Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Aug 1958, p. 2

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mm ^ r //% fv" <7^^"; V- \ Js J MxliruB'iv nr -^^rttthr«p Te^iaSpiSSs;^' :.-m Engagement Of lliarie karbin ToM '-'§},, Gapt. and Mrs. Joseph J. -Karbin of "flicson, Ariz., announce the engagement of their daughter, Marie, to A/2C Jtferald' R. Geske. }*$.&:• The bride-to-be graduated from McHenry high school with the class of 1956 and resides with her maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Miller, in McHenry. Mr. Geske is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Geske of Crystal Lake. He graduated from Crystal Lake high school in 1955 and is at present stationed at. Gunter A. F. base, Montgomery, Ala., having recently returned from a year's duty in Iceland. No definite date has been set for the wedding. Tell Betrothal Of Carol Ann -Xascher The betrothal of Miss Carol Ann Tascher to Raymond John Pollitt, son. of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Barber of McHenry, is announced by her parents, Miss Joanne Weyland as hostesses. Earlier, Mrs. Nancy McAuliffe, Miss Barbara Becker and Miss Mary Lynn Murphy were hostesses at a party in her honor held at the V.F.W. clubhouse, with thirty-five former classmates in attendance. ' Mrs. Joanne Rehberg entertained thirty guests at a miscellaneous shower held at her home recently in hoijor of Miss Dixon. Rivervlew Camp To Meet Tuesday A regular meeting of Riverview camp, R.N.A., will be held next" Tuesday, Aug. 19, at the K. of C. hall at 8 p.m. All members are urged to attend. PATRICIA RAD IS CHARMING BRIDE OF MR. GEORGE BARBER Mr. and Mrs. Vincent A. Tascher of Long Lake. The couple will be married in November at St. Bede'8 church, Fox Lake. Bride-to-be Shower Guest Miss Patti Dixon was honored at three bridal showers held recently. On Aug. 4, close friends entertained in her honor at a dinner and personal shower, with Miss Shirley Lewis and St. John's Lutheran church in Island Lake. was the setting for a very beautiful wedding on Saturday, Aug. 9, uniting in marriage Miss Patricia Rad, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George C. Rad of Johnsburg, and Mr. George Barber, Jr., son of the senior Barbers of McHenry. The double ring ceremony was performed at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The attractive, blonde bride chose a floor length gown fea* turing layers offnyIon tulle and' lace overskirt. The gown was styled with long sleeves and high neckline. Her fingertip veil fell from a crown outlined with pearls and sequins and she carried white roses centered with an orchid. Her maid of honor was her sister, Carol Rad, while Miss Gwen Wiedenhoeft, Miss Karen Viverito and. Mrs. Beverly Lindmark, friends, were bridesmaids. All were attired similarly in trapeae style gowns of royal blue taffeta, with which they wore matching crown headpieces and blusher veils. Miss Rad carried pink roses in a heart shaped bouquet and the other attendants had bouquets of yellow roses. Robert Pollitt served his brother as best man end groomsmen were David Lennon, Al. Gore and Tom Allen, friends. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Rad selected a beige dress, matching accessories and a corsage of white roses. Mrs. Barber wore a poudre blue dress with brown lace, brown accessories and a similar corsage. A reception for 450 guests was enjoyed at the Legion home immediately after the ceremony, after which the couple left on a trip to Canada. Upon their return they will reside at McCullom Lake. The former Miss Rad is a June graduate of the McHenry high school. The groom attended the local schools and received his discharge last winter. WONDER LAKE GARDEN CLUB TO PRESENT SHOW Fina} preparations ape in. the making for the second; flower show "Through the Garden Gate", to be presented by the Wonder Lake Garden club at Harrison school Saturday and Sijnday, Aug. 16 and 17, from 2 to 9 p.m. In the horticulture division there' will be the following sec* tions: Annuals; perennials; roses; corms, tuberous roots and bulbs; pqtted plants; vegetables; fruits. In the artistic division, there are tables; arrangements; -junior division, vegetables and flowers; open class juniors; artistic juniors. Educational exhibits will be shown by the Kiwariis Club of McHenry Township on conservation and by the Wonder Lake Garden club on herbs. In the case of all divisions, the number of blooms or vegetables to be entered have been designated. Information concerning this may be obtained from members of the club.. -The public is urged not only to. enter the various classes in horticulture, but also to make entries In the artistic arrangement classes. The only invitational class is that of table settings* Each exhibitor may enter as many classes as he wishes, but may not make more than one entry in a class or sub-class. Mrs. Arthur Hoppe is president of the club and show chairman is Mrs. Ralph White. Others pn -the show committees include