Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Jul 1958, p. 7

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V BEAL ESTATE McHENRY and LAKE AREA Year 'Round Homes. Seasonal homes, farms, vacant. Home sil^p. Income properties. JACOB FRITZ REALTORS ~ Johnsburg, Ph. McHenry 87 Rt. 5, McHenry, Illinois 10-tf IDEAL FOR COUPLE, 3 room modern house. Semi-furnished, utility room, breezeway, garage, gas heat. $7,500. Call W#|der Lake 2862. 9-2 IJLYMOOR HOME for sale. Owner transferred,. must sacrifice. 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, new forced air oil heater, elect r i c s t o v e , 80 g a l . e l e c t r i c .water heater, newly decorated. Phone McHenry 742. 52-tf Fox River Front (P)ew 3 bdrm contemporary. Floor to ceiling windows overlooking heautiful river view, Fireplace, 2 baths, 2 ckr attached garage, gas hot water heat. Priced low 30's. Griswold Lake 3 BEDROOM _ HOME for sale. Living room with fireplace. All large rooms. Attached garage, gas heat. Also 4 room furnished apt. attached, provides a dit'onal income. Call Wonder L>aKe 5654. 44-n RIVERFRONT 8 room summet home witfi large screened porch, fireplace and garage. Grape arbor, seawall, large w e e p i n g w i l l o w s a n d o t h e r shade trees. McHenry 1 mile. $10,000 cash. Phone 169 for key. '• 10-4 FOR SALE Large Seasonal Home for big f a m i l y , 5 b e d r o o m s , 2 f u l l b a t h s , K i t c h e n , D i n i n g , a n d Living Room, two Sleeping Porches, Large landscaped lot, adjoining Chapel Hill Country Club. A good buy for only $11,000.00. Also McHenry -- 3 bedroom, Large living-dining, family sized kitchen, priced at only $11,900.00 For information call at our office in Johnsburg. JACOB FRITZ Realtors Rt. 5 ' McHenry, 111. McHenry 37 8-tf 4 bedrooms, full bath,, wood panelled activity room overring lake, fireplace, large Jded waterfront location. loajri wood Spacious and new 5 bedroom home just a few years old. 2 full baths, exceptional construction, gas hot water heat,, attached garage, deep wooded lot just a few minutes walk from town. Low 20's. •Pistakee Bay Wonderful year 'round home for a family. 4 bedrooms, 1% baths, basement, oil forced air heat, spacious living • room with fireplace, Anderson window^/ on porch overlooking lake, 2 car garage. River Front % bedroom brick, 2 years old, attached garage, fireplace. Remarkable beauty, construction and location. Priced in the 20's. CALL FOR APPOINTMENT JUNE or HOWARD MCDOWELL McHENRY 1169-M t Representatives for . *D. OLSON REALTORS Waukegan, 111. io FOR SALE - HOMES - FARMS CHOICE LOTS - BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY KNOX REAL ESTATE 466 Richmond Road McHenry, 111. APhone: McHenry 421-J . 42-tf BUSINESS LOT 25'xl32 for $3,500.00. Business lot, 50'xl32' for $6,500.00. McHenry Realty, 532 Main St., phone McHenry 268. 9-tf RANCHES 2 bedroom with garage, one black from river. Zoned busi- $13,250. 2 bedroom on 105 ft. country club lot. All river and pier rights. Fireplace, attached garage. Full price $13,700. A nice 2 bedroom frame on Pistakee Bay Road. Close to shaping. Fireplace, attached garage. $16,250. • CALL MR. HEINEN McHenry 2527 BAIRD St WARNER, Inc. 10 TWO LOTS in Lily Lake, each 25'xl08\ Both for $600. Contact Cormack Callaghan, 1515 North Ogden Ave., Chicago 10, I]£ *9-2 McCULLOM LAKE^RONT. 3 bedroom waterfront home near Lakeland Park. Inside plumbing, attic and basement. Large evergreens, fruit trees and shade trees. Needs a little interior finishing. Liveable now. $9,850 total. Phone 169. 10-4 SPRING GROVE ^ bedroom home, basement, garage, large corner lot, near church, school and shopping. Price only $10,900.00. For information call at our office in Johnsburg. JACOB FRITZ 4 Realtors Rt. 5 McHenry, m Tel. McHenry SI 0 8-tf 2 BEDROOM home on lake, all modern conveniences, beautifully landscaped, $1,000 down, $75 per month. For information call McHenry 3349-R. 10 lVt LOTS, t90'xl40' in Lakeland Park Sub., 1 mile west of McHenry. Cost $1850. Priced for immediate sale. $1600 by owner. Tel. Buckingham 1- 9026 or write J. EUner, 1429 Till Ave., Chicago. 