Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Sep 1958, p. 7

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, * y ; > / 4 - v* ^ ^ > :xy %: & fe:- ;-li t'Tj^^ j?^'**&/[ *$*$ "'--wftp- >®f5f w'TT^wr? ^ T K-iii-. HELP WANTED Wanted Production ' ^Control Clerk ,'fcMiist like detail woi& ttid nave neat handwriting, i Clerical experience in invent tory and production control . helpful but not necessary. Good Salary - modern airconditioned offices - hospitalization plan $4id other benefits. Apply in person or phone !UCH1$0ND 2031 H for appointment John Sterling CORPORATION RICHMOND, ILLINOIS 19 SALESMAN WANTED. One of the biggest feed companies in the business needs a salesram at once. Top earnings, ttrm background or acquain- ' tance with farmers most helpK ful. Experience not necessary. We completely train you. Full time work. Repeat business. Home nights. Must have a car. Write Sales Manager, 701 S. 42nd St., Omaha 6, Nebraska. 19 REAL ESTATE * RIVER New 3 bedroom brick, contemporary ranch home!. Oversize 2 6ar garage with special boataccess door at waterfront, 2 full Baths, massive fireplace, tas hot wateiv Iwat. Dramatic ^iew of the river through floor to ceiling thermdpane windows. OPEN HOUSE ^ Saturday and Sunday , - 1:30 to 5:30 f; Pistakee Bay Ar4a Spacious brick and stone 3 bedroom home. Kitchen opens to large activities room with fireplace. Second fireplace gfocbs living room. 2 tile baths, 1 in basement recreation area. Natural gas heat. High, wooded double lot. Walled in stone. Beach and pier rights on Pistakee Bay. Owner transferred. Priced in 20's. Big Hollow Road (Rt. 134) to Regner road. Follow sign to house. River Front Farm 104. acres owitjh 3,000 ft. frontage on Fox River. Natural layout for subdivision. 3 bedroom home. Very large barn. In McHenry ~ 3 bedroom brick homef £ornfe^ lpcation on quiet tre6 lined street, accessible to schools, trainl and shopping. Fireplace. Partially finished basement. 2 car garage. Priced low 20's. •» WANTED Experienced Automobile Mechanic Apply Frank W. Campbell, Inc. Lincoln; - Mercury - Edsel . Sales & Service Crystal Lake, 111. ^ PHONE C.L. 2433 19 WAITRESS FOR small restaurant. Pleasant working conditions. Call McHenry 3349-R. 19 GRILL LADY wanted. Short K hours. Lamplighter, 314 East r Elm. Call after 2 p.m. in -person. 19 # MAT F ® HELP WANTED PUNCH-PRESS DIE-SETTER Prefer man experienced In job shop, but not necessary. Good salary - modern plant - Hospitalization plan.and other lefits. Apply In person or phone for appointment ljpi RICHMOND 2031 John Sterling CORPORATION RICHMOND, ILLINOIS 19 JtEAL ESTATE BULL VALLEY pig nursery on 40 acres with modern 3 bedroom home. Phone Windsor 5-2763. 17-tf LOT FOR SALE in Lakeland Park. Lake privileges. Will take $200 loss. Moving to Florida, Phone Elgin, SH 2-4714 • *18-2 LOT ON BLUFF LAKE channel. 62' water frontage, 40' road frontage, 175' deep. Ph. McHenry 2489 or Des Plaines VA 4-7109. *18-2 FOR SALE 5 room home, located on two wooded lots, 2 car garage with g&io, across from beach. A nice location and a very good buy at only $12,600. For appointment call at our office in Johnsburg. JACOB FRITZ REALTORS Rt. 5, McHenry Phone % 17-tf ^BEDROOM ranch, 2 years old, living-dining combination, large landscaped corner lot. 140 Clover Lane, Eastwood Manor or call McHenry 643-J-l. 18-3 CORNER LOT for sale in Lakeland Park. Size' 80x125. Price $1850 with terms satisfactory to buyer. For information call McHenry 1468-W. * . IDEAL FOR retired couple or big family at $5,500 cash or $6,000 terms. 3 bedroom, 6 room house, redecorated, -tiled, insulated, 2 car garage. Rt. 120 next to Club Lilymoor. Call CLearbrook 5-5160 8 to 1:30 p,nv 19 Chain of Lakes Water Front Lots Fox River; Fox Lake Hills; Pistakee Lake and. Petite. CALL FOR APPOINTMENT JUNE or HOWARD MCDOWELL McHENRY 1169-M Representatives for. H. D. OLSON REALTORS Waukegan, 111. 