Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Sep 1958, p. 2

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THE McHENBY PLAINDEALER Thursday. September t. 1358 PERSONALS Annouifce Marriagef ' Of Karen Glosson Mr. and Mrs. George Glosson nnnounce the marriage of their daughter, - JtCareri, and Jack Hay, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hay of Hay Heights on Saturday, Aug. 30. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hay attended the couple- An open hotise reception for the newlyweds will be held* at Club Lilymoor on- Sunday, Sept. 7, after 5 pjn. Community Clnb To Meet Next Monday The next meeting of the Johnsburg Community club will be held Monday, Sept. 8, at 8:30 p.m. This meeting was postponed because of Labor Day. The committee will be notified by special mail. LINDA McMAHON SATURDAY BRIDE OF RICHARD BROD On Saturday. Aug. 30 at 7 p m. in a candlelight, double ring ceremony performed by the Rev. Carl Lobitz in the new Zion Lutheran church, Miss Linda Mae McMahon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. McMahon of 504 Hunter drive, .Lakeland Park, became the bride of Mr. Richard Brod, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Brod of 207 Still Hill Drive, McHenry Shores. The pretty bride wore blue taffeta with an overlay of white, ankle length, and with scalloped neckline, and cap sleeves. The white overlay was caught up at the -hem with blue roses. Her three-tier veil was caught in a crown of pearls and she carried a cascade of white roses. Her sister Ruth Ann wore a pink and white taffeta ballerina length dress, with a knitted bolaro top. Her hat was of pink flowers and she carried white and pink roses. Eddie Weber of Northbrook served' as best man for the groom, of whom he was a life long friend. Cluristine Russell of Findlay, Ohio/ cousin of the bride, was flower girl and David Kruger was the ring bearer. M#s. Verna Anderson of Roselle was the organist, and Doris, Sharon' and Sandy Berkley sang '*'1 Love You Truly" and "The Lord's Prayer" during the ceremony. Ushers were Harry Byrne, , Mike Novak and Bob Hannandman. Mrs. McMahon wore light blue nylon with a blue hat with overall blue daisies and wore a corsage of blue and white carnations. Mrs. Brod wore nflvy blue imported swiss, with matching accessories and a corsage of pink and white carnations*. After the very beautiful ceremony, a reception was held in the'church'basement for about 100 to 150 friends and relatives, including relatives from Findlay,. .Marion and Toledo, Ohio. Hie young couple will take a short honeymoon and upon their return will make their. hoijne in the vicinity of McHeniry. DEMOCRATIC STYLE REVUE BJG SUCCESS What the well dressed wo» men -of McHenry county will be "wearing this coming fall season * was presented last Thursday night in a fashion revue sponsored by the Democratic Women's organization. A crowd of more than 250 was present to witness the first public venture of j the organization, with fashions by Julie's Dress shop, jewelry by Wahl Jewelry and make-up by Merle4 Norman Cosmetics. \ Fifteen models, all' l6feal,• showed the sack, the chemise and .the trapeze which proved jUst as becoming in winter vtfhite, Paris wools, attractive tweeds and fashionable plaids as they were- last spring when first introduced. Mayor George P. Freund. who welcomed guests and William Hartnett, who spoke on the importance of registration, were among those at the speakers' table. Other candidates and office holders present included Peter Prieffer, representative to U. S. Congress; Mrs. Ferne Carter Pierce, representative to the General Assembly from this district: Ted Brerinan, under sheriff of Lake county; and John Colomer, county Democratic chairman. Mrs. August Uttich, Mrs. Willard Schultz. Mrs. John H. Miller Mrs. Charles Adams, Mrs. \ Raymond L. Smith. Mrs. LeRov Smith, Mrs. Robert StuebefT Mrs. Lester Bacon, Mrs. William Bolger and Mrs.. Lawrence Huck were among the many women who helped plan this revue and make it a night long remembered. BIRTHS Mrs. Fr J. Aicher and brother, Leo Heimer,. spent the Labor Day weekend in the home of their nephew, John Hoffman, and family