Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Jul 1958, p. 2

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PERSONALS f^W £ Z* ^ b r u , n P » V ( ; ? , « 7 ' f ' ! ' , " / / ^ > 3 5 ^ * THE McHENKY PLAINDEALER "J '.. "" ~ "::~";t ' • Wdnffday, July 8.. , r t f f JT Class of 1932 ttolds Reunion Thq first reunion df the class of 1932 of the Mclleriry high school was held at the V.F.W. Clubhouse in McHenry recently. In addition to class members, Supt. C. H. Etuker and two teachers, Mr. and Mrs. (Clarence Anglese, were in at-, tendance. .Attending as members of the class were LeRoy Welter, Who acted as t tpastmaster; -Agnes Fox Hansen, ' Leone F r.e uhd Tonyahr Mildred Thompson R e e's e{ Clarence Smith, John Weingart, Jack 'Cooper, Glen Eppel, R. J. Sutton, Marie Kinsala Corso, Eugene Nye, Stanley Schaffer and Earner Hettermann of McHenry; Frank Harrison and Itfiss Alice Peet of Ringwood; Lucy tJabe McDonald of Wau-, kegaft; Leonard Brown of Clarendon Hills; Donald Hayes of Chicago; Ruth Phalin Anderson of Morton Grove; Florence Steffes Schroeder of Palatine; Jerry Meyers of Racine, Wife;, artd Juanita Keg McChesriey of Deerfield. Surprised At Vtridal Shower A surprise bridal shower was given recently in honor of Miss Janice Paulsen of Long Lake, who will be a late summer bride.' Hostess was Dorothy* Rades. , A second shower was held also in her honor, given by Lorraine Wallin of Chicago. Community Club Meets 40>n July 7 The next meeting of the Johnsburg Community club will be held Monday, July 7, at 8:30 o'clock at Memorial hall." As there are some important business matters to transact, the presence of all members is Requested. ' The committee for that evening will be notified by mail. MARION BLAKE JUNE BRIDE OF ROBERT BIGELOW •;lr Party Honors Nurse Graduate 5 Miss Peggy Whiting was guest of honor at a party held p. the home of her parents, Mr. aitd Mrs. Sebre Whiting, on Sunday evenmg, June 29, following her graduation from I St: Therese school q£ nursing. / A delicious buffet supper . was served to seventy relatives and friends. Peggy will continue her work at St. Therese hospital until August, at which time she plans to continue her nursing career as a graduate registered nurse at Memorial Hospital for McHeip-y County in Woodstock. CARD OF THANKS We want to take this means of thanking the many friends who remembered us with spiritual bouquets, floral offerings, cards of sympathy and other kiridnesses at the time of our bereavement. We are especially' grateful-to members of the clergy for their services. Lynn Smith Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conway *9- Brothers and Sisters A pretty bride of Saturday, J u n e ' 2 8 , w a s M i s s M a r i o n» Jean Blake, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blake of 205 Grand avenue, McHenry, who became- the bride of Mr. * Robert K. Bigeibw; son of Mr. and Mrs. Hilary Bigelow of •Oftovilie, Ohio. The nuptial ceremony was solemnized at iO o'clock in St. Mary's Catholic church, McHenry, with Rev. Fr. Reuland 'officiating. Baskets of flowers decorated the altars of the church. The attractive bride selected a white nylon lace dress oVer taffeta, princess Style, with full skirt ' featuring tiers of ^ l a c e f a l l i n g i n t o a c h a p e l ' length train. She carried a crescent bouquet of white carnations and stephanotis with variegated Ivy. Acting as maid of honor wias t h e b r i d e ' s s i s t e r , D o l o r e s Blake, of Fort Jennings, Ohio, a n d t h e b r i d e s m a i d s w e r e Elaine Honstmbn, sister of the bride, of Fort Jennings, Dorothy. Wolowic, another sister, of Lake Viila, and June Bigelow, sister of the groom, of Ottoville, Ohio. * They were attired similarly in gowns. of white nylon lace over iceN&lue taffeta, designed w i t h s h o r t s l e e v e s , s q u a r e , Italian cut neckline and featuring a wide shirred belt of taffeta with huge bow in back, above insertions of taffeta on the full skirt. The maid of honor carried a crescent bouquet of pink and blue carnations, while the bridesmaids had pink and white flowers. ^ George SChroeder of Ohio, a close friend of the groom, s e r v e d a s b e s t man a n d groomsmen were Paul Bigelow, brother of the groom, James