Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Jul 1958, p. 16

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$&&&$ TfltE McHENRY Wonder Lake McHEHRY BOTS MHATPONY TEAM by Jane Ducey -- 27S1 I . The pony league game at j'McHenry got off to a good start with a hofne run by Ken- ' ny Justen and another hit by : Dick Burns, but much to their ; dismay they ended up with a j score of 11 to 1, in favor of j McHenry. John Bolger did a :j nice «job of pitching and the i boys are hoping to have a winning score when they play [ at Great Lakes Sunday after-1 many or France |n o o n . W e w i s h t h e m g o o d News Briefs • Mr. and Mrs. James Maioney 6f Highland Shores and Mr. and Mrs. Vern O'Connor of Deep Spring Woods enjoyed a joint celebration of their wedding anniversaries, dining out in Gurnee last Wednesday. June 24 marked* the; second year for the Maloneys and June 27 the seventh anniversary for the O'Connors. Peggy Selsdorf, daughter of the James Seldorfs, came home from New York last Friday for a ten-day visit before going overseas. Peggy has signed up for special services, as a recreational director for the Armed Forces for two years. She will go to Nuremburg for orientation and will then be located somewhere in G e r - ; V Little League > v The Indians are trying hard •!/•] end doing a great job with ; three wins and no losses, "the ! Red Sox have lost one but ! won two games. The Yankees have lost two and won once. And the White Sox need a .little more luck because they j gave away three games to | their opponents. These young j lads dre breaking in for the j (season afid with some practice we expect to hear great things of them. A lot of moms and dads and sisters and brothers have been down to the j field to watch them play, why ; don't you come down and do •a little cheering for the boys? j • Wins Nursing Scholarship ; Joan, Hansen, daughter of the 'Harry R. Hansens of Wood**! Shores, and a June graduate iof McHenry. high school, is 'four scholarships to nursing Nativity Lutheran Church school awarded by the Wood- Qn Sunday, July 6, the sertne recipient of one of the mon topic will be, "A Changing ^mer'can Trust.1* On this Independence i _ , I Day weekend all are welcome j . £ selection is made on to attend our services where ! ® i f- ? Per90n,S!Jy i3 we wil1 re-affirm our trust as [scholastic standing. The four Births Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Buss of Highland Shores are the happy parents of a 7 lb. boy, Scott Allen, born Monday everting, June 23. Dale. 2 and Andy, 1, are his big brothers and the proud grandparents a«e Mr. and Mi's. Leon Buss, Sr^ from Highland Shores. Jeannette and^Vicki McCall i n v i t e d R o b e r t a Mae B u r n s over to meet their cousin, Beijnadine McCall who is visiting here from the big state, TEXAS. They had a lot of fun comparing notes and they decided the big difference was in the drawl and the twang o' the talk. Rev. and Mrs. Burton Schroeder are enjoying a visit from their two nieces, Lor and Patti Schroeder and waiting eagerly for another cousin Janny Sheeper Avho is coming from New Jersey, next week. were chosen out of fourteen finalists; there were forty-four girls from all over the county initially in the competition. Joan will be enrolled in the nursing school at the Illinois Masonic hospital in Chicago in September. She first became interested in nursing as a profession while working at the McHenry hospital last year. The American Legion plays the role <Jf "big brother" to its scholars, attending all the ceremonies during the schooling. To insure the recipients of the scholarships staying in school .until graduation, the a nation in a never-changing 6od, in a ever-changing world. On Monday, July 7, the "Women of the Church" will meet and the newly elected pfficers will be installed. The pastor will present the program which will be the showing of the new service book and hymnal which will be used in the fall. All ladies are welcome to attend. The pastor will leave for Camp Alpine Sunday to serve as athletic director for one of the junior weeks. Camp Alpine is located east .of Richmond and many of our young folks will be attending camp this