Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jun 1958, p. 5

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;:a McHenry Plaindealer jl Phone 170 -171 ^Published; eVery Thursday at jHenry, 111., by the M.cHenry ,Wishing Company, Inc. 4ATIONAL E D I T O R I A l Ia#c5t8n W* BURFEINDT, Gen'l. Mgr. ADELE FROEHLICH, Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATE In McHenry Couiity 0. Year $3 50 r- 6 Months $2.00 3 Months . ..... $1.25 Outside McHenry County 1 Year I. S4.00 6 Months ...... $2.25 3 Months $1.50 Entered as second-class matter at the post office, at McHenry, Illinois, under the act Of May 8. 1879. OiRITAL ijotiu McHenry Hospital - Patients at McHenry hospital this past week include Delores Rogers, of Sunnyside Estttfes; Mary Lou Thennes, Jean- •w Boger, • Walter Harbecke, Roslyn Griesbach, Larry Lee JSmith, Frank Hoffman, Joyce Mangold, Joseph Holly, Robert DeVore, Jeri Jelinek and Dayid Pawlikowski of McHenry; Laurence Stanley of Fox Lake; Lillian McCarthy and Edna Thorp of McCullom Lake; Frank Burger of Lakemoor; Patricia Johnson of Edgebrook IWghts;^ Lydia Bowman of Lakeland Park; Carlton Parmer of Wonder Lake; Ford Jackson of Woodstock; Vera Sutton and Lorraine Dengler of Wauconda and Bruce Toussaint of Hunterville Park. .» i . Memorial Hospital ^ Patients admitted to Memorial Hospital for McHenry County in Woodstock this past v^?k included Timothy Lively aTO Emma Ortlieb of Ringwood; Mrs. Jack Thies and Robert Kolenkark of McHenry; Joseph Dvorak, Mary and •James Murphy^ of JVonder % It PAYS TO PLAN ANNUAL CHURCH PICNIC Vtf AT HANS HOME B Because the annual church picnic is planned next Sunday, June 29, worshippers attending the 11 O'clock service at the Community Methodist church may feel free to wear sports clothes. Following the service, members and friends, are invited to gather on the Harry Hans grounds for the picnic.^ Those attending are requested to bring food for their families' noon meal and a dish to pass. Ice cream, coffee and soft drinks will be provided. An afternoon of fun is planned, with games, races and relays -for children and adults. Games of volleyball, baseball, horseshoes and badminton will also be enjoyed. SUSAN ENSMINGER RIDES WINNERS AT MANY HORSE SHOWS • rSusan Ensminger, Wonder Lake miss, has begun her year of horse showing with a bang:. With only four shows entered so far. Susan nas accumulated a total of 4 trophies and 13 ribbons on her two horses "Limestone Lou" and "Wild Irish Rose". Iler most recent show was at the South Shore Country Club where she claimed all top honors and won out over 21 other entries with "Limestone Lou", receiving 3 trophies and 4 ribbons. Previous shows were at Bloomington, 111., Milwaukee, Wis., Cincinnati. Ohio. The next shows scheduled will be in Rockford, 111., at the Medina Horse Show Stables and Lexington, Ky. WED 47 YEARS Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Steffes recently observed the occasion of their forty-seventh wedding anniversary at a gathering held at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Richard Hester, in Edgebrook Heights. About forty relatives and friends attended. CARD OF THANKS The village of Sunnyside would like to thank Ormsby Motors of Crystal Lake for the use of the 1958 Pontiac so we TOuld participate in the Milk, Day parade in Harvard, 111. Thanks, Bud Ormsby. 8 Leah Fritz Sunnyside, Rt. 5, McHenry instant; lofflSee wfi". an hour.. r • • gwb- ' &Nam? PARADE APPLICATION BLANK City Phone Classification (See Category Classification Below) Business Children Family Group Music Organization Subdivision !• i • i Mail This Fiesta Day Parade Application Blank To: PARADE COMMITTEE o/o The McHenry BOATS-BOATS-BOATS •COME IN AND LOOK OVER THE LATEST IN INBOARD AND OUTBOARD BOATS AND MOTORS EVINRUDE - §f . V-4, 50 horsepower, super quiet outboard motors. iSTREBLOW - The fabulous riding all mahogany double planked outboard hulls and inboards. Up to 220 h.p. BARBOUR HULLS- 1 16 to 22 ft. planked lapstrake design, the biggest, roomiest outboards on the mar- ^ ket. Safe and comfortable. CHRIS CRAFT SEA SKIFFLapstrake inboard hulls from 18 to 26 . ft. Soft riding, safe, comfortable by the largest boat manufacturer in the country. USED BOATS - • Many sizes and styles. All priced right. NORTH BRIDGE MARINE SERVICE COMPANY %EA3T SIDE OF RIVER - NEXT TO iHE OLD BRIDGE Phone 3360 ; McHenry, I1L INSTALL NEW C.D. of A. COURT