Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Sep 1958, p. 13

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,'/r^r¥ ' .f " innjlay. gapteiabw I. l$5g PLAINDEALEH bonder Lak« by Jane bncey -- 2781 Betty Burns--5601 the The goal of $32,000 was reach ed and passed last week as Nativity completed its second . •building fund drive. Reaching 1 jthis goal will now j^ke it possible to complete the building jjplans for the new church and ' jbegin construction as soon as •JM1 final arrangements have made with the board of |Jwierican - Missions of |pnited Lutheran church. A memorial fund has been Established which provides, for ' ^memorial gifts in honor of de-. parted loved ones, and any gift . to this fund is acknowledged in the "Book oft Remembrance' and ketft in the narthex of the • hew church. The Rev. George Hoog will l£ the* guest preacher Sunday, ;Sept. 7 and 14 while pastor - jSchroeder is on vacation. Services will be at 8 and 10:45, with Sunday school at 9:15 a.m.' Catholic School Bus There is room available on the Catholic school bus to take the children to McHenry. Anyone interested in further inforihation please call Wonder TQke 5791. .Sunday School Staff Meeting Monday, Sept. 8. at 7:30 p.m. the Wonder Lake Bible churcn will* conduct a Sunday school staff meeting at the church. Altar and Rosary Meeting The national and diocesan conventions will be discussed in addition to the regular busijjoffiss at the Altar and Rosary sodality meeting Thursday evening, Sept. 4, at 8:30 p.m. at the new school hall. Holy Name Society The monthly meeting of the Holy Name sqciety will be held at the; new school Thursday evening, Sept. 11, at 8:30 p.p. § Special Notice Father Bartel will welcome any pictures pertaining to the parish within the last 10 years, and asks that you bring them to the rectory. New Postmaster Mrs. Wallace Carder of Hickory Falls was sworn in as acting postmaster, Friday, Aug. trelieving Mrs. Paul. Reutec, o has-been serving in this capacity since the resignation of Art Hay in 1957. • The Carders have been summer residents of the Lake for 9 years and permanent residents for five. Mr. Carder is relired from railway mail service in which he spent 46-years. Bible Church News v^Tack and Flora night has been set "for Thursday, Sept. IS, at 7:30 p.m. A cordial welcome is extended to all to join in the "Welcome Home" to these missionaries. . Mr. and Mrs. Loshboiigh and their three children will /present the program based on their work in the Belgian Congo. Refreshments will be served at the olose of the program. Friday, Sept. 19, at 7:30 pith the first meeting of the Pio neer Girls club will take place at the church. Membership is onen to all girls from fourth to eighth grade; inclusive. A full and interesting program with special projects is scheduled Chief Guide is Miss Ruth Oesierlund; assistant guides are Jeannette Moser, Barbara Dee, Ethel 'Repke, ' and Marliss Schildt. Committee members are Isabelle Swansto, chairman/ Louise Johnson, Marge Tomano, and Velma Wright Chaplain Robertson PTA Speaker ' ~' With the beginning of school the Parent Teacher association is swinging into high gear witlj plans for a full and interesting year. The first meeting will be Tuesday, Sept. 9, at 8 p.m. Lt. .Robertson is presently serving as Brig Chaplain at the U.S. Naval Training Center at Great Lakes, where he took his boot training in 1942. This veteran of sixteen years of Navy Service, eight of' which were spent overseas, has also four years of teaching experience in high school and junior college, and feejs he has something to offer about the "process bf growing up." The public is invited to attend. The PTA will again offer hot dogs for lunch op Thursday of each week. This program not only provides a hot lunch for the children, but also serves as the .fund raising yentyreof- the organization witH which they meet the prograqi expenses for the year. : • Advisory Board Meets The property owners advisory board met Thursday at the Shove Hills beach and named a Committee to study the possibility of holding 'teen age dances at the school this year. The cpmmittee is composed of Mrs. Boyce King, William Liedtke, and Robert Kiddell. The fiscal year for the-group has been set as Sept. 1 to Aug. 31, and there will shortly be an election of officers for the coming year. The next meeting will be at Harrison school, Sept. 25. Baseball The All Star Little League team wound up the season with a hard fought, well played victorious game of. 19-9 at McCullom Lake On Labor Day. A beautiful home run by Jim Markfe highlighted the 23 fyts made in the nine inning game. The following boys all had a chance , to participate: Jim Marke, Fran Piller, George Moder, Ed Motulewicz, Earl Hansen, John E|be£le, JFreund, Craig Keith, Miller, Jim and Fred Kusch, Greg Reis, Bob Neilsen, Stan Wenck, and Dave Buss. A lot of these boys will be playing in the Pony League next year and we're going to hear great things of them from the looks of the ball they played this summer. After the game, the team enjoyed a weiner roast at the Eberle home in Wonder Lake. The boys appreciated all the spectators