Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Aug 1958, p. 12

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J>LAlttDEAL£ft Thursday, Woadtr Lak* FLOWER SHOW AUGUST 16-17 by Jane Dqcey -- 2751 "TTirough the Garden Gate" is the theme of the second flower show to be presented by the Wonder Lake Garden club Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 16 Slid 17 at the Harrison school. The show will be open both days from 2 until 9 p.m. All sections are open to the general public this year with the exception of "tables" which are by invitation only. Participating in the tables competition in addition to the neighboring garden clubs of McHenry, Wobdstock, Crystal Lake and Richmond, are clubs from Lakemoor, Fox River Grove, Zenda and Grayslake. They will compete showing tables set for breakfast, luncheon, dinner and addition barbecue and tea byv the pool. Vegetables and flowens in the junior division will We those grown from seed distributed to the school children on\ Arbor Day by the Wonder LakV club. Educational exhibits will include one on conservation snowrt by the Kiwanis club of McHenry township, and an herb exhibit by the Wonder Lake Garden club. Entries may be submitted Aug 15 from 7 to 9 p.m. and no later than 10 a.m. Aug. 16. Mrs. John Walsh ahd Mrs. Anthony Misiak were welcomed as new members as*, were &ue$t& Mrs. Edward PpHca, Mrs. The-, rese Pitt, MfsT George Arttdit and Mrs. Joseph Lisanti. The ladies enjoyed the delicious food and played games after the meeting. It is called to the attention of all men interested in bowling thisffall that the league is now being formed. This group will bowl~Monday night at the McHenry Recreation hall arid a meeting will be held at 8 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 21, at Mathews hall. Anyone who is interested an cannot attend the meeting will please call Ray Pipowski at Wonder Lake. 7313. Coming Events: Aug. 14 -- Weiner roast sponsored by the Holy "Name society, 8:30 p.m. Ed Waldy's in Hickory Falls. All the men of the parish invited. August 30-31 --Annual church carnival sponsored by the Holy Name society on the NEW CHURCH GROUNDS-- Dinner served Sunday, Aug. 31 --plate lunches available both days '--<• games, rides for children, booths. years. Bob is a graduate ot Woodstock hlgli school and attended the Airittfi ican Academy of Art in Chicago for three years. He is presently employed as assistf ant art director with an advertising agency In Chicago. Bob has been active in the Boy Scout movement for twelve years and is currently chairman of special events for the Kishwaukee district. Bible Church News Pastor Richard Wright, Mrs. Wright and their two children left the Lake Monday for a vacation, part of which will be spent in Colorado where they will visit Mrs. Wright's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Cothran, who are missionaries home from Brazil. Pastor Wright will conduct services while in Colorado and also in Michigan where they will also tie visiting. He will be back for the Aug. 31 service at the Bible church. During his absence Jack Loshbough will conduct the services both morning and evening Aug. 24, Howard Dorsey, a graduate of Moody Bible Institute, will conduct the service in the morning of Aug. 17 and Andrew Anderson, layman rif the church will speak at the evening service of that day. Christ the King Church News A delicious weiner roast was enjoyed by the members and guests of the Altar and Rosary sodality last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith of Lookout Point 1. The business meeting was held and a report on the McHenry County Deanery meeting last June was given by Mrs. Martin Weisenberger. The national president's report of the NCCw was read by Mrs. Jack Rice. This year the national NCCW convention will be held in St. Louis, Sept. 20-24 and Mrs. Rice will attend as the delegate. Mrs. Leroy McCall, president of McHenry Deanery, gave the tentative program for the dioceasan convention which will take place in Rockford, Oct. 5, and urged as many ladies as possible to try to attend. Plans for a dinner to be served Sunday afternoon, Aug. 