9-3 FOR SALE -- income property-- 2 houses. Six large rooms, 2 car garage, knotty cedar paneling and 4 room • house now rented or zoned for beauty shop. On 160' x 300' lots. Priced low. McHenry 3536. 10 We Will Sell Your REAL ESTATE For You Houses, farms, lots or commercial property. Quick action. ™ BLACHER'S Real Estate McHenry 3349-R 10 BARGAIN -- CORNER lot 90x150 on top of hill overlooking Griswold Lake. For inf^r mation call 104-M after 6:3(' p.m. call 817-R. 5-tf 2 BEDROOM brick ranch; att a c h e d 1 Ms c a r g a r a g e ; g a s heat; river Tights; large landscaped lot; 2 blocks to shopping. Call 2269. 10 BUYING or SELLING Chain-O-Lakes Homes Vacant and Farms ON FOX RIVER Immaculate 2 bedroom year 'round home. Glazed porch. Natural gas heat. 2 car garage Cyclone fenced yard. Extras included. $20,000. ON FQX RIVER Charming 4 bedroom, 2 bath home. Fireplace in paneled den. New F. A. heat. 3 car g a r a g e . L o v e l y w o o d e d grounds. Screened porch. $27,- 500. Others from $8,500 to $75,000. FOR ACTION Call Gallagher McHenry 1629 10 4 ROOM COTTAGE with sun porch in Lilymoor. Beautiful grounds, priced low for quick sale. Located on Route 120 between Volo and McHenry in Lilymoor Subdivision, 3rd road past school house in Lilymoor or call Chicago DAnube 6 5335. 10-2 FOR SALE Attractive redwood home, featuring 2-way fireplace, 3 bedrooms, vanity bath, spacious kitchen, full basement, attached garage, immediate occupan cy. Reduced to $29,500. Older home in good condition. 2 story, 5 bedroom, full basement, 2 ear garage. Priced at $17,000. Three -bedroom home with full basement and attached garage on 100 x 140 ft. lot, beautifully l a n d s c a p e d . C a r p e t i n g a n d drapes included. Exceptional value at $19,500, 216 S. Green St. Ph. 1126 10 RIVER-RITE SITE for ranch home. Elmkirk Park. $950 and up. McHenry' one mile. PhOne McHenry 169. 10-4 3 BEDROOM, 6 room new house. Attached garage. Private beach, Country Club subdivision. Call McHenrjr 844-j. 9-tf 6 ROOMS, 3 bedrooms. 2 large attic rooms. Oil heat, large lot. Walking distance to town. Quiet neighborhood. Near river. < Phone after 6 p.m. McHenry 1747-R. »10 FOR SALE McHENRY 3 bedroom home, living room, dining room,, oij heat On corner lot. City water and sewer only 2 blocks from grammar school, high school, shopping and railroad. Price, only $13,- 000. Also, 3 bedroom seasonal home completely furnished on Pistakee Lake. A nice location. Price only $12,600. Alsq, water front Fox River. A beautiful year around home only 8 years old. Tiled kitchen, bath & utility. Also, uncomp l e t e d g u e s t h o u s e . P r i c e $27,500. JACOB FRITZ REALTORS EXCLUSIVE AGENTS For inspection call at our office in Johnsburg Phone McHenry 37 10-tf 3 BEDROOM «anch, livingdining, built-in electric kitchen. Combination storms and screens. Take over 4%% loan, $84 per month includes principal, interest, taxes and insurance. $1200 total down payment. $700 down, balance on contract. 147 Mill Lane, Eastwood Manor. McHenry Phone 2407-J. 10-2 5 ROOM lake cottage, completely furnished year 'round home. 608 Orchard Drive, Mc- Cullom Lake. $5,900 cash or $7,000 terms. *10 SITUATION WANTED ,ADY WISHES to find work in • McHenry or vicinity. Experienced in packing & ship ping and kitchen work. Phone McHenry 575-M-2 evenings. *9r3 bARPENTER WORK -- repairs, remodelling, construction. Karl Fredricksen. Wonder Lake 3934, collect. 5-tf PAINTING AND light carpenter work by hour or contract. Call McHenry 797-R. 6-8 WANTED TOP PRICE PAID for iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock -- 1610-M-2. 43-tf WANTED TO BUY ONE AND one-half to two cubic foot cement mixer. DUnkirk 1-3388 Barrington. •10 WANT TO BUY used- horse trailer. Phone M. Rodewald, McHenry 612-J-2. 10 WANTED TO RENT Wanted To Rent Homes and Apartments / for Supervisory Personnel CALL PERSONNEL MANAGER Elgin Micronics SHerwood 2-5700 10 LOST AND FOUND BOXER, FEMALE, found in vicinity of Johnsburg. Phone Mchenry 3419. 10 FOUND BASEBALL equipment. You pay for ad. Call McHenry 1481-M. , 10 LOST 1 PAIR dark rimmed glasses in McHenry. $5.00 re-, ward. Phone Antioch 292-R-l. •10 AL KA-LINE baseball glove. Name of Jager printed inside. Reward. Phone McHenry 121. 10 NOTICE THE RIVERSIDE Bake Shop will be open on Mondays starting June 30 until further notice. 