Blake and Gerald Blake, brothers of the bride, of McHenry. Mrs. Blake was attired in aI pink t lace dress, with which she wore white accessories and a corsage of pink roses and white carnations. The groom's m o t h e r c h o s e a n a v y b l u e dress with white accessories and a corsage ,of pink roses and white carnations. Dinner for thirty-five members of the bridal party and the two families was served at the Legion home, where a reception was later enjoyed by 225 guests. The couple left on a wedding trip of two weeks through the East, and will make their future home in Fort Jennings. The bride attended St. Mary's parochial school, gradu a t e d f r o m M c H e n r y h i g h school and Moser Business college ajid has been employed at the,McHenry State bank. The groom attended the Ottoville schools and is employed by Sylvania Electric in that city. Mr;: find Mrs. ' Ed: Carson and son,' "Gregory, of Santa Ana, Calif.,. visited Mr. and MrSi Phillip Thennes and family and other relatives here for two weeks. On the return trip, they were accompanied by M i s s N a n c y J u s t e n , who will £pend a two-week vacation there. Frank Seebach - drove to .Eureka, Kan., to attend the wedding of a granddaughter in June. After going on to Coffeyville, Kan., to visit a niece, Mr. Seebach returned to his home in Holiday Hills. Mrs. Stanley Collins of Salt L a k e C i t y , U t a h , g r a n d s o n Michael Collins of Oxnard, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Frances Carlos of Hillsdale, Mich'., are spending'several days with-1 Mrs.' Collins and Mrs. Carlos' mother, Mrs. Anton Schneider, and ^ their aunt, Mrs. Frances: Thome. Sister Juventina O.S.F., and a sister companion" of Hubbell, Mich., spent a few days last week with old friends h^re. Sister- Juventiha, the former Celia Bartz, an old time McHenry resident, celebrated her golden jubilee in her home parish, St. Alphonsus, in Chicago, June 21. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cain and daughters, Connie 'qnd Candy, were Weekend guests of her parents, Mif. 'and Mrs. John Wirtz and other relatives here. The Cain family moved recently from Jacksonville, I^Ja., to St. Louis, Mo. Mr. find Mrs. Donald Hayes and son Tommie of (Chicago, visitjed his mother, Mrs. Edith Hayes, Tuesday. Mrs, Ai|na Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller were guests in the William Miller h o m e i n F o x R i v e r G r o v e Tuesday eyening, where they welcomed- 'Rita \Miller hoiVie from Jacksonville, 111., where she had attended Girls State. Mrs. R. Moehling, Mrs. Julius Roedei4, Mrs. R. Ahrens, Mrs, Fred Bienapfl and granddaughter Loridale Dixon attended the semi-annual meeting and picnic of the Lutheran Child Welfare auxiliary held at the children's home at Addison last week. Included in the McHenry folks who attended the fashion show and card party sponsored by the 'Altar and Rosary sodality of St. Joseph's church at the Hunter club, Richmond, recently were Mesdames Wallace Dobyns, Ray McGee, Al. bert Foley, Jean Driscoll,,Anna Miller, Nick ' Young aricl Misses Florence Carey, Barbara, Gertrude and Joyce Weber. i • Mesdames Dorothy Ullrich. Laura Ferwerda, Vera Ward and Lenore Cooley~and Miss Genevieve Knox are attending a DeK^lb extension course being held at the Waukegan high school. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gaylord of Denver, Colo., were visitors in the Phillip Thennes home for two Weeks. Misses Nellie Doherty and Carolyn Bauer have completed a two-week's course at the Na tional College- of Education inl Evanston. , Mr. and Mrs. Math Laures vacationed in Wisconiln a few days recently. Miss Helen Frett of Chicago balled on the Misses Lena and Clara Stoffel Suftday. Mr. and Mrs. Art•/ Edstrom attended graduation exercises at the Stephen K. Hoyt grade school in Chicago, Wednesday evening, their niece Pamela Carol Seaholm being a member of the class. A reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Seaholm later; Mr. and Mrs. Christy Burns and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jansen of Waukegan called on friends here Saturday and attended the Vales-Glosson Wedding. ; Mr. and Mrs. Edyirard Owen of Colorado City,' Tdxasi Oliver Owen of LincolnWood, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander of Hebron were visitore in the Robert Thompson home Saturday evening. " ENGAGED Vales-Glosson , Vows Exchanged " JANICE PAULSEN .