Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Sep 1958, p. 14

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Fourteen §Pr iMy k'" IS MKT TUESDAY *tj,<•>'- ^ • fcy Vlckey Bottari I: "' , S*6£j or 1524-J .^j.1 v ".i^V; • :"• --^__ |$|$Jliere will be si meeting of v^the last year's officers of the •Girl Scouts at the home of the leader, Mrs. Barbara Mall'r sy... Minkowski, at 122 Knoll avenue, ..:*dn 'Monday, Sept. 8 at 4 p.m. •[iAny girt having records from "'last y§ar, please bring them ||lohg at this time.- ,.k- Any woman warfting to help ;.^DUt, please contact Barbara by ' thither dropping her a little *ihote or going directly to ,her Jjibirie at the above address. VThere Will then ;be a meeting pif ;iall the Girl Scouts on Tuesday, Sept. 16 at 7 pm at the .^iwipe address. t rs„ --' L.P.P.O.A. Ncfivs By-Laws fHBy this writing, eac! jwr of the1 Lakeland Park Prop e r t y O w n e r s a s s o c i a t i o n Should have received their copy Of the proposed (amendments •;w the by-laws. In" the event ^ou did not receive your copy, -Contact your block captains no to have plenty of time to t h e m by t h e g e n e r a l meeting on Sunday, Sept. 14. I J Water ftif efnergency, when watis turned off for any length ^f time,. dp not call the office, f>ut call Mrs. Helen Strandquist At 1921 or. Mrs. Helen Haynes "tit 2572-J., In the event that • iieither of these ladies can be reached, call any one of the ^bpapd of directors. . . . * iPit ••&••• Women's Club •p Don t forget tonight is the Hfirst meeting' of the Lakeland JPark Women's club starting promptly at 8:30 in the Rizzo 'home, 323 Home* avenue. Let's 'have a large turn-out. Johnson, B. Kamp, Jf. Anderson, G, Mueller, G. Parisi, A. Ellftier, Pi Licastro, K. Brooks, H. Girambio, L. Fesanco, L. Doitz, A. Reno. C. Hufann, D. Zimny, C. Giacomo, I.. Glorch, D. Criscuqla, D. Krupinski, F. Kostka, Christophersen, E. Doering, M. Filsinger, R. Haasl, B. Wickenkamp, Lillian Glossen, and eight members of the nine-member welcoming committee, namely L. Radisch, chairman, F. Cina, T.~ Gagnon, M. Casey, J. Parisi, C. Altmann, M. Kwiatek and myself. If I have omitted, anyone's name, please contact me and I shall see that they are printed in next week's paper. #111 PLAn»j||l^ 11 vj, fKv I >1 v * *VX'v5 ^ w vl',?-r? -v v ?rM-" Thursday, September 4 11 Christening Mr. and Mrs. J. Rogers' new baby son was christened at St. Patrick's church by Father Coakley on Sunday, Aug. 24. God-parents are his uncle and aunt, William Rogers and Mrs. Al. Rogers. After the christening, a party was held for his relative's and of course his two sisters and one brother. went on to Elkhart, Ind., to BHl's Other sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. Landers. They arrived i n t i m e t o c e l e b r a t e t h e i t niece's fourth birthday. .Then on Tuesday . they weht into Chicago and celebrated Joan's dad's ??? birthday and also Diane's sixth birthday. 'Welcome Party 'sr The welcome party .which Jtas- held on Tuesday, Aug. 26 "turned oijt to. be loads of fun *for ail the ladies who attended. <Games were played and coffee and cake were served. Among .the games played, one of them 'Was to tell of our most em* •fcarrassing moment and one in particular caused a great deal |f laughter from all of us. 3Qhose attending were Mrs. J JRizzo, K, Evane, B. Hoard, M. Franklin, J. Patocki, B. Boyce, N. Eckhart, I. Hoglund, H. Vacation Mr. and Mrs. William Ivrater and two children and Bill's dad, Phil Krater, spent a few days in Allendale, Mich., at Bill's sister's farm, Mr., and M r s . A. S c h m i d t , a n d t h e n Happy Birthday , to Josephine Cina, who celebrated her tenth birthday on Friday, Aug. 29. Girls and boys helping Josepnine celenrate w e r e S u s i e M e i n e k e , C a r o l Zimny, Carol and Mary Moll, Paulette and Jo Ann Rizzo, Kathy Sehatz, Barbara Murp h y , V a l e r i e F r a n k l i n , J a n i Weber, Pat Foran, Dianne Tryn o r , F r a n c i n e P a r i s i , P e t e r Murphy. Tommy Przetacznek, K e v i n L a v i n a n d R a y m o n d