from the Lake coming over to see them play, and their generous donation when the "hat was passed." In post season Little League activity, the Indians, managed by Fred Zandier, ran through a workout with their manager eyeing prospects for next years teattUL Meanwhile, the White Sox scored victories over Mo Cullom Lake and Greenwood hy scores of 17-5 and 11-4. Both games were team victories but were highlighted by the exceptional play of Jim Marke, Bob Neilsen-and Fred Kusch. Off to Carthage .. John Sirtak, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Sirtak of Wonder Center, will be leaving Sept. 6 for Carthage College, where he will major in business administration. John, who plays the clarinet, will also enroll in fine arts for music. Another Carthage' enrollee will be Judy Wielock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Wielock. Judy is a physical education' major, preparatory to teaching in this field. Christ the King Church News. TSie Holy Name Society wishes to thank all the people who helped to make the Carnival a success arid the Altar and Rosary sodality for preparing and serving the meals and plate lunches. It h^s been announced that social nights will be held at the new school hall in the future, rather than at Mathews hall. All future meetings of the Altar and Rosary and Holy Name societies will also be held in the new school hall. Wihig vrtll be Ae guests Of thei]ln Florida they visited Mr. said club. George jRedersan will be [Mrs. Guy Jones and looked over their property in Indian Lakes Country club, where the^ plan to live when they retire. _ • Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Byrne and children have moved from Wonder Center to Route 1, Lake Geneva, Wis., near Buttons Bay. Mr, and Mrs. Gus Alveras are new residents in; Deep Spring Woods where they purchased the former Johnston house. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Deckert of Highland Shores happily reported their youngsters have influenced grandpa and' grandma to start biiilding a summer place in Wooded Shores. Birthday greetings to Bill Neilsen, Gerald Elbersen, Pamela and Pauly Schwegel, and Chester Hood. Two of our Wonder Lake girls west brick to school with broken arms. Joan Jorgenson was injure^ when she fell out of ,a tree, and Carol Watkins tripped and fell on her arm. Sorry t6 report that Herb Howorka has had a setback ahd is in Memorial hospitat. All his friends are hoping for a speedy recovery. We wish to express our condolences to the McMahon family on the passing of Edward McMahon of Elgin at the age of 52. He was the son of Dennis McMahon and the brother of John (Bud) and Mrs. Emil Jurgensohn, all of Wonder Lake. He died of a heart attack at his home Sunday. Funeral services were held Wednesday at 10 a.m. Requim Mass at St. Joseph's in Elgin. • \ y - Indian Ridge Annual Meeting There was a good turn-out at the annual meeting of Indian Ridg£ Improvement association Sunday morning. Officers elected for two year terms were Hank Setzler, president, and Raymond Mendyk, treasurer. Elected to the board of directors were William Frenssen, Mr. Guanci, Joe Podhorsky, Mrs. Paul Draheim, Wilbur Haak, and Mrs. Ray Sullivan. Half the officers and half of the directors are elected on alternate years fo,r two year terms, by the subdivision property owners. Ktwanis Meeting Kid's Day was the order of business at the meeting of the McHenry Township Kiwanis club Monday night. ^ The date has been set for Sept. 26 and 27. Five guests were present from the Belvidere club, as well as Lt. Gov. Orville Church. Two new members were welcomed into the club. They are George Burns and Paul Schwegel. Plans were also made to attend the annual district convention which will be held in Springfield Sept. 27 and 28. Appreciation night has been slated for Sept. 8, at which meeting all the friends, of. Kiin charge of the program. Anyone having suggestions for appreciation night is asked to contact f red Zandier nat, W. ' - The Williari^ t/ Boras had overnight guests Thursday at their home in tjgooded shores When grandson, Chuck Born of Alhambra, Calif., and his friend' stopped over for a visit. Young Born, who is a student of economics at Occidental college near A., was driving through to' Boston to attend the national convention of Phi Gamma Delta^..fraternity in Swanpscott, Mas& He fe the son of Mr. and Mts. Milton G. Bom of Calif. arid^ graAdpa hadn't seen him was 12. ' / 1 Mr. and Mrs. Chris fyafettiussen of Shore Hills bad a$f$4fc guests last week, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Boylan, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Boylan, and thfeir four youngsters. Robert Schmidt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schmidt of Niles, is enjoying a visit in Deep Spring Woods with his grandmother, Mrs. Anna Naughton, while his mother is recuperating from surgery. Another little fellow, Michael Wegner, of Sunnyside Estates, has spent a few days with his grandparents, Mr. ahd Mrs. Allen Jacobson. The B- R. Redmans returned last Sunday from a four week trip covering nine states. On$ objective of the trip was to