Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Aug 1958, p. 14

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Fourteen 'Vi m THE McHENHY PLAENDEALER THuraclay, August 14. 1958 p,V. feS| PbUkM Highland* $MVE IN UKE YOUTH BADLY t ' '•-<< -y. v by Clara Bales--2893-J ' j"Hazel I&orley--640-J-l " t • ' Terry Phillips was injured in •; a diving accident Monday. His neck is broken in two places. |Th is boy is in need of cheering -up so take time and send him a " card. His address is Children's Memorial hospital, 707 Fullerton Parkway, Chicago. We're sure he will appreciate it. Delores Formella is spending a week with . her cousin. Pat Sinclair, in Chicago. She is <Uso standing up for her cousin ™ Joe's wedding Saturday, Aug. 9. Many thanks to Don Bentz, Bob Messel arid Ron Spankuch for fixing up the many holes ait Thelen drive, The dirt was donated by Floyd Johnson. The 'tee'te also stdWed a fund for Terry Phillips, see association column for more details. So let's give 'teens a big hand. also be accepted, for our new officers of the association. John Thelen is cutting the weeds in the subdivision when he has the time.. A drainage ditch is being put in at beach 2 and then sand will be put on the beach. ' The councilmen will rtieet at the center on Aug. 20. Don't forget to have an election in your section so the new councilmen will take over with the new officers. A motion was made and seconded to start a fund for Terry Phillips. The Women's club will handle the fund, namely, L o r r a i n e E r d m a n n , M y r t l e Bentz, and Meryl Fletcher. The 'teen club has already collected fifty-seven dollars in donations which they have put in Mrs. Erdmann's care. Mrs. Erdmanrt also is' chairman of a slnshine fund to be used in cases like this. think everyone was a little just go down to Bunny avenue, shook up as they had an official, Seems they all have a few umpire calling the plays. At duck's down that way. The carlast Sunday's game a collection nival was kept busy supplying, was taken for the Terry Phil- ducks for the lucky people lip's, fund. [ from the Highlands to win. Marcia and Eddie Dowd had ^ Jane Peloquin picked up Kay overnight guests Tuesday, Mr. and IVfrs. William Senne and Sunnyside Estates Sprinkle Lawn Specified Dayp From A to Z sy Aasooifrti#* Meeting After thevl>ecretary's and treasurer's > report, it was announced that the Novaks were going to hold an open house at the Community Center on Aug. 30. This "is for everyone. Bruce and his band will be there, so all you have to do is put on your Saturday night duds. Remember, Aug. 30. ' The main road is to be blacktopped by the Thelens, Hurray! The work will be done in two or three weeks, and naturally the road will be closed the day .the work is done. We will know two or three days before the Toad is to be blacktopped. The association is going to look into the possibility of having a basketball and tennis court put in at the center the same time the road is done. The Women's club now has fitfy-four members,, and they are busy working on projects lor their spring bazaar. . The Men's club meet® the third Friday of the month. Don't forget to pay your second installment of your mosquito Abatement money. We are told the light at Route 12 will be installed in 1 two weeks. The State ^>f Illinois has test' ed our water and found it safe. There will be a fishing contest all during the month of August. The prize for ages 1 to 12 will be a rod and reel, and for 13 to 100, it will be a deluxe rod and reel. -The fish must be caught in the Chain O'Lakes and the prize, will be determined by the weight. Take your fish to any association officer to be weighed and recorded. This contest is also open to any relatives of association members. Our three trustees, Floyd Johnson. Skip Wilson, and Wally Misavice are the nominating committee. They will present their nominations at our next meeting. Nominations from the floor of course will Johnsburg Boys' League Scores for Thursdays game are Cards 16, Braves 6, Tuesday the Cards beat the Cubs 3-2 and Wednesday the Yanks 4 the Tigers 2. Archie Fletcher thanked the Sea Scouts at j the association meeting for the mask they donated and also the Thelens for developing the playing field. Happy Birthday To David and Wayne Heir. David celebrated Aug. 11 and was 2 years old. While Wayne will be 9 on the twenty-fourth. Also to Cindy Sarver who was a ripe 1 year old Aug. ,8. Sea Scouts The Sea Explorer Ship Pathfinder 629, has just returned from a three day cruise