Bottari. Games were ably supervised by her big brother, Pep Cina, were won by Kathy Schatz, Jane Weber, Jo Anne Rizzo, Peter Murphy and Kevin Lavin. Each child was given a very beautiful pen with a cross and the Lord's Prayer in the top which Wn be read by looking through) a small glass. Congratulations to Jtine Gilb e r t s e n , who c e l e b r a t e d h e r birthday on Aug. 27. June had too much company on Wednesday, so on Thursday afternoon Kay Brooks, Kay Evans, Connie Giacomo, Helga Mecic, Barbara -Malinowski and Lyda Radisch were on hand for coffee and birthday cake. Botjby Mahoney celebrated his fifth birthday on Friday, but on Thursday he had lun&i eon down at the beach ftfi Barbara Ann and Jenny Frensen and Baby Dawn, his cousin Johnny Strandquist, and his sisters, Jean and Joyce, and brother, Marty, and of cotirse his mom and grandmother, Mrs. Helen Strandquist, Teen Club _ . >,<•>•4'" Last Suriday aft&noon '-iSSe 'teen club spent the day at Riverview and their chaperones, Jean Parisi, Fran Cina; and Shirley Ozog. had as good a time as did the • 'teen-agers In fact, maybeJeven more. (No s i c k s t o m a c h s g i r l s ? ) Don P a r i s i , J a n i c e P a t i s i , V i n c e Cina, Joe Cina, Butch Bujak, Leona Amdt, Rich Reining, Judy Barwig, Chuck Anderson, Gordon Reyberg, Jeff VonWoll e n b e r g , Ed O g a r a , C a r o l Franklin, Sh&ron Ozog, Josephine Cina, Francine Parisi and the Ozog children were the 'teens who had themselves quite a day there. New Babies Mr. and Mrs. T. Gleeson, former rfesitdifils of Lakeland Park, are tfte proud parents of a gifl b£fc»!on August 21. She has been named Kathryn Ann and she tipped the scale at f pounds even. Jetta says the baby looks just like Tom. There are two other children, both boys, Brian and Mike. rs. Muldowny, Jetta's mother, came from (Oklahoma to stay wrth them for awhile and then dan, Mr. Muldowny,. came in tq take mom back after spending a few days with Kthe Gleeson \amily. Mr.N»nd Mrs. Sam Bucaro's son arrived at the Woodstock hospital on Aug. 22 at 7 p.m. and he weighed 8 lbs. 9V& ozs. They named him Jack Kenneth. He has one brother and four sisters. Christening Mr. and Mrs. J. Koerper's son. Lawrence Gene, w a._s christened in St. Patrick's church on Sunday, Aug. 31. He has as his godparents .his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bucaro. (}3er-^an ^Sclioo i of o&ance ADULT & TE^M AGE DANCE BALLROOM - BALLET ACROBAT. TAP BATON & TOE Wee folks a specially -- Year 'round instruction CLOSED FOR SUMMER VACATION •v. * REGISTRATION: McHENRY - THURSDAY, SEPT. 11 Phone McHenry 349-J "" ROUND LAKE - WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 10 i Phone Kimball 6-1011 Visitors ' Did the cool weather put a damper on the festivities at the Radisch home on Sunday? Not on your life! The twentyfour guests . (members of Railway post and auxiliary No. 790 of the Arrferican Legion) came out for a picnic and fun--and that is just what they had. A prize Was awarded for the best hula hoop performer and baseball game, went into extra innings. During the day, Lyda had time to go into a huddle with Commander-Elect Nathan Girshenbaum in regard to installation plans. Everyone got into the movies that were taken by Madeline Cleary. The Radischs report having just received a letter advising that everyone is ready for another shindig--and wantirtg to know if the picnic will now. be an annual affair. We hope so. Who has the most company in Lakefland Park? Lyda and Bill think they about head the list. Visitors this past week (exclusive of the Legion arid auxiliary picnic) included Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Rowe, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Truppo, JMarjorie and James, Marge - Lehmann and Mr. and Mrs. Carl'arello. What neighbor had a large picnic on Sunday and then had a repeat performance on Monday? Lyda and Bill had such a good time Sunday that they carried the-picnic idea over on Monday and had picnic* tables on the front lawn wifcjC about twelve of tl»e nearby neighbors. It was much warmer than on Sunday, and not quite so crowded. Mr. and Mrs. Raympnd Franklin had a crowd of about t w e n t y - f i v e l a s t S a t u r d a y . These were former girls that Marge worked with a long tinte ago in Chicago. Th e y have been meeting out here with their respective families since the Franklins have been living here. Since they return every year, they must either enjoy Lakeland Park or it may be! Marge's baking. 