Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Jul 1958, p. 6

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Plaindealer Want Ads No ad counted less than 20 Words, $1.00 minimum. Insertion ........ $1.00 fc^Count 4 words per line) 25c service charge on all blind ads. Cash with order. ,.„Qard of Thanks -- ^ $1.00 minimum .H^ant ads close promptly at U" a.m. Wednesday. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: $1.00 jot. Inch -- 2 Inch Minimum. Classified Display must include a minimum of one 18 pt. lead and one 18 pt. signature, wr its equivalent. 3 lines of 8 it. allowed per inch. y^CASH WITH ORDER on fol- ^«wing classifications. ^-Wanted To Rent Situations Wanted Business Opportunities AUTOMOTIVE wiiiim. REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS* Accessories and Seat Covers D0MMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 blk East of the river bridge. Open Weekdays: 9 a.m. to 6 Sundays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 44-tf 195 2 H ARLEY-DAVIDSON motorcycle, excellent condition. Phone McHenry 1242-J. *12-2 1951 CHEVROLET 4 dr.,"radio, heater, good condition. Call McHenry 691-R-2. 13 1952 CHEVROLET walk-in type truck. A-l condition. Reasonable. Inquire Coffee Shop in Johnsburg or call McHenry 2052. 13 ESTABLISHED PIZZA business for sale in Richmond. - Very reasonable. For information call Richmond 4118. . 13 BUSINESS Why let that job worry you any longer. Own your own little business. $7,000 For Information Call Office Ph. McHenry 1655 Home Ph." McHenry 1216 13 BUSINESS SERVICE I Pump Cesspools and Septic Tanks G. A. Douglas Lakeland Park Subdivision Phone McHenry 1480 or 2711 Station Box 38 &-tf ELECTRIC MOTORS repaired. Industrial, commercial and domestic. Rickert Electric. 480 Center St., Grayslake, III. Ph. BAldwin 3-8491. 16-tf GARAGES 14 x 20-ft. with overhead door, concrete floor and shingle roof. Choice of siding, and 2 windows. $695 No Money Down - 5 yrs to Pay W A L S H Some Improvement - Waukegan FREE ESTIMATES Call FRANK GANS 300 Riverside Drive MCHENRY 1878-W 4-tf McHENRY FIBRE G LAS^S a w n i n g s , g u t t e r s and d o w n spouts. Free estimates. Phone McHenry 3367, Sven Enarson, Route 4, Box 385, McHenry, 111. 3-tf 4*5 Well Drilling And Septic Systems Trenching and Digging Water Lines - Seepage Beds Morrisson Water Systems Installed Walter M. Garrelts McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 2101 1-tf PAINTING, interior end exterior. Paper hanging, wallboard taping -- Free estimates. Nick Huff & Son, 401 Greenwood road, McCullom Lata. Phone McHenry 3253-M. 36-tf •52 NASH STATESMAN, radio, heater, whitewalls, $200. Phone McHenry 3517. 13 ' 30ATS & MOTORS POWER AND HAND lawn mowers sharpened and repaired. Will pick up and deliver. Chas. Herdrich. Jr. Ph. McHenry 497-J. 9-5 HOURLY RATES for Jackhammer service. Call us for the hard work. Arnold N. May Bldrs., Inc., Richmond, 111. Ph. Richmond 4381. 26-tf 1957 CHRIS CRAFT Continental 21 ft. utility model, 175 h.p. engine. Phone McHenry 1840. 13 SWITZERCRAFT class B utility racer and 7% h.p., Mercury H u r r i c a n e motor with quicksilver. Phone Sat. or Sun. McHenry 1414. 13 WELLS DRILLED or DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS -- We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, Ringwood, 111. Wonder Lake 5933. 26-tf BOATS >'VER 40 TO CHOOSE FROM Sv/itzercraft, -Crosby, Alumac r a f t , C l i n k e r b u i l t , W h i t e - house, Lonestar, Padst, Glastron, Aristocraft, Chris-Craft, Cavalier, Owens,, etc. NEW MOTORS 3 to V50 h.p. Good buys on used boats and motors. TEENEE ft GATOR TRAILERS Boating supplies & water skiis. ED J. WENDT BOATS RICHMOND. ILL. I'H. St)l On Hwy. 12, 3 blks north of 12 & 173 intersection Opeii daily 9-9, Sun. 9-6 49-tf WASH and DRY 3 las. of laundry for 75c. > Free pickup service, minimum 24 lbs. Phone McHenry 890. Riverside Drive Laundramat, 262 N. Riverside drive. 