MVs. V. Thompson, Mrs. C. Kopp, Mrs. Ed. Muchow, Mrs. J- Condren and Mrs. L. Switzer, staging and program planning; Mrs. K. Engvalson, Mrs. V. Milbrandt, Mrs. E. Marks and Mrs. A. Liberator, registration; Mrs. Leo Hartog, Mrs. W> Troxell, Mrs. H. Pliner, and Mrs. LeRoy McCaU, classification; Mrs. L. Switzer,-tickets; Mrs. William Fiala, Mrs. A. Nagel, Mrs. A. Nelson and Mrs. Ed Cannon, refreshments; Mrs. Ben Redman, publicity; Mrs. V. O'Connor, posters; Mrs. V. Thompson and Mrs. Ed. Muchow, registration and classification of juniors. CONVENT BLESSING Sunday, Sept. 14, the Catholic parishes of Elgin will unite with His Excellency, the Most Rev. Loras T. Lane, bishop of Rockford, in blessing the newly constructed convent provided for the Dominican Sisters on the faculty of St. Edward high school. Open House at the convent apd the high school will welcome all friends of the institution to see the facilities provided for the students and the Sisters. The city of Elgin is part of the diocese of Rockford established fifty years ago. The events of Sunday, Sept. 14, will mark the observance in Elgin of the diocesan jubilee year. McHENRY PLAINDEALER 1 ".<[* i 'iM'gr-r The American Way: Using instant coffee to dawdle away an hour. Mr. and. Mrs. Joe Murray the parents of a son, born at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, on Aug. 7. A daughter was born Aug. 7 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. James Biere of Ingle" side. / Mr. qnd Mrs. Norbet* Lewf andowskfr of Pistakee yHlgjhland » welcomed a son on Aug. 9 at Memorial hospital. . Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Siepman are the parents of a son, born Aug. 9 at Memorial, hospital. A daughter was born. Aug. 0 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Kenny. On Aug. 10, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zoellick became the. parents of a girl, born at Memorial hospital. > ' f Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ossler are the parents of a son, born Aug. 10 at Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Schleicher of Wonder Lake are the parents of a son, born Aug. 5 at Memorial hospital. Mr. > and Mrs. Laurin Stoddard" of Ringwood became the parents of a son on Aug. 8 at Memorial hospital. A daughter was born Aug. 8 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. John Schmitt of Spring Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Vyduna welcomed a daughter at Memorial hospital on Aug. 8. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Guest of Chicago have named their new daughter Denise Lynn. The baby was bom July 27 in- St. Elizabeth's hospital, Chicago, and was welcomed home by a 20-month-old brother, Billy. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mueller of McHenry are the maternal grandparents. Word comes of the birth of a son on July 27, to Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Pape of Chicago. They have a daughter, Joanne, 3V2 years old. Mrs. Pape is the former Kathryn McAndrews. "AugustBride Frost Photo MRS. HAROLD SCHMITT Before her marriage Jto Harold Schmidt of McHenry at St. Mary's Catholic church, ctn Aug. •2, this lovely bride! was Miss Elaine Turner, daughter of . the Earl ' ^Turners of Ashton, 111. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Schmitt of Court street, ~ • il l (* \ Thursday, August ft 1958 Newly weds Live In Grayslake ^ A double ring ceremony at 11 o'clock on Saturday morning, Aug. 2, united in marriage The general business meeting of Bet^l 98 of.Job's Daughters was incfeed busy. Tentative plang- are being made for various s&fctlvevents including a style sheiw ;of holiday fashiions from the Casual shop, and a business luncheon in October. More immediate events are a pajama party on Wednesday, Aug. 27, for all J.D's and a hay ride later this month. The daughters are also looking forward to the annual Tri-Capers dance, held in the grand ballroom of the* Palmer House in Chicago on Friday, Oct. 10. Everyone is invited and tickets wMl soon be available. On the meeting of Aug. 11, installation was held and Susan Watkins was installed as fifth messenger by Bonnie Kunsky, past honored queen of Bethel 61 in Elgin. Our next meeting Aug. 25 is also instruction night. All girls are rem/nded of the limrrjppoorr tance of this meeting and urged to attend. It is the last one before official visit and inspection night, Mrs. Earl McAndrews has just returned fom spending a few days in the Dr. W. W. Pape Miss Beverly Ann May, daugh^ home in Chicago and welcomter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Majfa ing her new g^ndsoi). > : of JohnshUrg, and Mrs. Law^j=====g-- : "• rence Lindmark, son of Mrs Patients at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, this past week included Emil Wolf, William O'Brien, Jean Cz:ajowgki, Gilbert Rogers and Joseph Krzeminski of MeHenry; Beryl Sim, Eloyse McCaffcrty and Tillie Ronning of , Wonder Lake. Mrs. Edna Hem: of Woodstock underwent surgery at Memorial hospital vthis