Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Jul 1958, p. 15

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t , ** c>* a 7T v ; -'3'^ _ v *# * * r1* v;,^' '\,,,\ft V\ \^*u^ % v (y f TS*d*wd*y, July 2,1958 ""* -^~~" . J "' !-' ' -•-- 1 - iTmHE; MMc«HmE;NiiHmYv PmL.AAIiNuDmEvAiLTErRa ' - " ,;; ' *' * " ' '• ' -• >. Ejitweod Manor .v;-l;-:- V,;-":'i i' £mg« Fita#* 209 Ea$twopd Lsn<? ^ri£K their daughters, Priscifia arid Marissa, on Saturday, June 28. We hope you spend many happy years ifcV our community. Lots Knta Report On Property (Oners' Meeting ,' Thirty-six families were represented at the EMPOA meeting on Friday, June 20. In the absence of Warren Krebs, Tom Simpson presided at the meettans Mr. Simpson announced t h a t we h a v e r e c e i v e d t h e c o r p o r a t i o n p a p e r s f r o m Springfield. We are now a chartered group. T^e street s^gns were discussed " and a number of, the men volunteered to get prices op pipe for the signs before the next meeting. Afosquitd; spraying was brought up and i ^veral residents announced' that they are having i t £ > n e - ( b i i t h e i r o w n , The npxt meeting will be held on Jply .^8, Baseball News Baseball was a highlight of the past week as the men of E a s t w o o d Manor t r u d g e d aroond the basds last Sunday. The gamp started at 3 p.m. ajid lasted until sundown when, after three full innings, the gaffs had to be .called because of old age. All kidding aside, there is a game going on every Sunday at 3,- weather permitting It's :go6fd exercise and gret&'cfuii so come on out, men. Art Fair. Do we" Jjjave any budding artists in ,our community? Th^ Country Art- Fair will be held on. July 12 and 13 and it would be nice to have Eastwood Manor represented. If any of you know of any neighbors . vyhq have any original art:; work, please encourage them to -contact Mrs. Lpretta Wilhelm, McHenry 128-M, for an application blank. .< j Faith Presbyterian Church ®'he High Hour of Vision" taken from Mark 9:2-13, is the topic of the sermon to be given on Sunday, July 6, by R e v . J a c k M c l n t y r e in t h e community barn pf Eastwood Manor at 10 a.m. The sacrament ; of Jioly - Communion will be obse^ufeci a i this service. Mrs. Elsfryn Eternick will be the soloist: Sick List ' ' We are happy to report that L o i s M c C o r m a c k i s pn t h e mend after having quite an operation last Thursday at the McHenry hospital. Lois's mother, Mrs. Temple, has been caring for the children and we know it won't be long before Lois will be up on her feet and busy as ever. Happy Birthday To Dennie Birmingham, who will be 13 years, old tomorrow; to Dennie Hansen, wfio will be 16 years old on Saturday; and to Richie Gruhn; who will be 2 on Saturday. Birthday greetings also to Harold Lottchea and G e o r g e Landin, who will celebrate their birthdays on Sunday; to Jackie Grom, who will chalk up another year on Monday; and Watfiy Sigman, who will c e l e b r a t e h i s b i r t h d a y n e x t Tuesday. Georgina Thienes celebrate^ her fourth birthday on June 25. Those presfnt were Rosemary and M i c h a e l R o g e r s , Lloyd, Russell' and Stevie Davis, Gerald Brodin, Laura Grom, Timothy and Peggy Ann Cary, B e t s y S t e p h e n s o n , V i c k y G r u h n , J a c k i e D a l t o n , P a u l Cisewski and, of course, her brother, Mark. After the children had their cake and icecream, the mothers got together for cake and coffee. fginning this Sunday, July e are starting a nursery class for 3-year-olds, which will m ^ e t a t 8 : 3 0 a . m . in t h e man^e basement at 209 Eastwood Lane, Eastwood Manor. Mrs. James Penick will be the feacher. A cordial welcome is extended , to all 3-year-olds in the McHenry area. Welcome D&riena Jfirle n a A n n e t t e was t h e name chosen by Lena and Lonzo Campbell' for their 7 lb. 10 oz., 20-inch-long daughter who put in her appearance at M e m o r i a l h o s p i t a l in W o o d stock at 11:45 p.m. on June 22. I'll bet her sisters Shirley and Pamela were tickled to see her. This and That Belated happy anniversary to Patrice and Bob Lindemann, who c e l e b r a t e d t h e i r t e n t h wedding anniversary on Saturday/ June 21 by going out to dinner, then attending housewarming party for Bob's brother and sister-in-law, Mardine