Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Sep 1958, p. 19

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I' Thuraday. Seplembtt S5. 1958 ' '5; "•• '• \ tftfeiMcH^SSY Pislakee Highlands 'H. MEET ovv Carta Bales 289&J Hazel Morley 640-J-l oa& ' Tlie first special meeting of "'the newly installed administration was held at the commun- " j^iy center last Wednesday eve- Tttng. President Johnson went back over the previous administrations and gave an / account of the things thiat have already ££ teen accomplished in Pistakee Highlands. _ It was discussed that this , year the -block captains would not have to collect the dues as , y they have done before, but a r^^pecial committee would han- Ci" die all the collection ofrnoney. Mr. Johnson asked the group how they thought the association could raise more money than they did last year sc that maybe our roads and beaches could be maintained properly. Vice president Ray Novotny commented that 100 percent • . membership, raised dues and v Jtast of all incorporation, would °<*ve us more money. Mr. Novotny also stated that if one of ?..? these three -things are not accomplished by Mr. Johnson's • r third meeting, Mr. Novotny will resign his post as vice president. The association is striving, to , gain 100 percent membership, if this is possible, the associate tion could do all the things Aey hope to do. It was asked , that all those attending the meeting pass the word along to those who were not' present and get them out to the October 1 meeting. The P. H. patrol was discussv.'* ed but 'nothing definite came out of it. This will be taken up 'further at the October meeting. Joe Ullo said that as long «he gets the support of the sociation he will do all he •can for the patrol and the community. i. Mark October 1 on your calender and try to attend a < meeting whether you were' a member last year or not. These --meetings are open to everyone. Anyone interested in attending a Bear football game on Nov. 16 can sign up with. Jack Mley. I'he beaches this coming year " will be under Walter Szpel- .baum and Steve Vrbik will be vin charge of the roads. The meeting was adjourned ' and everyone enjoyed hot coffee and cake served by »this C jyears coffee girl, Joyce - Heir. i She had two helpers too, Meryl 1 Fletcher and Lorraine Ullo. '>41 Here and There Muriel and Harold Peterson ispent a day last week on a shopping spree in Milwaukee. • We hear Muriel picked up some pretty good bargains. >• Last Sunday Karan Krumwiede suffered lacerations and t bruises when she fell into the crawl space under the house. She is a very lucky girl not to have more serious injuries ' sRlce she fell 6 ft. into a space her daddy has been digging to < build a basement. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mullaly ' are enjoying a visit from their son who is in from Washington. The Neesens will entertain cdmpany over the weekend. Kay and Wally Sielisch will attend the wedding of Juanitai Bpse and Edward Strouel, Jr. • Saturday, Sept. 20 at St. Patrick's church in McHenry. Mike O'MaHy had to get two stitches in his head last Saturday. While he was playing with Denpis Sisk, a little brick house that Barbara built for him fell over and^one brick hit Mike on the head> We :hear that Barb was just shaking in her boots. The busy Sandelins will entertain Betty's dad and stepmother. They will spend the weekend planting hundreds of tulips, hyacinth, daffodils and many more as a present from her dad. Seems like Kay Sielisch and Hazel Morley have acquired 'Hulla Hoops.' They are trying to master them and have many laughs at the results. It's harder for Hazel, she has to wrestle with the children for, hers. Darlene and David Nessen will spend Thursday with her mother. Grandma will be happy to have her grandson for "a whole day. . • A demonstration .party was given last Tuesday evening