Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Jul 1958, p. 12

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Ilehmond Community MRS. BUCHERT HUSBAND ORMJUnr by Phyllis Carlson Mrs. Frank Buchert, Jr., of ^oBouth Haven, Mich., spent the ^ .^weekend of June 21 in Richmond with her husband's par- £nts before flying to Nurem- ?r?'^tierg, Germany to join her hus: . „ band. Mrs. Buchert finished 'Reaching this school year beleaving the states. ^ Cub Scouts i^/The Scouts of Pack 349 attended the "Song of Hiawapia," an Indian pageant presented at a Boy Scout camp liear Elgin on June 20. The Cub Scout committee chairman Qbtained the tickets for the boys wflo went with their den mothers and others. ; The Cubs of Den 4 with their den mother, Marge Stevens, had a picnic and a long hike on Monday of last week on the Kenneth Eppers farm. Mrs. Ronald Steadman. The sponsors were Sharon Jones and John Popenhagen. Vicki Lee Burnett, daughter of Mr. a n d M r s . C a r l B u r n e t t w a s t h e o t h e r l i t t l e o n e . H e r sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Knipple. Church Sponsors Picnics The young adults of Grace church enjoyed a picnic at Big Foot Park on Lake Geneva Saturday night. The Senior Youth Fellowship enjoyed an evening of games and food at Grace church parish house Sunday night, outside if the weather was nice. Sutinyside Etiaies ENTERTAINMENT IS PLANNED AT SUMMER PICNIC From A to Z Weddings On Saturday, June 28, Shirley Boelter became the bride of Jim Beall, both . of Richmond. They were married in Lake Geneva. On the same day Fred Duce y w a s m a r r i e d i n S p r i n g Grove. Because of the early news deadlines this week, we will tell you more of the weddings next week. Garden Show Lastweek the Garden club had its annual flouvr show. We will try to get yoU more information by. next week. It was lovely, well planned and organized. " Vacation Church School Grace church will sponsor a vacation church school beginning on July 21-. It will run for two weeks for children f r o m 3 y e a r s o l a t h r o u g h eighth grade. Going Away Reception Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Noyce were the guests of honor at a party given by the Community church last Thursday n i g h t . O w e n R i c h a r d s o n , chairman of the board of trustees, was master of ceremonies for the program of the evening. There were speeches of appreciation by representatives of the various organizations of the church. David Gardner spoke on tehalf of the Junior Youth Fellowship, David Harris fepoke for the Senior Youth Fellowship, Margaret Richards o n s p o k e ; f 6 r t h e C o u p l e s jClub. She had an interesting illustrated talk fashioned after "This is your Life." The . Senior Choir, under the direction olN'Mrs. Edwin Wittmayer, sang three selections, "Santa Lucia," "Go Down Moses," and "Drink to me Only with Thine Eyes." Mrs? ;William-Gardner spoke On b e h a l f o f t h e W o m e n ' s Council to Mrs. Ralph Noyce and presented her with a necklace and earring set from, the Council. Fred Gunderson spoke for the church and presented the Novces with a purse. Both Rev. and Mrs. Noyce responded to the speeches 'of appreciation. Punch and home made cookies were served by the ladies of the church from a prettily decorated table. Centered on the table was a bouquet of red roses, a gift to Mrs. Noyce. Here and There Ralph Noyce, Jr., returned home last week. He was going to enter the Navy at Great Lakes for awhile. Kim and Lisa Holmgren have returned from a couple of weeks vacation. Jo^j and Jeff Holmgren "are now vacationing with relatives and friends at Sheboygan Falls. Wis. Camp Alpine is now in its second week of the current season with the director for the week. Rev. Lind from East Peoria. There are approximately sixty-five high school young people registered this week. HEADS ASSOCIATION Atty. General Latham Castle of Illinois has been elected president of the National Association of Attorneys General at the closing business session of the 1958 annual meeting of the association. Castle has served during the last year as vice-president of the association. PROJECT WINNERS Woodstock Community high school's Future Farmers of America's chapter of forty-two boys has been named state winner of the FFA-Farm Bureau acquaintance project. Ed D a l h a u s , d i r e c t o r o f y o u n g people's activities for the Illinois Agricultural association, announced the state winner of the project at the^annual con-i vention of" the Illinois Future Farmery of America in Springfield. The three-day convention closed Thursday. The great use of life is tc j spend it on something that wfl outlast it. s Much wisdom often . goes with fewest words. Our picnics all set for tomorrow. Last minute details will be discussed at the association