8-4 NOT RESPONSIBLE for anyone's debts but our own. Pauline and Clair McCreedy. *10 ANNIVERSARY . --AT -- JULY 11-1^13 SOUVENTRIS CAKE and COFFEE 10 TO BE GIVEN AWAY FREE BURIAL plot at St Patrick's cemetery! Perpetual care included. Phone Howard and Charlotte Refipboldt, McHenry 261. 8-3 5 KITTENS to be given away. Phone McHenry 63J-W-2. 10 SMALL DOG to be given' away to good home. Phone Wonder Lake 3891. 10 LEGALS PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Proposed Changes In Schedules Commonwealth Edison Company and its Public Service Company Division hereby give notice to the public that they have filed with ' the Illinois Commerce Commission on June 25, 1958 proposed changes in their electric schedules which would* provide lower charges for residential customers using electricty as their solevmeans of providing space heating. The proposed rate is experimental and is limited to customers Who begin service thereunder prior to December 31, 1960. Rate 3 - Residential Water Heating Service is being revised to provide for combination of such service' with service under the'proposed space heating rate, f Further information with respect to these revisions may be---obtained--either, directly from the Com^&njPot by add r e s s i n g t h e S e c r e t a r y o f t h e Illinois Commerce Commission in Springfield, Illinois A copy of the proposed changes may be inspected by any interested party in any business office of the Company. COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY H. H. Nexon Director of Rates (Pub. July 2-10, 1958) NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids will be received by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Spring Grove until 7:00 P.M., C.D.S.T., August 4, 1958 for the construction of M.F.T. Section 3-CS. Construction shall consist of the improvement of two sections of Main Street from West Johnsburg Road to Bliven Street. Section A: Bituminous Surface Class A, Subclass A-3' (Modified) Section B: Bituminous Surface Class A, Subclass A-l (Seal Coat) Plans and specifications may be obtained at the office of W. W. Rakow and Associates, Consulting Engineers, 202 E. Chicago Street, Elgin, Illinois Each proposal must be accompanied by a bank cashier's check or certified check in an afnount not less than 10% of the amount of the bid. A bid bond will not be acceptable as a proposal guarantee. The Village Board reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive technicalities. By order of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Spring Grove. LEANDER LAY Village Clerk (Pub. July HO, 1958) CONSTABLE'S SALE State of Illinois ) County of McHenry ) ss: BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION ISSUED BY Arnold J. Rauen, a Justice of the Peace in and for McHenry County in the State of Illinois in a certain case lately pending before him wherein HAL MAR PROVISION CO. by WM. R. COMIS, was Plaintiff and A. W. GAST d/b/a Chapel Hill Country Club, was Defendant, I have levied on and taken all the right, title and interest of said' Defendant in the following described goods and chattels: One Chicago 36 key cash register No. 3553408-1943(5- 1B) 1C; one kelvinator % H.P. refrigerator unit, model No. K4S2 CR Ser. No. 1A0- 11096: one' Kelvinator two opening deep freezer. ivhieh I shall expose' for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the City Hall, i McHenry, Illinois, subject to liens or mortgages in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, On the 19th day of July, A.D. 1958 at 3:00 o'clock P.M." Witness my hand this 14th day of June, A.D. 1958. SIGURD JACOBSEN Constable in and for'McHenry County, Illinois. . (Pub. July 10-17, 1958) SAFETY RULES GIVEN FOR * SWIMMERS McHenryiies Tossed In Lake As Boats Collide Three personswe&e taken from the waters of Fox Lake Saturday afternoon after twp boats collided off Crab Apple Island in only a few feet of water. Members of the ^ Chain of Lake water patrol pulled Pat Scott, 26, Chicago, from the water after, his boat and that of Gerry Hoover^, Chicago, crashed. Two passengers in the Hoover boat, Mary AHri- Hoover, 21, Chicago, and Maynard Meyer, 27,' McHehfy, were