Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Jun 1958, p. 21

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m %?£: ^ursday, June 5, 1958 ^•v/- PLAINDEALER r.ixn W'£. Fonder Lake "V it CANA OMFBBKE AT *ONDHILAKE Jane Ducey .2751 '.it ' --- \ • Rev. Fr. Alphonsus L. Fitz- Jjibbons of St. Patrick's parish „_ih .Hockford will conduct the ,6ana Conference; at i King parish, begini W&g with the 12 noon Mass ' -Sunday, June 8. '* native iof Visitation parish in Chicago, he was ordained from Mundelein Seminary in f ^ . .1954 and has served as assisj tant at St. Charles, at St. Pat- ; • rick's. Father- Fitzgibbons is the chaplain of the CFM groups ! in his parish in Rockford and also has been giving vocational' talks in the high schools. ' The Cana Day will consist , flf three conferences, a question ™x and a dinner at Mathew's ; - hall in Wonder Lake, extend- ' ing through the day until 5:30 p.m. Members of the parishes in McHenry and surrounding communities as well as non- Catholics are most cordially welcome to attend Cana Day in Wonder Lake. . Christ the King Church News «Two babies were christened May at Christ the King church. Sunday, May 11, Fr. Vanderpool baptized Catherine Ann Hendricks, daughter of John and Catherine Liesch . Hendricks, with Francis Liesch and Mary Hendricks as her ! gpdparents. Martin # Gene Vankanegon . was christened Sunday, May 25, hv Father Vanderpool. rJack F. ltd HaVriet Brenner Vankanegon are his parents and Gene Wagner and Sandra Enright hik godparents. The Altar and Rosary so- • dality is sponsoring a rummage and bake sale at Mathews hall Saturday, June 7, from- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Many good household articles and clothing will be available plus delicious home- ^ide cakes $nd breads. Everyone, is invited to come and anyone who wishes to donate articles may call Wonder Lake 2841, 2872 or 2572 and someone will gladly pick them up. -Where We Are Now". All are welcome to worship at the church "where you are ai stranger only once". The Luther League will meet at 7:30 p.m. and all ypung people are invited. The League will start its latest service project which is to stencil the name of the church on the back of all the chairs. The Altar Guild will meet Wednesday evening, June 11, at 8. The meeting will be held at the parsonage, and all ladies who are interested in this service to the church are welcome to attend, v wound up the season with their annual trip Wednesday, June 4. They left the Center at 8:30 a.m. and went by school bus to Chicago to the Museum of Natural History to spend the day. Thev lunched at the cafeteria in the Museum and took in all the sights in Grant Park. ; Nativity Vacation Church .School The vacation church school will begin Monday, June 9, at itivity with registration irting at 8:30 a.m. Other days the school will begin at 9 and end at 11:30 a.m. The school will be conducted for two weeks concluding with "Parents Night" Friday, June 20, at 7 p.m. All children in the community between the ages of 3 and 12 are welcome to* attend. The theme of the school this year 0 "Knowing Jesus" and this topic will be carried through in every department. There will also be constructive handwork, worship, recreation and refreshments. Perfect attendance and evangelism awards will be presented at the closing^ exercises, Friday evening. Vacation church school is an important wenue of Christian education wcause the time spent in two weeks of this school is equiva* lent to one-half year of Sunday school. Nativity Evangelical Lutheran Church News The Rev. Burton Schroeder wishes to extend a special invitation to those who will be living at the Lake during the 4fenmer months to make Nativity your church away from home, both in church and Sunday school. For his sermon Sunday, June 8, Pastor Schroeder has chosen the topic Obituary Mrs. Elizabeth Munson died Saturday, May 31, at -9:25 p.m. at the Memorial hospital for McHenry County where she had been a patient for two weeks. Her iiusband, Leonard, preceded her in death by three years to the day. Surviving are her daughter, Mrs. Maudie Jacobsen and three grandchildren, Bonnie, Tommy and Jean, all of Des Plaines; a . brother, Archie Turner of Miami, Fla.; and a niece, Miss Anna Schmieger, who made her home with the Munsons. The family oame to Wonder Lake from Chicago 18 years ago, and were summer residents until 5 years ago, when they made their Deep Spring Woods home their permanent residence. Rev. Burton Schroeder officiated at the services which were held Wednesday at the Olson Funeral home in Chicago, with interment at Forest Home cemetery in Forest Park. The deceased was a member of the McHenry Chapter No. 547, Order of Eastern Star, of Nativity Lutheran church, the Memorial hospital auxiliary and the McHenry hospital auxiliary. Harrison School Census All parents of babies born since June 1, 1957, who live in school district 36 are asked to call Harrison school, Wonder Lake 5742, and register your child in the perpetual census the school keeps for the purpose of projecting enrollment in the coming years. Also any new family moving into the district and having pre-school age children is asked to notify the school. Mrs. Gladys Gustayson, school