'M Bridal Shower *' ' , "A -bridal , shower wps held last week fot Miss Linda Mc- Mahon, who became , the bride of Richard Brod on Saturday, Aug. 30. The girls > attending were Carol Franklin, Sharon Ozog, Sharon Counley. and K&thy Polireski and her sis Ruth Ann. - SIGHT SAVING MONTH- * William G. Stratton, gove|f nor of Illinois, has proclaimed September as ""qight-saving month" throughout Illinois ill cooperation with the special educational and members^) campaign being launched by the Illinois Society for the Prevention of Blindness. The gov? ernor* urged "observance' of the event as a sight-saving mea-' sure in combating needless an<|, preventable loss of sight." . 1? FREE PUBLIC LECTURE "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: Practical Christianity Revealed and Demonstrated" s By CLIFFORD R. NYSEWANDER, C.S.B., of Indianapolis, Indiana , , I Member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother • Church, The First Church of . Christ, Scientist^ :fi|V 4 ' 'Bdston, Mass. •. ' •. 1 's ^ ' i:* PLACE: Clarence Olson School | 720 West Judd Street .. | Woodstock, Illinois i 0: SUNDAY AFTERNOON, September 7th, 1958 J at 3:30 RM., D.S T. i | Sponsored by ' jf FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST |] WOODSTOCK, ILL. 1 ALL ARE WELCOME '4 WILDE^OOD - FRIDAY, SEPT. 12 pkone BAldwin 3-3977 If no answer, call JUstice 7-5065 anytime. Cut out this ad and bring it with you' for a $2.50 text book free. ADDED from BURIED TREASU LOOK! To Your ATTIC To Your GARAGE To Your BASEMENT To Your CLOSETS Vj< .» i-', FOR THOSE UNWANTED ITEMS USELESS TO YOUUSEFUL TO OTHERS 20 GOLDEN WORDS FOR ONLY SELLS A WAIT1NG MARRET A PLAINDEALER WANT ADD CONVERTS USELESS ITEMS TO READY CASH PHONE TODAY! McHENRY 170 TWim T H E N E W C R O W N s t o p A N D S C R E E N D O O R Fall IVs Thick of extra heavy extrudedaluminum The very finest---yet so reasonable in cost Unsurpassed in Beauty *hd Elegance of appearance-- the extra thickness creat ing a greater depth of the panel inserts---thus achieving a more massive exter ior appearance in keeping with the modern trencji in design of exterior doon Beautifully designed^. "2" bar jamb with two concave projecting surfaces and mi tered corners. Viny] weatherstrip for "no slam" quiet operation Rugged construction with heavy reinforced corners-- will not sag. just one look at the new Crown storm door, ; wMI convinos you of it? snperi* ority in design, construc tion, operation sad appearance The "walk-in" feature avoids the need "stepping over" the seat supports bracket. Cannot Ltip over. The ski-type legs permit easy moving when cutting the lawn. Build It yourself -- we'll cut the lumber for you, or -- we'll build the tabie complete. Easily disassembled for storage. See the new Ciown--before you buy an aluminum storm and screen door ) ••CNMONft ;P Be Open ••••••• i**i MM This may be a more convenient time for you to see our many displays of materials for the home. Bring your family and browse around. Trained personnel are available at all times to help you develop your ideas and Offer suggesM'HINftT tions Our lumber sheds will not be open Friday evenings. Orders may be placed for Saturday morning delivery. Mil VAlllY MUmlv MIA OUR NIW LOCATION IS IA(Y TO RND OUR COMPETENT STAFF IS EQUIPPED TO ASSIST YOU WITH ANY PUILDING PROBLEM ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" On Highway 31 -- South of Main Street - McHenry, lllinob PHONE 1424 "ALWAYS FIRST ,.. SERVICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS" ifih

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