also tossed into the water by the impact, but got back into their boat without difficulty. Helen Wilson, 27, McHenry, was. a passenger in the Hoover boat: Safety Is always fin season. Now that ,the summer months have arrived, more and more of us are planning our vacations and weekends at the lak^ or other areas where you can participate in water sports. Accidents are on the increase a n d a l l o f u s m u s t be m o r e safety-conscious about everything we do especially during these coming months. The number of drownings can be greatly reduced if only a few "common-sense" rules ire obeyed. The most important of all water-safety rules perhaps is to swim only at a p r o t e c t e d b e a c h o r p o o l where there is a lifeguard on duty. Some other important rules to follow are: wait at least two hours -after eating b e f o r e s w i m m i n g , t o a v o i d stomach cramps; never go swimming alone; be sure the water is deep enough before diving; always be accompanied by a person in a boat when swimming long distances; become an expert swimmer before venturing into deep water. Only good swimmers should go out in canoes or small boats. A boat should be checked carefully to make sure it is safe before it is used. A good boatman pays close attention to the weather and refuses to go out when a storm is brewing, or when there is a fog. They're c a r e f u l n o t t o o v e r l o a d t h e boat, not to engage in rough play or scuffing, and not to change seats when in deep water. Good boatmen also know that if their boat should capsize they should cling to it since it is a good life preserver; but they should not try to climb on it. One of the greatest annoyiftces and even dangers persons who enjoy water sports >s sunburn. Death can and has occurred as a result of a bad s u n b u r n . W a t e r r e f l e c t s t h e heat from the sun and ir.tensi fies the effect of its raysy It can be avoided by accustoming the skin to the sun's rays gradually. You should not be exposed to sun for not over ten or fifteen minutes the first time. As a tan is acquired the duration of exposures may be increased. If these few important rules are followed during these summer months at the water areas, everyone will be able to spend a more happy, safe and memorable vacation. Golf is a lot like taxes -- you drive hard to get to the green and then you wind up in the hole. by Robert L. Nemcik It has been said that there are aboutR as many meanings for the word science as there are numbers of times that a w o m a n c h a n g e s h e r m i n d . Probably everyone has an idea of what science is--although most of the ideks wouldn't be the same. ( Most people" might tell us that Sputniks and Explorers are examples of what science means td( them. Added to the list woula be polio vaccines, peaceful uses for atomic energy, and the hydrogen bomb. The list would probably include many such startling" and dramatic discoveries. But what science does and can do doesn't stop with the new and startling. Many of the everyday things that we take for granted are the products of the searching and researching of scientists. It's that way with one of the most common foods on your table. When you pass the pitcher" of milk during the evening meal, it may never occur to you that that' milk comes to you with a long background of scientific research. At the University of Illinois College of Agriculture, several departments are doing research in dairying. This research includes work in dairy production, dairy marketing, dairy manufacturing, and foods and' nutrition. The Department of Dairy Science is concerned with the type of scientific research that d i r e c t l y b e n e f i t s t h e d a i r y farmer. Karl Gardner, in charge of dairy cattle, nutrition, points out that much of the department's work is in the field of improving efficiency of milk production. "We try to make it possible for the dairy farmer to produce more milk on a given amount of feed. And we are working to improve the breeding of cows so that they will produce more milk. We also study how the dairy farmer can save labor and use it Ynore efficiently so that he can.handle more cows." Research that can help to improve