Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Jul 1958, p. 13

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ittrsday, July 31. 1958 ........ .. IL MM t~'i,rf"y"1 "f '~7~~^ V , 1 " THE McHENRYPLAlNDEALER,. .' * ' • 7* " •'/ ' '"> f \V, I ,' " •' P*9* ThirtMn Utf SPONSORS) V HREMEN i by Jane Duoey -- 27S1 ^ The annual Fire Department garnival will take place Frii t e y , S a t u r d a y a n d S u n d a y , Aug. 1, 2 and 3 on the fire TOuse grounds. That paper- Tftiache elephant will again mark the site of the goings-on. th addition to the usual games, fides, and refreshments, this pjfer's added attraction is the 'fish derby sponsored by the "Kiwanians. 1" The department hopes to fhave on display the brand hew {fire truck they purchased this •Spring. On order is a 1958 Int e r n a t i o n a l 1 9 0 - A f i r e t r u c k | pumper with a 500 gallon tank ;and a mid-ship pump capable 'of 750 gallons per minute. Ac- | t i n r d i n g t o f i r e m a n G e o r g e f {Rltzman this truck is fully ^equipped, with all the hose, jfire extinguishers, spot light, I mars light, everything it should ;have according to Illinois inrSpection. | i When the new truck is put | In service, the '37 Ford will be (retired. The remaining truck jis a *52 Ford with a 900 galilon tank and a capacity of gallons per minute. i » tQueen Contest Thursday Night | Thursday, evening, July 31, >at 8 p.m., Miss Bebe Liedtke, is Miss fonder Lake, will vie ^th other beauty contest Winers throughout the county for ,the title of, Miss McHenry County at the fair. Preceding the crowning of the queen, the contestants and |£ir escorts will have a dinrar party at a restaurant in W o o d s t o c k . E s c o r t i n g M i s s Liedtke will be Bruce Barta, J a n o f D r . a n d M r s . F r a n k .ipart of Shore Hills. *j! Miss Wonder Lake participated in the V-J Day parade Woodstock Sunday afternoon, wearing an electric blue Dtmal and riding in a conrtible. Miss Liedtke and the iners-up in the Indian Ridge i ^ e a u t y c o n t e s t r o d e i n t h e fiesta Day parade in McHen cutives conference of the Luther League^ Pastor Schroeder, as pastoral advisor for the district, will direct the conference. All office^ attending are to meet at the church at 8:30 a.m. There Nwill be no junior choir rehearsal on, that day. The sermon tqpic for Sunday, j Aug. 3, will be "Feathering Your Nest." All are welcome t o a t t e n d w o r s h i p s e r v i c e s , which are at 8 and 10:45 a.m. . Monday, Aug. 4, the Women of the Church will meet at 8 p.m. The evening's program will be a play and discussion presented by members of the organization, and is entitled, "Christians Live Here." It is a thought-provoking presentation of our Christian witness in the decoration of our homes both at holiday time and all year round. This is of interest to everyone and all are welcome to attend. There will also be samples and illustrations of Christian home, decoration. The teachers and officers of the Sunday School will meet Tuesday evening, Aug. 5, at 7:30. Plans will be started for ••qllv and promotion days in September. itie evangelism committee of the church will meet Wednesday, Aug. 6, at 8 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 10, the sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered at both jvorship services. The sermon topic for the day will be "The Abiding Presence." Attends Leadership Camp Jackie Specht, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Specht, attended future home-makers leadership camp' at East Bay Camp, Bloomington, last week as a delegate of the McHenry high school Future Home Makers club. One delegate from each high school in the state is elected by the glub members to attend these five day sessions each summer. Jackie will be a sophomore at McHenry high in the fall. ;!