in Indianapolis, Ind. Mrs. Elliott Tinn4 -and children. Anne and Beth of Park Ridge spent a few days last week in the Thomas Femvick home. Mrs. Fred Funk and daughter have returned to San Francisco, Calif, after a visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Mann. Mr. and Mrs. John Aylwafd of Elgin visited McHenry relatives Friday. Mrs. Richard McDonald, son. Michael, daughter, Sharon, and the latter's friend, Tom Sean, of Waukegan visited Mrs. Mary McCabe Thursday evening. Mrs. Richard Hester and children and Mrs. Vern Harrison and son vacationed in Wisconsin 6t -few ^ days last week. ; Sister Mary Robertsus, B.V.M. the former Lucy Sutton, and a sister cbilip'anion of St. Bridget's parish. Chicago, spent a few Jlays the past week in the Joseph Sutton home. Mrs. Elizabeth Kaddatz of Lake Geneva was the guest of McHenry friends a few days th^past week. Sirs. Wm. Nuber and son„ Johnny, spent a few days last week with Mrs. Jerome Buch and family at their cottage in Wisconsin. Mrs. Louis Schmitt. children Patty and Neil and Mrs. Henry Schmitt and son, Tommy, spent a few days the past week in Stacyville, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hayes and sons, Robert and Larry of Chicago visited his mother, Mrs. Edith Hayes, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wilson, daughter, Carol and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dieda and son, Stanley of Waukegan were recent guests in the Henry Scholtz home. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Tonyan spent a few days the past week at the Dells of Wisconsin. Mrs. George Bohr, daughters, Pamela and Linda, and Mrs. Earl EJoynton of Minneapolis, Minn; spent the weekend with McHenry relatives and friends. William Petersen returned to his home in Hastings. Minn ART DISPLAY A display of Estonian arthanflifraft articles will be held at ^Mission House (St. Marj$$$a(rlsh house) 210 Mc- Hentf^$V/9fue, Crystal Lake, on and Sunday, Sept. 6 worn 11 a.m. until 9 p.m. eacn ddy. The exhibition fefctures^liandicraft items and needSi^^' by a group of Estonians: ^The articles are of prpfeksipngl, semi-professional aiff miatejur standings. Announcement has been made of the recent birth of a daugh- iivmijc M| ter to Mr. and Mrs. ErVin Heil I Monday after a ten-days visit of Marathon, Wis., formerly of wj^ his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Miller. The James Wissell family of Alden were Sunday guests in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Wissell. W i l l i a m D e B r i e s , Whitey Bjork. William Cable and Dick Osterby have returned from a fishing trip in Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Thomas of Horsehead, N. Y., who were visiting Woodstock relatives called on Mrs. Gerald Newman recently. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Girding. Miss Dolores Blake and William German of Fort Jennings', Ohio, were guests in the Leo Blake home during tho weekend. Little Karen Horstman, who spent the past week with her grandparents, returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. William Johansen, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lyons of Kirkwood, Mo., Mr. and Mrs William Mitchison and son, Bob and Joseph Fitzgerald, all of St. Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Pope of Woodstock, Mr and Mrs. Leslie Bungard of Elmhurst, the William Guffey family and Dave Heuvelman of Richmond were guests in the McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wohnrade announce the birth of a son, Stephen Joseph, Aug. 31 at Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wchnrade of Wonder Lake and Mr. and Mrs. •Herman Schaefer are the grandparents. Mrs. Wohnrade is the former Ruth Schaefer. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Doherty became the parents of a daughter on Sept. 1 at Memorial hospital. They have three otherri) girls and one boy. A ( son was born Aug. 30 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Doherty. