Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Sep 1958, p. 9

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Ij J T - • t ' ' ' ; ^ • y -mtp - ^ 4, 1958 t. • \ % -k^% ^ V - ; THE ' 1 >/!»*,> PLAINDEALER \ 7^ /*yf *T* i^v "Kb* ' ^ W« -» "S? TS? Eastwood Manor w^wi WWONBHPO* I - .i. byXols Krebs--.pfS5 . , Nominations are coming -in slowly as of this writing. Tomorrow is the deadline, so letjs all pi/t on our thinking caps tonight and get your nominations in to Dolores Lawrence by tomorrow. . Remember, thjisJis your association- and" your chance to nominate the people that you t^jpk would do a good job. Street Signs Several of the men of oar community worked like beavers a week ago last Sunday digging post holes and putting in the pipe for our new street signs. They did a fine job and we wish to thank all of them. Eastwood Manor Picnic hope to see all of you n e x t S u n d a y a t t h e p i c n i c which will be held in the corral at 1 p.m. There will be free gifts for the children and games for all ages, so come on out and get acquainted with your neighbors. |)| Faith Presbyterian Church News "Spinning Your Wheels" is topic of the sermon to be given on Sunday, Sept. 7, by Warren Krebs, of Eastwood Manor, in the absence of Rev. Mclntyre, who is "vacationing. i The Service of worship will be conducted by Frank Seebach of --^Holiday Hills. As usual, this service will be held at 10 a.m. in the community barn of Eastwood Manor. • It's A Boy Robin and Larry Tucker wish to announce the arrival of their new baby brother, who put in his appearance at Memorial hospital at 2:30 a.m. on Friday, Aug. 29. He is 19 inches long and weighed in jat 7 lbs. 10 oz. As of this writing, a name had not been chosen. Happy Anniversary To Rev. and Mrs. Jack Mclntyre, who celebrated their anniversary on Sept. 3, and to Nadine and Bill Martin, who will celebrate tomorrow. Happy Birthday To Mary Charbonnier, who will be blowing out her candles today; to Craig Sigman, who vrftt be 5 years old this Saturday; and to Bob Stoll, who will celebrate next Monday. Butch Kellogg, who celebrated his fifth birthday on Aug. 20, with hid relatives, had a party for his friends on Sunday afternoon, Aug. 24. Those who helped him celebrate were Cindy, Jackie and Pam1 Radner, Linda and Tom Lawrence and Paul and Denise Dethlefs< 0 of our Subdivision; Sandy LoCascia of Chicago, Joe Zahn and Billie and Peggy Nye of McHenry. \ Pam Radner celebrated her third birthday on Friday, Aug. 29, by having a luncheon for all her friends. Those present were Jim and Mike Coughlin, Debbie and David Garrelts, Butch Kellogg, Susie Newlon, Martha Simpson, Greg Fultz, RWhael McCormack and Barbara Krebs. Her sister, Jackie a i s o p a r t i c i p a t e d w h i l e t h e older ones helped out. They all had a wonderful time. This and That Debbie and Delores Pickett spent the weekend of Aug; 22 visiting in^Libertyvifle ar the home of their grandma, Mrs. Mary Jones. While they were gone, Margaret and Francis, along with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Watkins of Fox Lake^Hills, took in the stock car races in Wilmot, Wis. ^ i ' - The Wood family enjoyed a pleasant visit With Gerry's brother and his fan^ly, Sgt. 1st Class and Mrs. fiugene Edwardj^ r., and their children Michael, Cathy and Janice, whert they stopped here for the day on Wednescjpy, on their way home from Germany, where he has been stationed. Gail McCormack enjoyed her over-night stay at the home of Linda ^awrence on Wednesday, The Leonard Hansen and L e o n a r d L a w r e n c e f a m i l i e s spent last Sunday at Cross Lake, Wis., where they enjoyed a picnic and swim at the Home o f t h e s e n i o r L e o n a r d Law - rences. $.}' •'-* Lois McCormack, Winnie Hansen, Peggy Garrelts, Dolores Lawrence, Betty fibdner and Pat Kellogg, of Mill Lane, Helen Birmingham, Pa t s y Coughlin. Rita Simipson, Lois Krebs,, Marilyn Fultz and her house guest, Mim Cavender, all enjoyed' a . luncheon on Thursday. Winnie Hansen's mother, Mrs. Robert Lamont, of Norridge, spent Wednesday afternoon at the Hansen home. Patsy Coughlin was truly surprised and delighted by a, baby shower held in her honor on Thursday evening. The s h o w e r w a s g i v e n by R i t a Simpson, Helen Birmingham and Lois McCormack at the Simpson home. The color pink seemed to predominate in the decorations. Patsy is the mother of three boys at the present time. Those who joined in the festivities were Marge Sheehy, Winnie Hansen, Edith Long, Peggy Garrelts, Bfetty Radner, Leis Krebs, Marilyn Fultz and her house guest, Mim Cavender.' The y Ron Tinsley family have returned after spending several d a y s v i s i t i n g r e l a t i v e s a n d friends in Iowa. They drove to What Cheer, where they visited with Ron's family, then on to Des Moines