( Christ The King Church News ! I The Christian Family Movement is becoming a vital part •Sf the parish of Christ the jKing church. Action groups, iifrisisfefeggpf st&^oup|es^dav<£ I p e g u n \ t & m e e t e v e r y t w o Hfreeks to learn about their l£atholic faith, and to discuss problems concerhing marriage j^nd children as well as community problems. iij CFM is open to couples.who $re intent on improving the S i t u a t i o n o f t h e i r own a n d jjjther families. To\give motivation to the members a short &|My of Christ's life in the •Scriptures precedes the social inquiry part of the meeting, jjj The present groups are very enthusiastic and hope for a Shore active participation from ilfther couples who wish to join. iFhose interested can contact >r. and Mrs. Santo Ruggero, Ir. and Mrs. Wayne Rider, Ir. and Mrs. Thomas Mathews, Ir. and Mrs. Anthony Misiak, }. and Mrs. Jack Vankegon, $r Mr. and Mrs. John Russell, of Wonder Lake. I Nativity Lutheran |j[ Church News Saturday, August 2, the officers of the Luther League will accompany fhe pastor to •Glen Ellyn where there will ;fye a district officers and exe- Kiwanis News At the regular meeting Monday night the final -plans were made for the fish derby which the club will conduct at the Fireman's carnival, Aug. 1, 2 and 3. The portable tank with its rainbow trout proved a big attraction at the Fiesta Day in McHenry last week and the men are looking forward to a busy weekend. Again this year the Kiwanians will make available 100 tickets intoe Al|_*5tar football game to'Pflfay ana Little League members primarily, and after that on a first come, first served basis to any fellow at the Lake. Ernie Vogt will be chairman again this year and the tickets are offered through the cooperation of Chet Gould, Tiny Hansman of Woodstock, and Van Sells of Wonder Lake. Stock Car Race Wonder .Lakers have been winning all the trophys in the spectator race at the Wilmot t r a c k e a c h S a t u r d a y n i g h t . Last week Dick Aissen came in first, Sonny Spielman was third, and before Randy Sellik blew a tire and went through the fence, all three were leading the pack. The preceding t w o w e e k s S o n n y t o o k t h e t r o p h y . T h e F i e s t a s h o p e things continue this way. Has anyone an old trophy case to donate to the club? Wooded Shores Picnic The Wooded Shores Property O w n e r s a n d t h e i r f r i e n d s a r e planning a big^ new picnic at their beach Sunday, Aug. 17, to maintain their first place, and with one more win they'll c l i n c h t h e " p e n n a n t . " T h e ; White Sox belted the Red Sox | in a replay of a rained-out game, scoring 6 to 2. The following night, the White Sox, led by' steady pitching of Bob Nielsen and clutch hitting by Johnny Eberle and Bob Niesen, again triumphed over the Red Sox which Helped ice the victory that tightened the White Sox hold on second place. " The Men's softball teams a r e f l a y i n g a g a m e a t t h e ball park at 2 p.m., Sunday, Aug. 3. The Holy Name will p l a y t h e A m e r i c a n L e g i o n . T h e s e f e l l o w s n e e d a g o o d cheering section. Anyone for baseball? - POST 491 \-tir b; I.'i by Mary Einspar News E^riefs ' Bob and Marge Armstrong of Holiday Hills w e I c o rri e d their, first born Tuesday, July 2% at Sherman hospital in Elgin. They have named their little girl Kimberly Allyn. Maternal grandmother is Mrs. Otto Glasscoe of Crystal Lake and 'paternal grandfather is Allen Armstrong of Chicago, formerly of Wonder Lake. The Jim Mills family of White Oaks enjoyed a visit with Mary Lou's brotheV, John Hayes and family of Champaign over the weekend. Also spending the weekend with the Mills was' Miss Marcella Riley of Chicago. Lou and Lillian Plotner flew' in from Miami last Weekend after' spending two weeks in Florida. While there they met Lillian's brother and family, the Edwin Schaffhausers of Georgia, who drove down for a visit. The