Johnsbtirg PUM0UTM6AT Gene Kolum of Chicago spent the- weekend of June 27 at the Ray Kirchhorf home in Sunnyside Beach. The group enjoyed a few hours at the community dub carnival then PERSONALS by . Betty Hettermam> ie Lady Foresters of St. Agatha's Court No. 777 are planning their summer outing at Mooseheart on Wednesday, jfuly 23. As far as the court knows thus far, the trip will be made by bus. Members will be notified in case there is a change of! plans. Ladies who plan on attending this outing are asked to contact either Virginia Pitzen or Hilda Thelen on or before July 15. The noon meal will be served on the Mooseheart grounds. Jf you are interested in attending remember to get your reservations in early. Final preparations will be made On the regular meeting night of July 15. Hospital Notes Johnny Brennan looks like quite the movie sfar with dark glasses he has been wearing recently. Johnny has been wearing the glasses since the bandages were removed from his eyes as the result of a recent eye operation. Little four-year-old David Oeffling had a true test of his courage last week. David had to spend a week away from his family when he entered the Children's Memorial hospital in Chicago to undergo surgery on his hip. He is now recuperating at home where he will be spending the next two weeks in bed. We all join in wishing both Johnny and Davie sincere wishes for a complete recovery. Mrs. Sophie Kosti left (Chicago Wednesday for New York proceeded to a party held in | where on July 4 she sailed on Ifs A Girl! A very young Miss joined the Lloyd Freund household on June 29. Doris presented Lloyd with a beautiful baby girl born at the Woodstock hospital in the wee hours of Sunday morning. The Freunds have two other children, a son, Michael and^ another daughter, Kathy. Art Fair Coming Up Our local residents are cordially invited to the art fair which will be held at the junior high school in McHenry next I Lake where Kenny Hamsher Saturday and Sunday, July 121 was waiting with his ambuand 13. Although none of our lance to transport them to St. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pearson of McHenry. Sandy Hettermann returned home last weekend after spend ing a week's vacation in Chi cago as a house guest of Patty Boyk. ' Mr. and Mrs. Willie Klapperich and sons and Mildred Hiller and Leon JDerbin of Milwaukee spent several days over the holiday ^weekend in Staceyville, Iowa visiting relatives and friends. The R<iger Pechous' entertained heir family in their Jak- Ana Heights home over the holiday \ls?kend. Carol Ann Stilling is due to spend this month here as a vacation from St. Coletta's school. The George Knights' have been doing quite a bit of ientertaining these past few weeks. Mrs. Knight's brothel, the G. Nate family of Lima, Peru spent sometime visiting them followed by a visit from George's daughter and family, recent arrivals from Germany, George's brother dropped in from Elroy, Wis., for a brief stay. The Race Is On! And what a race it was! What started out to be a usual quiet day in the lives of some of the rescue squad members turned out to be quite the opposite last Wednesday. Our rescue squad received an urgent call from the Fox Lake police to hurry to Pistakee Highlands where a woman was in need of their assistance. When the squad members arrived on the scene they were informed their race would -be with Mr. Stork. As the1 motherto- be was made as comfortable as possible in the squad truck, the boys proceeded on their way. Mother Nature had her way and a beautiful baby girl weighing 6 lbs. 8 oz. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Finger. (Which goes to prove a lady always has her way!) Albert Adams and Gerry Hettermann are to be commended on their quick thinking and fast acting which brought this new little bundle into the world. The mother and baby were taken as far as Fox the "Italia" for Germany. She plans to visit a brother and three sisters in Hamburg un til after the holidays when in company with a cousin she will spend one month in Italy and two in Spain, sightseeing before returning home. Gary Meehan, who has been making his home with his aunt, Mrs. George Miller, left last week to spend some time with his sisters in Jacksonville, Fla. The James Ballotti family of Sycamore, were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bacon, July 4. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Powers spent a few days recently in the home of their son Raymond and family in Pekin, 111. Their grandson, Scott Powers, returned home- with them for a few weeks visit. Mr. and Mrs. William Vales, d a u g h t e r s L o u i s e a n d M a r y and Mrs. Ray Lee of Brownsville, Texa!s, spent a few days last week in the home of Mrs. Albert Vales. They came here to attend the Vales-Glosson wedding. Mrs. Florence" Cook of St. Petersburg, Fla., was a guest in the Peter M. Justen home last week and accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Justen to their Evergreen, Colo., home for a several weeks vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd 'Stotts and sons, John and Craig, of Carmi, 111., spent several days the past week in the Herbert Engdahl home. Miss Joan Nimsgern, RN, is spending two weeks in the William Vinehout home in Albany, N. Y. Mrs. Vinehout was a former classmate of Miss Nimsgern's at St. Joseph's Mercy school of nursing in Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ensign of Antioch were guests in the Rolland Ensign home the past week. Other visitors were Mrs. Laicenioor COMPUTE worn ON LIBRARY AND VULA6E0FFKE by Marion Sulok Phone: 592-R-l ^ Xi Richard Hyatt, the village clerk, and Walter Shappert, one of our village trustees, deserve a lot Of credit for the wonderful work they have done in the library and the village office. They have donated much of their spare time ifi the painting of both . of these rooms. The finishing touches are being done in the village office to make the robm complete since the arrival of the brand new chairs and office desk, and other office equipment. The library will soon be ready and a grand opening is being planned. Most of the folks probably do not realize the endless work that is required to make a library a succes#%rt\$*ften ours is ready everyone can say that ours is the most. Village News A resolution will r be introduced to make Sunset drive from Park road to Highland drive, Arterial street Number 13 and Park road from Sunset drive to Sheridan road, Arterial street Number 14. This will entitle both of these to motor fuel tax funds. * A resolution will also be introduced at the meeting for the purposed improvement of the two above mentioned arterial streets, consisting of shaping the shotilders, adding gravel to base and ditching, providing drainage facilities as necessary. ness licenses $60; septic permits $10, making a total of $116. i • Motor Fuel 'Tax. Allotment Alotted for the month of June was the,amount of $330*26 and has been- placed on deposit with the state treasury to be allotted to the village of Lakemoor upon proper request. New Squad Car Our police officers-will be sporting ar new squad car ^any one of these days. ^ Village Clerk's Hours Richard Hyatt, our village clerk, has his office hours on Monday and Thursday evenings from 7 to 9 p.m. at the village office on the second floor of ±he Fire-Community building. All the village clerk's business for the village is done at these hours and at no other time. Permits for septic systems, building, electrical work, etc., arel to be obtained then. Mr. Hystfjtt will be more than glad to serve you at these hours. So folks don't forget to contact him at the village office. Welcome Fdlks in the village welcomed two new business owners this past week. Robert Montgomery from La Grange and Mr. and Mrs. Bykowski formerly of McHenry. $30; electrical permits $3; busilocal people are exhibiting their arts, many other familiar persons from McHenry and vicinity have their works oh display. Of interest to many will be the art auction which will begin at 9 p.m. on Saturday. Last year quite a few lucky persons purchased paintings and other art objects at a very reasonable price as a result of the auction. Why not plan to drop in at the art fair sometime over* next weekend. Theresa's hospital in Waukegan. Gerry and Hal Paul continued the ride in theambulance with the mother and baby as an extra precaution. The Fingers are very happy over their daughter's arrival even though it was unusual as it is their first girl after havr ing five sons. All in all, I would say it is a most happy situation all the way round. Picnic Reminder Just a reminder for all the juvenile girl Foresters of our court who plan on attending the outing at Fox Park near Antioch on August 6. Have you turned in your permission slips as yet? The deadline is coming closer so you had better do it real soon. Slips can still be obt a i n e d f r o m e i t h e r L a u r a Schmitt or Catherine Dehn, in case you haven't received yours as yet. Attends Convention Mrs. Hilda Thelen and Mrs. Virginia Pitzen recently spent a few days in Rockford attending the Women's Catholic Order of Foresters convention. Mrs. Thelen was elected as a delegate to the national W.C.