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Meyer are the parents of a daughter, born Aug. 30 at Memorial hospital. A son was born to{ Mr. and Mrs. Richard Freund on Aug. 26 at Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. James Martin of Wonder Lake welcomed a daughter at Memorial hospital on Aug. 26. A boy wag born Aug. 26 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. David Heckman. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. James Smith at Memorial hospital on Aug. 31. home of Mrs. Irene. Guffey Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John A? Steward of Woodlawn Park have been enjoying a vacation cruise to the Coral Isles of Bermiida. Craig Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vale Adams, spent the weekend in the Edwartl Hogan home in Champaign. He was the guest of their sons. Steve and Pat, former local residents. Mr. and Mrs. jack Deroche and' son, David, of Milwaukee visited theijuparents at Pistakee Bay over the ^'eekend. Mr. and Mrs. Villiam Morgan and children of E$khorn, Wis., were McHenry visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. .Miller visited Mrs. Clarice Purvey and family at Crystal, Lake Monday. .... Mr. and Mrs. -Martin Stoffel and children have returned to McHertfy to make their home after residing in Baltimqce. Md., for the past, two and. onehalf years. ^ ! CHRISTIE WHim. LOVELY. BSUBSTNl EVENING SERVICE A wedding or local interest took place at Bond,chapel,.University of Chicago, Sunday, Aug. 31, at 7:30 in the evening, uniting in marriage Miss Christie White of 5213 S. Blackstone avenue, daughter of Mrs. Dorothy Lasch White, and Mr. Robert Dauphin of Chicago. The bride is the granddaughter) of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lasch of Riyerside Drive, " McHenry. The bride's only attendant. was her sister, Miss Dana White. A reception followed the ceremony at theJWhite residence for the iir^medTate family and a very few close friends. They will reside for the present at 5213 S. Blackstone. The bride expects to continue her education at th© University of Chicago, from^,which school the groom received, his degree. The former Miss White is well known in McHenry, where she has spent the summer vacation periods since childhood,. ANNIVERSARY RITE Frank Schue, general chairman for the blessing df the hew St. Edward convent at Elgin and local observance of the Rock ford diocese's fiftieth anniversary to take place Sunday afternoon," Sept. 14, has appointed Clem Daneau and Harry Slinko as chaimten of the committee to direct the pro- Cession. Students of St. Jos* eph's, St. Laurence and St. Mary's parish schools with St. Edward high school band, batqpl corps and student body will form the profession with the cadet corps and band from Marmion Military academy, representatives of Mt. St. Mary's academy at St. Charles; Madonna high school, Aurora, Sacred Heart seminary*, G0n6i va, St. Joseph's seminary^ Elgin, St. Mary's Minor seminary, Crystal and Knight of Columbus councils from Aurora, McHenry and Elgin, as well as the Catholic Daughters of America from Aurora, Batavia, McHenry and Elgin. Sisters of various religious communities arid clergy of the diocese will be in the procession from the' convent to the athletic field. < s It won't kill you to be careful. :iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiniiii)iiiiii4 VILLA NURSING HOME ON PISTAKEE BAY ^EAR McHENRY Home for the Aged SENILE . . . . BED PATIENTS | PHONE MeHENRV <6l. FtATTER YOUR egternber 6 ' Bake Sale -- Sponsored by Women's Auxiliary, McHenry Hospital--Pink Lady Shtippe. , t September ft „ Ritual Practice, Women of the Moose. _ - " ' • 'September "9'. *;;; O.B.S. Acwance Night • ; September 11 ;; Woman's Club. Luncheon-- McHenry Country Club-^-Frogram ,;1: September 18 . Rummage Sale -- St. Paul's Mission, qpe mile South of Mc- Heury^ :'*7' • ' ' . Jlitiip Prfcfidefe, #ottrien of the Moose. ; 0«tober>2-8 Rifmmage -Sale r-4 Sponsored by W.S.C.S. of Community Methodist Church -- Engdahl's Fairwood Farm Barn, South Green Street--9 a m. to 9 p.m. Emil Wolf is confined- to Sherman hospital, Elgin, where he recently underwent surgery. He would be' happy to hear from friends. Memorial Hospital Patients at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, during the past week included Anthony Corrado, Herbert -rioworka, Joseph Dvoraik and Terry Burt of Wonder Lake, * Master James Kersten of Rlngwood and William J. O'Brfen bf McHenry. McHenry Honpltal Patients at McHenry hospital during the past week were Elf r e d a Rasmusseh and j ( ? a n Christensen of ' Crystal Lake; Susan Backer, Joseph Wagner, Robert PratHer, Elizabeth Lakowske, Daniel Adams, Jamies Thelen, Kenneth Kirsch, Thomas Antonson. Joseph Hynes, Mary Matt, George Vanthournout and Carl Behl of McHenry; Billy Long of Ingleside; Shirley Ozog of Lakeland Park; Raymond Flemming of }/lc* Henry Shores; Clifford J. jacobson of Chicago; Edwin filler of Wonder Lake; Lily Serrick of Chicago. CARD OF THANKS I want to take this ^opportunity to thank everyone who remembered me with prayerst cards, flowers and gifts while I was confined to the hospital and after my return home. •They were appreciated so very much. Ben Justen *18 Teachers Attend EA Conference Mrs. ^Charles ^ttbbs and !Mrs: Ray1 McGee attend^ a conference which wM5-}ield at Western v Illinois^|J6Wy^rsity, Macbmb, Aug. 17-2i^'The conference • held the auspices of the .Illinois^ Education association, for the purpose of acquainting the leaders and officers of the association with some of the. critical problems confronting the schools of Illinois. Ways and means whidi might aid in their' solution were considered.' \ Some of the issues which received consideration included education of all the . children versus the education of the selected few; provisions for the normal and-etner children versus provision for the gifted; kind and quality of teacher education; 'proper balance of science and non-science . courses in the schools, and promotional practices. ;; The conference also studied the problems tit finance and taxation, teacher welfare, teacher retirement and social security, legislative responsibility, and the things a teacher can and should do to improve the teaching profession and the educatfon of children. ^ PHILANTHROPIC PROGRAMS ARfi ' PLANNED LOCALLY PLANNED FOR REVUE #1 These ^oung women are among the many who took ^ an active part in making the first styles revue of the Demon, ^cratic Woman's club a tremendous success. j Front row, left to right, are. Betty Smith, DorotH : Uttich, Theresa Schultz, Betty Miller and M^riclare Adamfc ' Back row, left to right, Gwen Smith, Georgia ^tueben# Eva Bacon, Carol Bolger and Kay Huck. . ^ •, , > --••: ^ • 'i MANY FROM AREA MAKE PLANS FOR ENTERING COLLEGE CARD OF ^THANKS We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors in this community for their kind expressions of love and sympathy during our recent loss. The George McNamara family The newly formed Elgin area alumnae group of the Delta Zeta sorority was officially granted its charter recently. This group meets monthly in various homes of the members located throughout the Fox River valley area. The newly formed group has decided upon two philanthropic projects that they feel will help out local communities. They are working with the Elgin state hospital, helping to secure. heeded equipment, the need at the present time»being for books, phonograph^ and records for the children's department. The second project is to provide and maintain a hearing aid for a child in a local school system that would otherwise be unable to obtain one. Delta Zeta members in this area who are helping with these projects are Mary Nye, Marilyn Truckenbrod, Rosemary Babcock, Elida Foster and Ferol Tdfcilinson. The last meeting was held Tuesday, and featured Mrs. Iva Olson as speaker. She is the regional director of alumnae groups and was visiting' from Minneapolis. ' The next meeting will be | held Sept. 25 at the home of Ferol Tomlinson near McHenry. Each year about this time the Plairidealer carries news, items concerning recent: graduates who are continuing their education in' the various colleges a nd universities throughout the country. The number who take advantage of the opportunity to attend rises each year. The fact that service for Uncle Sam often delays entrance into college for indefinite I periods makes, it impossible to make the list cojrnplete by checking the plans of June graduates. So that we may .make our