attend the national convention of the professional bookmen of America. John Irwing of Columbus, Ohio, • who organized th£ fraternity ^leven years ago, was retiring as executive secretary, and Mrs. Redman was selected to do the honors of presentation of a Westward Ho fruit bowl to Mrs. Irwing at the banquet which concluded the convention in jtfew Orleans. The Redmans arid the Irwings are the two couples who hav<» attended every national coi vention for the past 10 yea TRANSFERS EAST Miss Mary Eileen Miller, assistant chief librarian at the Veterans Administration hospital, Downey, has accepted a transfer to the VA Hospital, Kecoughtan, Va., as their chief librarian. Her home is at Excelsior, Minn. Miss Miller is widely known in this area as supervisor of the library volunteers. who 'have come from 'thevarea between Chicago and Racine, and as far west as McHenry county. Business & Servici \ Directory oi Wonder Lakt and STENDEBACH ueneral Contractors NEW HOMES Phone Wonder Lake 54'j2 FROZEN FRESH the day they're made I NOW AT DRUG STORE PBONE 40 mBE® SSllltSiW Families ESfjoy Vacations by |In- Charles Freund Mr; and Mrs. John Sheets and family have just returned from a vacation in Wisconsin and Michigan. They crossed the Mackinac bridge ' up to Sault Ste. Marie to see the boats pass through the locks. The Russel Gardiner family are enjoying a vacation in northern Wisconsin. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Myer lkt 'tflis^ week for a trip to California. Mrs. Myer just, returned several weeks ago irom a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Marilyn Pretzman and family, in Virginia. While slw was ther(| Mr. and Mrs. Pretzman became the happy parents" of their foprth child and Mr. and Mrs. Myers are the proud grandparents. Shower Miss Pat Young was the happy recipient of many lovely gifts at a shower held for her at the home of Mrs. Delbert Smith last week. Miss Gerry Sheets and Mrs. John Sheets were co - h o s t e s s e s . Games were played and a delicious lunch was served. Miss Young will become the bride of John "Jack" Sheets in the near future. Visitors ( Mrs. Mattie Blanchard Pierce visited her sister, Mrs. William &hotliff and Mrs. Alice Wagner this past week. Mrs. Isabelle Isackson also spent Thursday with Mrs. Wagner. Mrs. Carrie Beall and Mrs. Charles Beall of Richmond were visitors in the John Sheets home on Monday. Mrs. Ford Hanford Of McHenry called on her sister, Mrs. John Jung on Friday. > 4 Club Meets Members of her club met at the home of Mrs. Math Nimsgern on Thursday afternoon. Five hundred was played and prizes went to Mrs. William Britz, Mrs. Frank Sanders, Mrs. Frank Tinney, Mrs. Ben May and Mrs. John Smith. Lunch was served after cards. Mrs. Edward May entertained members of her club on Tuesday night; A spaghetti supper Page Thlifoi«. Was served and the evening» was spent at cards. Mi?. ££* dred Johnson, Mrs. Georg^ May * and Mrs.' Ray May reeeivetf prizes. Mrs. Charles .•Frjeww! had the birthday of the mtmtku and received a gift ; ^ •, fSALES RECORD 'H': H. "V. McNamara, presidim^ j National Tea company, has an?*; " nounced that ' 4he <x>mpai^y's f sales for the 4-week period epcl-^ ing Aug. 9, as well as overaU.* sales for the 32 weeks of the * year to date, have reached a * new a l l t i m e h i g h , s h o w i n g an« increase in excess of $75 riiil-^ lion, which establishes the higH-ri est sales on record for the Chi- * cago based food 'chain for like reporting period in tlie.* company's 59-year history. ' jj. SHOP DON'T HESITATE IT MAY COST YOU MONEY INYESTIGATI OUH P n p p I N S U H E D I n L IL BUDGET PLAN 704 S. Fr<mt St. THENNES OIL CO. , PHONE 32 McHenry, I1L "Wasn't it wonderful of my family to give me a phone of my own?" Lucky teenager) And lucky family! Everyone finds more downright pleasure--a wonderful new ease 6f living--when there are phones just where they're needed! They provlde'greater convenience--calls can be taken in private to avoid interrupting family activities. Save you lots* of time an^ countless steps every day--help you get more things done in the big job of running a home and raising a family. And, of course, a nearby phone brings extra comfort and protection, day and night. The cost is low... for example, you can have three extension phones, if you need them, for only about 10 cents a day! Your choice, too, of nine handsome colons that will add a distinctive touch to any room. There is a one-timeonly charge for phones in color. Where would you like your phones? Your Service Representative at the telephone business office will be glad to help you choose the proper locations and colors to suit the needs of your family. Call her today about your extension phones. The number is shown on page 1 of your telephone directory. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE 1S6 No. Riverside Drive McHenry, 111. » • "38® r*1,1 i, * * / * ON ALL 20 " 3 Cheek That Battery Now! FIRESTONE'S FAMOUS DRY CHARGE BATTERIES AS LOW AS As High As $6.00 TRADE-IN fer yoar old BATTERY McHENRY TIRE Walt Freund, Prop. 52$ W, Main St. 5 PHONE 294

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