40-tf C.S.G. Lawn and Mower Service Lawn Cutting, Landscaping, Yard Cleaning. Sand, gravel, black dirt, roto-tilljng. Complete lawn mower repairs. SHARPENING POWER, $6.00 HAND, $3.00 Pick-up & delivery service We Finance Landscaping Call Fred McHenry 1606 50-t.f Peter A. Freund SANITARY SERVICE I clean and pump septic tanks & cetepools Phone -McHeniry 1819-J Residence Fox Street 10-tf TNom Of* fho qualiflcotiom to Ink' for tofor* you employ any ImwronM opent. Then youD to to o specialist In «ll lines, i ntn It fa* to select the best potfcy In b«»l company Tow n»» on Independent o^ent H not iHe omplo^ee of eny one company. Keprotenting many an a commission bad* ho can rapmanl when It com^t to Mttltag a claim. And don't worry •fcoyt rod tope becouto ha toko* care of everything. • AKfvay* c--nsgtber, on Independent ofont*** IRVR Td& HIST AND JMSlI THE KENT COHP. Insurance & Real Estate For Over 29 Years Insure through this Agency and Feel Safe. PHONE 8 V. Riverside t)r., McHenry, III. BUSINESS SERVICE r WASH 25c EACH 8 LBS. DRY 10c 10 MIN. SELF-SERVICE COIN METERS tS FT. CUSTOM Chris Craft sedan runabout, 145 h.p., 2-1 reduction gear, hydraulic shift, complete deluxe equipment. Phone McHenry 1071. *13 18' VENTNOR inboard, 125 h.p. motor. Excellent condition. $1600. Phone McHenry 9856. 13 CHRIS CRAFT runabout, mahogany. Brand new. Phone JUstice 7-7274. 13 Johnson Motors Molded Fiber-Glass Thompson Speedicraft Gator Trailers • Marine Supplies Service - Refinishing - Storage NEW -- USED BANK FINANCING BILL'S OUTBOARD MOTORS 104% S. Riverside Drive Phone McHenry 1076 29-tf 14' SWITZERCRAFT boat. 25 h , p . Johnson m o t o r . Push button controls, many extras $725.00. Phone McHenry 2892 after 6 p.m. 13 13 FT. HUNTER boat for sale, round bottom. Call McHenry 1854. 13 King Horn Stamps at R Place Tavern with package jiwds ROOF LEAK? Get A LIVING ROOF! by Garvin Enterprises 109 E. Elm St. Phone McHenry 2781 Free Estimates 12-3 Sewers Clogged? Complete electric sewer, sink rodding and root cutting equipment. PHONE McHENRY 1950 ELMER GLOSSON _ 406 John St. McHenry, 111. 42-tf McHenry disposal Service Phone 2221 for. DEPENDABLE GARBAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE WM. DE VRIES 115 3rd Ave. 47-tf Candid Weddings from Home, Church and Reception KOLIN Photographers Baby Pictures, Taken In Your Home. Call us for appointment. Tel. 566-W-l McHenry, 111. 44-tf TRENCHING Electric Lines Water Lines Reasonable Foundations Tiling Rates Satisfaction Guaranteed Ph. Woodstock 1540-R Woodstock, 111. 12-2 WEDDINGS GROUPS & CANDIDS COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY COMPLETE CAMERA AND FILM DEPT. WQRWICK STUDIO GEO. W. KOTALIK 117 N. Riverside Drive Phone McHenry 275 i2-tf 202 N. v Riverside Pr. Laundromat McHenry 3115 SHIRTS FINISHED 27c -- 35c * 24 Hr. Service LOSE WEIGHT safely and economically with newly- released Dex-a-Diet tablets. Only .98 at Bolger's Drug Store. *9-8 NEW AN© USED furniture. Everything from antiques to modern. Everything for your home. Our new store is full. Bargains, Come out. Rummage of all kinds. Royal Oaks Sales. Hwy. 14 & Rt. 176, across from JFlowerwood. Phone Crystal L*ke 2139. 1-tf 9x12 MAROON RUG; tolst colored davenport; end table and 2 lamps. Phone McHenry 484-R. 13 CLEARANCE OF all better dresses. We're making, room for new fall merchandise. Junior dresses, f TO 15, prints, silk6 and cottons, originally $17.95 to $25 -- $11. All Vz size dresses X4% to 24%, formerly $10 to $17 -- $6.00. Buy now and save at Julie's, 205 East Elm St., McHenry. 