Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Jul 1958, p. 14

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Village o! VILLAGE BARBECUE AT PARK,JULY W ,v? 1577-J Y&lf jSfOlfobly don't like to rfead this same story each Wfek, hut it is done to remind y d u t o p l e a s e a t t e n d . T h e barbecue will be held on July 19, in the park next to our house. This park is the one at the end of the channel. We are going to string out some lights, have tables and benches, and some of us will have to bring our own grills. For any other information won't' you please call my number and also to let us know you are coming. Let us all come and make this social a success:. M - \ Games were played and prizes 1 JohnsbUTCf were given out. Friends drop- • ^ ped in in the evening. They, C Aft AI ITV HfllAx were Mrs. Harold Thelen, Mrs. JVl/ALI I I llvLI/J Arthur Thelen, Mr. and Mrs.' Steve Donnellan and family, and Mrs. Rose Paulson. Village Report The board of trustees has approved the street improvement program set up by municipal engineers, and we can look forward to our roads bein? taken care of in the near future. Steps are also being taken to remove the large pier from the beach back to the boat harbor. All those interested in lending a helping hand in this project please contact Paul Colomer at 1142-J. Cat-Napping Gene Benoche had an extra passenger when she went into t6wn on Monday. She was driving along' enjoying the scenery when she thought she hearda cat crying'. She asked her d a u g h t e r J e a n n i e - J o i f s h e beard it and she said yes, so after going a little further on she decided to stop and investigate, and after going over the car she picked up the hood and found their little kiftten hanging up near the motor which proves that cats have more than one life. Wrong Pop Last Saturday little Mike J ^ b l o n s k i d e c i d e d t o d r i n k some crank case oil but after swallowing some of it, he found it wasn't so good. Mr. and Mrs. A. Von Obstfelder were on vacation for the past week with their three children up in Phillips,* Wis., at the home of Syvia's parents. Sylvia and the children visited relations while Bud and his father-in-law and brother-inlaw left from there to go to Canada for a week to do some fishing. Hope they catch more fish than mosquito bites. I"Tank E. MacLaughlin is on vacation this week and hopes to do some fishing around these lakes. Frank Jr., and family, also on vacation, are hoping to catch some big fish with dad. Good luck. HAKE SALE AT CHURCH. JULY i by Betty Once again the Blessed Virgin sodality is sponsoring another of its ever-so popular bake sales. The sale of home baked items will be available following all the masses at St. John's church. All sodality members are asked to donate some home baked item and have it in the school hall as early as possible. Oh, by the way, the date is Sunday, July 6, Club News The. youngsters L.I.U. club has three new members. They are Susan Benoche, Margaret Frisby and Barbara Huemann. A cook-out on Thursday was about to start only it started to rain instead but the day was saved by Mrs. Monte who told the girls they could use her basement so the hot dogs and hamburgers, were cooked on the stove instead of out doors but the girls had a good time a n y w a y , t h a n k s - t o a g o o d neighbor. , Meeting Hall Next time you are at the hall in back of Bogals, notice the electrical work. The work was donated and the meeting place is well lighted. Being independent when you are driving a car is fine -- if it's the right kind of independence, says the Illinois Division of Traffic Safety. Disregarding others' rights is dangerous of course. But don't depend on other drivers doing the right ( thing. Be independent by ex- • reaved family, pecting anything, and being ready for it. Original Art Works Wanted Of interest to persons who dabble in art of various forms is the forthcoming Country Art Fair. This event is to be held in the McHenry Junior high school on July 12 and 13. If you have an interest in sculptoring or art work and wish to exhibit them, please contact Mrs. Loretta Wilhelm at 128-M. If your art works are original they will be graciously accepted. Maureen Crist entertained some of her friends of the Jak-Ana Heights subdivision l a s t T h u r s d a y h o h o r i n g h e r seventh birthday. Among the p£rty-goers Were Mark and l!>iane Schlueter, Pat and Mary O'Connor, Joy and Karen Hettenpann, Ricky and Wakitsch and the Crist Billy and P^it. Sunnyside Beach lost one of its most respected residents last Thursday when d e a t h claimed William J. Lloyd. Mr. Lloyd's wife of over-fifty years preceded him in death about one year ago. On Wednesday evening, July 9, the Blessed Virgin sodality members are invited to attend a pot luck supper held in the Community Club hall. This event will begin at 6:30 p.m. and each member attending is asked to bring a dish to pass. f Learns of Death Mrs. Ruth Martinec was shocked last week when she learned of the death of her brother, Howard Kiddelsen of St. Louis, Mo. It is the second death in the immediate Kiddelsen family in the last two months. Our sympathies are extended to Ruth and ber be* Around, The Town ~ Will Krift and Mrs. Leonard