K THE McHENBY PLAIWDEALEH Vickey Bottari 2262-J - 1524-J The beach committee wishes to thank each and every one Of y6u who in any 'way helped , tb make our second annual carnival a success." : Country Art Fair There will be an Art Fair held in the junior high school on July 12, and I have been asked that if any one has any artistic abilities or can sculpture, they Ynay display their abilities by entering this fair and you can do so. by contacting Mrs. Loretta Wilhelm at McHenry 128-M. Please understand that these are to be originals and not tracings or such and that children's 'work is not accepftJble. Start Saving Before we know it it will be August 1 and Our second installment on the garbage will be due, so we better start putting our nickles and dimes aside so that when the block captains • start their rounds again they do not have to come back and forth too many times. Sympathy Mrs. Mildred Bayte Carroll, 60, died on Monday, June 23 enroute to the Woodstock Memorial hospital. She made her home with Mrs. Smedberg of 317 Hill street. She is survived by her h u s b a n d , l James J. Carroll, three daughters. dne son and six grand* children. Sub-teen - Club New officers were elected at the last meeting of the Sub- 'Teen club and they are as follows.; President, Beverly Grote, vice-president, Jim Kujak, treasurer, Eddie Porters; s e c r e t a r y , C y n t h i a G r o t e . Meetings will- resume in September but "don't forget their membership drive during the months of July and Aug. was held on Saturday, June 14. The theme for the month was Indians. A bear badge was awarded to Michael • Sullivan and a golfi arrow was awarded t o A l i e n R a i f o r d a n d D a l e Marzano. The boys looked like real Indians, dressed in their suits and feathered head-pieces. Hot do$s and pop were served after the show, an<i a good time was had by all. Barents who attended were Mrs. A. Sullivan, Mr. Raiford and Mr. and 'Mrs. C. Davis. The next pack meeting will be in September and the next den meeting will be the first Wednesday in September. This club also will have no meetings in July and August Short Week Due tlo the fact that this issue of the paper is being issued a day ahead of time due to the holiday, your weekend news had to be omitted from it, but we will be glad to have it for our next, issue along with your Fourth of July news. By the way, let's all have a happy and safe Fourth"" of July here this year. SUGGEST SURVIVAL CHECK LIST FOR HOLIDAY DRIVERS , For the millions of Americans taking to the highways over the long Fourth of July holiday, the Institute for Safer Living of a leading insurance c o m p a n y o f f e r s a s u r v i v a l check list to help you get to your destination and" return honle safely: 1. Check your mental attitude. Are you determined to keep your patience, not lose your temper, drive at moderate speeds in keeping with traffic flow, and drive defensively every mile of the way? 2. Check your physical condition. Do you feel up to making the trip? Are you resolved to make rest stops at the first signs of fatigue? 3. Checlf your car, or have it checked for safest mechani c a l c o n d i t i o n . A r e t i r e s , brakes, headlights, and windshield wipers in top operating shape? 4. Check your driving habits. Are you resolved to leave the bad ones at home, resist all temptation to drink and LEGAL! Vacationing here in Lakeland Park at the home of her big sister, Barbara Malinowski, at 122 Knoll avenue, is Therese Mon- „ a^han from Chicago. . fl* Visitors / Mr. and Mrs. M. Malinowski (Barbara and Mai) of 122 Knoll avenue entertained Mr. and Mrs. Molte and son from C h i c a g o a n d M r . a n d M r s . Herb Anderson of Sunnyside Estates and their four children on Tuesday, June 24. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cina had as their guests on Wednesday, June 25, Fran's sisters, all from Niles. Notice of Sale of Real Estort for Taxes} or Special Assessments; and Notice of Filing Petition for Order, to Issue Tax Deed To: JAMES ;WILLETT. and Unknown Owners :v You .and each of ypu arfi hereby notified that on the 1st day of October, 1956, the C o u n t y C o u r t o f M . q H e n r y County, Illinois entered a judgment and order of sale (in Case No. 7221) upon delinquent lands and lots, and fixed the correct amount of tax p a i d u n d e r p r o t e s t i n t h e County of McHenry ; and State of Illinois for the yea$ 1955; that the undersigned, as purchaser or assignee of the purchaser, on the 15th day of October, 1956, at the sale orr d e r e d i n s a i d p r o c e e d i n g s w h i c h s a l e w a s h e l d by t h e County Collector of said County on the day aforesaid at the Court House in the City of Woodstock, in the County of McHenry, and State of Illinois, purchased said delinquent land and lots for the taxes, interest, penalties and costs due and unpaid for the year 1955. that such delinquent lands and lots so purchased are more particularly described as follows : Lots 26 aiTd 27 in Block 15 in Sampson, Sex and Company's Lily Lake Subdivision, a Subdivision of part of the Southeast Quarter of Sec-, tion 32, Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian, and part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 5, Township 44 North, Range 9 East of the t Third Principal Meridian, ac- ' cording to the Plat thereof recorded July 28, 1926 as Document No. 74254, in Book 5 of Plats, page 81, in McHenry County, Illinois. Such real estate so purchased was last taxed in the name of James F. Willett. The time for redemption of said real estate will ' expire on the 15th day of October, 1958. On