secretary, will be on duty Monday through Friday, until 1 p.m. all summer, to receive this information. New Cubmaster James Lennon will take over the duties of Cubmaster, in the coming year for the wonder Lake Cub Scouts. The Lennons, who live in Deep Spring Woods have five boys of their own and have been living at the Lake a little over a year. Lois Haak. wife of retiring Cubmaster Wilbur, is looking for four Den mothers to complete the units for next year. These mother-less Dens are located in Wonder Center, Shore Hills, Wooded Shores and Deep Spring Woods. Any mother interested in this good work can contact Lois at Winder Lake 5512. Faifiire^to find Den mothers would, of course, cause these four dens to be disbanded. / School Board At the last meeting of the board of Education the bids on the acoustical treatment of the ceiling in the lunchroom were read and the matter was tabled for further study. The summer clean-up of the school and busses was outlined including service of the heating equipment. The board approved the purchase of the necessary furniture for the additional classroom for next fall. There was considerable discussion on bike safety, several members of the board having observed our youngsters following unsafe practices in the use of their bikes on the roads. Annual Brownie Trip The Brownies at the Lake EDDIE At EDUCATOR SCHOOLS Oood taackm look bode on Hi* school yoar and oik, "What could I have don# totter for my pvpllit" Parent* and ether cltiion* might W*ll df Hm tarn* Jllinoii Education Auoctation Wives regard husbands as some kind of perpetual^ motion that takes care of everything. i Be sure to read the Plaindealer Want Ads each week. SAVE MONEY! AVOID WASTE! READY-MIX CONCRETE RADIO DISPATCHED McHenry Ready Mix Co., Inc. 606 Front St. PHONE 920 McHenry. Illinois' You're Invited to "hardtop headquarfrt1 You're Always Woleome «t Your |.oeal Aidhor^od This Is solos action monih . . . a high' point of the hardtop selling, season. That's why it's the best time'to choose your {ie^r Qlds Holiday . . , the most-wantod hjardtop nationally in the medium prico class! QUALITY DEALER'S. .1- R. X OVERTON MOTOR SALES 403 Front St.- 1 Phone 6 _ .McHenry, HI. % NOCT M*T tillio TO A NIW 0LDSMO*IU H A LOW-MtUAOl BOCOT TKAOI-INI Johnsburg SEASON CLOSES P.U GROUP by Betty Hettefmann The fiscal meeting of this school term P.T.A. meetings took place in the community club'5 h&ll on Monday. evening. May 26. some seventy-five persons, which included the Sisters, Mrs. Clinton, the officers and parents, attended this final meeting of the term. President Elsid^ Fuchs presided a v e r t h e m e e t i n g a t w h i c h t i m e v a r i o u s s u b j e c t s , b o t h current and future, were discussed and voted upon. After the discussion, MrS; Fuchs" introduced next year's slate of officers and turned the gavel over to, next year's president, Mrs. Catherine Fredericks. : After «the meeting was brought to a close, various grades from St. John's school d i s p l a y e d t h e i r m u s i c a l a n d acting talents. The girl scouts from our school, which are sponsored by the P.T.A. also demonstrated their acting ability. The Sisters, Mrs. Clinton and the girl scout leaders are t o b e c o n g r a t u l a t e d on t h e performance of their pupils. M r s . F r e d e r i c k s b r o u g h t t h e meeting to a close at which time Mrs. Streich offered the closing prayer. Cookies, pop and coffee were served, by the committee in charge following this meeting. Fun Time Coming Up A wiener roast and outdoor recreation is being planned for the juvenile girl Foresters of St. Agatha's court. This event will take place on June 9| between the hours of 6:30 and 3:30 p.m. at the community club grounds. All girl juvc niles from St. Agatha's court are cordially invited to attend ncluding those who have completed first grade this year. Each girl who plans on«attendng on June 9, is asked to >ring her own wieners, buns ind marshmallows plus 10c for,, pop. Plans are also being made f1-- Business & Service Directory of Wonder Lake. m CRISTY and STENDEBACH General Contractors NEW HOMES Phone Wonder Lake 5432 "Home Was Not Built In A|0ay" • (Author's N ame Below) Every sickness cannot be cured overnight. Successful treatment of any disease first requires t h a t i t b e a c c u r a t e l y diagnosed. Onjy. a physician has the ' knowledge to find out the real cause and prescribe! the proper medication. Have faith in y o u r physician. Give Him the necessary time to help you. Follow his instructions and take the medic i n e h e p. r t e s c r i b e s exactly as he „directs. It may take mbre than a day to effect a cure, but o f t e n n o t t o o m u c h longer. YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE McHENRY 26 ' WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE . Pick up your prescription if shopping near us, or let us.deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many pedgle entrust us with the -responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May we compound yours? NPDRMOS H AfUMcy" PHONE 26 N,- Riverside Dr. •McHenryf 111. PRESCRIPTION for a picnic sometime in July at Rox Park near Antioch. This day will cpnSist of a picnic, games and races. Swimming