and Gilbert Lindemann in Mundelein Gardens, thereby making it a double celebration. We are happy to report that Edith Long is now a proud grandma of a baby girl, born this week at St. Elizabeth's hospital in Chicago. Emily Smithson, Dorothy Eternick, June Stuart, Klara McAllister, Mildred Negar, Julie Schmidt, Elva Bever, Lois McCormack, B^tty R a d n e r, R o s e m a r y N e w l o n , S h i r l e y Lottchea, Marge Pickett" and Mary Hadley alT Spent" an enjoyable evening at a "demonstration at the home of Georgia Sigman on Thursday, June 19. Lydia Fenner enjoyed a visit with her mother, Mrs. Bruno Zgorski, who spent the week of June 15 in our subdivision. few days with their daughter and son-in-l^vyr, Mim and Lee Hansen. I'll", bet Brian, Ward and Stevie will be glad to see grandma a$d grandpa. Mary anil. George Thienes and family spent a pleasant weekend visiting .in Chicago Heights at the hoihe of Mary's and Mrs. Qvie *Scurlock. sister and brother-in-law, Mr. Craig Sigman, Lynnda Stu- .art, Jimmy Fultz, Denise and Paul Dethlefson, Kathleen and B r u c e E t e r n i c k and S o n n y , all participated in the cere- Danny and Linda Charbonnier mony marking the close of the vacation Bible school at the McHenry Bible church on Friday night, June 20. Hamburgers, hot dogs and watermelon were served at the barbecue which was held at the Tinkler home on June 19. Chief chef for the occasion, was Gene Tinkler. Those present were Vern Bauer and her s o n s , S k i p and J o h n n i e , and daughter, Teresa, Lydia Fenner and her son* Carey, and daughter, Cheryl, June Priester and Sandra Halsted. Jerry Ryan recently returned from Pittsburgh, where he spent, the week oh business. Jacquelynn Cary left last week to spend the summer with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cary, in Plant City, Florida. Lena Campbell's brother-inlaw and his wife, Betty and Bob Campbell, and* their daughter, Kay, have been giving L e n a a h a n d w i t h t h e new baby and took oyer while Lena was in the hospital! The Tom Birmingham* really had a house full on Sunday, June 22. Present at the housewarming were Mr- and Mrs. J. Deasy and family, Mr- and Mrs. John Meyers and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. Cerasani and family, Mrs. Sheila Hendrixson and farr^ily, Mr. 'and Mrs. D. S p e n c e r and f a m i l y and Mrs. Margaret Deasy, all of Chicago. Mini and Lee Hansen enjoyed a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Hankermeycr ind, daughter. Marsha, of Elmhurst on Sunday evening. We were swry to hear of t h e d e a t h of M r s . W i l l i a m Moyse, the grandmother of Moyse Cary of our subdivision. Mrs. Moyse passed away after a long illness on June 14, in Plant City, Fla. SJie was 89 y e a r s o l d . The f u n e r a l was held in Barabdo, Wis., on Sat'- urdayr June 21. Once again the lost and found department has an item to report . . . another canvas shoe. This tijyie it is a small red one. Please contact me if your child came home recently with one shoe and one mud Her dad was not able to make covered foot It until the weekend. , The 0ctettes had final Welcome to Rev, and Mrs. get-together of the season on H. G. Schwegler, of Parkers-1 Thursday, June 19. They cele burg, West Virginia, who are brated by having dinner at & arriving tomorrow to spend a/restaurant in Johrisburg, fol- ^liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiity CEMENT CONTRACTORS Phone 409 1 COMPLETE LINE OF CEMENT WQR? I Welcome New Neighbors M most cordial welcome to Rev. and Mrs. Jtlck Mclntyre, 5 who moved into the manse at ill|||||||||||||ipmvilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllipi»li|IIIUIHIII!IUIUUIIIilllllli!: CALL US ABOUT NEW HOSPITALIZATION .PLAN s \ *' t $25 Deductible • . • pays 80% of first $$00 ^hospital and surgical expenses . . . next $5*000 paid in full, for expenses in or out of hospital f^r any one illness or accident. ALSO Against loss of earnings caused by accident or illness ... a $25 yearly premium covers average mortgage. <» Phone 2500 Or See Us Ai 204 East Elm Street, McHenry, Illinois FREUND & POLLOCK ASSOCIATES 1" lowed by bowling. Ann Ritter made fresh floweV corsages for each of the ladies and the president and treasurer made each one a wrist <<&rsage~ of pink roses,.., Tropliiies were awarded to Vern Bauer as the best bunco player artfci'to Artn R i t t e r as t h e w o r s t b u n c o player. Those attending the d i n n e r w e r e L y d i a F e n n e r , Marge Tinkler, Vern Bauer, Ann Ritter, Lillian ' Zgorski and Marie Theis. Meet Tour Neighbors The Richard priihn family of 121 Country Lane moved into their home on May T, 1957. Grace and Dick are the parents of two girls and a boy. Norma, the oldest, will be 10 years old in October^ Vicky was 3 in May and Richie will be a big boy of 2 next Saturday. Dick is an engineer for an electric company and does television repair work in his spare time. Grace's hobby is gardening and Dick likes phonography and b o a t i n g'. Grace is a native of Moorhead, Minn., and Dick hails from Waterloo, Iowa. The David Hadley family moved into the McCartney home at 148 Country Lane on May 2, 1958. Mary and David are the proud parents of Cathy, who was just 2 years old last month, and Timothy, who will be 5 months old on July 9. David is a research geologist and enjoys a game of golf in his spare time, while Mary lists bridge and knitting as her hobbies. Mary was born in Lincoln, 111., and David is from Chicago. Thanks to all those nice people who called this week. The news for next week's edition must be in by tomorrow, so if you have something for us, why not pick up the phone now and call 2755. DISPLAY OVER 70 PUMPSM STOCK EASY TERMS McHoary Comty Wei ft hm* C* WELLS DRILLED OR DRITU IMMO h a* vuhvs cUfcon-- L*» m mltr atnrda mW MoncdHeer nLrya Okefi Rthoea 4M cCUtai TO09E7UI POST 491 by Mary Einspar • •E'orty-two junior auxiliary members attended the picnic at Deer Haven Park, Ingleside, on June 18. Everyone brought t h e i r own l u n c h and w e r e treated to' a soft drink and ice cream. The girls enjoyed riding the miniature train, the ponies and feeding all the animals. Nine senior auxiliary members went along to supervise the fun. - President Lauretta .Homo, Ruth Mrachek, Frances Matchen and Lena Carbanarq were delegates at the 11th district convention at Glen Ellyn oh J[une 23. Helen Corey from Woodstock was elected chaplain of the eleventh district at this convention. Installation of officers of the veterans of World War I took place at the Legion home •June 26: The following auxiliary members were present fjor this occasion: President Lauretta Homo, Dorothy Diedrich, Ruth Mrachek, Frances Matchen. Georgia Stueben, Doris Moffet and Mary Einspar. L4vibi#1 L % G A L PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Proposed Changes In Schedule COMMONWEALTH E DI - SON COMPANY and its Public Service Company Division hereby give notice to the public that certain revisions in Schedule 8-R, Information and Requirements for the Supply of Electric"Service' have been filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission on June 20, 1958. Paragraph (5.40), as revised, proposes that the Company extend its program of sharing rewiring costs in b u i 1 d i n g s with one to three occupancies to i n c l u d e b u i l d i n g s s e r v e d through underground service connections. . Paragraph (5.41) proposes to establish a similar program for buildings having four or more occupancies} Iti each case the Company will bear a part Of the cost of replacing inade quate wiring serving residential customers. Paragraph (4.20), as revised, proposes that customers served from networked secondaries be required to install current limiters under certain condv tions. Further information with respect to these changes may be obtained directly from the Company or by addressing the Secretary of the Illinois Commerce Commission in Springfield, Illinois. A copy of the proposed changes may be inspected by any interested party at any business office Of this Com pany. COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY H. H. NEXON Director Of Rates (Publish June 26, July 2, 1958) acta! AND MPHtnJ Gust F. Wojhoski, car^&|| spectbr, has completed fortyfive years in the employment^ of the Milwaukee Railroad; !' SHOP IN McHENKT h ' PROFE^IOHRL DIRECTORS' W -: A CHAT WITH US Regular check-ups and maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs to you! Call us today and findl out for yourself Brake Service