room next to theirs at the hotel was occupied by the governor of Florida for "the Democratic conv e n t i o n i n s e s s i o n , a n d t h e Plotners enjoyed a close view of the stream of political bigwigs who attended. starting atT 1 p.m. There is a call for volunteers for work, food or prizes, if anyone cares to help. Lauretta Homo by Mary Eihspar publicity chairman .for last year. Congratulations' were extended to those girls who marched in the Fiesta Day parade. They won a trophy for fecond best marching unit. There is "a magazine salesman in the county selling magzines for the American Legion auxiliary The money realized from, these sales will be used to buy wheel chairs, hospital is Dorothy Diedrich; first vice- kp(1s- etc- }° be used in ^c* president, Ruth Mrachek, sec-^ ^nry county. If you can take a subscription or renew an old one, it will be appreciated. John Dreymiller is at Hines hospital and we are sure many . Congratulations and good luck to our new officers who were installed July 19. They will officially take over our next meeting in- September. President for the coming'year ond vice-president, Marie Howe; treasurer, Sue Wirfs; recording secretary, Eleanor' Reid; corresponding secretary, Mary Einspar ; chaplain, Pearl Pietsch; historian, Ann Kane; sergeant - at - arms, Lauretta Homo and assistant sergeantat- arms, Frances Matchen. Our regular monthly meeting was held July 21, President Lauretta Homo presiding. A fascinating report on her stay at Illini Girls State was given by Sharon Curulewski. We are very proud of our Girl Stajter for this year as we have beeh with those in the past. Child Welfare Chairman Marie Howe has planned a party for the Woodstock Children's home Friday, July 25. If there is anyone who would like to attend, please contact Mrs. Howe. Lillian Miller, Delia Freund and Lauretta Homo attended a party at Elgin hospital. Mrs. Miller thanked all those who baked cupcakes for this party. Coupon chairman Alice Brda has collected 4,543 coupons for this past year/ All coupons turned in are greatly appreciated and gain, credit for our Unit. j A membership report was given and our members now stand at 316. Our publicity scrapbook was presented to President "Through The Garden Gate" T h e G a r d e n c l u b f l o w e r show is only two weeks away, and programs arc still available at the Cottage Garden Shop to all who wish to take part in the fun. Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 16 and 17, from 2 to 9 p.m.. ai Harrison school the garden enthusiasts of the entire county will have their prize blooms, plants and arrangements on display. Baseball STittPoajMEiiB gu^* wdft a played game1 against Greenwood A A team. Bob Bruce hit a timely double that brought in two runs. Johnny Bolger pitched to the advantage of Wonder Lake throughout the game, scoring 3 to 1. Meanwhile, there's great games going on with the Little Leaguers. The Indians manage Sunnyside Estates : - Change Location Of Mail Boxes From A to Z Mr. and Mrs.- Deac Strong left the Lake Monday for their home in California after spend i n g s i x w e e k s v i s i t i n g M r s . Strong's sister and" family, the L. Knowltons of Wonder Center. The Strongs formerly lived in Wonder Center in the house now occupied by the Ed Dolans. V _ A wedding rehearsal dinner was held Friday, July 25, at Ringwood for the bridal f>arty | and friends of Mary Lou jpfieffer of Crystal Lake and Jerry Cristy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy. Adding to the^jgopulation in Deep ^Spring Wo0ds •'•fire neWi residents James and Mary Ann i Rader and their little girl, Margie, 3 months old. They are living in the home formerly occupied by the Strombergs. Birthday greetings to Allen Jones, Michael Bums, Al Huebner, Johnny Sorensen artd Charlie Bergdahl in July this week. will want to send cards. He is in Ward G-3, Hines, 