13 HOURS: 7 AJU, jms ALL DAY SUNDAY 5-tf FOR SALE Sears Roebuck & Co. Building Materials Gutters -> Plastic Tilfe^. Aluminum Comb. Windows and Doors Floor Tile - Garage Doors Roofing and Siding Materials or Applied Easy Payment Plan FREE ESTIMATES Call 1878-W or Write Frank Gans Representative 300 Riverside Dr., McHenry 13-tf TYPEWRITERS--L. C. Smith $35 and Underwood, $25. Wash bowl with stand, $5. Contact L. Toth, Lakelvood Subdivision, McCullom Lake. ' 13 10 GIRLS SCHOOL dresses, sizes 5, 6 & 6X. All kinds of materials, very good condition. Phone McHenry 642-J-2. 13 DELUXE MODEL' gas range, useS 2 years; Cold Spot refrigerator and Singer sewing machine. All in good condition. Phoije 64-M. 13 LEAVING STATE,; must sell: garden tools, desk, white hamper, high chair, like new. Ph. Wonder /Lake 7191. 13 REVERE DELUXE tape recorder. Like new. 1 hr. play each tape side. $170.00 value for $90.00. Ph. 170, ask for Mel. PIANO & ORGAN , SALE Unusiiah Bargains Leading Makes Serving Fox River Valley for over 25 years David E. Stark, Pianos Cor. W. Chicago at Union Sts. Elgin, 111. SHerwood 1-0780 Factory Warehouse FREE PARKING SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY 4-14 FRESH CUT gladiolus, 60c per dozen. 2 doz. for $1.00. Mrs. French. Phone McHenry 1483- R. ' 13 BOXER PUPPIES, 7 weeks old. We do not hold papers on mother. McHenry 3419. 13 BEAUTY COUNSELOR cosmetics for sale. Free presentations. CaH McHenry 3347-R. 1 13 VACUUM CLEANER; radiophonograph; 1949 car; banjo; bicycles; TV set; car bed; table lamp; end table; other miscellaneous items. Tel. McHenry 2676. 13 2 WHEEL UTILITY trailer. 4x10 box. Best offer. Phone SING'S McHenry 1882. 13 PLUMBING and HEATING 50 GAL. TOASTMASTER elec. BOB FRISBY, Jr. water heater; elec. washing Quality Fixtures - Radiant machine and 2 portable tubs; Heating • Gas and Electric porcelain kitchen base cabinet; COMBINATION storm doors-- $16.75; garage doors $63.50; house doors $6.95; Mahogany wall paneling 19Yzc per ft.; all kinds of plywoods, etc. Buffalo siding and hard Oak flooring. Clarence Smith, Johnsburg, McHenry -- 1515-J. 52-e,o.w FOR RENT Water Heaters - Water Sy$ terns - Water Softeners - Re; pairs - Free Estimates. Phone McHenry 289-M 7-eow ACOU STICON HEARING AIDS BATTERIES and CORDS FOR ALL MAKES LOANERS AVAILABLE We specialize in hearing aid glasses. Call for demonstration. Have up-to-date mailing list of city and subdivisions. 24 hr.. service. Reasonable rates. RENA SCHAID 207 North Green St. >Phone McHenry 125-R 12-tf Heating With Oil? CALL McHENHY 32 FOR 1. Insured Budget 2. Easy Payment 3. Automatic Delivery i 4. Blue f^eat Premium . Fuel THENNES OIL CO. 7-tf d, set of french doors. All in good condition. Phone McHenry 1882. 13 20" FAN; combination door, 30x68. Phone McHenry 513-R-l. '. \ ' 13 2 REGISTERED Labrador retriever pups. 2; mos. old. $50. Phone 639-J-l. . 13 Sewing Machines REPAIRED New, Used & Rentals SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. SALES & SERVICE 221 Benton St., Woodstock, 111.' Phone: Woodstock 294 * 1-tf E & V DECORATING Residential -- Industrial Commercial FREE ESTIMATES Phone Kimball 6-1443 McHenry 2451-R 12-4 FOR SALE EGGS OF QUALITY--wholesale or retail. Oakley Poultry Farm. Crystal Lake 1308-W-l. 10-4 13 FOX VALLEY Excavators. 305 E. Elm St., McHenry, 111. Free _Pl*one McHenry 1907 or 3120. 13.2 ACCOUNTING SERVICE Bookkeeping Statements Taxes Back Work Brought Up To Date Phone -McHenry 801-M After 6 p.m. Weekdays All Day Weekends *12=4 SPECIAL 10 Trip Track Alum. Comb. Storm Windows only: *139.00 Installation Optional $3.00 Per Opening Free Demonstration No Money Down WM. W. ALBERT McHENRY 901 3-E.O.W; A REAL. TREAT -- try St; Paul! beer imported from Ham* bu*g, Germany on tap at the Sportsman's Inn. 41yr. 30" HOTPOINT range, push button controls, fully automatic, large oven; also 85 gal. electric Rheem water heater. Both in perfect condition. Ph. McHenry 639-J-l. 13 WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator, like new. $25. Call 42. 