tuition is paid in full at the capping ceremonies of each girl. Wonder Lake Blie Church Rev. Luther Cook of "The Just Shall Live. By Faith" mia* sion was ordained at Wonder Lake Bible church in an ordination service at 7:30 p.m. last Monday, June 30. Rev. Charles Stark of Muskegon, Mich., gave the ordination sermon. Rev. Cook had been examined by an ordination council lor three hours on June 23 at the Grand Rapids School of the Bible and was then recommended for ordination. Congratulations and continued blessing from the Lord as he and' his wife, Irene, will continue their home missionary work thru the summer and fall months. They are now ministering in Indiana. This began the first week of camp for the girls. Boys will be at camp .from July 13 to July 27. Anyone interested In signing up for caipp please see the pastor. The picnic this year will be at the same place as last year, Fox River Park, Wilmot, Wis. It will be on the last Saturday yOf July. There will be games fiir-aH ages, prizes also for all ages, as well as refreshments such as pop and ice cream. Every family will be asked to bring one fairly large dish to pass and no lunch for themselves as there will be enough Twice Told Talet FORTY YEARS AGO From Issue of July 4, 1918 Misses Edythe Leach and Caroline Irwin of Crystal Lake held their annual home recital at the Jack Walsh home Saturday evening. Pupils in music and elocution did / credit to themselves and their instructors. Mrs. Harry " Alexander r is here to make her home indef initely. Her husband answered the call to the colors and left Woodstock with the McHenry county contingent last Thursday and is now at Camp Grant A war social will be held on the lawn of the M. A. Conway home Thursday afternoon and evening, when four-minute talks will be given by several of our citizens. Miss Laura Barbian, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Barbian of this city, and Chris Burkhartsmeier of Chicago were married at Elizab e t h , - 1 1 1 . , on J u n e 2 9 . T h e ceremony was performed by I&v. Fr. Hagen, former pastor of St. Patrick's church here, an intimate friend of the groom. An interesting program prepared by Miss Alice Knox and to go around if every family! Mrs. H. J. Schaffer was given brings one dish to pass. Con-1 &t the last meeting of St. Pattact Mrs. Tomano. W. L. 6393 rick's Altar and Rosary society, or Mrs. Dominguez, W. L. 2862 i Mrs. A. E. Nye and Miss Irene a s t o w h a t t o b r i n g . M o r e i n - C o n w a y f a v o r e d w i t h v o c a l formation later on the picnic. I s°l°s ^ a spelling match, Communion Sunday, July 6. ' in which all took part, was Let us remember to be in the Lord's house every Sunday and parents come with your children to Sunday School. There are two fine classes especially for adults. JULY HEARING A hearing will be held on Tuesday, July 22, at the city hall in Crystal Lake at 3 p.m. At this time the petitioners, Frank J. O'Leary and Genevieve B. O'Leary, are asking to have a piece of property rezoned from "F" farming to "R-l" residential district. The property is located on the west side of Sherman Hill Road, approximately two miles south of Route 120. won by Miss Mary Doherty. Miss Eva Nelson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nelson, and Joseph Greener, who came here from Austria recently, were united in marriage at Woodstock June 21. .TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From Issue of July -6, 1933 Six masked and armed bandits held up the "Pit," located east of MqHenry, early Sunday morning and, carried away loot estimated at from $500 to $800T The place is operated by John Knox and Weir Keck. Martin Conway, popular milk man, received painful injuries 4th of July morning, when the milk trlick which he was driving for the Riverside Dairy was hit by a car and forced o f f t h e p a y e i f t e n t i n t o t h e ditch. .ij; / A'- Roy Colby, .a former Ideal resident, took- his own life at his home in Williams Bay Saturday night, while despondent over ill. health. v George Larkin received a broken nose Tuesday morning when he slipped while unloading milk cans. Ra^moricU Steinsdoerfer, 13, of Griswold Lake was lighting a tfannon