to visit with • f r i e n d s o f A r l e n e a n d f r o m there they drove to Afton, where they visited at the home of Arlene's folks. Ron returned home on Sunday, and Arlene and Curtis returned early the following Thursday morning. Dolores and- Frank Woolwine e n j o y e d a c o o k - o u t a t t h e home of Mr. and Mrs, Norman Walenberg ip Crystal Lake on Saturday. The Elmer Urban family traveled to Chicago on Aug. 22, vvtiqre they spent the weekend visiting at the home of Char's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kaufmann. They spent a busy week end visiting with all of their relatives and also took Billy to a kiddy park and Brookfield Zoo. Dottie and ^len Messer and the boys enjoyed the weekend of Aug. 23 at the home of Dottie's brother and sister-inl a w , M r . a n d M r s . R o b e r t Thompson, in Chicago. Florence and Kein Noonan chalked up eighteen years of wedded bliss with a party at their home on Siaturday. Conn i e a n d B o b D e t h l e f s o n a n d Lois and Tim McCormack helped to make it a gay evening with several gag gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Will Veitch of Highland Park spent Wednesday at the home of Charlotte rind Elmer Urban. Mrs. Veitch is a former school and club chum of Charlotte. The Woolwine family enjoy- Pag« Nina (J3e 'lAJide... and be I 1. Where your accounts are INSURED by a Federal Gov't. Agency / 2. Where your money EARNS frpnpi 3 to 4% 3. Where your money is AVAILABLE when you NEED IT! 206 IV. ELM BtcflENRY, ILL. PHONE McHENRY 2 ed the weekend of Aug. 30 visiting at, the home off Belcres* grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Cimino, at Paddock Lake, Wis. Welcome back to the Jerry Ryan family, who have returned from their vacation, which w a s s p e n t i n P i t t s b u r g a n d New York. They left on Aug. 12 for Pittsburg, where jJerry had to go on business. After a couple of days in thai city, they drove, on to New York, where they visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hotz. Mrs. Hotz is a girl-friend of Lois. They toured Manhattan on Wednesday and left for McHenry on Thursday. Gerry Wood was the hostess for a demonstration party at her home on Tuesday evening. Those present were Peggy Garrelts, Dottie Messer, Lena Campbell, 'Rosemary Newlon, Lydia Fenner, Winnie Hansen, Charlotte Urban, Ann Ritter, Lois McCormack, Betty Rad ner, Gerry's mother, Mrs. Eugene Edwards, and her sister, Mrs. Pat Peiffer, both of Kenosha. The McCormack boys enjoyed a v|sit with their cousin, Pat Murphy, who arrived here from his home in Chicago on Aug. 25. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ryan o f A r l i n g t o n H e i g h t s s p e n t Thursday evening visiting at the home of his brother, Jerry Ryan. The Wood family travelled to Zion on Sunday to see the 5 - d a y - o l d b a b y b o y a t t h e home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cheatwood- The Bill Malcolm family journeyed to Chicago on Thurs-v day td visit Agnes' mother, Mrs. Ann Nichol. Mrs. Mim Cavender of South Bend, Ind., was a house guest at the Fultz home a few days. Village of Sounyside Auction Boxes < Sept. 20 Social Meet Your Neighbors I The Tim McCormack family of 147 Country Lane moved to Eastwood Manor on July 1$, 1956. Lois and Tim are the proud parents of five children. Timmy, the eldest, was 15 in April, Tom was 11 in March, Gail was 7 in March, Michael was 4 in April and Maureen was one year old in June. Tim is the manager of a railway ticket office in a loop hotel and commutes via train each day. Lois' hobby is cooking and Tim enjoys watching sporting events. Both Lois and Tim, were born and raised jn Chicago. The Willtfim M&lcolm family moved into their home at 145 Mill Lane on Qct. 4, 1957. Agnes' and Bill are the parents of Ronald, who will be 11 next January, Bonita, who was 9 in March, Debbie, who 6 in June, and Catolyn, who was 1 in May. Bill does construction work in this area. Agnes reports that her hobby is sewing and that Bill's is sleeping. Agnes hails from Chicago and Bill first 8$W the light of ddfy in Mt. Vernon, 111. That's it for this week and let's keep those calls coming to 2755. 