31, during the carnival were made and all were asked to help during the carnival. The meeting was closed with a prayer. Nativity Lutheran Church News The sermon topic for Sunday, Aug. 17, will be "Misplaced Trust." All are welcome to worship services at Nativity which are held at 8 and 10:45 a.m. Sunday school is at 9:15 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 17, the Luther League will travel to Waukegan to attend the summer conference of the Fox Valley district, at St. Paul's Lutheran church. All young people are invited to attend where there will be both recreation and discussion groups. This is always a looked forward to event and it is hoped that many can attend. The Brotherhood of . the church will meet Monday evening, Aug. 18, at 8. An outstanding program has been arranged with the showing of the slides of the life and work of Rev. Peter Rasmussen, the church's missionary in Japan. This is his fifth year in Japan and his slides taken over this period of time promise to be of interest and inspiration for all. Also at this meeting plans will be completed for the church picnic. The date of the picnic has been advanced one week because of the close schedule of the building fund program. The picnic will be held Sunday, Aug. 31, instead of the twenty-fourth. The building fund program is rapidly advancing and the general committee to lead the drive has already been selected. John Kerr has been selected to serve as the general chairman, and serving with him on this committee are: Dr. Donald Strum as advance visits and special gifts chairman, Steve Morin as hostess chairman, Mrs. Alice Wagner as dinner arrangements chairman, Bill Moore as publicity chairman, and Jack Falkenthal as proposal chairman. The Lutheran Laymen's Movement for stew ardship of the United Lutheran church is helping with the program, and Nativity is. fortunate to have as its director, Arthur Ackerly. Deep Spring Woods Annual Meeting Four new directors were elected at the annual meeting of Deep Spring Woods held Sunday, Aug., ,10, at the beach. They were Frank Piller. Vern O'Connor and John Ducey all for three year terms, and Marvin Wenck, who was elected to fill the unexpired year <>f the term of Mike Druml who resigned. The three nominees who may serve as alternates, in order of votes cast were Norm Spfcht, Lew Belshaw, and George Sorensen. Beach commissioner Rocco Roti expressed approval of the cooperation of the children using the beach but reported a lack of cooperation from the residents for the necessary work done on the pier and float. Roti was given a vote thanks by the/assembly. Road commissioner Greg Miehling said that Oak road is now ready for black-topping, and that Arbor road will be worked on next. The making of the road bed' on Oak was at cost of about $1,000. The subdivision voted, to purchase liability insurance for its roads and beaches at a cost of between $65 and SftO a year. It was voted to postpone the adoption of ihe re-written bylaws until the next annual meeting, during which time copies of the by-laws and proposals will be provided all property owners for their study. An auditing committee was appointed consisting of C. J. Lucy, Harold .Wohnrade and John Nelson. The assembly voted to limit the power of the board to the spending of the current years dues plus any available funds, with a two-thirds approval of the members of the subdivision required foe. expenditures in excess of this. seeing ride ail around the lake in the neW pontoon boat. MR Dean has been biiilding. After the boat trip, which the girls enjoyed to the fullest, they had an afternoon swim topped off with ice cream and. a cake, appropriately decorated with Wings for the fledglings. ' i • This same group has been together for the three lyears spent in brownie work, including the leader and committee ladies, and is the oldest troop at the Lake. Attending the party were Kathy Ahrens, Donna Mae Dean, Linda Kay Diedrich, Pamela Gable, Patty Hansen, Marilyn . Marke, and Ruthie Wilson. Committee ladies are Mrs, Walter Dean and Mrs. Eldon Diedrich, and the leader is Mrs. Stanley Wilson. season, is asked to belli W.