list as accurate as possible, we would appreciate receiving notices on' the various students, the schools they plan to attend and the careers they have planned. A story will appear in an issue published later this month. SQUARE DANCE CMJB Tp OPEN1* ALL SEASON - RESIDENCE CHANGES The Crystal Lake Dance club a non-profit gri opens the new season wiwr a series of lessons for beginners and for regulars Who want to "brush up" a bit. They will be held at 8 p.m. every Thursday night during September at the recreation building at the east end of the lake. The regular square dance season gets under way Thursday night, Oct. 2, with dances to be~held every first and t*d Thursdays each month thereafter. Three popular callers have been, secured for the season. BENEFIT DANCE ./• ' '. - Pel Clark, well known Chicagoland disk jockey, will be the emcee at the benefit dance being held for Ken Robb at the Crystal Lake Legion hall^pn Sept. 13. Ken was seriously The Glenn Dale Dixons have in-ju red in a boatin-g accident moved from. 713 S. Green street fbn the Fox river, -near Johnsto their new home on Clover, burg, July 24 and is still hosstreet, Edgebrook Heights. The. pitalized at Sheripan hospital, place they vacated will be oc-' . cupied by Mr. and Mrs. Ray j Elgin. Ostergreh and family, "who re-1 ~ , turned to McHenry recently j Join your Veterans, of Forafter a year and a half spent In efgn Wars now!! California. 018 CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this, opportunity to express my sincere appreciation for cards and the. many other remembrances o9 friends ancl relatives during the time I was confined to the hospital. I am very grateful. 18 *18 Carl J. Freund WATCH REPAIRING AT ITS FINEST By r McHenry'* "Oldest, Most ! Reliable Dealer STEFFAN'S JEWELRY STORE t 514 W. Main " McHenry Phone 123-J ^jrash Open Tuet., Than* 'Juri FrL Evening* if#- • HI • Hi: iond WITH THE CORRECT HAIRSTYLE DESIGNED WITH YOU IN MIND. If You're Not Becoming To Him . . . . . You Had Better "Be-Coming" To Us Don't Forget Kiwanis Kids' Day Friday, Sept. 26th $\.iversicle ^J^airslyling ofluJto 120 N. Riverside Djrive Phone 147 McHenry, 111 * WmiMS Who Said Taxis Are A Luxury? Add the cost of cleaning this man's rain-soaked clothes and you'll agree door-to-door taxi actually saves money. A cab can help In a hundred different ways. When you need one. Radio Dispatched McHENRY CAB EBONE 723 TIME: THE PRESINT; place: Main ^rtet . . . factually, the time could equally well be yesterday r tomorrow, the place Elm Road or "Oak Lane. iBoy meets girl is a phenomenon as old 4s. Uie his- . |pry of man. and as universal as the air we breathe, ipourtship follows meeting; marriage follows court- $hip; and true love grows, with the passing years, ^through constancy -- not only to each other, but *>ilso to ideals ^nd goals held in common. Such one- ' "|wss of purpose is at the heart of happy home life; %nd the happy hoipe is the hef rt of America. CONSTANCY IN BANKSAYING HHPS AMERICANS FAMILY OOALSTTRY IT -- WITH US I Now Your Clothes 1 Better Than Ever mnouR OLDER THINGS LOOK AH* FiEL UKE HEW WITH HEW SAHIT0HE SOFT-SET® • Gets out ALL the -Dirt • Stubborn spots vanish Luxurious feel of pewness restore^ j^lew finish resists wrinkling Now it's easier than ever to keep even those older things fresh and new looking: Have them dry cleaned regularly the new Sanitone way featuring Soft-Set® finish. It actually retexturizes your clothes, restoring both the took and feel of newness. Of course, as always, otir Sanitone Dry Cleaning still means compete soil removal that brings colora anii - patterns M$k to like-new brightness. / ' < Try this new kind of dry &eaning tpday! SAME DAT SERVICE AVAILABLE SAVE 10% Cash 'n Carry M Established Since ).9Q!8 Interest Paid On Savings Deports Ijgember federal Deposit Insuraniie Corpdr^on |Member Federcd Reserve Sysieql ^ PHONE 1040 ' : .. RAINBOW CLEANERS PHONE 927 FOR PICK-UP SERVTCE ' ' Around Corner North of National Tea ST. JPflONT 8PP..V ' McHENRY. ILL. ,{>pen Dally 8 A.M. To 6 ,P.M. Fridays 'tti 9 P.|f. ' ' iAL^AYS PLENTY OF FREE P|}tKgQ AT RAINBOW^S DRIVE IN M..

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