Lois of Burlington, Wis., and Mrs. John Ketterhagen and daughter of Janesville, Wis., visited with relatives here last Wednesday a'fternooib P.F.C.. Carl Bugner of Alv a d a , " O h i o , w a s a r e c e n t weekend visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Michels. Carl is en route to Washington for further military duties. Mrs. Rita Davis of Chicago is enjoying a week away from the "big city" by visiting her sister and family, the J i m Hettermanns. News is a little skimpy this week folks, due to the early holiday deadline. Be sure . to give me a call sometime before next week's deadline and let us share your various news tidbits with you. Remember my number is 1296-R and. ,1 will be most happy to take your news item. Wedding There was a wedding in the village. Ted Prtell was married to Dolores Fleming on June 21, and after a honeymoon the young couple will be at home at Sunset drive. Congratulations. Classified Ads are Read by Everyone! Birthdays Duane Monte celebrated his eighth birthday with the help of seven of his friends. Tom Fuchs, Phillip Oeffling, John Brennan, Bill LaFontaine, Ric h a r d F r e d r i c k , D o u g l a s Vaughn, Mike Haffner and his s i s t e r a n d l i t t l e b r o t h e r s . For a Glorious Fourth and all summer PLAID FAD if;. Here's a bonny beauty! Watch our "Tartan" sheath captivate the man clan with its strategic Crinkelastic back shirring and Crinkelpuff* bra that has openings for Accents bust ifods. Ait imported sun-and-water tested cotton in authentic tartans. 10-18. $9.95. •Patent Pending other Mifzens Birthday Celebrants Clarence Smith had little knowledge of what was awaiting him when he and his wife Lucille walked into one of Antioch's leading restaurants last T u e s d a y e v e n i n g . He w a s pleasantly surprised by some of his friends in honor of his birthday. This festive group which consisted of Clarence and Lucille, Mr. and Mrs. Leb King, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Ar-j nold Michels, enjoyed a most' delicious steak dinner. EDDIE the EDUCATOR says - i Teacher shortages are least where salaries are best--children courteous and well-disciplined--parent* cooperative--and teaching (kndif) tions desirable, f Illinois Education Also elation. TAX FACTS An agency. . authorized to hear the co(iflpl^nts of aggrieved taxpayer^, find adjust ine q u i t i e s i n a s s e s s m e n t s h a s existed contiguously in Illinois since th£ advent of the general property tax in 1839. Today in all downstate counties this reviewing process reposes in the board of review, made up of the chairman of the board of supervisors and two a p p o i n t e e s o f t h e c o u n t y judge i\i township orgianization counties, and consisting of the three county commissioners in the seventeen-commission organization counties. St. Glair county operates under a special statute and has an elected board of review of three members, twhile ifi Cook 'County the r e v i e w i n g b b a r d , - c a l l e d t h e board of appeals, consists t>f two elected members.' The year 1958 is important for both the taxpayer and the board of review, because this is a quadrennial assessment year in the 101 downstate counties. During the assessment period this year the local assessor or his deputy shall, according to statute, actually view and determine the value of every parcel of real estate. Publication of the assessor's list of valuations, is required on or before July 10 in counties of less than 150,000 population, or by Aug. 10 in counties over 150,000 population, but less than 500,000. Therefore, taxpayers should watch their local newspapers for not only the publication of real estate assessments, but for personal property assessments , as well. If a taxpayer feels that his assessment is out of line with ,g$imparable property, he can make complaint to the board of review. Complaints must be filed, in writing, on forms provided by the board of review by Aug. 1 in counties .of less than 150,- 000 population, and by Sept. 1 in counties of 150,000 or more but less than 500,000 inhabitants. Effective (this year it is mandatory that boards of review Equalize assessments within a county. But in exercising _ this dUty, the Board shall not ih ahy oh^ ^etfr increase 6r decrease tfce aggregate - assessment 'fcif any district by more than rf5 percent of the equalised valuation of such district for the previoiA; year. . Boards of review bust meet by June 16 this year and adjourn as follows: On Sept. *1 ih counties of less than 50 - 000 inhabitants; oh Oct. 7 in counties of 50,000 to 75,000 inhabitants; , on Nov. 7 in counties of 75,000 to 100,000 population; and on Dec. 7 in all other Counties. However, thesfe adjournment dates have been interpreted by the Illinois Supreme Court as directory and not mandatory. <•.' Local Barracks Granted Charter Barracks 1315 is now the official designation given to that group of World War I veterans who were granted tfieir charter at last weeks meeting. It was charter night as well as installation and initiation' night Mr. and Mrs. Clark Fickes of Rockford and many others from out-of-town were present at the ceremonies. Waukegan, Waukesha, Milwaukee and Chicago were represented in the