i-> , ^ v ^^ T" ti* ^ " * - '" w T> fM o 'j>° ^ ; * i- V- *; *i; THEMcHEfI*YPLAH»t«jaER /C " V ^ ^ j r\p f t \)7A j ^ J ^ ^ w -r^^Sy^Y 3]"^^ ^>.*c ~ ' 1 X* ft ^ ~ v "*). r ' :/;\\'4'->.^'}t.* 5^" -fv, *"V*?- :]••';•• -' •«?*/:•• ?••? ' ' "; ' "" ' " - ": i L' ' " Thursday." June 19, •"--^ Village ofSunnysldi OF ACTIVITIES t < < by Irma Giifitfier, , ,<.Hf:^' McHenry 15774 .;...•§ '"Z£««•& 'I-?1';'..! ! . • • V? The following report was given to me by Leah Fritz.for j|iiH'rs3tion- in our column: | Chief Heitz and Harvey .' Murray represented our village at the Harvard Milk Day Parade. Police department appoint- '. ttients are as follows: Peter Heitz, police chief; Gerald Ripley, lieutenant; Patrolmen, Robert Sanborn, William Garrity, . George Seibert; police matron, Mary Jane Heitz. . There are some day men to be added, to the police department but as yet this is still in the making. • them for: this Service. Leah Fritz v I Birthday????? Surprise < We, all know how hard Gene Benoche works, well she got the afternoon of June 9 off to go to Wonder Lake for ltsrich only if turned out to be a surprise birthday party for her given by former friends end neighbors. This is one gal who deserved a party and it will be one she won't forget for some time. use the money Which the people ^of the village and from Sunnyside Estates gave" to heri She will need a lot of care ahd a. lot of ..expenses wtyl4 be occurring from now. until she gets a lot older, so I'm sur<j the money will come in handy. Girl Scouts The Girl Scouts visited Haw. the n>- Melody farm ma '.i-ufi gi-»3 •Irorii the vii? «•?: *.v e r'»: among then. They were N<<ncy Monte, Pam O b s t f e l d e r and Jeannie Jo Benoche. A very wonderful time was had by all, only the visit was too short. *" A Little Bit of Everything This news was given to me after I had my column typed up but it is news and should be printed along with the rest. Many happy returns of the day Were received by Mrs. Bogel of Sunnyside Inn on heir birthday Thursday and may we add ours. On Saturday, June 14, at the American Legion hall in McHenry the Cub Scouts had an Indian ceremony arid some of our boys played a part in that wonderful organization. Roads • Saturday, June 14, i meeting is scheduled between Mr. Murray, trustee and Mr. Toms a , t r u s t e e , r e p r e s e n t i n g the board of the village, and the municipal engineers, to discuss and survey our roads. Resignation . Armin Von Obstfelder, who has been--«L_ trustee sinqe we incorporated in 1956, has found it necessary to tender his resignation. We would like to thank him for his help in the administration of his duties for the village. There will be a new trustee fippoirteH to fill this vacancy at the next board meeting which will be on July 7, at Sunnyside Inn. Appointihents Alfred W. Fritz has been reappointed to the post of city collector. Mrs. Irene Garrity has been re-appointed as treasurer. George Colomer has been reappointed to the office of health officer. The following men have been appointed to the office of the zoning bodrd of appeals: Mr. Bogal, Mr. Sanborn, Mr. Backinson, Mr. Prell and Mr. Benoche. Weeds We are in the process of sending letters to the people owning lots in the village to the effect that the;- will have to cut down the weeds and grass before June 30, or the village will do the job and bill , Old and New Neighbors We are losing our old neighbors, the Mann family, who are moving to McHenry, and they will i>e missed by many of us. We say good-by to the Manns and turn to say hello to Mr. and Mrs. Ft. B. Wornack and family who are moving in. They have four children, Jeannie, Gwyn, Donald and Darnell. Welcome and may you all be happy here. The La Marr Williams' family had visitors over the weekend from Chicago, and these families are known to our villagers, Mr. and Mrs. James Smith and the Bud Gierke family who came for our Strawberry Festival. . . LJ.U. In case you are wondering what the letters stand for, I will tell you. Some of our young ladies have started a club for social meetings so they may have something to kc.