the 18th day of June, 1958, the undersigned filed a petition in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois in the same proceeding in which the aforesaid judgment . and order of sale was entered, adjust your driving to the road Said prays that the and weather conditions? court enter an order directing 5. Check your starting time. Will you allow extra time for reaching your .destination in case of traffic tie-ups or oth^r delays? Institute safety engineers predict a grim total of 400 m o t o r v e h i c l e f a t a l i t i e s f o r the three-day holiday period. An advance checkup-on your driving may keep yourself or a loved one from becoming a holiday statistic. I! BLACK-WHITE SHOW The Lake County Black and White show will, be held on Thursday night, July 10, ac- Happy Birthday to Mrs. Fran Cina who celebrated her birthday on June 29. The following girls got together at the home of Mrs Elaine Jett to help her celeb r a t e * . E d i t h L a v i n , M a r g e Franklin, and myself, and Fran's daughter Josephine and Elaine's two sons, Butch and Ray. Those unable to attend this usual- group were Jean Parisi, Helen Gerambio, Dorot h y H u m p h r e y s a n d L e e Glorch. Sorry you girls could not attend as the cake and pie were delicious and the table was beautifully decorated vith small half sea shells with a real red rose in each one, and also, around the cake dish were the same red roses. She was presented with a beautiful chrome bread box and a french-fry potato cutter. the County Clerk to issue a tax deed to the undersigned if the real estate shall not be redeemed from the sale; And the undersigned intends to m a k e an a p p l i c a t i o n t o t h e court on the 16th day of October, 1958, at the hour of 10:00 A.M. for an order on said petition that a- deed issue to the undersigned if the real estate shall not be redeemed from the sale. FRANK J. O'LEARY Petitioner Petitioner's Attorney R. A. STEUBEN McHenry, Illinois cording to Earl Moeller, An^f (pub. June 26, July 3-10, 1958) t i o c h , c h a i r m a n o f t h e s h o w committee. The show will start at 7 p.m. and wili be held at the Lake county fair grounds located on Route 45, about one-half mile north of Route 120. This show is open to all purebred Holstein dairy cattle breeders of Lake county. Delb e r t K i n g t o n o f C a r y w i l l judge the animals and make the placings in the Various age classes. Junior breeders, as well as regular "breeders, will enter animals in the show. Cub-Scout News The monthly pack meeting The kind of success that turns a man's head always leaves him facing in the wrong direction. D-'Scholls Air-Pillo Insoles Perforated- Air Ventilating 59 c ML Malt «f litti Nm. Uk« ty«lkla| m Pfflmn BOLGER'S Drug Store 103 S. Green St. McHenry PHONE 40 mm Take It Easy- Tcdte A Cob! When tl% bad.. . . When you want to reach your destination in a hurry . . . When you have luggage orheavy packages with you, it's time to call us for a cab. Remember our number. Radio Dispatched McHENRY CAB • V BH0ME723 '•"mm buy staple drugs, too, from Prescription Specialists • It is pjudent to, buy every drug item from th« source to which you'entrust your Doctor's-prescriptions. Only a pharmacist is fully qualified t© counsel you in the selection of household drugs. Let this simple maxim be your guide: tj it belongs m your Medicine Cabinet, buy it from a DRUG Store. Of course, we hope it will ^ be this one. Try us, f Bolget S Dmi$ Store 108 So. Green Phoue 40v , BjqHqPia, mm r»"; - UiVV ry. BIElifl ECONOMY H E WW • BLEND Instant Coffee 6 oz. You'll look twice at the low, low price! New Condor Instant "Coffee is a special blend, produced to meet the demand for a lower priced instant coffee. Sold only at A&P. Boneless, Cooked, Ready-to- Serve Hot or Cold, Di AGAR BRAND 9 to II lbs. lona Peaches Hunt's Catsup s Sliced or Halves Yellow Cling Red, Tangy, Flavorful Chicken NoodJe 29-oz. tin Agar Brand Canned Hams 1 3 ^ *2T9 Ty Nee Brand 3 % *3<» 6 l-n J4" Canned Pienjcs Jr, 3 !tJ209 . .,i. Realemon Lemon Juice 2 2 9 ° 3,or49' 39* Recon- qt. stituted btl. SMOKED HAMS Famous A&P Super Right Quality, 12 to 16 lbs. Whole or Shank Half Yukon Club Kola# Ginger Ale, Root Beer, Sparkling Water 24-oz. btl. 10 Lb. 53 Lb. 57 Yufcon Club or Hill's Root Beer or Orange Pienie Special (Plus Deposit) t/a-gal. QAo btls. VV - (Plus Deposit) HC55C Super Right, 4 to 6 lb. 2 Smoked Picnics lb. Crisp, Fresh Crackers Plain or Kosher lb. bos q*. jar 25' Jane Parker Crisp, Fresh Twin Pack # lb." box Charcoal Briquets Nabisco Saltines Ma Brown Bill Pickles Potato Chips 59* Angel Food Cake iZ .. 39' Frankfurter Buns Ls!tT« 25* Cracker Jack Candy 412 29* Velveeta Cheese Spread 2 L 79* White Paper Plates Z! Jl 69e Swiftning Shortening 3 «• 55* Vit«L*>l VI..,., All Purport A Kitchen Menzer i 4v Cooked Hams Wl"1* Semi-Boneless or Half lb. 79' Skinless Franks £5? 3 Rotisserie Boastsmm ib. 79° Liver Sausage Fresh or Smoked % 5 FOB YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE A&P SUPER MARKETS WILL BE Open tjntil 9:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY JULY 2nd & 3rd Closed All Day Friday, July 4th BUTTER Sunnylield Brand LB. 93 Score dirr In Quarters rIV.v. fieor|la, 2-Inch Minimum lbs. Seedless or Cardinal Rod From ik California 35 25 * ft ft * <* A iit & A 3k • " ft ' 1 *! a a s st 56 S Washington, Large 3"i- OQc L* Watermelon Toilet Soap I Toijet Saip, 1 2 lath •ill bath size 29' 3'«*!*» 29 ColH. U. $. Ho. I Grade A Red, Ripe, Radishes or O • IDA C Delleious Green Onions V ioi THE GREAT ATLANTIC * PACIFIC TEA COMPANY All Prices Effective fhraiigh July 5th IT PAYtj