with the Navy on the good ship USS Harve. The boys left Sunday night July 20 and returned the twenty-third. The scouts visited Milwaukee, Muskegan, and Benton Harbor. The boys who enjoyed the trip were third mate, Howell Cokkines, boatswain Bud Messel, boatswains mate Craig Thoren, Lester Koltz, Bob Beamer, Bob Fletcher, Lee Johnson, Butch Mul-1 ler and Ron Marshall. The boys had a lot of fun and are already looking for another cruise next year. The Scout* also wish to thank everyone who came to their booth at the picnic. The boys had their meeting Thurgjay that company their two daughters. Everyone had fun swimming and barbecuing. Pearl,- Ches and Darlene Smolinski enjoyed luncheon in Milwaukee Tuesday and also a tour of one of the breweries. Pearl says instead of coffee breaks everyone has 'a beer break. The SchlicHS are having a picnic Saturday witb their friends, the Czarneckis, Lemans, and Parstis./ What, no Swedes? Art and Myrtle Bentz have been entertaining company from Milwaukee all week. Judy and Frank Krumwiede spent Tuesday evening in Woodstock taking advantage of all the sales. '* • - A belated happy birthday to Jim Mclnerney who celebrated his birthday Aug. 3. Steve and Geri Vrbik took a group of children to the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry last week. It was sponsored by the Legion of the Moose, and Steve was chairman of the outing. Jim.Mclnerney returned, to work last Monday after spending the second week of his vacation at home. Sharon and Sybil Peterson went to the Brookfield Zoo last Sunday with the Sunday School groups from their church. Muriel Peterson is sad to report that their pet cat came in contact with some poison that probably was put out for gophers. Her children felt bad over iHe ^aJh/^Ktheir pet kitty. ' Wally Siellsoh will celebrate his birthd^jrWlAug. 15. Kay plans a nitre big family party for him|mto AUSir 16. Kay's mpther, Mrs. Barry, her sister, Mrs. Mary Ann Eusign, nephew, Mike Eusign, cousin, Bobby Cuddabach from Cadillac, Mich., Kqy's namesake and .niece, Cathy Daley from Grand Rapids. Cathy who is 6 years old will spend two weeks with her aunt and uncle, Kay and Wally. We hope Wally has a nice birthday and enjoys all elected officers, who are swain Craig TTioren, boatswain's mate Bob Beamer, starboard crew leader, Bud Messel. Congratulations boys! Here and There The Taylors are attending a birthday party for their niece at Tinley Park Sunday. The Schlicks enjoyed shopping and "bumming around" in Chicago Thursday. The Fletcher family had a great time watching the Braves beat Pittsburg Tuesday night. The McEnaneys were weekend guests of the Schlicks. Sunday Myrtle Bentz entertained some of the girls she used to work with and also Bob and Vida Combare of Milwaukee. The men beat the 'teenagers Sunday afternoon 16 - 13. I Lorraine Hurckes entertained three of her friends from Chicago yesterday'. Her friends along with their eight children had a nice day enjoying our country air and in the evening their husbands came to pick them upand they all had a delicious dinner before they left. Ducks anyone?? If you do Sielisch and , Betty Sandelin last Saturday afternoon and they spent the ^remainder of the day at the Johnsburg Hall where they did their small share for the big dinner Sunday for St. John's church. Betty Sandelin's mother and step-dad were weekend guests of Betty and Milt. Betty's sister, Cathy, will remain with Betty for the next two weeks. Congratulations to Sylvia and Joe Murray on the. birth of their son born last Thursday at the Woodstock hqspital. The little fellow weighing 7 lbs. 13 oz.' will be welcomed home by his two brothers and little sister. Congratulations to, Mr. and Mrs. Forslin on the birth last week, Aug. 6 of their third son born in Berwyn. The baby, weighing over 9 lbs., will be a welcome addition to the other Forslin boys, Ken and Rickie. Emma Eide's mother and father from Minneapolis are visiting this week and haVIng a fine time. Mr. and Mrs. Brown will return to Minnesota next week. Our best wishes to the new bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Howie Caulkins who were married Thursday afternoon. be sold by Herb Anderson and -;: 5 Paul Bute. They will personally call "on each family in an effort tqi sell all'the tickets they have. , •\ MOOSE LODGE WOMEN OF THE MOOSE The Aug. 5 meeting was called to order by the senior regent, Mable Thomas, with all the officers present. 