OFFICERS IN CITY Initiation of new members and installation of new officers of Court Joyce Kilmer, No. 573, Catholic Daughters of America, were held Thursday, June 19, at St. Mary's school hall. The new , members initiated were Mrs. Francis Schmitt, Mrs. Mae Haexter, Mrs. Mary Hiller, Mrs., Leoda Freund, Mrs. Anna Miller and Mrs. Frances Widhalm. New officers installed to serve for the ensuing year were Mrs. Madeleine Mayfield, grand regent; Mrs. Barbara Leight, vice-grand regent; Mrs. Jean Driscoll, prophetess; Mrs. Helen Thompson, lecturer; Mrs. Helen Smith, historian; Miss Rita Martin, financial secretary; Mrs. Helen Nuber. itreasurer; Miss Van Diedrich, monitor; Mrs. Clare Olsen, sentinel; Mrs. Dorothy Webier, organist; and Mrs. Ann Rodenkirch and Miss Joyce Weber, trustees. Fr. Harold Nilges will act as chaplain. A very impressive rite for both initiation and installation was conducted by Mrs. Ethel Ronan, district deputy from Elgin. She stressed the importance of cooperation of both members and officers in making a success of any court. She also spoke of the importance of all women in the role of every day living, whether it be religion, politics or home management. "Women," she said, "should be like unto Mary, the patroness of all Catholic Daughters of America. They should act, dress and behave accordingly." A short business meeting was held, at which time it was decided to have a bake sale o" Sunday, June 29, at St. Mary's church after the Masses. All members are asked to contribute toward this project. A pot-luck supper preceded the meeting and was enjoyed by all members and guests attending. Mrs. Madeleine Mayfield, grand regent, is grateful to officers and members for their splendid cooperation during the past year and is looking forward to an equally fine year ahead. --• • --.-- A pot-luck picnic will be held Wednesday, July 16, at 1 p.m. anil will be on the lawh^Qt the home of Mrs. Helen Pofcyns, Riverside Drive. June 21 Ice Cream Social -- Sponsored by Job's Daughters Acacia Hall -- 7:30 June 27-28-29 • Carnival -- Benefit Johnsburg Community iClub -- Memorial Park. ' June 28 . Smorgasbord -- RingwOod Methodist Church;^ Serving from 5 to 7:30 p.m." July i ; Luncheon and; Cafd Party- Christian Mothers' Sodality of >t. Peter's Church -- Spring Irove --112:30. Fox River Valley Camp Regular Meeting -- Mrs. Marie Mndholm Home -- Huemann's Subdivision. July 8 Stated O.E.S. Meeting. -- Acacia Hall -- 8 p.m. July 9 O. E. S. Card Party -- 1:30 -rm. -- Acacia HalJ. -- Refreshments. ' July'10 W.C.O.F. Meeting -- 8 pin. July 18-19 Third Annual Old Barn Rum- •nage Sale -- Maurice Gladstone Barn -- Sponsored by Jewish Studies Group. V July 22 O E.S. Vacation from July 22 to August 12. July 24/ W.C.O.F. Meeting -- 8 pm. FAMILY REUNION Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Frett entertained the sister and brothers of the lattei; Sunday. Present at the happy reunion were Mr. and Mrs. Edward U. Unger of Rochester, N. Y., Mr. ">nd Mrs. William Unger of >Des P l a i n e s , M i s s ' M a g d a l e n a n d JosepH Unger of Chicago. Also present were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stucker of DesPlaines and the William Tonyans. Keeping Out of the ruts is the main difficulty in travelling the road to success. A iuvenile delinquent's best friend are his parents, if7 he can find them home. 1958 G-E deluxe 30-inch KEYBOARD RANGi Deluxe Spactmakcr Model 1-304 ALL THESE DELUXE FEATURES • 2-in-l Automatic CalrodS Surface Cooking Unit • Keyboard Pushbuttons with Tel-A-Cook Lights • Electric Meat Thermometer with buzzer • Automatic Speed Grill • Automatic Oven-Minute Timer • No-drip Cooktop OVEN DOfflttJFTS OFF for eKy-RHhiwiM cleaning No bending or reaching over a door to clean this oven! Door lifts off easily, goes bac^ on easily, and locks in place. ONLY PER WEEK after sswH down payment CAREY ELECTRIC 119 S. Green St. McHenry, 111. PHONE 251 Twice Told Tales FORTY YEARS AGO From Issue of June 27, 1918 A social circle has been started to procure names for the autograph quilt for the benefit of the Red Cross. The quilt is under the supervision of Mrs. W. D. Wentworth. The following ladies will entertain this month: Mrs. Joseph McAndrews, Miss Nancy Frisby, artel Mrs. Ben Stilling. A class of six, two boys and tour girls, received their dipomas at St. Mary's parochial school Tuesday evening. Frederick Mueller, 72, passed- away