at Hazel Morley's home. Many pretty decorative items for the home were displayed. Those enjoying an evening out were Mrs. George VanZe\hprn, Laverne Madock, Mary Madock, Betty Saridelin, Barbara Sisk, Glenda. Paschke, Helen Rainey and Mrs. Ethel Morley. After the party was over, pie and coffee was served. Two birthdays were celebrated last week in the Gregg family. Little Laura Gregg was 5 years old Sept. 8 and her daddy, Dud, celebrated his the eleventh. Both parties were held Sunday with the family and grandparents. Laura is waiting anxiously to go to kindergarten. >• Marcia and Eddie Dowd and Carla and Jim Bales had a terrific time at Bob and Delia Wesselink's house Friday evening. Bob Heilgeist's folks have been visiting here in the Highlands for a few days, and now Bob, Gisela and children are paving them a visit in Chicago. Saturday night the Dobeckis entertained Dot find Jack Erbin, Pat and Ron Jackson and Beverly and Hank Lewandowski-- report--a good time was had by all. 'Mrs. Haddock is now block captain for Lorraine HUrckes section. Congratulations! Jerry, Janice and baby Jerry Janquart spent Wednesday in Milwaukee. Jo Schivley's mother, Mrs. Jewel of Kentucky, will be visiting here for a few weeks. The men are crowing over their victory of the 'teens at last Sunday's baseball game. Wh^it seemed like it was going to be a pretty dull weekend for Marcia and Eddie Dowd really turned out to be a dilly. On Friday they had company, Pat and Leroy Rush and their son, Jimmy, on Saturday Marcia and Eddie and children visited them in Chicago, and on Sunday they spent the - day with the Barker family in Lincolnwood. Wow! % The stomach flu bug has been around pestering, Mrs. Taylor, Myrtle Bentz, Mrs. Fqrmella, Marie' Schlick, Meryl Fletcher, and Gene Heir. Carla Bales and her girl friend, Emalie Sanders, enjoy-- ed lunch and spent the rest of the afternoon shopping in Elgin on Tuesday^ Tom Mason's orqther, Bob Provo, his wife and their five children, spent the weekend enjoying the Masons' hospitality. A sunshine meeting was held at Lorraine Erdmann's house Thursday afternoon. Attend*1 ing were Mane Schlick, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs, Bob VanZevern, Blanche Haefliger, Tbots Spankbch, an<i Meryl Fletcher. Jimpy Bales' aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reynolds, of San Antonio, Texas, are up north visiting us yankees. Saturday night, Ginny and John , Emmerich, entertained Dolly and Ray Novotny, Carla and Jim . Bales, and Bob s and Gisela Heilgeist, with a delicious barbeque, and an evening of fun. " / Sunday, Eddie Dowd will be god-father to his naice, Heather, his brother Chuck's girl. The big celebration will take place at Arlington Heights. Village of Sunnyside DISPLAY HOUSE . MAILBOXES Party, Party, Party! Plan to attend the party fpr the outgoing and incoming officers of the association Saturday, Sept. 27. * We hear that many terrific acts are all lined up. along with a schimptious buffet table. Setups will be available, just bring your own liquid refreshment. Irnut Gnnther--167W ilman is asking us <to pl&Sse cooperate with him regarding our house number^ He has a .very large route and when .we don't follow simple instructions it makes his job ten times harder. Put /your ! name and address on the side of the mailbox and your house number on the front opening. Example: on the side-- John Doe, 62 Lakeview St. -On the front opening "62". When you address your mail always be sure to put on it, Village of Sunnysjde, McHenry, 111. These are simple instructions and will help pur mail man enormously^ Thank you. Happy Anniversary to Jerry and Janice Janquart, who celebrated twelve years of bliss on Sept. 7. It just so happens they were at a dog show in Milwaukee, along with other club members, who surprised them with a buffet supper and beautiful cake. Congratulations! and