- O.F. convention' coming up in the near future in Detroit, Mich. Congratulations Corner Mr. and Mrs. Bill May were joined by their son, Richard land Mr. and Mrs. Art Kattner of Spring Grove when they enjoyed dinner at Twin Lakes on June 30. Bill and Hilda were celebrating their thirty-second wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Diedrich will be joined by their family when they observe their silver wedding anniversary this week. Lots of people celebrating their natal day during this warm month of July/ Warren Smith will add an other candle to his cake bringing the total to six, while Ricky Wakitsch will light tip eight candles on July 11. ' Peggy Peterson and Joy Hettermann will observe their seventh birthdays next weekend. Peggy's on the 12 and Joy's on the 13. Bill Martinec is an active members in the "39ers" club. ° His natal day being July 13. Q/i July 16, Mrs. Catherine Dehn will be celebrating her birthday. Many happy returns to all of the/July celebrants; Apnd the Town * Ifr. and Mrs. Joe Smith 3sntertainedher sister from Chicago July and then Mrs, Smith daughter, aunt and «b^er in the "big Fire and Rescue Squad Calls The rescue squad was called out three times within the past two weeks. Besides the above mentioned, the squad members were called to the William Lloyd home to lend their assistance. Mr. Lloyd's attack proved fatal and he was laid to rest last week. Mr. Lloyd's daughter was thoroughly impressed with the efficient manner of the squad members. In the wee hours last Friday morning the squad was called to the corner near Adam's Garage where a car failed to make the curve. Two of the occupants were taken to the McHenry hospital in the squad truck while the third one was transported there by ambulance. Through the efficient efforts and fast work of the firemen of station 2, the fire which broke out in a barn on the Peter Freund farm was quickly extinguished. The firemen from McHenry joined the men from station 2 in keeping damage to a minimum. Visits In Milwaukee Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hiller and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Schaefer visited Sister Jacob at the convent in Milwaukee last Sunday. ILOiN TYPIWRITKR CO. 19'/a DOUGLAS AVE., ELGIN, ILL Tat 2-5113 Elgin Typewriter Company MARVIN S. ISEMINGER Sales Representative ROYAL TYPEWRITERS Sales - Service - Rentals Supplies 19 Vt Douglas Avenue ELGIN, ILLINOIS SHerwood 2-5815 First Born A brand new baby is gracing the Anthony Schaefer house hold since it's first worldly appearance on July 3. The Schaefer's welcomed thei^ new arrival with open arms. The wee Miss who weighed 6 lbs. 15 oz. at birth will answer to the name of Theresa Marie. It is the first grandchild for Mr. and MrS. Mike Schaefer as well as Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mc- Mahon of Bull Valley. Our congratulations to the new parents and the new grandparents. Village Collectors Report The village collectors report for the month of June, 1958 is Ann Klabunde and son Gus ag fol]ows. vehicle tags $12; of Richmond. Mrs. May Ruth of Elgin, Mrs. Irene McKeown, daughter Colleen, Mrs. James Coolahan of Chicago and Mrs. Agnes S c h r o e d e r o f B e r w y n w e r e guests in the home of Mrs. Agnes Nieman and daughter Mary Kay on July 4. Mr. and Mrs. William Hagerty of River Forest and Mr. and Mrs. Lennox Wilson of Oak Park, were Sunday vis'tors in -the- Arnold -ScWaettgenhome. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago were weekend guests in the Donald Givens home. Mr. and Mrs.