neighborhood children in for cake and ice cream. lake I for Mrs. Crowley's nephew, s/c John Wagner who completed his boot training. Mrs. Crowley's father, Josepk Wagner and sister, Ruth Wagner, who is • John Wayne's mother, came in from Louisville, Ky., to attend the graduation exercises. -• On Sunday ' the Crowley's had a barbecue in their back yard for their company. Their daughters and families from Chicago and Oak Park, the Wagners from Kentucky arid Mr. and Mrs. Joe Benoche, daughters, Je^nnie-Jo and Susan, were therk. to partake of the luscious steaks that were barbecued. Everyone had a wonderful time, one that will long be remembered. Resigning Due to certain circumstances and difficulties, I find that I can no logger continue as your pa- Family Affairs The weekend of May 24 was quite a festive and happy one at the home of Mr-, and Mrs. Chester Crowley. On Saturday, May 25 they attended the graduation exercises at Graysvillage reporter. Anyone who is interested and would like to take over the column of Sun? nyside please contact me fop any information. I have enjoybeing your correspondent and only hope that everyone of you enjoyed reading this column. <; Lillian Niemiec McHenry 2778 ATTENDED SEMINAR Walter H. Schlueter, J a k Ana Heights has recently returned from a three-day management development seminar in Highland Park, sponsored by the Reuben H. Donhelley' corporation, publishing and ad- . vert4sing service^ firm, Chicago. / /;• Mr. Schleuter and his wife, Margery, have lived in thi? McHenry area for almost a year. They have three ; children: Mark, 7: Diane, 6; and Virginia, 11 months. SELECT HIS GIFT AT McGEE'S SEE THE NEW HASTY-BAKE GUIDE TO OUTDOOR LUXURY LIVIN' AND EATOT FREE DEMONSTRATION FRIDAY. JUNE 6th , 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. ENJOY OUTDOOR COOKING AT ITS BEST Priced From $29.95 P.S. SOLVE YOUR FATHER'S DAY GIFT PROBLEMS' HERE J Mark 212 8. Green St. ' r | SPORTING GOODS | S MARINE SUPPLIES HOBBY SHOP r i ^ Phone 1000 McHenry, m. M A ;'- * FRIDAY & SATURDAY-JUNE 6th & 7th Musk by THE N0TEABLES • REFRESHMENTS • FUN • DOOR PRIZES • DANCING COME COME HAVE A THIS IS JUST OUR WAY OF EXPRESSING OUR THANKS TO YOU OUR MANY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS FOR HELPING MAKE OUR BUSINESS SUCH A FINE SUCCESS. ^Jlie Wfjdncifyement FUN FOR EVERYONE Johnsburg Bowling Resort JOHNSBURG. ILL. W JOHNSBURG BLACKTOP AT FOX RIVER BRIDGE "WHERE FRIENDLY PEOPLE MEET" FINE PHONE McHENRY 1475 FOOD FINE BOWLING FINE DRINK ON THE mm

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