many more! ' Teen Club The teens gathered at the home of Barb Schlick ^Thursday evening to talk about their bowling league. Much of the local 'teen-age topic is discussing the Homecoming dance on Oct. 3. Flowers, dresses and dajkes are "being thought of. Don't forget the mpnthly 'teen club meeting to Jae held the twenty - ninth, Monday. , Bob Messel and Ron Spankuch who. are commuting to Chicago are now known as the wide awake boys! We are sorry to hear that Terry Phillips was stricken with a kidney and liver infection. so he is back fit Children's Memorial hospital, but hopes to be home soon. Mr. and. Mrs. Art Bentz are getting him a wheel chair- to use so he will be able to get around and get exercise. Jimmy Peloquin sprained his ankle at the baseball game Sunday, and was treated tit the Great Lakes , Shelter The bqs shelter has been moved to a more convenient c o r n e r , and we owe some thanks to the men. who donated their time on this project. The children will really appreciate the moving of the shelter to this new spot when the wintefv winds start blowing. Roads This is one time "when a proj e c t got s t a r t e d before the newspaper came out with the story on it, which was about our roads. Our roads are in the process of completion and already the speeders are in business. Whether the roads are in good condition or bad Naval hospital. Congratulations to Barb Schlick who got her driver's license today. Her dad wonders who' is going to pay for all that gas she is going to use. Happy Birthday To Kevin Lammert who was 2 years old on Sept. 10. The farrvily went to the grandparents home in Chicago, for a celebration.' Also happy birthday to . Jerry Janquart, on the twenty-fourth, Emily Thode on the twenty - fifth, and Eddie Dowd who will be 16 on the thirtieth. Save by Mail Immediate service is given (e savings and withdrawal respssts reeiimd by mill., We are h elese as"the nearest msii/iex. Postage both ys. Dividend Rale 3£°/o ami Marengo Fed LOAN ASSOCIATION MAREm©, ILLINOIS 103 N. State SL Phon* JOrdan 8-7258 Savings TOTAL ASSETS OVER $9,000,000.00 TOP QUALITY MATERIAL - THE CASH WAY! «m CASH & CARRY 7 INSULATE NOW FOR CQLD WEATHER ZONOUTE HOUSE FILL Covers 26 Sq. Ft^, per bag $1.29 FIBERGLASS INSULATION 16" and 24" lYa" Economy ...3.5c Sq. Ft. 2" Medium 4.6c Sq. Ft. 3" Thick 6.1c Sq. FL ASPHALT ROOFING 210 L£. THICK BUTT SHINGLES $7.95 Sq. 90 LB. MINERAL ROLL ROOFING $3.45 RL 15 LB. FELT 432' PER ROLL $2.50 Rl. 65 LB. SMOOTH ROOFING . .$3.19 RL 45 LB. SMO0TH ROOFING $2.19 RL T COMPLETE UTILITY WINDOW UNIT" 20" wide, 29"-high--Set in frame-- m AB Opens with Ease ........ ATTENTION FARMERS!, Replace Old Barn and Shed Windows 8x10 4 Lt BARN SASH .... $1.75 9x12 4 Li. BARN SASH .' $2.00 10x12 4 Lt. BARN SASH $2.25 8x10 6 Li. BARN SASH $2.35 9x12 6 Lt. BARN SASH .....$2.70 10x12 6 Lt. BARN SASH $2.85 CORN CRIBBING Clltflll SNOW FENCE 1../. ^lU.OO 48" SISALKRAFT $9.35 Rl. .... I\n ;J |ACTUAl GARAGE MODELS ON DISPLAY - Complete 1-Car StyBe $347.00| , Spring €?»ov©. X1L FINANCING AVAILAILI Monday tihru Saturday 7:3© 8© 5:00 •PHONE Richmond, 111., 2732 1 MOCK NORTH HWY. 12 this should not encourage speeding. We^l have children and we should remember them when we are behind the wheel of an autpmqbile. It is twice as hard to stop in an, emergency oh this fine gravel. Let u$ all keep our children ^safe from harm and obey the speed limit qf 20 mph on the village roads. family entertained his psirents | getting news for our column, who are here from Florida.! As long as most of the news After spending a day and a'. doesn't want to come to me J 1 Dogs ' Our villagers should be congratulated on their cooperation in keeping their dogs tied. This saves a lot of hard feelings among friends. . Pioaic / Due to the cold weather on Sunday last the1 Cios family and their company had their picnic inside instead of outside. Mr. and Mrs. E. Lash with son, Michael, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Punches and daughter, Darlene, had a wonderful time just the same. Demonstration Leah Fritz had a houseful of women oii last Friday when we were invited there for a demonstration. We even played games, and endg$l the evening with cake and' coffee and gab fest-.