- Jack Kennle. (Mary Kay Stenger) of Moline spent the Fourth of July weekend with McHenry friends. Mrs. Nettie Weber, Miss Gertrude Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber, Mr. and Mrs. William Neumann attended a celebration of the silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Earl York at Zenda, Wis., recently. Harold Owen and brother, Norton Owen of Glencoe are vacationing at the Black Hills in South Dakota. Leo Heifer and sister, Mrs Annabel Aicher, were Rockford visitors Saturday, where they "'ere ra"pd hy the death of the latter's brother-in-law, Ben Aicher, formerly of Oak Park. Frank Johnson has retur | 1 to his work in West Virginia after spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson. The George E. Johnson family of Skokie were weekend guests. The Donald. Tonyan family of Aurora visited McHenry relatives and friends Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Granger Smith of Elgin, grandson Jeffery of Alberquerque, N. M. and Miss V i l l a S m i t h o f E l g i n a n d Cleveland, Ohio, were guests in the Robert Thompson home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Engdahl spent four days recently with Lt. and Mrs. F. J. Pep ping in Grand Rapids, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Edward of Chicago spent the 'weekend in the George Heimer home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maud Granger w e r e " i n C h i c a g o S a t u r d a y where they saw "My Fair Lady" at the Schubert theatre. Frank Geary of ,San Andreas, Calif., is visiting in the home of his sister, Mrs. Frank Meyer and with other relatives in this vicinity. Miss Gertrude Heckman of Chicago is spending several weeks with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Frank Heckman. Ladies' League On Wednesday, July 2, the meeting was called' to order by the president, Mrs. Leon. The secretary «and treasury reports were read for the month of June. Plans ae being made to put some real estate up for sale that the club has had for a good many years. The election of officers for the coming year was also held and the officers who will take over their duties after the installation dinner in August 23 are the following. Mrs. Winnie Steadm a n , p r e s i d e n t ; M r s . R i t a Erteksrfn,J"" vf de-pk&i&ehf; * Mrs. •Anne Bolda, secretary; Mrs. Wagner, treasurer. The trustees are Mrs. Hyatt, Mrs. Harder and Miss Jessie XJorbett. After the meeting was'adjourned a social was held with the awards going to the highest scores. Mrs. Henry Hoppert from Florida was the guest for the evening and went, hoine with the highest honors. Two delicious cakes with coffee were served after the games were played. ^ r Fotorth of July Picnic Again as in the past few years the neighbors gathered at the John Hos4 yard for their annual picnic. The The Brossmans and their children, the Tony Hirsches and their family, Mr. and Mrs. John Sulok, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beihl, Mr. and Mrs. Larry "Ayers and son, and Mr. arid Mrs. Edgar Wade and girls. The Wades and the Ayers were overnite guests at the home of John Hose and returned to Chicago on Saturday. A grand time was had by all arid even a few drops of rain couldn't dampen the Spirits of bur gang. A Reminder On July 19, the Ladies League are holding a card party at the Fire-Community building. Tickets are on sale from any member or your reporter. Try to keep this !h mind and come out for an evening of enjoyment. Refreshments will be served at the close of the party. The clyb is hoping for a large showing so let's not disappoint them. prcfcerty so let's try * real 'hard to make the ones using the bow and arrows understand that by shooting at objects in other peoples' yards isn't the best way - to- hold and influence Mends. way things have changed siipfn they left there over five years ago. 7, Sick List Mrs. Alic^ Wade is really having a bout with the 'after effects of her recent operation. Alice has had to return to the hospital twice since she was released last week. Let's cheer her - a little by' sending her cards or dropping in at the McHenry ljospital to say hello. Hope you will be on the mend by the time this issue reaches "you,-Alice. v ' Attention The members of the building corporation "are interested in accepting new members to the organization- Anyone interested may attend the next meeting which Will be held at;the Fire-Community house on Aug. 5. . Notice To all parents