at the home of his son, Dr. Arnold Mueller, in Johnsburg Tuesday. Dr. Mueler, who is in service at Columbia, S. C., will be unable-to attend the funeral. Residents of German Vilage, a subdivision lying north if McHenry on Fox River, lave decided the name most Unfitting for the beautiful vilage and have petitioned that n the future the same be known as Riverdale. The streets of the village are being repaired with crushed stone and it is hoped the work will not stop until the main thorofares, at least, compares favorably yrfh those of other nearby to^ns. We understand that some of the Jocal lovers of the sport are becoming quite proficient in the art of tennis. Match Tames are being pulled off at the court at the VV. F. Vogt home every Sunday. Nicholas Bowers, (well known in this* vicinity, died at the home of his sister, Mrs.! John Blake, in Kenosha June 22, at the age of 60. Funeral services aijd burial took place in McHenry. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From Issue of June 29, 19SS Mr. Windham Bonham, former pastor of the local • M.E. church, is now practicing law and has opened an office in the George Kane paint store on Riverside Drive. Mi-s. Henrietta Ramsey, 80, mother of Mrs. L. A. Erickson of McHenry, died at her farm home in Caledonia Saturday. Mrs. George .Johnson, Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin, Mrs. E. E. Bassettp Mrs. C. W. GoOdell and Mrs. II. M. Stephenson attended the funeral. With each succeeding day of the week, the mercury co:v tiriues to mount, reaching new heights for the month of June. R a i n i s g r e a t l y n e e d e d a n d crops are suffering because of the drought. Word has been received here of the death of Andrew Rupp of "Bloomington, a former local resident and editor of the McHenry Journal in 1897 and 1898. TEN YEARS AGO From Issue of June 24, 1948 "Welcome To McHenry" is the theme song as final plans are being made for the annual water carnival to be held next Sunday, June 27. Thousands are expected to attend this affair which will open with a parade at 11 o'clock and close with boat races on Fox River. Nearly 900 people were in Attendance at the musical program "Plantation Party," presented at the high school auditorium. under the direction of Mrs. Harry Barr, Friday and Saturday evenings. Mrs. Leone Tonyan entertained members of the cast • at a lovely parity at her home on Richmond road following the program. Frank Rothermelj a native of McHenry and brother of Mrs. Carrie Schreiner of this city, died at his home in Kennilworth June. 19. The body was brought to McHenry for burial in St. Mary's cemetery. Miss Dorothv Justen, daughter of the Nick M. J us tens, has been chosen by the McHenry unit' of the American Legion auxiliary to attend IIlini Girl's State to be held at Jacksonville, June 27 to July 2. McHenry friends of. George Whiting, son of Mr. and Mrs. W, E. Whiting, will be interested to learn of his marriage to Miss Virginia Liston of Chicago, which took place in St. James church, May wood, June 9 Miss Claire Longhway, daughter of Mrs. Vera Longhway of Crystal Lake, and Richard Rosing, son cf the Frank nosings of McHenry, were united in marriage at. St, M a r y church Saturday, June 19; To handle yourself, usie your head; to handle others, use your heart The great use of life is to spend it on something that wjtiu outlast it. £KrScholl's Air-Pill*. Insoles I ftrforattd- I Air Voatilatisf| 59 c Mode el latex feM.»|i like Wofeiaf m MM! BOLGER'S Drug Siori 103 S. Green St. McHenifr PHONE 40 * NOW UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP PURE OIL SERVICE STATION GEORGE D. HAINES V Rt. 120 & Fox Street, McHenry Featuring MOTOR TUNE UP -- GENERAL AUTO REPAIR -- SEE LLOYD ALWAYS AT CERTIFIED WE WILL BE OPEN WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 2nd M E A T S BONELESS ROLLED PORK LOIN Vh IDEAL FOR ROTISSERIE TENDER JUICY STEAKS 79 lb. DELICIOUS TENDER LEAN CHUCK STEAKS 69' BRAUNSCHWEIGER LIVER AO SAUSAGE ~ * U.S. GOVT. GRADED POT in ROAST 49 P R O D U C E EXTRA FANCY QUALITY NORTHWEST CHERRIES 39. EXTRA FANCY CALIFORNIA NECTARINES 17 lb. G R O C E R I E S MA BROWN PRESERVES 5 FOR 5 VARIETIES 12 OZ. GLASS $100 CERTIFIED RED LABEL SAUCE APPLE 7 FOR 303 TIN $|00 USE OUR FREE CUSTOMER PARKING AREA YOUR NEW SUPER CERTIFIED FOOD STORE Cor. Green & Elm Sis. Phone 80 McHenry, HL » «,„v- J <

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