19 RE*L ESTATE INCOME PROPERTY -- 2 houses. Six large' rooms, 2-car garage; knotty cedar paneling; and "4-rm. house now rented or zoned for beauty shop. On 160'x300' lots. Priced at $18,- 400. $3,000 down. McHenry 3536. 19 McHENRY . 4 bedroom brick home, 2 down and 2 up. Large living room, 2 tiled baths, basement, knotty pine walls. Gas radiant hot water heat, large lot, 2 car garage. Channel front. This home must be seen to be appreciated. For appointment call at our office in Johnsburg and ask for Jim or Frank. JACOB FRITZ REALTORS Rt. 5," McHenry Phone McHenry 37 19-tf 3 BEDROOM HOME. Living room 18x20, lg. dining room. Full basement, garage, oil furnace, wooded 125x135 corner lot. Location: Lilymoor Subdivision. Owner retired and intends moving to Florida. Ph. McHenry 596-R-l. Rogers. 18-2 , McHENRY ' And Surrounding Territory YEAR 'ROUND HOMES RIVER PROPERTY HOME SITES BUSINESS LOCATIONS FARMS 210 S. Green St. MOVING -- My^T SELL: 2 bedroom brick ranch. 1 % car garage, river rights, gas heat, hear town. Phone McHenry 2269. 18-tf FOR SALE - HOMES - FARMS CHOICE LOTS - BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY .KNOJ&REAL ESTATE....' 405 Richmond Road McHenry, 111. Phone: McHenry 421-1 . 42-tf 2 BEDROOM ranch; 2 years old; attached garage; gas heat; river rights; fuily landscaped; 2 blocks to shopping. $15,000. Terms. Phone McHenry 322. ' 15-tf TERMS 2 bedroom 4 year old home. Fireplace, water softener, attached garage, on 105 ft. lot in Country Club. River and pier rights. Owner's business forces a move south. Only $13,700. Will consider any reasonable terms including selling under contract. FOX, RIVER New 3 bedroom lMs bath redwood home on 60 ft. river front lot. Built in range and oven. Many extras. Fine view. Sandy beach. INGLESIDE This 7 room Cape Cod with bath -and one-half on 70 ft* Jot with full rights to Lake Mathews will appeal td you. Only 3 years old. t CALL MR. HEINEN McHenry 2527 BAIRD ft WARNER, Inc. 19 5 ROOM ranch type house. Gas heat, needs minor repairs. Will sell on contract. Phone McHenry 397 or Chicago, FI1- more 5-6335. 18-2 BUSINESS LOT 25'xl32 for $3,500.00. Business lot, 50'xl32' for $6,500.00. McHenry Realty, >32 Main St., phone McHenry 268. 9-tf Ph. 1126 19 TWO BEAUTIFUL, heavfl* wooded lots, Wonder Wootto, Wonder Lake. Directly acrote from private beach. Sacrifice at $750 each. Call McHenry 2414-R. 12-tf 3 BEDROOM HOME for sale. Living room with fireplace. AU iaige rooms. Attached garage, gas heat. Also 4 room furnished apt- attached, provides a. dit'onal income. Call wonder take 5654. 44-tt CUSTOM-BUILT HOMES III AT RENT PRICES Ready for Immediate ' Occupancy All New ~ With < Automatic Natural Gas Heat - at McHenry 3 bedroom, nat. fireplace, attached garage -- Kent's Acres -- $13,000.00. $1,500 down -- $82.40 mo. principal & interest. JOS. FRETT ft SON Phone McHenry 976 Office Located V% Mile East of Fox River on Hvvy. 120 T 19 WATERFRONT LOT on Fox River; Modern pier and cement sea wall, bo&t slip. Land scaped. Phpfte ..JvlcHenry 2489 or Des Plaines VA 4-7109. •18-2 BUYING or SELLING Chain-O-Lakes Vacant anil Harms ^' i" PHONE FOR APPOINTBrlENT SOS MAPLE ... $15,000.00 902 CENTER '-5. Vi«. $17,000.00 3 bedroom homes in excel lent condition. DO NOT DISTURB OWNER. On Fox River In town on Riverside Drive. 4 bedroom, 1% baths with-den on 1st floor. Screened porch facing river. Cabinet kitchen with large breakfast area. $39,500. v.. On Pistakee Lake A lovely 4 bedroom, 1% bath home. A11 rooms KING-SIZE 67 ft. frontage. Fireplace in 25x30 living room. Year 'round. $31,500. Other waterfront homes from $14,500.00 to $75,000.00. WATCH FOR THE GALLAGHER SIGN ! A. H. Gallagher & Associates OFFICE: FOrest 9-6700 Jinny Gallagher: McHenry 1629 James Roesch: McHenry 8549 19 BECAUSE OF ill health, selling 1% story brick home, 1% car garage, city sewer, gas heat, fully landscaped. 