'Three new " members were initiated Sylvia Roche sponsored by Lillian Cox, Winona Hutton sponsored by Valarie Patterson and Fay Young sponsored by Imogene Grist. It is a shame that all the chairmen and escorts were not present. Please try to come to the meetings especially on initiation nights, as it makes for a better showing. Our next regular meeting has been changed due to the International Conference," it will be on Thursday the twenty-first instead of the nineteenth. Ritual practice will be held on the second and fourth" 'Mondays. Aug. 11 will be the first practice. Membership, Helen Wegener, chairman, has key .chains for those who wish them. ^ Mooseheart Alumni, Kay Mgr honey, chairman, and her coihmittee were in charge pf the evening and the refreshments. Olga Johnson, (Publicity Chairman. From A to Z The Home Owner's association meeting'of last week was well attended in spite of' the heat. We were reminded of a motion that was seconded and carried some time ago regarding the sprinkling situation. It is the belief of most that if everyone cooperates and sprin-' kels only on the days designated, the; water problem will be somewhat alleviated. The system should work according to odd and even days of the month, corresponding to each individual street number. Hence, if your address is an even number, such as 218, your days for sprinkling are the even days of the month, if an odd number like 213 sprinkle OR the odd days of the month.. It would* be worth while for everyone if there were full cooperation on this matter to see if the practical application is as good as the theory. Another subject of importance is the payment of dues for the coming year. Treasurer, Pat Bott, has sent out statements to all families to the status of their membership. This matter should be attended to as soon as possible. The delicious cakes were furnished by Jackie Smolinski, Pat Spindler, Bob Ternes, June Voight and Florence Wehrmann. Birthdays and Anniversaries - Birthday wishes are in order this week for Kenny Roy who will be 8 on Aug. 16 and Sandy Fry will be 9 on the seventeenth. Mrs. Anita Gottwaid; who is Millie Morresi's mother will celebrate on the same day. Thi^ee birthdays on the same day, Aug. 18, are Florence Kanter's Loretta Mikkelsen's and Joe Di Francisco's wljile Bob ii/IcDonald will celebrate on Aug. v 19. The youngest birthday child of the week is David Ncah who will be one year old .on Aug. 20. , : Congratulations to Bob and Loretvto Mikkelsen on the occasion of their eleventh wedding anniversary on Aug, 16. Dance The Johnsburg; rescue squad will hold its annual dance on Saturday, Aug. 30 at the Community club. Moneys obtained from this dance are what keep the rescue squad running all year long. It has been just about a year since anyone from Sunnyside Esttes has needed their services and it is our hope ihey will not be needed soon again. However, knowing they are there in an emergency can be a comfort to everyone. pven if for some reason you cannot attend this dance, which incidentally, is always enjoyable, why not purchase a licket or two to help support this fine organization. The tickets in this area will Birth and Christening Announcement Robin Marie is the name, chosen for the new little miss at the. Radtke residence. When she was only four days old she received the sacrament of Baptism at St. John's church. She waS born in the late aftiernoon of Wednesday, July 30, at St. Theresa's hospital, Waukegan and weighed 7 lbs. and 2 oz. Her new God-parents are Ann's brother and sistet, Jerry and Alice Eggebreclvt. With Robin Marie, Rich and Ann have added a / third little girl to their family tree which consists of three year old Terri and two year old Laurie. Congratulations and best wishes to the whole family. , * Comings and Goings As most of. us have experienced through the summer, it's the time of year when there is more company than any dther. The Senkirks are no exception in • this category ' either. Their last batch of company to date, being Tony's brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Senkerik and children, Barbara and Ellen* from Chicago, who spent a few days here soaking up our nice sunshine. Mr. and Mrs. Kimbro have also had their share of visitors this summer. Last week they entertained an old friend and neighbor of theirs from Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. H. D. Lyle of that city stayed a few days after a trip irom Nashville, by way of Toledo, Ohio. It's4 too bad that the fellow who gets carried away with his cleverness isn't. WALWORTH COUNTY FAIR WILL OPEN ; i ON