All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling BUTCH'S 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE S16 Frobt St. McHenry, 111. Phone 811 -- Residence 91-R ax ! ! While we take care of ALL your building requirements. * Planning & Estimating * Proper Selection ol Materials • The Right Contractor lor Your Particular Job • Financing --Both New Home and Remodeling 611 Main Street McHenry, 111 PHONE McHENRY 46 Jim Conway, CQS Television Star of "In Town Tonight," meets Mrs. Robert Jarchow "Jttst imagine, this whole meal was cooked to a turn while I shopped!" "Electric cooking is so automatic, it's like having someone else do the cooking for you!" •ays Mrs. Robert Jarchow, of Northbrook, Illinois, a leader in the Northbrook Service Club, school organizations, and civic and charitable groups. DR. JOHN C. GOETSCHEL T' -,' ; Chtropratic Physician Naprapathic Manipulation Steam Baths and Massage •? 304 East Elm Street : McHenry, m. Hours: . Mon^ Tues., Wed. & FrL v ; V:' 10 a.m. to 12 pjn. I:S0 p.m. to 5:30 pan. 7 p.m. to 9 pan. V Sat. 10 ajn. to 2 pjtt Phone McHenry 743 DR. C. R. SWANSOIf Dentist' Offlce Hourft: Daily Except Thursday 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:30 Hoik, Wed., ft FrL EvenlngVpv By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry 1C| ROBERT A. CAMERON Complete Insurance Servle» Since 1923 R.F.D. 3 -- Box 12 McHenry, 111. Phone 1872-R • , h, • EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE •Ire, Auto, Farm £ Life S-'V Representing ' RELIABLE COMPANIES When Yea Need Insurance til Aag Kind PHONE 43 ur 953 Orecf A Elm McHenry, III SCHROEDER IRON WO^.RS Ornamental & Structural Steel Visit Our Showrooms 8 Miles South on Rt. X PHONE 980 Hr F. HARRISON CO Realtors Insurance • Real Estate Appraisals Phone 1910 405 W. Elm Street You can retire on the dollars you use to protect family. Larry Booster -- Virgil PoD«M The New England Mutual Life Insurance Company 8p4 E. Elm St. Phone 2506 Expert PIANO TUNING and Repairing .*. A. G. SKALA o/o Steftan's Jewelry Store 514 W. Main Street PHONE 123-J DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist .. . 126» So. Green Street ^ Office phone McHenry Hf. Res. phone McHenry 604-Mfl Hours: Dally 9:30 - 5:00 .. Tues. & Fri. Evening* • 6:30 . 9:00 Closed all day Wednesdays Eyes examined . Glasses fitted. Repair Service JIM CONWAY: Mm-m-m-m. A rib roast, bhked potatoes, bxoccolL WMat's for dessert? ' MRS. JARCHOW: Baked Cherry Delight, Jim. A whole meal ready for me to take out of the oven and serve... and all I did was Set the controls before 1 went shopping. That's how easy automatic electric cooking is! JIM CONWAY: I know, Mrs. Jarchow, and the nicest thing: anyone can have it just that easy with a modern electric range . . ., 'cause there's no doubt about it, they're completely automatic and foolproof. As you say, you just set the dials and the electric range takes over ... food comes out cooked exactly the way you want it, when you want it. Electric cooking is economical, too ... only 14 a day for the average family. MRS. JARCHOW:.And another thing I like about it, Jim... it saves time; gives me t lot more time to be with Bob and the youngsters... and extra time for volunteer work. I have a lot more energy left at the end of the day, too. Now that I've experienced electric cooking, Jim, I wouldn't put up with any other kind! JIM CONWAY: I'll bet your husband wouldn't either... not when you put meals like this, on the table! Every day, more modern women DR. LEONARD L. BOTTAR1 Optometrist Eyes examined • Glasses fitted Contact lenses , 105 Richmond Road Hours Eve.: Wed., Thurs Fri 7 to 9 pan. Saturdays - 3 to 6 p.m. Phone McHenry 2262-J Loop office - 108 N. State St. Phone DEarborn 2-2090 GEORGE J. CASTLE, Agent The Prudential Insurance Oa of America Life, Retirement, Sickness 41 Accident and Group Insurance 826 Crystal Lake Soa^ McHenry. DL Phone: McHenry 2533 ALYCE JOYCE MUSIC STUDIO COOK THE MODERN ELECTRIC WAY s.d**,...»co...i.. . (9, automatic SEE Y0MR ELECTRIC APPLIANCE DEALER V Public Service ® Cosumsimaltb £disw Gmrswbi Gulbranaen - Organs New' -- UM Piano * Organ Instracthiii , 388 W. Elm Stiqrt x McHenry, 111. Phones: McHenry 81S . MS •m w -J • .

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