-L. 3901 or W. L. 2121. There iMll be a geh&r&l meeting of All bowlers at the horhfe of Louise Johnson Monday, Aug 25, at 8 p.rii. The ieague is in ri&ti of two additional sponsors as well as some bowlersv ^ , Girl Scout Party Last Wednesday was a full jday for the girls of Troop 318 when the lohg posted party to celebrate their fly-up into, intermediate scouts from brownes took place. The girls met at Deans in the morning t and played games until the weather cleared followed by a swim at Wonder Center beach. The party adjourned for a weiner roast on Dean's patio after which Mr. Dean took the jirls and their leaders and Committee women for a sight- To Be Married Miss Jean Selsdorf, daughter of the James Selsdorfs, has set the date for her wedding to Robert Sweetland of Woodstock. The couple will be mar riied Nov. 1 in the new Christ the King church. A McHenry high graduate, Jean has been attending Marquette university Potent Drugs? W® have a wealth •, • ••9a get yaw wall and guard yavr healthl # Our large prescriptions volume permit! as to maintain ample stocks, including many rait drugs and the newest specialties. Thus, we are prepared to compound all , prescriptions prompdy--and precisely as directed. As a special precaution, we double- check each compounding step. Yet, you'll find our prices no higher than else* where. Try u^next time. Den Mothers , . It's almost Cub Scout time and there is still a shortage of den mothers. The subdivisions of Wooded Shores, Deep Spring Woods and Wonder Center need some moms to help out with these dens. Unless some \vomen can be found with a soft spot in their hearts,-for boys, and strong community spirit, thfese-dens will have t to be disbanded. This is about the last call for volunteers to prevent this loss of scouting at the Cub level in these communities. Anyone interested can talk the matter over with the Cub master or committeeman by calling W. L. 5512 or W. L. 4704. Somewhere in these areas there must b'e a few people interested. Red Cross Notice The annual meeting of the members of the Red Cross will take place Wednesday, Aug. 20, at 7:45 p.m. at the home of Mrs. George Weeks on the blacktop and Deep Spring Woods road. At this meeting the officers to conduct the 1959 campaign will be elected. Ladies Bowling Any woman who did not bowl last year on the 7 p.rii. Monday night league, and is interested in bowling this 58-59 Business & Service Directory of Wonder Lake -• CRISTY and STENDEBACH teral Contractors NEW HOMES Phone Wonder Lake 5432 100 PUIS HOME r*miei IHCUIMI A Medwn AutomHc Owik Rang* pW» HOUSWOWH you n**d far ^Commonwealth Edison r*N* 1V *• JfFVKf OCMM^M V. y \Au Be sure the home you buy offers the modern electric living this sign guarantees Every 100 PLUS HOME has the kind of HOUSEPOWER you want and need to run * the appliances you have now, will want in the years ahead. And you start cooking the clean, cool modern electric way when you ihovfe into a 100 PLUS HOME. (A new electric range is installed and included in the price!) You'll find a 100-amp. fuse or circuit breaker boy plus at least eight 120-volt circuits included. Don't take a chance--buy a ICQ PLUS Home and Live better Electrically! Drug Store 108 So. Green Phone 40 McHenrj > C. E. Co. ommonwealth Edison ' **» Public Service Company Baseball The Wonder Lake Fiesta club is planning to enter the Nattdnai Hot Rod tttai^iinshib rUcii in Oklahoma, Aft 2g; £§, 30 and Sept. 1. WeWIshthem good luck in Oklahoma.' LasI week at Wilmot Sonny; Spielman afeainwon the spectators race. * L Speaking of community spirit we want* everyone to come out to the AH Star Little League game with the McHenry team Sunday, Aug. 17, at 1 p.m. The ball field js in back-Of the VFW Club house in McHenry. All these boys have been playing some mighty fine ball this year and this should be a real championship gdme. It means a great deal to these .youth to know that the people of Wonder Lake are interested in them, parents, relatives and friends, so lets go cheer and do our part to help the boys bt-ing home honors. Sunday's soft ball game between the Christ the King Holy Name men and the American Legion was a real doozer. The score?