111. B i r t h d a y congratulations were extended to the following members: Gladys' Soucie, Ruth Mrachek, Eleanor Reid, Marge Pickett, Eleanor Creutz, Delia Freund. Henrietta Vycital and Anna Miller, pet-well cards were sent to Jen Heyward and Mata Fryer; sympathy cards went to the family of Julia H e c h t . Ann K a n e , B e t t y Schmidt and Marion Reinwali. The charter was dropped for Julia Hecht, who was a past president. Eleanor Reid won the ten dollar attendance prize and other prizes went to Delia Freund and Loretta Meyer. Social chairman for our next meeting in September is Lillian Miller. Her committee is as follows; Earlene Davis, Lena Carbonaro, Jean Green, Eddie Meyers, Louise Bergquist, A r l e n e * G u z z a r d o , D o r o t h y Freund. Grace Dobyns, Margaret Voase. Beatrice Petersen, Anna Hay, Louella Braidman, Stella Freund. Lorraine Gausden. Marcell Dixon and Pearl Miller. The American Legion auxiliary wishes to thank the Plaindealer and its staff for the excellent publicity given then} during the past year. By now all the mail boxes should be moved into their new locations. It is quite an improvement for the majority having the mail box closer to home. Thanks to^all the men who worked so diligently on this project. In case you were not informed, your name and address should appear on the front of the nfail box. Judging from* the calls we had this week, quite a few of you missed our column last week. We decided to take the week off for a bit of summer relaxation. Glad to hear you miss us though so keep the calls coming. YoUf know the old adage, "no news is good news" does not apply here. Save More By Shoppinr At Home DON'T HESITATE IT MAY COST YOU MONEY INVESTIGATE Business & Service Directory of Wonder Lake i CRISTY and STENDEBACH General Contractors NEW HOMES Phone Wonder Lake 5432 Birthdays and Anniversaries . Since .we didn't have a column last week we have quite a few belated birthday and anniversary wishes to convey. Happy birthday to Dorothy Bierchen who celebrated on July 24 and Neil Davis who was seven on the same day. To Charlotte Maule, July 25 and Steve Kuntz who was four on July 26. Brian Kobus turned three on July 29. B e l a t e d a n n i v e r s a r y c o n gratulations go to Dick and Jean Gerke and also to Hank and Adeline Zeiger on July 25 while Harold and Marge Palmer marked off another year on July 26. Sorry we didn't get these good wishes in ahead of your day but hope you all had an enjoyable one. This week the birthday wishes are for Louise Leakey who is 13 years old today and congratulations to Ron and Dottie Siepman on their fifth weddng annversary August 5. week; they also Entertained friends, / Mr. and Mrs. Jack Egan of Sterling, 111. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Kimbro was pleasantly surprised by a visit from her girlhood chum, Mrs. Mary Barrett of Nashville, Tenn. Visiting for a week at the Bud Kennebeck home was Carol's sister - in - law, Marilyn Gamperl of Chicago and her baby son, Philip. Friends and neighbors of Mrs. Bessie Schweiger dropped in on her with cake and coffee to help her celebrate her birthday on July 23. The surprise party was given and attended by Mesdames Lou Davis, Bernice Fry. M. Lundsbeig, Lois McDonald, K. Reec and Mildred Senkerik. Also present at this* party was June's sister and brotherin- law, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stach and family of Oaklawn, 111. Taking a week off fr6m his studies to be with the Banker family was Edward Stach, June's nephew, who is attending Wesleyan college where he is staying for the ministry. All this hectic activity began last week for the Bankers with a visit from Chet's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. ancj Mrs. Francis Aide, of Dodgeville, Wis. Mary Eileen and Michael Anderson stayed at the home of friends, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hansen of Chicago, for a week. When they returned home the H a n s e n ' s d a u g h t e r , K a r e n , came back with them to spend this week in the country. This was their first real vacation >•/?