'Bye how. Irma Gun tiler--15?74 Our next village social "doing" will be on Sept 20 and will be a box soclkl and will be at the home of the Obstfelders. Gals, get your boxes all. prettied up because they will be auctioned off to the highest bidder. boys had better get yourselves ready for another busy year., I wonder if all the Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts around are making any plans to attend the big ' gang show" at J. Sterling Morton auditorium. This show is put on by Boy Scouts and is a show that has been started in England and is now being tried in our country. ' I'm sure your pack leaders or den mothers will give you any information | you need about this show. rv'; hi Drive Careftii^£ % u/; : School is in session . Don't forget when you are out driving that our children, will be back in school and to be extra cautious. New Arrival* Well, two families.,, in our village haVe been increased; in number. The Jahlonski family have a little girl by the name of Beth Ann and the Wayne Smith family have another little girl. Bill and I finally became grandparents when our daughter- in-law had a baby girl on Wednesday. "Time, The Subtle Tfyief of Youth" , Author's Name Belo>v * To have the physical joys of youth, combined with the experience of age, has always been the hoped for wish of everyo n e . F o r m e r l y , ( t h i s dream was impossible. People just - couldn't live long enough. But now average life expectancy is up to the biblical three score and ten and steadily increasing. Ypu can prevent time from stealing away your youth. The chief enemy of youth is sickness. Visit your physician at the first sign of any illness. He can prescribe {he proper medication to help you get well quicker, before any serious damage is done. ( YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE McHENRY 26 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE Pick up your prescription if shopping near us, or let us deliver promptly withotft extra charge. A great many* people entrust us with the responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May we compoi|nd yours? NYE DRUGS PHONE 26 129 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS WE- DELIVER •Quotation by Johrt Milton (16084673) Cub Scouts The Cub Scouts will have their first meeting the second week in September, so you had travelled through Wisconsin, parts of Minnesota and were enjoying the sights all along the way. LaMarr Williams is on vacation and is trying to have the children see many different places' because school will be starting when his second vacation week begins. They took the s children into the city to Lincoln park and then on another »day they went to Haw* thorne Melody farm. Birthdays Cindy Jean Pflug, daughter of Bud and Marion, will celebrate her first birthday bn S*pt. 7. £as Kesperski was surprised with a birthday barbeque at the Williams home on Saturday. Relatives came in from Chicago and his friends from around here attended, games were played and songs were siing around a huge bonfire. Cocktail Party iSeorge and Sue Schuman attended a cocktail party with other out of town guests given at the home of A1 Riiey in Hasbroak Heights. . Vacations I received a very welcome caird from the senior Harringtons, who were up in Canada When the card was sent. They Here and There Kindergarten will be delayed for awhile because the rooms aren't quite finished. The Donald Monte family enjoyed a wonderful day in the city at Riverview Park and were' thrilled with the rides. The Muleski children sure enjoyed going to Deer Haven one week and then going to Storyland Park another time. Their parents enjoyed the parks as much as the children. Anniversary We celebrated our anniversary on Saturday with friends who dropped in from McHenry and from around here. It was more of an open house, where the doors were open to alt Who came and they were all welcome. v to AMUIQMf g TRIPLE GUARANTEE' SATISFACTORY PBtfORMANCE EAGLE-PICHER' STORM WINDOWS and STORM DOORS •GUARANTEED BY MANUFACTURER, DEALER, GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MAGAZINE ARTHUR BOGER S07 WAUKEGAN ROAD McHENRY, ILL. PHONE McHENRY 1180 IT ONE MINUTE TO READ THIS BE WORTH $30® *11!!!# •i -hp* Dear Sir "•V \ Closed Wed. & Sat. P.M. HOURS: 8 AM. TO 5 P.M. IT TAKES ONE MINUTE TO READ THIS IT COULD BE WORTH $300.00! How would you like to have your fuel bill paid if you were to become disabled because of sickness or accident ? Our INSURED BUDGET does exactly that! And it is FREE, absolutely FREE to all customers under 65. There is no paying back when youv are again able to work. In the event of death, your family will receive absolutely FREE oil for the remainder of the budget term. Last year was our first experience in using the INSURED BUDGET, during which time we paid $500.00 in claims, due to sickness, accident and death4 The INSURED BUDGET Starts in September. It ih the easiest way of paying your supply of winter fuel oil. Your oil bill is divided into 10 small equal payments. For more information, call or stop in. You will be glad that you did! Don't Delay Come In or Sincerely, THENNES OIL»COMPANY V/ Call 32 Today! ^Itlwurcl rf. ^JhenneS Edward J. Thennes #; % FOR THE VERY BEST IN HOME HEATING BE SURE TO CALL THENNES OIL Co. For Further Information Phone 32 704 FRONT. ST. McHENRY, ILLINOIS Edward Thennes V - W .

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