812 Grove St., Cooney Heights. Ph. 749-W. Price $15,000. *19 FOR SALE 3 large bedroom home. Large living room and extra large kitchen. Tile bath, full basement, oil furnace, attached gar- \ge. Carpets and custom made drapes. Two years old. Very large landscaped lot. PRICE $18,700 Knox Real Estate McHenry Phone 421-J 405 Richmond Road 19 3 BEDROOM modern ranch, attached garage, birch cabinets, built-in oven and range. Tile bath, storm windows and doors. Lake rights. McHelnry 1853-J after 7:30 p.m. 19 BARGAIN -- CORNER lot 90x150 on top of hill overlooking Griswold Lake. For inf"*r mation call 104-M after 6:30 p.m. call 817-R. 5-tf LOG CABIN, year 'round modern home and boat house on Fox River, cement sea wall. Knotty pine interior. Completely furnished. Phone McHenry 2489 or Des Plaines VA 4-7109. *18-2 McHENRY and LAKE AREA r * Year 'Round Homes. Seasonal homes, fanns, vacant. Home sites. Income properties. JACOB FRITZ REALTORS In Johnsburg, Ph. McHenry 87 Rt. 5, McHenry, Illinois 10-tf FOB YOU LADIES IN WAITING A Complete Salesman's Sample Line of Smart Maternity Outfits (Retail Values to $22.95) .--SIZE 12 ONLY-- Que Of A Kind . . . Latest Styles Priced At 50% Less Than Their Retail Value THEY ARE^SIMPLY STUNNING! RIVERSIDE RETAIL OUTLET West Eni| o£ Iron Bridge on Riverside Dri^e •» 19 FOR SALE OR RENTBY OWNER 1 YR. OLD Fully insulated. River rights & private pier. Two bedroom brick veneer ranch home. Stone front & fireplace. Attached garage. Enclosed bfeezeway, concrete drive. Lot 60x125, fully landscaped. With or without furniture. Ceramic tile bath, kitchen. Colored fixtures. Full dining room. Located in McHenry's finest subdivision. 106 McHenry Ave., McHenry Shores. Priced to sell, $17,500. May be seen Sat. & Sun., or by appointment. Phone AVene 2-0785 after 5:Q0 p.m. * 19 REAL ESTATE NOW IS THE TIME to buy your North Wocds lakefront lot while choice lake frontage is still available; $1,450 ($250 cash and^nonthly installments to fit your (budget) will buy 100 ft. frontage with building site on a large, lake which is part of Ja chain of S iakes in north\y^stern Vilas Cotmty, isconsin; good road and electric service; located on a beautiful peninsula with a continuous gentle breeze and mosquito- free comfort. . Lakeland Realty Co., Manitowish Waters, Wise. 19 SITUATION WANTED CARPENTER AND cement work. From small repairs to farm artd residential construction. Cabinet work a specialty. Financing available, reasonable rates. Sandvick, Wonder Lake 3934. 12-tf EXCAVATING1, bulldozing, plowing, disking, land clearing and t r u c k i n g of a l l k i n d s . Smith Brothers. JAckson 6- 8632. 16-13 CARPENTER WORK wanted, remodeling, additions, garages, kitchen cabinets, roofing and cement. Free estimates. Phone JVonder Lake 3931. 12-tf WILL DO baby sitting while mother works. Pistakee Highlands. Phone McHenry 640-J-l.' 19 BABY SITTING nights, weekends, by responsible woman with references. Have own transportation. McHenry 669- W-2. 19 RAILWAY MAIL CLERK desires part time work. Available six days of each eleven. Will consider anything. Phone McHenry 2664. "»19 LOST ANP FOUND WILL PERSON who took mart's black' dfress shoes from McHenry Recreation by mistake Saturday night please return to bowling alley or call 2645-W after 6 p.m: *19 MISCELLANEOUS RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP will be CLOSED every MONDAY until further notice 19 NOTICE STEFFAN'S JEWELRY store will be closed all day Saturday Sept. 13. v 19 ACCORDIAN and guitar lessons available now at Steffan's Jewelry and Records. Beginners and advanced. For further information call McHenry 123-J. 19-tf EXPERIENCED GIRL wants accounting or general office work. In McHenry area. Barbara Slater. Phone JUstice 7- 8051 between 9 and 6. 