=: from H6ri& which was some- , ^ thing new for dad nod' nsoiA ^ too. / ------ WINNERS FAIR MAY B£ :}1\K LOSERS ON FARM , Livestock shoymen are being warned that winners in the: show ring may be losers from! disease on the farm. pp Dr. G. T. Woods, Universit|y; ] of Illinois College of Veterin-. -• ary Medicine, emphasizes thatffj;. blue-ribbon winners are also5/. ^ subject to disease. That's why? - it's important to take every* possible precaution to protect- j livestock taken to the fair. After the fair, isolate stock from the home animals^- for thirty days. If the shpWr animals are healthy "at the end - of this period, they usually can-./,^"' be put back intp the herd with? ' reasonable safety. J If livestock are to be shown,; ,-H have the veterinarian examine* - them in plenty of time before the fair. Owners will be is*?" sued a health certificate for, healthy livestock by the veteri-? J narian. Sometimes a slight in« fection of an animal may be | cleared before fair time through prompt treatment by, ^ the veterinarian, says Dti || Woods. :"$£• The tree farm program. of j; growing timber as a crop on ^ taxpaying lands, sponsored bjT-^ ' the forest industries, is help* j ing thousands of small land* vg owners to realize ^regular in| come from tree crops. Comings and Goings The Shriners' convention brought William McLain of Big Rung. Penn. here for- a visit with the George Spindlers for a few days last week. George and Pat had a busy IUNN lYMWRtTIR CO. DOUGUS AVE, B.04H, *U. td IHswi»>< S^tlf 3 Elgin Typewriter Company MARVIN S. ISEMINGER Sal«* - Representative ROY At TYPEWRITERS Sales - Service - Rentals Supplies^ 19 " j Douglas 'Avenue ELGIN, ILLINOIS SHerwood 2-5815 C^iodina OutSJe Due to ill health we are discontinuing business starting July 31st. We will sell merchandise at cost or below until completely liquidated. We would like to extend a hearty thanks to our many loyal customers for their past patronage. Gourmet Food Shop 520 Main McHenry FREE OUR , INSURED BUDGET PLAN THENNES OIL CO. PHONE 32 704 S. Front St. McHenry, 111. SPRING ~ ^ a LUMBER GROVE CASH & CARRY CO. ALUMINUM COMBINATION DOORS 1* thick wiih piano hinge ...$29.50 SHEATHING LUMBER S4S $83.00 M GOOD QUALITY SHXPLAP $97.50 M t 2x4's 2x6's 10* -- 59c 10' -- 89c 12' -- 71c 12'-- 1.07 14' -- 83c 14' -- 1.25 16' -- 95c 16' -- 1.42 4x8 5/«" PLYSCORD SHEATHING r. 14c fL ASPHALT SHINGLES 210** $7.95 Sq. Asphalt Felt 15** 432* RL $2.75 Roll Roofing. 3 Colors $3.85 HI. 45** Smooth Black Roofing*...» $2.19 RL ZONOLITE HOUSE FILL $1.29 Bag 25/32" x 254" OAK FLOORING 175.00 M Oak Thresholds 49cm. Clear-Tite Flooring 1x4 150.00 M BEVEL SIDING */«xl0 Clear Redwood 175.00 M 94x10 Clear Redwood .....235.00 M Vix8 Clear Redwood 150.00 M Across From Depot CIIIAIIAIAIfi Spring' Grove, I1L rlHAIl^llllU Open Monday thru Saturday 7:30 to 5:00 %" Birch Plywood A2 Grade 49c fL Fir Plywood Gl» 10c fi. *4" Fir Plywood Gls T 22 Vac fi. Vb" Asbestos Cement Board .UVacfl. W Masonite 8c fL LADDERS 4' Step Ladder $ 3.49 5' Step Ladder 4.29 6' Step Ladder 5.29 7' Step Ladder u. 6.29 10* Straight Ladder 5.99 20* Extension Ladder 13.29 PITTSBURGH PAINT DEPARTMENT Outside While $3.59 Gal. Interior Wall Paint, 10 colors to choose ...$3.69 Gal. 4" Pure Bristle Brush $2.29 Paint Roller ft Tray Sft 99c CH ms m - A * / AVAILABLE PHONE Richmond, I1L, 2732 1 BLOCK NORTH HWY. 12 J You are invited to attend \ ST. JOHN'S PARISH CARNIVAt JOHNSBURG, ILLINOIS / ( Friday, Saturday & Sunday AUGUST 8-9-10 Fish Fry Friday Roast Beef Dinner Sunday Games - Rides - Refreshments Visit with old friends and make new ones . ,'ti - '

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