week. She is a homemaking teacher in the local hi^h school. Patents at McHenry hospital during the past week included Jennie Kup?c, Richard Wolf Ray B a u m g a r t e n , Thomas Loveless, Dale Schmitt, Wil-, liam McKay, Dennis Marshall,; Betty Schmitt, William Big* gerstaff, Beulah Hoard, Edna Westerberg, Robert Carver and Agnes Mack of McHenry; Ruth Merwin, Audrey Keller, Ollie Wilson and Robert Smith of Crystal Lake; Lawrence Levand of Cary; Ruby Rogers of Lakemoor; 'Margaret Wiedlin and Basil Iuliano of Chicago; William Swearingen of Wonder Lake and George Harnney of Fox Lake. j-- : Mrs. E. Kane and son, Richard, of Chicago are visiting_her parents,".Mr. and Mrs. M. Christiansen, in Sunnyside. Langdon Studio Photo .'"THE JERRY CRISTYS; In a beautiful evening ceremony solemnized at Immanuel. Lutheran church, Crystal Lake, on July 26, Miss Mary Lou Pfeiffer of that city exchanged vows with Mr. Jerry Cristy of >Wonder Lake. They are making. their home in Crystal Lake. CARD OF THANKS I want to thank all of my friends and relatives who remembered me with cards and gifts while I was in the hospital. They helped make the time seem shorter. 15 ., Dickie Bitterman MARRIAGE LICENSES George T. Barber, Jr. and Patricia J. Rad, both of Henry. Howard V. Calkins, Jr. Carol A. Pietrzyk, both of stakee Highlands. » Delmont C. Morrison Shirley M. Linden, both of Henry. Y6UTH fellowship •*«* On Sunday, Aug. 17, at 6 pin. ^ there will be a fellowship meet*;") ing/for the youth of both the- - Greenwood and RirigVoad. churches at 6 p.m. at Greeiiw>!> wood. ' ON DISPLAY SSIMMWORK OVfit 70 PUMPiM STOCK EASY TERMS «iVllpBlrUal MDUnLkLEtUD Ol.Blu MnOiiVliIa*n i ImM la Ik* VBtag. «| mt WMki*u1u M Q STW CONSTANT STUDY LATEST METHODS + EXPERT HAIRSTYLIST iner oueiines& ^or %^ou If You're Not Becoming To Him . . . .. You Had Better "Be-Coming" To Us Open Tues., Thurs., and Fri. Evenings . 8 a iversicle ^fCairslylii ng 126 N. Riverside Drive Phone 147 Mchenry, I1L to .fri Vacura of Island Lake and fred Lindmark of Chicago. « * Mrs. Barbara Glosson of McHenry, a friend, acted, as matron of honor. Douglas Glosson; served as best man. > An evening reception was held at the bride's hom<£ fbr about 100 guests, with; the bride's twin sisters, Ardis an4j Ardette, as guest registrars. '!• The couple will reside at Grayslake. The bride attended the McHenry high school and has been employed in Wheeling. 3t J a 2bate AUGUST 15-16 Celebrate r s 3rd anniversary by receiving a discount on any item from REGULAR* priced merchandise in stock. Take this opportunity to select a fall dress, knitted suit cashmere sweater, skirt or any accessory item. Hillyiew ) 4 i< J ing Center 'on U^. 12 fllliUcfanipndi IllinoM Also In The Palmter House, Chicago ^Reduced Merchandise Not Included Applies To Our Richmond Shop Only! Due to the iremendous response to our DOLLAR DAY ADVERTISEMENT, we are going to continue this special until . . . AUGUST 23rd to'accommodate all those who were unable io take advantage oi it on Dollar Days. HERFS YOUR CHANCE TO GET THOSE SECOND-BEST CLOTHES SANITONE CLEANED FOR ONLY : . % Air Conditioned Eve „Til 9 Phone Richmond 2541 MEASURE CAREFULLY! Chances are, that caution is unnecessary in the situation pictured. The practised American do-it-yourself couple knows the vital importance of ruler and plumb bob in • lining things up as they should be. Sometimes, however, when credit help is needed for a home improvement project, the importance of measuring one financing plan against the other, and thus lining up the plan that best suits the , borrower's circumstances, is overlooked . . . Bank modernization credit invites comparison. BANKS HELP AMERICANS IMPROVE THEIR HO/MES AT LOWJBORROWING COST. SEE US FOR DETAILS! McHENRY STATE BANK - Established Since 1906. Interest Paid On Savings Deposits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System PHONE 1040 , . $9P0 garments tor DRESSES - SKIRTS - BLOUSES - SLACKS SPORT or SUIT COATS - Lt. Wt. JACKETS (MINIMUM 4 -- PLUS} 50c FOR EACH ADDITIONAL GARMENT) Garments accepted under this "Second-Best" offer will be dry cleaned, sterilized, and • ~ steam-air finished to smooth out wrinkles. m NO "SPECIALS". PLEASE I HERTS WHY WE HAKE THIS SENSATIONAL OFFER We've heard so many customers remark "I have a closet-full of old clothes tjhat can't be washed safely, yet they are not good endugh tq pay to have them ^ry cleaned." Second-best clothes don't really need the careful hand-finishing your best clothes require -- so we will do them for yoii at this low price until August 23rd. Take advantage of this opportunity to clean all your family's old "yard and play" clothes that you felt you couldn't afford to have dry cleaned. NOW YOU CAN GET MORE USE OUT OF THOSE OLD CLOTHES DO IT NOW! . COMFORTERS - $1.50 BLANKETS - $100 EACH RAINBOW CLEANERS 100 N. Front St. PHONE McHENRY 927 Always Plenty of Free Parking at Rainbow's D rive-In Around Corner North oi Na^ppal McHenry, \

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