--they wouldn't tell! But the American Legion bought the "Treats." v The Pony League have practice games Monday and Thursday--no definite schedule this week. Fiestas to National Hot Bod Race ifo^s Briefs • The Gail Wredes of Wooded Shores are enjoying a visit with his brother and family, Cliff, Twyla and daughter, Gayle, of Oceanside, Calif., who arrived Monday by car. The Cliff Wredes are planning to attend the class reunion activities of the Woodstock high school, class of '33 while here!* A dinner dance is planned for Saturday and a family picnic Sunday by the old grads. The visit-, ors will spend two weeks seeing old friends around the county. >• Sandi Sells' is back at the Lake having Spent the 'sufnmer since the end of school ^in New York visiting her sister and family, Dr. and Mrs. Dorr Wilkins and children Melinda and Keith. Sandi {took a side trip to New Hampshire to spend a week visiting a classmate while there. Alice and Roy Noren are scheduled to arrive, at Sharon's this week on their annual easterly loop, y Ann Eberle is beck home frim Glasgow, Scotland after spending Seven wfeeks visiting with her friehds and relatives, and seeing all her favorite places again. Husband John and -the youngsters are glad to .have h£r in. Woiider Lake again.; f Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Schleicher of Shore Hills welcomed a baby boy in their family Monday, Aug. 4. The little fellow will be named Kenneth Wayne, and he has a' sister Debbie, 3 years old and a brother Raymond, 6 years old. Mr. and Mrs. Frank TVnus of Chicago are his only living grandparents. JWrs. Anna Naughton of Deep Spring Woods spent a dfcifgh&t ful day entertaining her *kt«r. / Sister Rose Marie; and SistijL" EUeiflta, Sisteri of Mdrcy froilj Chicago'* Mercy vhighsch<; and Mount Carmelschool. were accompanied by Mi Naughton's daughter and sf in-lato, and Mrs. John Connor of Chicago. After buffet luncheon, they r took drive around the lake and were quite impressed with the beaa- ^ -V i '-III'- tiful scenery. - ^ ? After govferniiierit the; Jthe taken enough to balance budget, the average perstflHr has to budget the balance. ^ " 11 'H 'T IT HESITATE HAT COST YOU MONEY INVESTIGATE >UR INSURED BUDGETPLAg? • i ~ 764 S. Front St. THENNES OIL CO. PHONE 32 McHenry, Hi. mtk-i at TDrfmeir T H E N F . W A N D S C R E E N D O O R S I' Q R M The "walk-in*' feature avoids the need' of "stepping OVer" the seat support bracket. Cannot tip Over. / • ' The ski-type legs permit' easy moVing when cutting the lawn. ' Build it yourself -- we'll cut the lumber for you, or -- We'll build the table complete. Easily disassembled for storage. [ful I1/}'Thick of extra hravy extruded aluminum The very finest--yet so reasonable in cost / Unsurpassed in Beauty and Elegance of appearance*-- the extra thickness creat* ing a greater depth of the |&nel inserts--thus achieving a more massive exterior appearance in keeping with the modern trend in design of exterior doors. Beautifully , designed "Z" bar jamb with two concave projecting surfaces and mitered corners. Vinyl weatherstrip for "no slam" quiet deration. Rugged construction with heavy reinforced corners-- will not sag. Just one look at the new Crown storm door will convince you of its superiority »n design, Construction, operation «nd appearance. the new Crr v. n -befen you bu^' an mIum.h term cinrl set eon j ) (ICMMONt y (MHrMtfUllr Store Will Be Open s 'til 9 p.m. This may be a more convenient time for you to see our many displays of materials for the. home. Bring your family and browse around. Trained personnel are availably at all. times to help you develop your Ideas and offer suggestions. Our lumber sheds will not^be open Friday evenings. Orders may be placed for Saturday morning delivery. ! •U^OMPETENTSTAFFIS EQUIPPED TO ASSIST YOU WITH ANY BUILDING PROBLEM ALWAYS PLEflTY OF FREE PARKING < "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" On Highway 31 -- SouthofMain Street -- McHenry, Illinois PHONE MIT : "ALWAYS FIRST ... SERVICE TO O0H CUSTOMERS"

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