19 WANTED WANTED: MAN to share 6 *oom home with bachelor. Ph. McHenry 3263-M. »19 TOP PRICE PAID for iron, metals and junk oars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock -- 1610-M-2. 43-tt WANTED TO BUY 5" YARD DUMP TRUCK. Call after 7 p.m., Earl Hansen, McHenry 2530. *19 WANTED: t " Furniture New and used, and rummage of all kinds. Clean out your attic. We want any odds and ends you have. Anything for our resale store. Bring it out or phone us. Crystal Lake 2139. Royal Oaks Sales, Hwys. 14 & 176, Crystal Lake, Illinois. Special discount sale Sunday. Open every day 9 AM. until 9 P.M. 19-tf WANTED TO RENT 4 ROOM, 2 bedroom home. 3 ROOM FURNISHED apart- Complete plumbing. Immediate ment or house, or 2 rooms possession. $500 down, $65 per with kitchen privileges in or mo. Phone McHenry 3349-R. near McHenry. Write Box 403 19' c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 19 TO BE GIVEN AWAY COCKER PUPS, 10 weeks. No papers. Contact Mr. Brunswick at Junior High School or Richmond 3563 after 4 p.m. •19-2 HOLD RITES TOR GILBERT ROGERS. 12-YEAR RESIDENT A twelve - year resident of this area, .Gilbert A. Rogers, 70, of Mineral Springs, died Saturday, Sept. 6, at Memorial hospital for McHenry Coun-i ty in Woodstock. He had been ill about a month. Mr. Rogers was born July 15, 1888, in Chicago. He was a wholesale coffee distributor. Survivors "include his wife, Rose; two sons, Gilbert C., of Elmwood Park and John J. of McHenry; a brother, Charles, of Lilymoor; a sister, Mrs. Martha Smith, of Berwyn; and eight grandchilden. A brother, James, preceded him in death. The bo'dy rested at the Peter M. Justen & Son funeral home until 10 o'clock Tuesday morning, when services were held at St. Patrick's Catholic church, cemetery. HOME NURSING CLASS A class in home nursing, in which members are learning care of the sick and injured, starts Sept. 16 at the home of Mrs. W. S. Wilkes at Fair Oaks subdivision. It will be held twice a week for three weeks from 1 to 3 p.m., with Mrs. Betty Booth, registered nufse, as instructor. MISSIONARIES WELCOMED NEXT THURSDAY The date for the annual Jack and Flora (Loshbough) night has been set for Thursday, Sept 18, at 7:30 p.m. at the Wonder Lake Bible church. This occasion has become ah annual event sponsored by the Ladies' Missionary guild of the church. These missionaries, Jack and Flora Loshbough and their three children recently arrived home on furlough from the Belgian Congo. Sept. 18, the Loshboughs will acquaint the congregation and community • more thoroughly with their work' and a very interesting and educational evening has been planned. The guild uses the donations received in offering at this particular evening as the main means of securing support money, having assumed a share in the missionaries' support responsibility. Refreshments will be' served at ibe close of the program. The Wonder Lake Bible church extends a most welcome invitation to the church families and all fan^ilies of Wonder Lake and surroiuSding communities to join in a pleasant evening extending a "welcome home" to missionaries, Jack and Flora Loshbough, and family. AURORA MAN TO SUCCEED TONYAN AS FVGCA HEAD Earl Little, Aurora, was elected president of the FoSc Valley General Contractors association to succeed Henry B. T o n y a n of M c H e n r y , who has served as president the past year. Mr. Tonyan will continue to serve as a member of the board of directors of the association. Ivar Fredricksen of Wonder Lake was also re-named a director at the annual election held on Wednesday. Sept. 3, in \ Geneva. The Fox Valley General Contractors association is a chapter of the Associated General Contractors of America and serves the construction industry in McHenry, Kane, Kendall and Will counties. The offipe -'s located at 303 West State street in Geneva. CARD OF THANKS . We wish to express our heartfelt appreciation for the many acts