^Thursday, June 5, 1958i tlcHenry Plaindealer / Phone 170 -171 Published every Thursday at THenry, 111., Dy tiie McHenry feffibbllii shihg Ccttiipany, Inc. ONAL EDITORIAL •a W. BURFEINDT, Gen'l. Mgr. ADELE FROEHLICH, Editor r SUBSCRIPTION RATE In McHenry County Yea* $3.50 6 Months $2.00 ; 3 Months .......... $1.25 Outside McHenry County 1 Year; $4.00 6 Months $2.25 13 Months $1.50 Entered as second-class mat- tlfc at the post office at Mc- Illinois, under the act O&May 8, 1879. PERSONALS' 5„Lr s. Myrtle Jencks and daughter, Mrs. E. Maltby, sons John and Edward^ of Elgin Were visitors in the home of tes. Lawrence Huck, Sr., Wednesday. £fohn Schreiner of Elgin Spent the weekend with MciHenry relatives. or • \ Mrs. Paul Yanda is spending a ,few weeks with relatives in Wmnebago, Minn. 'Atty. and Mrs. J. Albert Woll of Washington, D.C., visited relatives here the past lueek. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alex- {j#Jer accompanied by Mrs. Gladys Meyer of Long Beach, C^lif., and Mrs. Clarence Baron of Hebron, visited in the Robert Thompson home Thursday evening. Mrs. Mayme Miller spent the past week in the home of her cousin, Mrs. Emily Wolff, jin Chicago. Mrs. Carrie Covalt, who has t^n spending several months \wh her daughter, Mrs. Norman Blomgren in Albany, Ga., and at Delray Beach, Fla., has returned to McHenry and is making her home in one* of the Tohyan apartments at 104 jy. Front street. Jake Buss of Chicago visited McHenry friends Memorial Day. ----Mr--and-Mrs Harry-- Law-- SHice of Chicago, spent the Wekend with McHenry relatives. • v Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grantnam of Chicago were visitors in the Robert Thompson home Wednesday. , Mrs. Charles Heimer and -Mrs. Clarence Craig of Chicago, were visitors in the A. P:4 Moritz home Wednesday, fher recent guests were Mrs. iry Sieger and son, Carl, of Kenosha, Wis. "^Wrs. John J. Scheid returned tp her home in Woodstock Sunday after spending a few 4av$ in the home of Miss Rena ftheid. ©Jlrs. A. D. Ferris of Hunt- Hjjf; was a Decoration Day e|g|st in the Elmer Winkleman fr. and Mrfe. William Sutton son and Mrs. Laura Minteer, of Maywood, visited relatives here Decoration Day. Frank Johnson has returned to Pineville, W. Va., after spending a few days with his rents, Mr. and Mrs. George _Johnson. Irs,' George Steilen of Chi- "spent a fqw, days in the ie of her sister, Mrs. F. J. ;r. Mrs. Edward Yockey and mother, Mrs. Ceil Chamberlin of M i l w a u k e e , W i s . , w e r e guests in the A. P. Moritz home Friday. Mrs. Chamberlin remained for a longer visit with her nieces, Mrs. Moritz and Miss Clara Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber and Miss Patricia Walsh motored to Dubuque, Iowa, Saturday. Miss Ann Loretta Weber, a student at Clarke college, returned home with them to spend the summer vacation. Miss Helen Frett and Mrs. Marie Debrecht of Chicago, were McHenry visitors over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Winkelman were guests in the Robert Goll home in Harvard Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Alfons Adams and daughters attended a gathering at the William Walsh home in Fox Lake Sunday honoring his sister, Miss Pamela Walsh, who graduated from the eighth grade at Fox Lake school that day. ' Misses Mary and Margaret Ekstrom of Crystal Lake visited their sister, Mrs. Olga Nordin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gustafson, daughter Karen and Mrs. David Gustafson of Chicago, visited Mrs. Edith Hayes Sunday. Mrs. Carl Johnson of Boston, Mass., who spent the past several months in the home of her sister, Mrs. Betty Nielsen, is now occupying a new home in Country Club subdivision. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Powers and son, Scott, of Pekin, 111., were weekend guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Powers on Center street. Leo Conway bf Chicago a Sunday visitor in the Robe: J. Conway home. The Allan Brenner family of Chicago, visited McHenry relatives Sunday. Miss Delia Beckwith was a Sunday visitor in "the home of Mrs. Wynne. Jolitz, in Elgin where they celebrated their birthdays which occur a few days apart. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Conway spent a few days this week in Springfield where he attended a convention. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl were visitors in the William Riggs home in Silver Lake Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blake spent the weekend at Chetak. Center 3, wks Robert fathers P«i| GRANDPA'S, TOO t SELECT ; HIS GIFT AT k MeGEE'S Wis., where they attended the marriage of Miss Cheryl May. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank May to Fred Harasha which took place on Saturday. Among the other folks who attended were Mrs. Eleanor Manning and sons, of Oak Park, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rosing of Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Frederickson and family and Walter Warner of Elgin, called on McHenry relatives Sunday. Mrs. John Husch and daughter, Leona. were Chicago visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Schmitt, Mr. and Mrs. Art Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Young, Mrs. George Young and Miss Rosina Young accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Louis Young of Waukegan, attended commencement exercises at St. Edward's high school in Elgin Sunday evening. Their niece, Miss Kathleen Youn& daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Young and nephew. LeRoy Reinert, son» of the Arnold Reinerts, were members of the class. Later they attended a gathering held in their honor at the Reinert <home. Miss Genevieve Knox entertained a group of relatives at dinner Sunday, honoring her guests, a nephew, Clare Whi^ ing of Washington, D.C., and his friend from New York. Those present were Clarence Whiting, Dr. Delbert Whiting and family, the Lloyd Whiting family of Elgin, Mrs. Kathryn Conway and Melvin Whiting of McHenry. ,c Mrs. Kathryn Conway, Mr. and Mrs. James Doherty, son James, M»ss Mary Elizabeth MUler Gary Meehan, the Gerald Winters family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibbs and the Walter Miller family attended a party at the Daniel O'Shea home in Grayslake, Sunday evening, complimenting their daughter, Sheila, who graduated from the eighth grade at St. Gilbert's school that day. Kathrvn Schmitt of Chicago, spent the weekend with McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Glosson, Carol and Patsy and Mr. and Mrs. William Staines were dinner guests in the Lee Whiting home in Woodstock Sunday honoring their daughter, Sharon, whose graduation from eighth grade at St. Mary's school took place that day. Mrs. David Powers and the Sibre Whiting family were among the guests at a gathering at the Leonard Burge home in Grayslake Sunday complimenting their daughter. Barbara, a member of the eighth grade graduating class at St. Gilbert's school on that day. Mrs. Martina Anderson and Pat Douglas spent the weekend at Moorhead, Minn. Sunday guests in the Howard Lockwood home were Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Lockwood and son of Lake Geneva and Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Davis and baby of Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lomax of East Chicago, Ind., were weekend guests in the Leslie Logue home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rolfs of Kenosha, Wis., visited McHenry relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Yegge and son, Jack," were guests at a dinner party in the Richard Sullivan home in Woodstock, Sunday; hongring Patricia -Sullivan. who-graduated from the eighth grade at St. Mary's school. Collect $9,000 For Cancer More than $9*000 has been collected in the 1*958 McHenry County Cancer Fund drive fo»- an all-time high in collections in the countv. Thp oMito fw this year is $10,000, the highest ever set for the county. Final figures Will be ready .soon but at least four townships have not yet completed their drives. Mrs. Frank Howard, Jr., of Bull Valley, this year's finance chairman, says that the village of Cary finished its drive first with $495; Fox River Grove had $382; Huntley had $2j30- Hartland, $132: Richmond, 464' A l g o n o u i n . ! W 0 ; a n d C . o r a ' Township, $325... Mrs. Howard.says that busi ness houses of the bounty citier were not solicited this year except by letter and that response has been very poor. Shr says that 400 letters were senl out and only forty answer.r have been received. At Wonder Lake Mrs. Roy- Sullivan and Mrs. Harry Hansen were co-chairmen for the drive. At Lakeland Park, Mrs Elbert Kujak served. In Lilymoor, Mrs. Fred Carmel, M"s Victor Bassi and Mrs. H. R. Fantus worked on the campaign. DISTRICT OFFICERS Claude F. McDermott of Lakemoor has been reappointed as trustee of the McHenry Township Fire Protection district for a period of three years. At the annual meeting attended' by G u s Freund. Claude F. McDermott and George Schmitt, Mr. Freund was re-elected president and Mr. McDermott was re-elected as secretary-treasurer. <• Minor Fire Damage Reported In Area Firemen were called to Meadow Lane and Prairie avenue in Lakeland Park Monday when a flooded oil floor furnace threatened the j home. Only minor damage was reported. I On Memorial Day, a grass tire was extinguished in the property behind Clark's* Chevrolet. LORA HUGHES MARRIES Friends and relatives have received word of the marriage of Mrs. Lora Hughes to John William Sprouse of Pasco, Wash., on May 26. The wedding took place at Walla Walla, Wash. U.S. SAVINGS BONDS aillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliaillllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll^ I PEPPING & SON I CEMENT CONTRACTORS 1 = • .2 I Phone 409 | COMPLETE LINE OF CEMENT WORK ( iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiititiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Really FRESH... &aimkcMmu CANDIES /f FROZEN FRESH the day they're made I NOW AT BOLGER'S DRUG STORE McHENRY PHONE 40 TODAY'S KITCHEN LINCOLN SCRAPBOOK Gov. William G. Stratton Was presented with a facsimile Copies of the scrapbook wereV also presented to the chaifrnaii , and vice-chairman of the Lin-. wa=, prcse.ueu wiin a racsimiie coln sesquicentennial commit of Lincoln s scrapbook of the si Gf which Gov.-Stratton is Lincoln-Douglas debates, which has been published under the title "The Illinois Political Campaign of 1858" by the Library of Congress to commemorate the debates' centennial. the only public bfficial to be!, named by the president as a. member. READ THE WANT ADS Warwick Studio Photo This beautiful, modern kitchen is included in the new addition to the McHenry high schooL It is equipped with/ the most modern conveniences for the young ladies who will become homemakers of tomorrow in this area. IX MEMORIAM In loving memory of our J e a r husband, father &nd grandfather, George King, who passed away thirteen years ago, Juen 9. Many a lonely heartache, Often a silent tear, But always a beautiful memory Of one we loved so dear. Loving Wife, Children aid Grandchildren Much wisdom often goes with fewest words. RUPTURE-EASER Ml. B«|. V.8. Pu. Ott. (A Plow Brie* Tnuit Right or Doubk"-$f*1 & 5495 nnln» Required form-fittto^ JASHABIE _SU(H •t. No MUSI i^lor^^uclble lneuIniU hernia. Back imf adjustable. Snaps up in front, instable let strap. Boft, flat groin P*Q No steel or feather bards. For MB, wamen, children. Mall orders five Measara a round lowest part of abd/ •en. state rlsbt. left side, double. BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Phone 40 McHnnrv OPEN FOR BUSINESS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT CHAPEL HILL COUNTRY CLUB . GOLF COURSE . RATHSKELLAR Cocktail Hour 4 P.M. Come Out and Try Us -- We Think You'll Like Us 1 Mile North of McHenry Outdoor Theatre On The East Johnsburg Blacktop graduation \nner Special DELICIOUS TEMPTING RATH CANNED HAMS ONLY 8 LBS. USE OUR FREE CUSTOMER PARKING AREA YOUR NEW SUPER PERTIFIED FOOD STORE Cor. Green & Elm Sts. Phone 80 McHenry. I1L WHITE ELEPHANT SALE! 2nd ANNUAL EVENT SPONSORED BY KIWANIS SATURDAY JUNE 7th I p.m. COME ONE-COME ALL SUPPORT THIS FINE CAUSE SPECIAL ATTRACTION TAKE YOUR TROUBLES OUT ON AN OLD JALOPY 3 SWATS WITH SLEDGE 25* ROUTE 31 SOUTH OF McHENRY ACROSS FROM GUETTLER'S PROCEEDS TO BE DONATED EQUALLY TO McHENRY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL McHENRY HOSPITAL