*««:• . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Paulsen of Long Lake announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their dau&hfer, Janice, to Kerwin Rades, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rad^s of Long Lake. The wedding date has been set for Aug. 16. The Paulsens are Well known McHenry, where they hpSfjs operated a dance studio. P.* Stated O.E.S. Meeting -- Acacia Hall -- 8 p.m. July 9 O. E. S. Card Party p.m. -- A^ac^a Hail mentis. r':~ ' . / July 10 W C.O.F. Meeting -- 8 July 11-12-lS 5 \[ Dinner: and Carnival -- St'l Joseph's Parish, Richmond. July 18-19 Third Annual Old Barn Rummage Sale -- Maurice Gladstone Barn -- Sponsored by; Jewish Studies Group. July 20 FIESTA Day. July 22 O.E.S. Vacation from July 22 to August 12. *« One of the most beautiful weddings of tHe summer in McHenry w&s solemnized Saturday morrring, June 28, at 11 o'clock \yhen Miss Dolores A. Vales exchanged nuptial vows with Mr. J.ames A. Glosson. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Albert Vales of this cityand the groom is the son of l^r and Mrs. Joseph Glosson c>f Richmond, Ind. Rev. Fr. Collins ; ^officiated at. the service. ! The-i Ipvely, blonde bride chose an Alfred Angelo original gown of chantilly la£e and nylon tulle, floor length, with fitted bodice, sabrina neckline and long, lace sleeves. The slrirt featured , tiers of nylon edged in, chantilly lace, with the last extending into a ^Hapet^ tfaab worn over dior hoops. • - Mrs. Frank Kempfer, Jr., acting as her sister's matron of honor, and Miss Joyce Weber, a friend, as bridesmaid were attired in$$hite eyelet embroi-" dered nyloin dresses over pink taffeta. With portrait necklines and taffeta cummerbunds^ They wore smail, matching hats. Little Miss Deborah Kempfer, niece of the bride, was junior bridesmaid, attired similarly to the other attendants. • Jack Glosson' of Richmond, rind., served as, best man for his brother a n <J Albert Vales, brother of the bride, was groomsman. For her daughter s Wedding, Mrs. Vales wqlre a pink silk sheath dress with chantilly lace appliques, a ^iiik picture hat edged in lace and White accessories. Mrs. Glosson was attired in a if||8ty rose lace dress over taffeta, With white" accessories. Members of the bridal party and members of the two families gathered at the Wing and Fin Clul^fpr breakfast, and the club was also the scene of an evening reception. The cattle left on a twoweek tripi;'through the West and upon their return will reside in McHenry. The former Miss Vales is a graduate of the McHenry high school. The bridegroom attended Richmond high school in Indiana, served four years with the Army in Germany and is employed by Tonyan Construction company. GARDEN CLUB BUSY WITH VARIOUS ;r SUMMER EVENTS" ' Be sure to read the Plaindealer Want Ads eaoh week. , The-June meeting of the McHenry Garden clvtb was held at the beautifulJhdme of Mary Burdahl in Pjatake^ Bay. Fifteen member^ were, present, including a^ hew ^member, Mrs. Urban Comes. One guest, Mrs. Olive. Hoyt, of Fort Lauder^ dale, Fla.- was welcomed. A letter was. read fronil^ow-r ney. hospital*., expressing appreciation for the flats bf plants that the club had donated to them. . The club wilt: exhibit an arrangement featured by Mrs. Stephanie Waynrie at the "second art show at the - Junior high school* on July 12 and 13. Mrs.. Fred Liebersoi^ will represent the club at the fonder Lake Garden show, at Harrison school on Aug. 16 and 17 by entering a formal table, "Supper at Twilight." The two boys chosen from the local high school to attend the conservation School at Springfield for one week are Frank Perry and Charles Shuringa. The club sponsors this each year* . After a delicious dessert luncheon, Mrs. Fulde, of Crystal Lake describ^d*,/Japanese arrangements and arranged several different types. She then assisted the members in giving them suggestions'? in making similar arrangements. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Richard Parker of Spring. Grove are the parents of a &on, bom June 24 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. . Mr. a?d Mrs. Donald Zanstill welcomed a son on June 25 at Memorial hospital. "A7daughter was born June 26 at Memorial hospital to Mr; and Mrjsi Charles Martina. V Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Buss of Wonder Lake are the parents of a boy, born June 23 at Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnson are the parents' of a son, born at Memorial .hospital June 27. - t A daughter was born June 27 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. John Reed of Woodstock. She has been named Margaret Helen. There are three other children, all boys; Mrs. Mildred Nickels of Mc- Henry is the maternal grandmother. D>0hna Helen is the name selected by Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Schumacher of Fox River Grove for their new daughter, born June 18 at Sherman hofr pital, Elgin. They have two other children, Linda, 6, and Jane, 3. Mrs. Schumacher is the former Louise StoffeJ. Grandparents are_Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stoffel and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schumacher. THE ROBERT COMSTOCKSf Mr. and Mrs. Robert Comstock, exchanged 'nujhial vows at St. Peter's chut^^ll^jgng Grove, on June 14; k'Phone McHeiiry 231-M or JAckson X 44- Coot . & .J-ortabiei 1 om^ 3 important 'points you are assured'of at Riverside Hairtsyling. If You're Not Becoming To Him . . . . . . You Had Better "Be-Coming" To Us fl f <^R iversiJe ling uJio 126 N. Riverside Drive PhonQ 147 McHenry, HI. Open lues., tad Frl. Evenlngf *«U 9 « CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heartfelt appreciation for the many acts of kindness, cards, floral offerings and donations; a l s o t o M s g r . C h a r l e s N i x , Rev. Nilges and doctors and purses at the McHenry hospital during the illness and passing of our darling daughter Debbie Ann. Many thanks to all. *9 Mr, arid Mrs. Arthur Levand and Family OWENS-BORO RITE John F. Boro took as his bride Margaret Owens of Lakemoor in a service which took place in St. Patrick's Catholic church Saturday morning at 9:30 o'clock. LICENSES SUSPENDED Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier has announced the suspensions of drivers' licenses as follows: Kenneth D. Anderson, Algonquin; James B. Bentley, Rt. 5, and Donald B. Ray, both of McHenry; Robert Li&tig and Sam Reidl, b o t h o f C r y s t a l L a k e ; a n d Warren J. Rowe of Woodstock, all for three offenses. m Our' famous barbecued chicken. Each chicken is do&e to perfection on our electric spit and bar-' becued to tempt every • palate, you've never tasted anything quite as good. ONLY 1$11. 5U9 EA. Barbecued Ribs... .. lb. $U9 Fpr' ^bose Hard-To-Please Guests We Have-- W<wtos --1 Si^a^e Meat -- Baby Trout Chocolate Covered Ants, Bees, Grasshoppers MIRY DELICACIES IF ITS FOOD WE HAVE IT FROM FRIED WORMS TO HOME BAKED PIES So Easy Now1 to Tropical Worsted Where you have insured and assured availability • \ : f , T > r - " • - 4 " WHAT DOES THIS MEAN TO YOU • is a difference between the types of insurance offered by financial institutions • • is« Riverside Drive PHONE 754 fr- ' Tf. McHenry, 111. Looking SANITONI Dry Cleaning ftatning Sift-Ut* D0U ITI Just getting summer suits spotless is only the beginning. Our new Sanitone Dry Cleaning Service also fully restores the original body and feel of the fabrics on which the Bmartness of lightweight summer suits depends. This enables our pressors to recreate the perfect drape and fit that your suits had when you-bought them. They resist wrinkling, too! Try us today and see for yourself ! SAME DA^r: SERVICE AVAILABLE SAVE 10% Cash 'n Carry RAINBOW CLEANERS •>!" WHOm 927 _ l^nmd Cornel:' North ef National Tea N. FRONT'% " " r ' ' ; • " " McAENRY, ILL. r Oped pally & AM. To 6 P.M. Open T^trs. Eve My 3rd, 'til 9 ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING ; < AT I^BIVE ' IN It means to be able to get YOU WANT IT . . . without extended delay* It means only Federal I AVAILABILITY * wel as SAFETY. DEPOSIT YOUR MONEY IN A F.D.I.C. ESTABLISHED SINCE 1906 MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION McHENRY 1040 McHENRy, ILLINOIS

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