-> night with him they went across the road to La Marr's sister, Mrs. Cios and her family, and spent some time there, acquainted with all their grand children. Anniversary May we wish Mt. and Mrs. Alex Niemiec on their sixteenth wedding anniversary which was on Sept. 19 best wishes and many more of them., Visitors La Marr Williams and his Birthdays * Well, we have a few more birthdays for our best wishes list. Little Connie Jablonski was 5 years old on the eighteenth and her brother, Dick, was 4 years old on the twentythird. A1 Fritz celebrated his on the twenty-second and Charles Fritz has a birthday on the twenty-fifth. Christening Little Beth Ahn Jablonski was christened at St. John's church on Sunday. Her sponsor are from 'Chicago, Dorothy Jablonski was the godmother and Hank Romozzi was the god-father. I guess I will have to go to1 the news. One of our neighbors gave me a wonderful idea which I hope all of you will think the same. From now on I am going to take different *toeets~and find out who liv^s in the houses, how many children there are and if the parents work tell what they do. This way we will all know who our neighbors are and who knows there may be a time that we can use one another's serviced. So when I come knocking qn your door please don't be afraid to answer because I'm really harmless and if you would rather I don't put your name in print that Will be alright I.. won't be angry because A is your p^vilege. ^ | New Style Bulb IT; J Offered To-Public 11 - - ; -v* | style "3-lite" mogul J ba&£ bulb is the newest home $ brightener available to light bulb exchange customers' of "f Public Service company; 5= Although smaller than prev-| ious models for 3-way floor and table lamps, the new bulb gives ^ more light and improved overall operation. | According to R. J. Schultz, 9 district superintendent of ttte01 utility, the new' bulb is ex- vf changeable at no extra charge. , --P ; / • Be sure to read1 ue Plaindealer W: ant: Ads each week. News We are going to try something different in the way of IjitiiiHHiiiiuuiiiiniiiHHMiiiuinHiiiuiiimiNHiHiiiHiiiiiHiiiiiiiHiniiiiiHniiniiiinninniiiSiHDii^) PEPPING'SONI CEMENT CONTRACTORS S Phone 409 I; COMPLETE LINE OF CEMENT WORK | Hinir.iinsni GARPETBNCa BY INCLUDES: Expert Installation 40 oz. Waffle Pad Choose from Tweeds or Plain Cofors (Min. 20 sq. yds.) only sq. yd. GuiidtcLn - y--- 100% All Wool Carpeting DRAPERIES SEMI-CUSTOM CUSTOM-MADE Heavy Fiberglass Heavy Bark Cloth 8 pastel Colors 13 lovely Colors 104 in. x 84 in. Long 110 in. x 84 in. Long Only $18.50 Only $29.95 PRINTED FIBERGLASS 100 X 84 only $23.95 M 12 x 15 Room *16fJ0 Complete avemeuer A On Highway 180 Just 1 Minute West of Highway 12, (Volo) PHONE McHENRY 2295 * A HOURS: Open 9:30 A.M. to 6 P.M. . . . Sunday Noon, to 3:00 P.M. fir P£hIffy iMtafcdl CM Clothes Dryers That's right... INSTALLED and ready lor easiest washdays evert No costly wiring I No plumbing needed) A simple connection to your economical gat service does it ALU Price aho includes delivery and service (if you need it) for one full year. - V - i C . - -- - Start NOW to enjoy the convenience of any time, any day, any weafhtr clothes drying--with wonderful "soft drying" that's ideal for any fabric. Try it for 30 days* If you are not pleased, we'll take it bade. As littta <§i§ down... llf? w See the money-saving, work-saving GAS CLOTHES DRYERS at your appliance dealers or our nearby store. Phone McHenry 2081 *5? sr l

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