efficiency is important io the dairy farmer. U. of I. studies in nortnern Illinois; tor example, show that dairy f a r m e r s a v e r a g e s i x t y - o n e FORTY YEARS AGO v From Issue of July II, i918 McHenry friends were grieved to learn of the death of Kathryn May Fisher in a Rock Island hospital last Friday, f o l l o w i n g ah a c c i d e n t w h i l e playing with firecrackers the day beforeJ The little girl was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Fisner, the father being a farmer/superintendent of the McHenry public schools. Mrs. Jo|in F. Claxton was surprised by a group of friends at her home east of town, Tuesday, honoring her birthday. Many forms of entertainment were carried out during the afternoon, among them the Virginia reel which was tripped off by the following ladies: Mesdames H. C. Allen, H. M. Stephenson, Will Smith, J. C. Ladd, Belle Abbott, Hattie Stevens and Miss Agnes Bigel o w , R i n g w o o d ; M e s d a m e s Chas. Durkee, Jennie Sherman, Alsena Smith and Mrs. Charles Parks, of this place, and Mrs. Emma Mudgett, Chicago. McHenry experienced one of the most quiet Fourths in years. The writer cannot remember a time when our streets were so quiet on Independence Day. The work of removing loose s t o n e s f r o m o u r s t r e e t s h a s been going on since Monday. The work is most commendatory and will undoubtedly save many an automobile tire as well as making travel through our village much safer. Charles Munsell, insurance agent for the Forest Life Insurance company of Rockford, d i e d s u d d e n l y W e d n e s d a y morning while being shaved in tlie Bishop & Olsen tonsorial parlors on Water street. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gallaher, and family, former local residents but late of Chicago, have moved to New York City, to be near their daughter, Mrs. Belle Wooster -who has achieved wonderful success on the eastern theatrical stage. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From Issue of July IS, 1938 hours of farm work a week. Their work week ranges from a low of fifty-three hours in late January and February to seventy* hours in late April and early May. Dairy scientists work in a variety of areas -- from the study of a new plastic hose pipeline milker system to the study of tissue culttues; from research on non-contagious disorders of dairy cows, to work with "hot" atomic tracer materials, to research on digestion in the cow's stomach. ' Two projects now under way in the department help to show trfis variety of research. One deals with a study of a "replacer" for milk now sometimes fed to calves. Gardner explains, "Dairy farmers are interested in something that is slightly cheaper than whole milk for feeding calves. We have not yet found the true milk replacer, but we are trying to get is good a "jed as prpsible to save the m-.Ik for human consumption." The other project concerns study of the mammary gland, or udder, of the cow to find out how milk is made. "It may sound peculiar, but after all these years we still do not k n o w e x a c t l y how t h e d a i r y cow produces milk." What is the value of all this, research at the U. of I., and other land-grant colleges and universities, the U.S. Deparfment of Agriculture and various private and commercial organizations? Gardner concludes that one result is that more and more milk is being produced on dairy farms in I l l i n o i s a n d e l s e w h e r e , e v e n though there are far fewer dairy farms and milk cows than thtre were a few yeais ago.. McHenry, the gateway city, will be widely advertised during the next few months by means of 50,000 folders which are being put out by the Mc- Henry civic club. These folders, whieh are the product of the presses of the McHenry Plaindealer, will be placed in public places throughout Chicago and the Century of Prog r e s s a n d w i l l g u i d e t i r e d world's fair visitors to a place of quiet and rest in McHenry and vicinity. Miss Clarice Miller, daugh- J t£r of the Joseph J. Miller's and Jack Purvey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey were united in marriage at a 6:30 nuptial mass at St. Mary's church Tuesday morning, and