AUGUST 30 | Some of the fastest horses ii| the middle wesi are among the 225 entered in the three Cay harness race meeting at thjj Walworth county fair in Elkhorn, Aug. 30, 31 arid Sept. 1; No harness races are scheduled on Friday, Aug. 29, opening day. of the fair;; Feature event of the Sunday racing program will be the fourteen class pace for a purse of $2500. It is expected that large fields of horses will s'Qct in competition for the $14,300 in purses. The Pat Riley start^ ing gate and the photo finish will be used, according to R.' Harris, secretary of the, fair. Reserved seats for the race program and night show go on sale by mail order only, Monday, Aug. 11. All onlers must be accompanied by check or money order and self-addr ed envelope. A limit of 11 order is established. There will be a free grandstand Friday afternoon and evening. Irfe^- l3&. Golf is a lot like taxes --r you drive hard to get to the green and then you wind up in the hole. ax 1 ! While we take care of ALL your building requirements. • Planning & Estimating • Proper Selection of Materials • The Right Contractor for Your Particular Job • Financing--Both New Home and Remodeling McHENRY LUMBER CO.* 611 Main Street McHenry, 111 PHONE McHENRY 46 3 Claremont Hill SUBDIVISION iiiiHfiiiiuiiiiiiiHiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiuiHiiiiiiiiiiiak VILLA NURSING HOME j 5 ON PISTAKEE BAT NEAR McHENRY | E S Home for the Aged | SENIUM BED PATIENTS | PHONE McHENRY 461 | fiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif I 616 Front St. | For Exclusive Country Living 3 BEDROOM HOMES 11 . i Including Garage on Vi Acre Lot ! • FULL BASEMENT • CERAMIC TILE BATH | • COMPLETELY DECORATED | 2 Model Homes Open For Inspection I GOOD FINANCING ALSO -- Large Homesites for Sale $250.00 Down Only Z'4 miles north of McHenry on Route 81 A CHAT WITH US Regular check-ups and maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs to you! Call us today and .find out for yourself. Brake Service All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling BUTCH'S '24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE McHenry,' 111. Phone 811 -- Residence 91-R J&r' Entrance from Johnsburg road and Route 31 PETER HAMLIN' PHONE: McHENRY 802 'mm4a.i m> Ill;,:' ANNUAL CATTLE AUCTION located at the J. C. Ellis Barn, 19 miles North of the Wis.-Ill. State Line 22 miles South of Milwauxee, ^Vis., 9 miles West of Racine, at the intersection of U.S. Highway 41 and County Trunk K, at Thompsonville, Wis., on MONDAY - AUGUST 18th Commencing at 12:30 o'clock Sham LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS 124 HEAD DAIRY CATTLE -- 90 Choice Holstein Dairy CQWS -- the kind that will satisfy in the milk pail; 10 Choice Guernsey Cows; 20 First Calf Holstein Heifers with size and quality; 4 yearling Holstein Bulls. ALL COWS ARE FRESH OR WILL FRESHEN WITHIN 30 DAYS. These cattle have been selected from positively the cream of Central Wisconsin dairy herds, Clark, Marathon and Taylor Counties. Hand selected by H. K. Christensen. Cattle are all Bangs and TB tested to go anywhere. Cows will arrive at the barn for your inspection on August 17th BE SURE TO ATTEND THIS AUCTION IF YOU NEED GOOD DAIRY CATTLE. All cows will be sold to the highest, bidder. L. C. CHRISTENSEN & COMPANY ABBOTSFORD, WIS., OWNER Christensen & Gutknecht, Auctioneers WI8CONSIN SALES CORPORATION, Clerk Union Grove, Wis. , Phone 195 A|e You Planning An Auction This Fall? Call JbsCQNSIN SALES CORPORATION now for your choice of 48te. Notice of your auction will go into more than 5,000 homes in Southeastern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois through our direct mailing. CALL NOW FOR AN EARLY DATE Phone WISCONSIN SALES CORPORATION Union "Grove, Wis., 195 EVERYONE'S TO ST. i ft ANNUAL PARISH i FRIDAY - SATURDAY and AUGUST 15th - 16th - 17th PARISH GROUNDS FUN -- WHOLE FAMILY ST. MARY'S FUN -- FOR FUN/"* THE EXCITING RIDES . MERRY-GO-ROUND .FERRIS WHEEL , TILT-A-WHIRL AND MORE GAMES OF SKILL . DART . BASEBALL # PITCH & THROWING GAMES «> DELICIOUS REFRESHMENTS Friday Evening, 7-11 Saturday Eve.. 7 -11 • Sunday Aft. & Eve. v KIDDIES; NITE Air Rides Reduced 10* GAMES - RIDES FUN FOR ALL REFRESHMENTS ROAST BEEF FUN FOR ALL DINNER ROAST BEEF DINNER Serving Starting at Noon Sunday. Delicious Food. Plan Now To Have The Family Eat Out. Relax - Enjoy Yourself DINNER: ADULTS $2.00 - CHILDREN $1.00 WE'LL LOOK FOR YOU THEBE BENEFIT OF THE SCHOOL BUILDING FUND .

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