meeting tonight. However, here are a few of the plans as they stand now. The picnic will begin about 11 up in the woods on Oak drive between Florence drive and Hickory. Lane. We have been asked to inform you to bring along your own picnic lunch. Since our • facilities are limited, would you also please remember to bring your own table and chairs. There will be dancing, games, races and prizes for the kids and grownups alike. Sol Kobus has a few surprises lined up in the way of contests so the day promises to be a funfilled one for everyone. Sol and his committee have worked hard on these plans so let's all enjoy ourselves and make our 'first picnic a huge success. Equally important along with. the picnic planning is the subject of ^fireworks for t h e F o u r t h o f J u l y . S i n c e there will be so many children, it might be a good idea to leave all fireworks at home for your own use, to insure a safe and sane Fourth. and afternoon reception. / Gus and .Wanda Berg Said goodbye to their daughter, Mary Ann, again last week when she returned to St. Joseph's convent in Milwaukee resided 01 OBITUARIES Mrs. Dietrich, 58, who to resume her studies^ The whole family and her. many friends enjoyed having'>h er home for a three-week' vacation. Graduates It was graduation tithH^for t h e L a k e p r o m e n a d e r s - l a s t Saturday night at the final meeting of the season. Proudly sporting their "bonafide" diplomas as real square dancers are Red and Mary Davis, Bud and Carol Kennbeck and Herb and Lois Anderson. They will join the advanced Class of intermediates in the fall, along with Bob and Betty'Lakowske. A pot-luck lunch followed the dancing and graduation and they all enjoyed an evening of fun and good company. Anyone interested in joining this club can do so when tlfe beginners' class starts again in the fall. Meeting Don't forget the association meeting tonight, usual time and place. Installation of officers will be held so let's get together to thank the old and give our best wishes to the new. Home Bureau News The regular monthly meeting of the Home Bureau was held last Tuesday at the home of Mrs. George Spindler. Topic under discussion for this meeting, "Hair, Hats and Neckline',' was given\ by Mary Rose. The delicious cake and coffee were served by the hostesses, Mesd a m e s L e a k e y , R e e c e a n d Spindler. Happy Birthday to John Senkerik, who will be 14 on July 6. Johrv has been doing a wonderful job delivering our papers every week. Best wishes also to our "two roses," Mary Rose, who celebrates her birthday on July 7, and to Rosemary Kayler, who will be 2 on July 9. Welcome to Gus and Millie Morresi, who moved into their home on Indian Ridge drive last week. They formerly lived on the west side of Chicago. Millie's mother, Mrs. Anita Gottwald, is making her home With them. We are happy to report that Gus is recovering nicely from the injuries he sustained in an automobile accident early in May. Another family from the west side of Chicago are the ta Cotta road, rural Crystal? • Lake, died at Augustarau ^qspital, Chicago, Saturday^mOtning, June 28. Mrs. Dietrich was born in Spjarta, Wis.,- Feb. .6, 1900, and had made her home in this area for twenty years, coming here from Chicago. She was owner and operator of the Terra Cotta Consignment and Resale shop lor twelve years, during which- time she made a host of friends in the McHenry community. She retired two months ago, the day she entered the hospital. Mrs. Dietrich was preceded in death by "her husband, John, Who died in January of 1955. She'is survived only by a daughter, Mrs. Rose Waterman, of Barrington. The body rested at the Geprge Justen & Son funeral Kome until 9:30 o'clock Tues^- day morning, when last rites were conducted from St. Patrick's Catholic church, McHenry, of which she was a member. Burial was in the church cemetery. Myron W. Hughes, Sr. Myron W. Hughes, Sr., 83, undertaker and former post-, master in Wauconda for many years, died Saturday, June 28. He was the father of Mrs. Marion Johnston of McHenry. Services were held Tuesday from the Kisselburg funeral home in Wauconda. Robert Kollenkark Robert Kollenkark, 76, father of Raymond, Elmer and Harold Kollenkark of McHenry, died Friday, Juhe 27, in Memorial Hospital for McHenry County at Woodstock. He was a dairy farmer and had lived in this area for more than fifty years., William 3. Lloyd' William James Lloyd, 77, of Sunnyside Beach, died last . . . . . . . . . . "T His wife, Alice,, preceded him in death. He. leaves: to mourn a daughter Mrs. Orlo Campbell, of EDnhurst and three grandchildren*// The body restftdri at the George . Justen & Son funeral home, where services were held at 2 o'clock Saturday,.: POLICE *yOftK TO KEEP TRAFFIC TOLL DOWN "'Traffic Condition Red" will be posted for the July 4 holiday to alert Illinois motorists to this dangerous 78-hour period. ' Forty million cars travelled the nation's highways during Memorial holiday for an estimated 10 billion miles. A record- breaking number of traf-, fic deaths resulted -- twentytwo in Illinois. Twenty-four innocent people Were injury victims of drivers who violated the, law x>r held safety in disregard. > July 4 holiday may exceed the traffic density of Memorial Day. The period will open at 6 p.m., July .3, and run through midnight of July 6, with peak loads of traffic tak- buted to the accidentST dur*t¥( ing place during the early hours ( Meiporial holiday and can be of thfc period and all day Sun- expected to be repeat day; • :%'• .