of kindness, cards and floral offerings received during the illness and passing of our loved one. A special thanks to the Johnsburg rescue s q u a d , t h e n u r s e s and nurses' aides at the McHenry hospital and the employees of Skysweeper, Inc., at Johnsburg. *19 The George Vanthouriiout - Family Ernest'J. Brandt Ernest J. Brandt, 44, who lived on a farm south of Vofo for nine years, died at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, on Tuesday, Sept. 9. Services wg^ be h e l d F r i d a y in M o r t o n Grove. • - Mary Mrs. Mary Margaret Fuslof 71, died Tuesday night, Sept. 9, at McHenry hospital. She resided ., in Chicago but was taken ill while at the home of »a nephew in this community.. SUFFERS HEART ATTA(M Otto Buchert, police chief 4jt Richmond, has been a patient at Memorial hospital in Wodti^ stock since Sunday, when hfl suffered a heart attack while at work in the yard at l\is home. . - --; W# PIONEER GIRLS' CLUB ORGANIZED AT WONDER LAKE A Pioneer Girls' dub has been organized at the Wonder Lake Bible church. This group is known as the "colonists" and is open in membership to all girls from the fourth eighth grades of school, inclusive. The group will meet at the church at 7:30 p.m. for tjtig first meeting Friday, Sept. 19. The "colonists"y is a neve organization at the Lake, but many such groups are organized throughout the states^ with a national headquarter^ A full and interesting progra^ with special projects and ideag, Js scheduled for girls who a'tifc enthusiastic about activity, ana who love the Lord. - 'Q' Chief Guide is Miss Ruth Osterlund; assistant guides are Jeannette Moser, Barbara Dcte, E t h e l R e p k e , and Mar 1 i s j s - Schlidt. Committee memb&fs , are Isabelle Swanson, chaiiv man; Louise Johnson, Mapg# Tomano, And V^lma Wright There will also be juniosv guides. " : CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank th^ many friends and relatives wh6 remembered me with cardsj flowers, prayers and in othefc ways during the time I was confined to the hospital an4« since my return home. Ttoesf were appreciated so much. 19 Tillie StofM CARD OF THANKS; : I want to take this opportu.t? ity to thank 'friends for carti%> visits gifts and prayers white I was confined to the hospital and at home. They were very much appreciated. 19 Helen Cream«f W A N T E Y O U ! JOIN YOUR Vf.W. N O W! IF YOU'VE SERVED OVERSEAS YOU'RE ELIGIBLE i 'I 19 DAIRY AT AUCTION WILLIAM H. RUSSEL Auctioneers EDWARD VOGEL Due to ill health and being unable to obtain satisfactory help, it is necessary for me to sell my dairy at public auction on my farm 3% miles Northeast of Harvard and miles West of Alden on State Route 173 THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 18th. 1958 Commencing at 1:00 P.M. 21 HEAD OF CHOICE HOLSTEIN DAIRY COWS Of which 12 are wtiMig and balance springing with a few fresh by siible date. This is a good dairy of cows and I would be pleased -to have aiiy prospective purchasers stop at' my farm and see them milked. 1 HOLSTEIN BULL FEED 40 Ton Alfalfa Hay -- 1200 Bu, Good Oats. 60 ft. Drive Belt - - Quantity of Poultry Equipment/ and many smal) articles too numerous to mention. ,v MILKING EQUIPMENT AH rtjilking machine equipment including 3 new Surge Unite Tank, pails, strainers, etc. : TERMS: USUAL BANK TERMS $50RGE NORLOCK, Owner Phone 508-M-l, Harvard FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WOODSTOCK, Clerking Member'Federal Reserve System Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation A nnouncei Wina fj'^n <7sDyu a ^#N oo#n OPEN AND SERVING DAILY (INCLUDING MONDAY) BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCHEON Served Daily 11:30 AM - 2 P.M. FULL COURSE DINNERS Served Daily 11:30 A.M.- I I P.M. 4 Miles East of McHenry on Sulliran Lake PHONE 345 . ••

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