-p them busy wl lie on vacation. All young .tdies from fourth ihrough eighth grade may '•oin. Their president is Mary Frisby; Bonnie Thelen is treasurer, Jeannie Jo Benoche is s e c r e t a r y and Pam Obstfelder .is social director. Oh yes, the initials stand for "Live It Up." Good luck. Vocation Week Charles Kupstis will be delivering the paper this week for his brother Fred who will be spending the week up in St. N a z i a n z , Wis. They c a l l the week "Vocation Week," and it is for boys who want to become prie&ts, so maybe next year when he graduates from eighth grade he will be returning there to continue his studies. These boys, I am happy to say, are my sons. 3)aa^fiterA 9?etu& Recuperating Little Linda Maleski is coming along fine and sure could A CHAT WITH OS Begular check-ups and maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs to you! Call us today and find out for yourself. Brake Service All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling BUTCH'S 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE 516 Front St. McHenry, 111. Phone 811 -- Residence 91-R The girls of the McHenry bethel are really getting busy. Wednesday evening many of the girls travelled to the Lake Zurich bethel for the installation of their new officers. Our past queen, Pat Bates, was an installing officer for this event, event. •Saturday afternoon we served at the dinner for the new White Shrine. Later that night we attended Elgin's installation, at which our present queen, Kay Bucher, was an installing officer. A date has been set for our ice cream social. It will be held on June 27 at 7:30 pm. at the Masonic hall in McHenry. Tickets will be available at the door or may be obtained from any member. Everyone is welcoipe. SHOP IN McHENRY [ft FM MPl WMBl *4 "EWEffli 5S MO» imm J* sMsarrur BOLGER'S PHONE 40 your Where it's SURE TO BE SEEN your best prospects! To make your advertising SELL, you must get it before the people who are interested in BUYING. This greatly simplifies your problem. Because ... it is a well known fact that when folks hereabouts are in the mood to buy, they turn to the advertising columns of this paper to see what's for sale. Youfc ad here is SURE TO; BE SEEN by the greatest concentration ofpeojple who'mean business . . . for yoii! '•\W « , 1 f" Vi . . Xl Millions Afrta MP's ARE THE SAVINGS 46-oz. tins Light Meet Orange Drink 2 Sultana Tuna Flakes Fanning* Pickles Fluffe Shortening V.g.t.bk 3' Aunt Nellie's Potato Salad tT 19' ORANGE CHIFFON I A*P offers "greater-than-ever" value by removing the tails en all r I Porterhouse, T-Bone or Club Steaks and the Wedge bones on all Sir-. . I loin Steaks.! You pay only for tender, well-trimmed steaks that siz# I lie with goodness. Br**d & Butt*/ Styl* 6-o*. 41n 15-ox. i«f lb. tin It-OL 19 19* iM Wedge- Bone Removed Super-Right Quality lb. 89 lb. T*Bone or Club Tail Removed 98 BA Jane Parker • 5?* Oven Fresh Plump, Meaty, Fresh Ciri-Up Boneless Beef Round Flavor-Klst Saltines Nutley Margarine Coldtn, Sugar pkg. * or Cinnamon - ,-r >2 Fancy,' V/itcom^n/ lb. Tliin lb. Crisp pkg. Colored and Quartered 25- 1 4S" I' Allgood Brand, Hickory Smoked ; Sliced Bacon III I Yukon Club Kola, 24-ox. Root Beer, btl. Ginger Ale 10 * Fried Chicken ,,"q F™.s""'1 X' 98e Skhleu Franks ^ 3 & J Sliced Beef 55* Canned Ham T.„N f" 3 % *3°>i Red, Ripe, Delicious 22-Lb. Average Beverages 2-39 t Dtpoii Irotkt fork & (tat t» (Plus Dapollt) '/2^-l. btls. (Plus Deposit) I Fancy, Hand-Selected Ripe Tomatoes Georgia 3 2 re* •Ize Am ForAutotnatle % Washers , Mild Pink Gentle to Hands, 32* 83* M et AAe pk| 09 bath the Lifebuoy Bar Soap Lifebuoy Bath Soap • in It e Fluffy All" Detergeit 3 i 73* Wit41 Family IdeitMt 2 X S7* 2 &67* it-ex. nnc tii 09 ^r.Auto. Washers pki* 39 3 m 90 III 21 Peaches Especially Made 2B-VZ. ||C|(| Handy i- Argo Glese Starch Perfect Starching 16-oz. pkg. I5e Vel Beauty Bar No Bathtub Ring 2 = 29* MarVeloui for Miracle Fabrics l5-oi. pkg. 33e Vel Liquid Detergent-- Pink, Mild 12 oz. tin 14-01* tube Mire Active ttirt Remover Vegetable Heinz Tarragon Vinegar I0> OZ. Strained Variety For ll-iXi Barbeques Ml. 1 Many 1 Uses btl. 1 Economical Vi f «!• I She Ml. Wesson Salad Oil THI GREAT ATLANTIC ft PACIFIC TEA COMPANY No Rinsing No Wiping ,-ii. Containing Clorinal . 2 IMz. Pk|< U'M. DM * All Prices Effective Through June 21st. . -• - -