•/ S p e e d , d r i n k i n g , f a t i g u e , recklessness, violation of stop signs, improper left turns and passing, and other unsafe maneuvers including disregard for approaching trains, contrithe July. 4 holiday. Efforts of police office!? the statewide traffic? .da: program have saved '206 lives since Jan. 1. Officers will ij on duty extra flours '-toe fee the toll down this weekend. >!r.J \iOii -'Jlf •orfJ so« for better homes for lowest prices SEE US ROBERT HAY CONSTRUCTION Co. F.H.A. & V.A. FINANCING • Masonery • Concrete * PHONE: 1907 Bus. 1877 Home iv Jljv io V 90S E. Elm St* McHenry Condolences to the Jost and Matuszak families on the death of their sister, Mrs. Bernadine Williams of Chicago. Comings and Goings Bob and Lois McDonald and their children, Mac, Paul and Gail, are spending a week with Bob's mother in Davis City, Iowa. Wedding bells rang in Cincinnati last Saturday for Mary Davis' brother,. Bill Doherty. Red and Mary and their two sons, Bill and Neil, motored to Cincinnati for the ceremony Bruenhoefers. Charles and,Thursday afternoon, June 26, Helen moved into their new at his home. A native of Enghome on Janice court last land, whefce he was born Jan. week. - . 15, 1881, he had sepnt summers SSgst wishes for a happy life m the McHenry area for eighin your new homes. teen years and was a perman- -- : ent resident for seven, \ SHOP IN McHENRY The deceased was a musician. CLARENCE'S SHOP PICNI&TABLES Complete^* Assembled as low as 16.25 Full line of redwood swings and lawn furniture houses, etc. V«°* . eY>c * tot ^ O* . vj»« * ,e^ ,0<v otW®4'. so\e\No« C . o'*c a *. Rotary The Rotarians had two visiting Rotatians from McHenry last week, Dr. Nye and J. Gausden. The„ Richmond club urges you vto attend the "Rotarian Rodeo of McHenry" the weekend of July 18-20. Frank May has tickets. The ladies are invited to attend a potluck dinner with their husbands on July 1, oh, that was last night, for the purpose of welcoming the new officers and directors and saying thank you to the outgoing set. \ New president, T h e r o n Ehorn; vice-president, Dr. J. F. Harris; secretary, Frank May; treasurer, Floyd Foss; directors, Floyd Goehring, Don Rawlins and Carl Grant. Jack and Freddie have faithfully Written the Rich-Rote, news Of the club* jlnptized Oh Sunday^ morning two babies were baptized at Grace church. They were Gary Eugene Steadman, son of Mr. and j' 'fr '> 'S* •!"& 'i1 •/ s flow to Profit from NOTES FOR BUSINESSMEN JOB PRINTING Every letter you mail tells two stories. The / one you write and the C one your letter's app e a r a n c e t e l l s . So, . don't let yourself be handicapped at the outset with poor printing. Call us today. McHENRY PLAINDEALER J*? N. Green Street ®HONE 170 CLARENCE J. SMITH JOHNSB^RG Phone McHenry 1515-J THOSE WERE THE DAYS By ART BEEMAN NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH By Arnold IN THE OLD DAVS VOU KNEW A CHAIR WHEN SAW ONE AAMH-4--TMIS OL' RJfcNITUfcg IS COMFOg&SLgj DONT err ON THAT TABLE-- TME CHAIR THOSE OVER HERE // liofv OF A THEIZ HUMAN maximum GROWTH IL'.l £2S» HOSSFACE HANK THOMAS fVE FOUND IT!- I'VE FOUND MIDDEN CANYON AND THE WOMEN SAVAGES \AIHO HEW BIN TRAPPED HERE VMUZ. BABIES' YOU MUST WAKE UP, HOSSFACE STAY -THE BOSS WANTS VUH 7C DRIVE HIS AUNT AGATHA TO THE SUPER MARKET ALWAYS T THEIR BIRTH/ OPOSSUMS ARE 60 TWy THAT IT WOULD TAKE ABOUT no OF TMEJA TO MAKE AM OUNCE! WIAMKiEDN. NWEEP* THOXW> SONNY SOUTH By COURTNEY ALDERSON WHKWf SINGIN' rOH AWHILE ONLY GRANNY ROCK1N' TAIL. EARL @OODWlM, FVoYidewce.R.I., TAXI DRIVER. WEIGHS 475 POUNDS .'/ R«ltatt4 bf Smith Srrrte* Drmm*. N. J. BY AL SMITH! AH*LL THAT bOES IT OH SHE'S SINttlMTC A6AIN-A /- M0HW WE HAVE BETTAH MAY Fitu AU. ON TIME ooa REOO,R&RW0TLCE. UU** fc-t•y ^uDmtoi Mw w. N. 1S mtea iyr*/7.>Z r7r/ '-{* /;'/ 0 "THANKS AMD //."/,1 KEEP UP THE {•"/'A GOOD WORM SE2..HUK|/ /d ^ RURAL DELIVERY By AL SMITH u AT vr I. WAMT? m JTACKLE PULL LINE IN/ you got A BITE/ ACKLE TACKLE ftWjSSS! JUST BEEN MADE PITCHER OP THE BASEBALL TEAM THAT PLAYS ON SATURDAY AFTERNOONS/ m ffN--

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