nuptial vows were exchanged by Miss Evelyn Thennes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Thennes and Leo Diedrich at St. Peter's church, Volo, Wednesday morning, July 12. Mike Schoenholtz sends his regards from the Tague, in the Netherlands. He says he is taking in everything and no doubt will have a lot to tell when he returns to take up SPECIAL Children's Rides AT McDONALD'S FIELD McCULLOM LAKE July II, 12 and 13 10 his teaching ? duties; 'herr>.jj|t September. • ^4: - a Dr. Neil Doherty ha& finish-5*' ed his internship art St. Anthony's hospital, Chicago, ind^ is enjoying a vacation with HiiT parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Js> Doherty before beginning hisi medical practice. ^ & More than 100 farmers in* the southeastern part of the! county can now obtain free; seed to replant their crops; which were wiped out in the) tornado of a week ago,,according to W. A. Herrington, Mo*' Henry county farm adviser. Several McHenry relatives' attended the funeral of Mr&J William Phillips, the formep. Mrs. Mike Engeln, in Chicago, - Tuesday. She was well knci here, Mrs. C. W. Goodell a n Miss Ethel Jones attended the twelfth annual convention (of the Illinois Federation of Busi ness and Professional Women's clubs at Joliet Saturday. V Gus Freund and Otto Adams . h a v e t a k e n o v e r t h e M a t | Freund implement house oni Pearl street, and are already ; doing business under the name of Adams and Freund. TEN YEARS AGO From Issue of July 8, 1M8N* Rt. Rev. Msgr. C. S. Nix, pastor of St. Mary's church the past twenty-seven yearC will observe th& forty-fifth anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood on July 11. A parish party is being planned in his honor. The work of excavating^ prior to the construction of ts new addition to the present high school, was begun last Tuesday by the McHenry Sand and Gravel company. A partnership of fourteen years ended July 1 when Schaefer's Recreation, owned and operated by Herman and., Ambrose Schaeffer, was sold: who has changed the name to McHenry Recreation. The many friends and relatives of Stephen Schaeffer, 41, * of Fox Lake, were shocked last Friday evening to learn that he had drowned in Grass Lake after slipping from, the, bow of the speed boat in. • which he was riding. Albert Rossman, 81, a former resident of this community, passed away in the Woodstock hospital, July 5. 1 Miss Loretta Delire of Mc- Henry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Delire of Warren, and Mr. George Shelly, soh V? '•I f. jjii-a I of John Shelley of Wadsworth, were united in marriage at St, Patrick's church June 30, withthe bride's brother, Rev. Fr. Lucius Delire of Chicago off£ ciating. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Ne^ man and son have moved to East St. Louis where he ha s> been assigned as special super* 'visor for the Bankers Life In^~ surance company of Iowa. He' will serve St. Claire and Madison counties in Illinois. Miss ' Marilyn Owen, higft school senior, will open the/ Cinderella school for tots 2 to 6 years old. Jt will operate July 12 through Labor Day. CARD OF THANKS i Words cannot adequately ex» \j press our gratitude to those , who expressed their, sympathy | and helpfulness to us so beau> | tifully at the time of our re- • .fj cent sorrow. May God bless .| < you ail. 10 Joan and Eddie Kroncke - «J 54-PIECE S0UD STERLING SILVER *395-Retail \fahM Wallace's i'Sterling 'Orchid Elegance9 ...when you buy a New Formall* or International Tractor Now!4' Here's What Your Set Includes • • Dlnnar Kaim • 8 Olaatr FMu • • Salad Fort! • • Saap Spooa* • s Teaspaaas . • 8 Butttr Spriaian • 1 CmyUtfla • 2SenrtotSpoaM • 1 Sug« Shall • 1 Bettlr KaH« • 1 Cold Meat Faik ABSOLUTELY FREE-a 54-piece set of beautiful sterling silver (not stiver plate)! Your gift for buying a new IH tractor now! We have a limited number of sets. When these are gone, we will not repeat this amazing offer. Act now before it*s too late! •except Fsrmall Cub and International Cub , Lo-Boy tractors, . Come in and G*t You# v Sterling Volu« focfayf FREUND BROS* jliffc 185 N. Hough W t Phone DU 1-0918 Barrington, I)L : 1

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