13 CRAB APPLES for jelly. Bring own container. Phone McHenry 1067 evenings. 13 FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, good condition. Phone McHenry 2111-M. 13 AKC REGISTERED Boxer pups, 4 weeks old. Reasonable. Phone Wonder Lake 2641. 13 TAPPAN GAS range, apt. size; 2 burner gas plate; two pullup chairs, red and gray; bowling ball; innerspring mattress; fruit jars; 2 large Venetian olinds suitable for store windows. Everything reasonable. Phone McHenry 1462-M. 13 AKC REGISTERED German Shepherd puppies. 6 weeks old. Phone Woodstock 1627-M-l or 744: ' 13 BRAND NEW beautiful 3 bedroom ranch hoW for r e n t with option to buy. 1% tile baths, modern cabinet kitchen, $125 per month. In Crystal Lake Manor on U.S. 14, % mile west of Rt. 31. T u r n south at Crystal Drive-in sign. Call Crystal Lake 2731/ or RAndolph 6-3907. 1-tf BEACH FRONT home, 2 large bedrooms; combination living, dining room; kitchen; bath; full basement. Automatic heat. Adults preferred. Available Sept. 1. Write Mrs. Wortz, 105 Green St., McHenry. 11-3 PISTAKEE BAY -- 3 bedroom year around furnished home for the month of August. Ph. McHenry 1886-J. 13 HAMMOND ORGAN spinet M-3 with percussion and bench. Walnut finish. Phone McHenry 565-W-l. 13 MRS. DAY'S SHOES. Cribs, soft, intermediate and hard. Priced from $1.95 thru $4.95. 13 4 BURNER Universal gas range; glass oven door and broiler, clock, timer, etc. 1 yr. old. Phone 2791. 13 LOOK New 3 bedroom DELUXE ranch home for rent with option to buy in Sunnyside, McHenry, m. Attached garage, full basement Loads of extras. j $125 per Month Phone RA 6-3907 Crystal Lake 2731 13-tf PISTAKEE BAY -- 2 bedroom year around home, semi-furnished, gas heat. One year lease required and references. Phone McHenry 1886-J. 13 TO RESPONSIBLE couple, modern waterfront furnished brick home from Sept. to May. References required., Phone McHenry 1624-M. *12-3 FOR RENT OR. SALE--Near Crocketts Estates, good residential area. Water rights on Meyers Bay. 3 bedrooms, large kitchen, gas hot water heat. 1 year lease. Call McDowell, McHenry 1169-M. 13 THANK YOU To the many wonderful customers and friends we have enjoyed during the past ten years, we wish to say thank you for your confidence and patronage. Without a doubt, the new owners of. PANTRY DELICACIES 134 Overside Dr. Mr. and Mrs. James Gardner Will continue to serve you, to the best of their ability ESTELLE & HENRY EKEROTH 13 ROOMS for rent in McHenry. Furnished Also garage space. Call McHenry 214-R after 6 p.m. weekdays, or weekends. 105 Waukegan Rd. • 27-tf OFFICE SPACE located at 113 S. Green St., opposite dentist office, inquire at Kent Corp. Phone McHenry 8 or 269. 11-tf FOR RENT New Year 'Round Cottage Wonder Lake On The Water Insulated, 2 rooms, full bath, fireplace, rubber tile floor. Gas heat and electric furnished. Suitable for couple. Unfurnished. $80 per month. Phone McHenry 890 13 BOAT HOUSE for rent pr winter storage, located on river 3 blocks South of new bridge. Reasonable. Phone McHenry 3528. 13 HOUSE AT McCullom Lake. Oil heat, full basement, attached garage. Possession Sept. 1. Phone McHenry 994-J. 13 SMALL COTTAGE suitable for small family; located on Rt. 120 near Club Lilymoor. Tel. McHenry 541-M-l. 13 HELP WANTED ^ - • i . ' i • ------ --n GIRL FOR bookkeeping; tiding, general office work '.$t Wonder Lake. ^Experienced, write c/o McHenry PlaindeSler, Box 391 giving experience, age and salary desired. 12-^f Publisher Needs Imaginative /^Sales Representative Excellent potential. Advertising/ background helpful. Car essential. Must have 3 years sales/exp. Work exclusively in McHenry area for,proven and successful program. Only men who can make mature decisions and accept individual r^ ponsibility need apply. If you are seeking a "growth" position of unlimited, degree send brief resume. Interviews will be scheduled. *> > Turner & Associates 2455 West 79th St. Chicago 29, Illinois 13 GIRL WANTED for of fib] work. Must be able to t\ For appt., call McHenry. APARTMENT FOR RENT, 1% room. All utilities furnished. Town Club, 201 N. Riverside Dr., Apt. 3. Phone McHenry 3573. 