cracker Sunday afternoon, when it exploded and burned bdth hands and badly lacerated the middle finger on the right hand. Terror, reigned in the Fox river valley Saturday night as a cyclone Swept across fertile fields and sleeping cities' leaving devastated homes and causing property loss estimated at tw° million dollars. While no serious damage was done here, the great force of the storm left streets strewn with b r o k e n t r e e b r a n c h e s . T h e most serious damage was done a t D u n d e e , w h e r e t h e s t o r m struck in all its fury. TEN YEARS AGO From Issue of July 1, 1.948 Opening of the new Nye Walgreen agency drug store at 129 N. Riverside Drive (today) July 1, brings to McHenry one of the finest and most modern drug stores to be found in t h i s p a r t o f t h e s t a t e . T h e store is Owned and will be managed by Herman Nye. An eltimafciff^iwi^ of iSjOOO attended McHenry's first annual water carnivar sponsored by the Business Men's associa>: tion here last Sunday, one of the main attractions being a colorful parade. Folks are now looking forward to the annual Legion carnival to be held from July 2 to July Ef. •.c . i, ; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomp-' ton .and i Miss Maud Granger nave returned from a trip to Guelph, Ontario, Canada, where they attended the forty-fifth International exhibition of the' American Peony society. Mrj Thompson wbn a blue ribbon and two red ribbons on his entries in the show. Recent weddings *1 n c 1 u d e Miss Claire Longway and' Richard Rosing at St. Mary's June 19; Miss Helen Brown and Richard S^hmitt at St. Peter's, Volo, Jurie 23; Miss Carol Peterson and Bernard Hamil at St. Patrick's June 26; Miss Helen Virginia Stratton ' and Glenn Oleson, at Woodstock, June 26; and Miss Marilyn filler and Raymond Benoy at St. John's, Johnsburg, June 30. Mrs. Anna Lusk of Volo,' who formerly operated a grocery store in McHenry, passed away at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, June 29, after a few days' illness, at the age of 09, Daniel Justen, son* of the Peter M. Justens, was one of a class of 275 who graduated from the Worsham College of Mortuary Science in Chicago on June 25. < Wednesday, Julyl CONSTRUCT NEW i provide needed space \ £or cfc- GAS HEADQUARTERS' PfPsioii.ot^ company's o*#. TMnovcTXT tk trr. ations m the Lake regions*© IN CRYSTAL.^ LAKE keep pace with the. grow^^g demands for service from ciiptomers, according to i^pwiad Etchison, local district - intendent for the utility^ Ale said the new headquarters w$lli not effect Resent operations at the reporting center in$3elvidere. , ' • ^ . ' , \ ' 1 ' ' • • ? Peace has a ^better chance when divided \ people 'hqafe found out that the people $n Construction ' of - Northern Illinois Gas company's new gas air conditioned district headquarters on an S-acre site on Terra Cotta avenue (Route 176) east of Oak street in Crystal Lake is expected to be started sometime during the late summer and will b.e completed about a year thereafter. The modern, one--ssitco ry build- STSaS* MoZISZmS* ing consolidates the Crystal • just like themselves, fath||s Lake area operations. and will and mothers and children. A / FOR THE FINEST IN A V r CATERING SERVICE • WEDDINGS • PARTIES • LUNCHBONS • INDUSTRIAL . x •PICNICS • BANQUETS ALL TYPES OF CATERING •JS r • S £ Norman Graham John Graham fU. ern +3i$inoid ALGONQUIN, \lLt» Phone OLiver 8-7021 | - 119 SO. MAIN ST. Form F. R. 105e (Revised Nov. 1955) Notice To Girl Scouts Final plans have been made to transport the Girl Scouts to Valley View Day Camp in McHenry for summer camp to be held July 14 through July 1 A1 Schminke will drive the ^Harrison school bus. picking the girls up at their usual stops. The bus will leave from (the school at 9:15 a.m. and proceed • north along county road to the Cardinal Store and t u r n s o u t h t o w a r d W o n d e r Center via the middle road. From Wonder Center the bus Will follow along the county road leading to Rt. 120, making its final stop at Wooded Shores north gate at 9:30 a. in. From there the bus will travel to the Day* Camp. On its return tap in the afternoon, it will reverse its schedule. year. The church