will be allowed to those girls having written permission from their parents. Preschool girls are, to be accompanied by a parent or other adult chaperone. Permission slips will be available at the June Wiener roast from Catherine Dehn, 2255-J, jr Laura Schmitt at 1243. Enrollment of New Members Coming up on June 11, the Blessed Virgin Sodality will enr o l l a n y r t e w m e m b e r who wishes to join the sodality. New members will be,, taken up at the regular meeting on this date in St. John's school hall. This enrollment will includeNHhe eighth grade girls and afly^new ladies. If you would like to become fetter acquainted in our community, one of the best ways is to join some of the active organizations. The Blessed Virgin Sodality proves to be most active throughout the year. If ydu care for more information on the sodality please feel free to call Mrs. Anita Freund at 1244. Meeting time is 8 p.m. on June 11. Tigers Continue To Win The JohnsbUrg Tigers won by quite a margin on Memorial Day when they faced Mandy's on their diamond. Sunday found the boys enjoying a day of rest due to the terrific much needed rainfall.' N e x t Sunday, June 8, the boys travel the road to Crystal Lake to try for another win. Why not follow them and lend some much deserved moral support? Florida Visitors Mrs. Jack Keenan, Tom and Betty Lou arrived here last Thursday evening from Pompano Beach,, Fla. The Keenans are residing temporarily with Mrs. Helert" Hettermann until they can assume occupancy of a home in McHenry later this week. Jack was most happy to have his family up here after spending almost a month "baching it." The Keenans will have much to discuss as Betty Lou is preparing for her forthcoming fall wedding to Donald Dowe of McHenry. Around The Town Bill and Dolly Schmitt of E l m w o o d P a r k e n j o y e d t h e long holiday weekend at the home of his parents, the John Schmitts. COMPLETE • OFFICE SUPPLIES • OFFICE FURNITURE ~>$(hert d(rau6e &S. S08 EL Elm St% PHONE 878-J on McHenry, 111. Mr., and Mrs. Henry Martinec and daughters of (jhicago and Dan and Dot Thurwell of McHenry relished an outdoor feast 6n the lawn of the Bill Martinec home over the holiday weekend. The Rudy Lassers also entertained guests over the long weekend. ^lesdames Eleanore Mang o l d , S h i r l e y T a n s e y , G l o r i a J o r g e n s e n , M i g J o y c e a n d E t h e l H e i m a t t e n d e d t h d "crazy hat" luncheon at the McHenry country club last W e d n e s d a y a f t e r n o o n . M r s . B u n n y T h e l e n o f P i s t a k e e Highlands was awarded a prize for the "most original" hat. Harold May was feted with a dinner in his honor last Sunday at the Richard Dehn home. Harold was among the twenty^ nine who graduated from St. John's at the 8:30 Mass. Present for dinner were: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bugner and daughter, Virginia, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffbauer all of Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hoff* man and Miss Adeline Minks; of Wilmelte; Mr. and Mrs. Art; Kattner and son, Bill, of' Spring Grove; MrS. Catherine: Freund, Mr. and |frs. Bill Mayr: and sons, Richardtabd Harold, and the Richard Dehn family. Sherry Oeffling celebrated her eleventh birthday by being taken out for dinner last Sunday. Making up the party were her father, Lloyd, big brother/ Terry, paternal grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Pete Oeffling and her aunt, Kathleen' Oefff ling. Mr. and Mrsf J^e Smith visited her son ahm family in Janesville, Wis., over,. Memorial D a y . \ . - V •I S\ Illinois has 131,000 timber* land owners. SHOP AT HOME Let Us Take Down Your Old Storm Windows & Install... Alum. 3 Track Self Storing DeLUXE WINDOW Anodized--satin $19.95 Installed Full 1 Inch DeLUXE VVeatherstripped DOOR Anodized--Satin $47.95 Installed GUARANTEED MATERIAL and CONSTRUCTION * ELllot 6-2581 FOREST SALES F.H.A. TERMS McHENRY 1797 ELllot 64B20 •Quotation by Cervantes (1547-1616) Wtlb-UL TDe&jucir The "walk-in" feature avoids the need of "stepping over" the seat support bracket. Cannot tip over. The ski-type legs permit easy moving when cutting the lawn. Build it yourself -- we'll cut the lumber for 'you, or -- we'll build the table complete. y Easily disassembled for storage. ITS, EfcSt BrrsiMEXPtlKWt MAKE YOUR OWN WITH TMESt MMINUMIMCXm You Save Up To 60* Keep Cool and have good ventilation STORM WINDOWS AND DOORS M«CI i Be Open s 'til 9 p.m. This may be a more convenient time for you to see our many displays of materials for the home. Bring your family and browse around. Trained personnel are available at all times to help you develop your Ideas and offer suggestions. Our lumber sheds will not be open Friday evenings. Orders' may be placed for Saturday morning deUvery. Jfcl&XA N JP E R OUR VIEW LOCATION IS IAIY TO OUR COMPETENT STAFF IS EQUIPPED TO ASSIST YOU WITH ANY BUILDING PROBLEM ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING LUMBER CO. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" On Highway 31 -- South of Main Street -- McHenry, Illinois PH0MS14H "ALWAYS FIBST ... SERVICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS"

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