13 FOR RENT or sale. 4 room house, gas heat. Birch Drive, Wonder Lake. Call Wonder Lake 4181. 13 601 THIRD STREET FOR. RENT: Beautifully decorated, 2 bedroom apt. in new building. Individual gas heat, large living room and dinette. Kitchen with cabinet sink, tile" bath, 4 closets, attic storage, auto, defrost _refrigerator, 30" gas range. Master TV antenna, off-street parking. No pets. $97.50. Owiier - McH^ify* 1613 13 FURNISHED 1 bedroom house, knotty pine interior. Available after Sept. 1st, 507 Crescent Drive. Phone McHenry 1328. 13 BRAND NEW furnished 3 bedroom home fof rent during school year to 3 or 4 women teachers or man & wife. $100 per month. Owner would like to occupy July & August. Circle Drive, Pistakee Terrace Subdivision, near > Sunnyside,, Illinois:' May be seen by appointment. Call or write Mr. or Mrs. Louis Perschke, 1080 N. Western Avenue, Lake Forest, 111. Tel. L.F. 888. 13-tf LADY ON PENSION, who desires a good home, to be a companion to an elderly lad£. No sickness. For further information write B. J. Schall, Rt. 3, Box 156, McHenry. 13 LADY FOR WORK in stoj». Apply Albert Krause & Sq& 308 E. Elm St. H PRODUCT ENGINEER Will be given basic ideas and assigned to development of hardware products. Must be experienced in small metal parts. Excellent working conditio^, good salary plus profit sharing and other employee bei^ fits. John Sterling Corp. Richmond, Illinois 13 REAL ESTATE 3 BEDROOM brick ranch not choice corner lot; full bs ment, gas heat, tile bath, bir^ cabinets, aluminum storms and screens, landscaped. 3 yrs. old. $15,000. Phone McHenry 705- W. 13 1800 SQ. FT. building. Zoned for business. Suitable for light manufacturing, warehouse or repair shop. Phone 782. 13 HELP WANTED ARE YOU TIRED of living from, payday to payday and want better things out of life? This is the job for you. Must have car. For appt. call McHenry 2552 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 13 It Pays to Advertise HERE IS THE BUY OF A LIFETIME In Lakeland Park 3 bedroom ranch with fuH basement, low taxes. Own^ transferred from state. House is worth $15,500, will sacrifice for $12,800 on fast sale. Terms on down payment. COUNTRY CLUB SUBDIVISION % Block to Fox River 3 bedroom ' home, colored bathroom with ceramic tile. Screens and storm windov^ attached garage, large lot. Full price $18,500. r v 2 blocks east of new bridge^ AIRSPUN REAL ESTATE on Route 120 P hone McHenry 430 13 TWO BEAUTIFUL, heavif wooded lots, Wonder Woods, Wonder Lake. Directly across from private beach. Sacrifice at $750 each. Call McHenry 2414-R. 12-tf FARMERS TRADING POST CUSTOM COMBINING: with John Deere 45 self propelled combine. Two machines available. Phone Crystal Lake 2612 or 1276-R. 10-4 HOGS wanted. All classes and weight for highest net return Monday through Friday 8 am to 1 p.m. Marengo Daily Hog Market, phone JOrdon 8-7291. 50-ti 5 ACRES of good hay. phone 748. 10-tf DOWN and CRIPPLED Cattle wanted, at better cash prices. Orville Krohn, Woodstock. Ph. 1651-R-l, collect. 15-tf R. M. FLEMING & SON NEW IDEA • PAPEC DEALER TRACTORS SALES & SERVICE \ Complete Farm Implement Service. PHONE McHENRY 83 * S22 Waukegan Road PUftEBRED REGISTERED Holstein bull. Almost 2 yrf. old. Leo Meyer, Mundelein, 111. Phone. JAckSon 6-3577. GEO. p. FREUND £ Authorized Dealer for •Q SALES & SERVICE PHONE MCHENRY 420 501 Crystal Lake Road FARMERS Dead and Crippled Animals Removed At Once © Wheeling Rendering Works $5.00 Service Fee Phone: LEhigh 7-010fr 10-tf

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