whose children are using bow and arrows in thf neighborhood, please warn them not to shoot the arrows so close to the homes. It is very dangerous to the small .youngsters and the pets that. are tied in, the yard. We all Want to respect each other's 1 " • 1X) Personals On .Sunday, June 29, Mrs. Helien Heaps and family of Bensenville and Mrs.. Dorothy Cundiff and family of Texas were guests In the Roy Erickson's home. Mrs. Charles J. fallows of Chicago is spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. Roy Erickson. Word has been received from Mrs. John Hose and Christine that they are enjoying themselves in Germany but can't get used to the prices' and the WOrd also has beeri receftW from Mr. and Mrs.. Ivan tafson and .Shirley fribm v3 neyland in California. Frc the pictures and the few they'wrote we can all b&lie&tt they are having a grand time. vV,A. ASSISTANCE < A Veterans' administratis^ representative from the Rockford VA office will be on duty at Woodstock, Tuesday, Jtily 15, to inform and assist vete r a n s , t h e i r d e p e n d e n t s , and the general pi^blic regardiiy all benefit programs of tne VA. Their representative will be on duty from 10- a.m. to 4 pjm. at the U.S. post office building, second floor in WoodV stock. : «•'« " ' ij > ; COMPANY PROFITS T "In his interim report shareholders, H. V. .McNamara, president of the National Tea company, will anriouhce tilJt the company's net profits for the first half, 24 weeks ending June 14, 1958, were the highest in the company's history for any 'first half year of Gf> erations, with the company's sales likewise at a record alltime high' as previously reported. CLARENCE'S SHOP PICNIC TABLES Completely Assembled as low as 16.25 Full line of redwoofe swings and lawn furniture - houses, etc. CLARENCE 4. SMITH ***»_. JOHNSBURG Phone McHenry 1515-J bird SAVE MONEY! AVOID WASTE! READY-MIX CONCRETE RADIO DISPATCHED McHemy Ready Mix Co., Inc. 606 Front St. PRONE 920 McHenry, Illinois "Life Is A Game That Must Be Played" Author's Name Below You can live a great many years longer than was expected at your b i r t h b e c a u s e m e d i c a l science has not only a c h i e v e d t h e b i b l i c a l three score and ten years of average life expectancy, but each year hopes to increase that figure. But you, yourself, must be an active player in the "Game of Life." If you will regularly visit your Physician for a physical checkup, he can help you to prevent serious illness, and you will be richly rewarded by many additional years of healthier living. YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE MCHENRY 26 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE 'Pick up your prescription if shopping near us, or let us deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people entrust us i with the responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May we compound yours? COMPLETE • OFFICE SUPPLIES ' OFFICE FURNITURE E. Elm St. PHONE 818-1 on McHenry, 111. NYE DRUGS PHONE 28 129 N. Riverside Dr. MpHenry, 111. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS WR DELIVER ' •Quotation by Edwin A. Robinson (1865-1935) FOR YOUR . i f Public Service ^Company m • • Help to light condition your home f<$r better living now by using the convenient Light Bulb Exchange Service. - x Most popular-size bulbs supplied under our Exchange Service, when burned out, may be exchanged without charge -- others at small exchange charges. ( Public Service Company PAY YOUR ELECTRIC SERVICE BILLS or EXCHANGE LIGHT BULBS AT THESE AUTHORIZED AGENTS MOATS TV ft APPLIANCE 66 N. Williams Street frystal Lake McHENRY COUNTY FARM BUltEAU 226 W. Judd Street, Woodstock WONDER LAKE PHARMACI^ Hancock Drive, Wonder Lake DUENSING BROTHERS STORE 121 W. Chicago Avenue, Algonquin MEYERS DRUG STORE Main & Spring, Cary SCHUSTER'S REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Union Road, Fox River Grove v HUNTLEY STATE BANK Main Street, Huntley HEINEMANN HARDWARE COMPANY Woodstock Street, Huntley HEBRON DRUG COMPANY Main & Maple, Hebron SCHROEDER'S DRUG STORE Main Straet, Richmond * ALICE WAGNER, NOTARY PUBLIC Blivin Street, Spring Grove BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 103 8. Green ' Street, McHenry , WINTERS VARIETY STORE Main Street, Ringwood •Bill Payment Service Only <v Y"