gathering. The mayor of McHenry, George P. Freund, city clerk Earl Walsh, police chief Joseph Grobel and many others were there. Ed. Reid, Legion post commander, and Mrs. Homo, auxiliary president, and officers of both organizations were also present. Harold Vycital and his Viscounts addecl to the pleasure of the evening. Many of the veterans' ladies brought cake for ^he refreshments served after the meeting officially adjourned. Commander Kinsey was pleased with the very good turn-out of membership. Only about five were absent." McHenry barracks would like to add more names, to its roster, so if you are eligible why not join? This picture represents several of the best techniques of baby pieturfeuCi making--the subject Is certainly happy, rested and well-fed; the . . background is free of clutter} the "costume" is natural and jQatteiv • • ing; and it is a good close-up view. In a recent interview, one of the top baby photographers Whose pictures appear dri the covers of some of the leading magazines outlined a few very basic rules for working with tiny subjects. These rules seemed to us to make so much sense that we thought we'd share them with the young parents--and doting grandparents -- among our readers. Here they are: 1) A happy, rested, well-fed baby, is the best subject-- and will make the best picture. 2) Remember, patience Is a "must" when you snap a baby."'**'• 3) 'A simple, uncluttered background is necessary to show off Baby to his best advantage. 4) Baby's clothes should" simple -- even a diapeP makes a flattering costumel 5) Close-ups are'^-often - the. ;; most effective shots ofBaby.:,; : 6) Keep it naturaWthe ©nl£.,;. prop you need i* arattljfrv.. . Or a cuddly toy. ~ 7) Experiment with "bouncing" flash or flppd,, lights from the ceiling tor a soft over-all lighting effect/' " ' 8) A last-minute look through^' the viewfinder bbf6re snaiw ping is always a wise pre- ° caution. > Don't you agree that 'if-sini"" " pie rules like these work for a famous professional photog-^- rapher, they should help you'"' get better baby pictures, too? '!. Remember, Maytime is picturi$iV< time--Which makes it a fin* > time to snap the baby at your house! --John Van Guilder »-•< FROM THE TREASURER'S ANNUAL REPORT VILLAGE OF LAKEMOOR, ILLINOIS May 1st, 1958- For the Period from May 1st, 1957 to April 30, 1058, inclusive Bank balance as of April 30th, 1957 $ 189.66 Receipts R. J. Hyatt, Clerk-Collector $ 1,145.50 H. J. Brady, Police Magistrate 6,328.00 A. J. Rauen, J of P, McHenry 420.00 Vernon Kays, Collector, McHenry County Real Estate - Personal Property Taxes 4,608.91 Auditor State 111. Sales Tax Refund 733.^1 Tavern Licenses . $2,500.00 Tavern Transfer 125.00 Tavern Addl. Lie. 300.00 4 i $2,925.00$ 2,925.00 Miscellaneous Receints Amn. Fore Ins. Co. Western States Auto Ins Sale Squad Car Siren D. Darrow, Tavern Brady-Kenney Sale Squad Car Refund Village Clerk Warrant No. 1260 Voided .$ 172.25 68.80 60.00 • • 187.75 .. 600.00 $1,088.80$ 1,088.80 • •$ 75.00 40.00 $ 115.00$ 115.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL \ RECEIPTS BALANCE DISBURSEMENTS .. $17,365.12 $17,365.12 AND BANK $17,554.78 $16,492.99 BANK BALANCE as of April 30, 1958 less disbursements $ 1,061.79 DISBURSEMENTS--Warrants 1238 to 1549 Inclusive Administrative Fund $ 134.40 Audit Fund ' 122.25 Contingent Fund ' 727.12 Election Fund 193.10 Garbage Fund • 1,776.25 Gravel Material Roads 426.00 Insurance 890.61 Legal Fees , , 226.10 Legal Publications * 95.40 Labor Roads 341.25 Maintenance Street Truck 13.12 Police Expense 4,802.13 Police Equipment 1,612.74 Police Maintenance 1,316.99 Parks-Beaches ; 347.54 Rent 600.00 Salary 729.50 Snow Removal 340.00 Street Lights 948.70 Street-Roads 83.50 Telephone 256.03 Public Property 209.17 Miscellaneous Disbursements P. Tj. Pettibone & Co Vehicle-Dog Tags • •$ 91.09 Ray Blades, Refund Tavern License 150.00 Treasurers Expense 60.00 store for men , none « It? So. Owen St. McHenry, Hi. O^et Dally 8-~-a.hl to 8 p.m. - Fridays 8 a.m. to 0 p.m. Sundays 9 tuaa. 'til 12 Noon $ 301.09 $ 301.09 TOTAL TOTAL RECEIPTS and BANK BALANCE DISBURSEMENTS BANK BALANCE, General Fund, as of April 30th, 1958 . I hereby certify that the above stater ment of receipts, disbursements and 'bank balance^ is true and correct, according to my best knowledge and belief. CLAUDE E. VACHET Village Treasurer (Publish July 2, 1958) $16,492.99 $17,554.78 $16,492.99 $ 1,061.79 WANT ADS find places to live. ^ WANT ADS sell your used garden • tools. WANT ADS sell unneeded furniture for cash you need to pay the moving man. m WANT ADS find jobs for high school graduates. * \yANT ADS locate articles that cannot be bought new. \ ' WANT ADS rent summer cottages, cool rooms, and trailers. WANT ADS sell ?used refrigerators, bikes, furniture, golf clubs, etc., for CASH. \ . WANT ADS empty attics and bring vacation CASH. -t nm M? i tt •'<g »fj5 WANT ADS sell things you'll no longer be using. Cottage Furniture, Fishing Tackle, Porch '•;£ Swings, Radios. :•» Si •s Phone 170, Bring or Mail Want Ads to the McHenry Plaindealer • Ji ' its oC : p • vfc* m Put a Want Ad \ in The McHenry Plaiticlealer It Will Put Dollars In Your Pocket 1

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