wishes to acknowledge the many gifts to the memorial fund given in the name of Mrs. Elizabeth Munson who recently passed away. Reserve District No. 7 State No. 70-16(10 REPORT OF CONDITION OF McHENRY STATE BANK of City of McHenry, Illinois, at the close of business June 23, 1958, a State banking institution organized and operating under the banking laws of the State of Illinois and a member of the Federal Reserve System. Published in accordance with a call made by the Auditor of Public Accounts and by the Federal Reserve Bank of this District. Business & Service Directory of Wonder Lake CRISTY and STENDEBACH General Contractors NEW HOMES Phone Wonder Lake 5432 pi GRAND OPENING ZJlie out Spot :•*; JULY 4-5-6 MUSIC and DANCING GRAND OPENING SPECIAL ALL DINNERS $1.00 featuring FINE GERMAN FOOD m •Roasi Beef • Sauerbraten #Fried Chicken •Rib Eye Steaks ® Cold Cut Plates BOTH BARS ARE OPEN r featuring ALL DOMESTIC BEERS | ^ BOATS TO RENT SipCATEb 150 YARDS PAST VILLA NURSING HOME Next To Pistakee Yacht Club Oscar & Hemine Weingartner, Praps. IMPORTED BEERS - WINES - LIQUORS A S S E T S 1. Cash, balances with other banks, including re- i / serve balance, and cash items in process of ' -j^ collection .. .$ 2,567,170J91 2. United States Government obligations, direct • and guaranteed 4,256,689.13 3. Obligations of States and political subdivisions 633,531.29 4. Other bonds, notes and debentures 362,000.00 5. Corporate stocks (including $9,000.00 stock of Federal Reserve bank) .* 9,000.00 6. Loans and discounts (including $1,934.50 over- „ drafts) 5,782,501.10 7. Bank premises owned $180,000.00, furniture and fixtures $1.00 180,001.00 12. TOTAL ASSETS $13,790,893.43 L I A B I L I T I E S 13. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 5,882,426.64\ 14. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 5,988,176.42 15. Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) 16. Deposits of States and political subdivisions L8. Other deposits (certified and officers' checks, etc.) 19. TOTAL DEPOSITS $13,056,553.98 23. Other liabilities 159.477.25 815,106.99 211,366.68 54,456.12 24. TOTAL LIABILITIES ...$13,111, 010.10 C A P I T A L . A C C O U N T S 25. Capital1* 26. Surplus 27. Undivided profits 28. Reserves (and retirement account for preferred capital) 100,000.00 200,000.0b 227,383.33 152,500.00 29. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 679i883^3 30. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL AC- $13,790,893.43 This bank s capital consists of: Common stock with total par value of $100,000.00 M E M O R A N D A 31. Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 32. (a) Loans as shown above are after deduction of reserves of 570,500.00 135,635.82 I, Thomas F. Bolger, Cashier of the above named bank hereby certify that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Correct--Attest W. A. NYE, M.D. ROBERT L. WEBER GERALD J. CAREY Directors '•@HfL'k 1> y'£"•' P •/ i'S Our holiday values touch off a wonderful weekend for you* All the necessaries for home, the beach or an outdoor picnic. Yoiir savings kwill skyrocket when you shop these red hot values at BOLGER'S. State of Illinois, County of McHenry, ss: 1958SW°r 1 t0 Snd subscribed before me this 28th day of June, (SEAL) LENORA E. FRISBY, Notary Public • GIANT BEACH BALLS $1.98 HEEL SHOES AGES SPRAY DEMOUNT 75c EVENING IN I>AH1S DEODORANT STICKS 2 for $1.00 08< Dr. West's notttn AEROSOL TOOTHPASTE SUNBURN RKLI Chigger Stop 1000 Saccharin lA gr. ' 97c 65c Murine Eye Drops 59c Veto Stick Deodorant . 79c 53c Chlorodent Toothpaste 2 lor 73c Nylon Combs -- 2 for 39c 69c Pal Injector Blades 2 for 98c Living Curl HairxSpray $1»50 Summer Shower Cologne $1*00 Trylon Bubble Bath, 12 tablets 33c WASH *N CURL WAVING SHAMPOO JUST $1.50 MOTION-SICKNESS PREVENTIVE TARTAN "21" ALL TAN-NO BURN TANNING LOTION SUNGLASSES LADIES' OR i FROM 89* 6-12 INSECT KKIUNT 594 PAPER PLATES 19* m ZBT Talcum Baby Magic Teether INSTANT Johnson CHARCOAL LIGHTER FLUID CHUX CARRY- DISPOSABLE PACK DIAPERS FASTEST, miE$ BOLGER'S PHOTO ' 103 S. Green St. DRUG STORE McHenry. I1L Wot 10% W*r«l Escis* T«i on TeiUtiiu <n r- 1Mt&XZS&L

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