Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Sep 1958, p. 5

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a PLAINDEM.ttH Plaindealer Mr Published every Thursday a' JffcHenry, IJ1., by the McHenry £iblishing Company, Inc. < A TICLN A1 *A$2<>C mmoBamm EL E D I T O R I A I " N W. BURFEINDT, Gen l. Mgr ADELE FROEHLICH, iEditoi SUBSCRIPTION RATE - g In McHenry County 1 Year $3.50 . $ Months $2.00 3 Months $1.25 Outside McHenry County 1 Year $4^0 6 MontHs $2.25 3 Months .......... $1.50 Entered as second-cla9s mat ter at the post office at-McHenry, Illinois, under the act at May 8. 1879. f " <2\vot by Verona Kent This was a beautiful autumn day and quite a number of "Divot Dolls" were out to enjoy it. Taking advantage of the weather, some of us played 27 holes,, knowing that not too many days like today will be left before the season terminates. - ' The special event of the day Was mixed three-some point competition. With full handicap allotted on handicap holes, points were given to the bost ball of each team afc follows: 3 points for shooting hole in par; 5 points for shooting hole in 1 less than par; 7 points for shooting hole in 2 less than par; 1 point penalty for failing shoot par. There was a tie for first place ,-- both teams with 41 points. Team of Verona Kent, Lil Stillijig and Katherine Rogers and team of Sully Con- " sago, Pearl Miller and Irene Keim. Second place team with a total of 33 points: Betty Wilkinson, Rita Sayler and Delores Overton. --McHENRY RECREATION-^- ' . » - Nite Owls-- M. Gates, 193-484; E. Hoyte, 469; P. Rosing, 195 - 460; R. Kluk, 195-46-. • GJ Steinsdorfer, 185-456; A. Federle, 451; \. Borovec, 343; S. Klapperich, 351; D. Miller, 3l; E. Varese, 354; M. Otto, 362; S. Covalt, 397; [P. Kleinhuizen, 414; R. Romkowski, 441; H. Gerambio. 181. D. of A.-- A. Szypelbaum, 186-476; M. Mayfield, 135; C. Freund, 150; G. Barbian, 177;/ B. O'Brien,, 175; B. Hansen; 147; J. Kralowetz, 460; L. Braidman, 188; G. Sigman, 45& Monday 7:00-- C. Brennan, 214; JP. May, 533; T. Mortimer, 5404 R- Kuna, 219-573; H. Lottchea, 212-566; E. Useman, 534. Foresters-- G. Rodenkirch, 220-599; J. Etten, 583; J. Herdrich, 577; B. O'Brien, 555; A. Weingart, 536; J. Thompson, 203-528; L. Thennes, 212-527. by Mary Einspar Thurs. 9:15-- Kleinhuizen, 252-557; E. Kroncke, 203; Gath, 207; Corso, 552; W. Webb, 237 - 557; D. Tyke, 222-532; R. Boro, 230; B. O'Brien, 212-551; C. Pierce, 23-610.; J. Justerv £14-555; S. Buenzli, 569; Fantus, 534; Otto 222; Krier, 540. Business Men-- ' R. Stilling, 543; D. Hyffr-212; F. Schmitt, 548; A. Steinsdoerfer, 525; D. Samuelson, 532; M. Soberg, 556; T. Grissom, 211; Tues. Nite Playboys-- S. Buenzli, 242-613; R. Weyland, 212-553; R. Bennett, 203- 549; H. Fantus, 531. GIEL SCOUTS The mothers of' Troop 89 were guests at a court ,of awards ceremony on Monday, Sept. 15, at the Junior. high school. The nineteen scouts in Troop 89 received many badges. Seven of' these girls received the curved bar badge, which is the highest rank earned by Girl Scout In termediates: Caroll Beck, Carol Hughes, Sartdra ej-.w. -- * i - * -i, Rodenkirch, Barbara Shannon, S i n c e n e x t w e e k s e v e n t w i l l M a r c v c h r t o t e n s e n . S u s a n Lou™™n\,h,s Prowl/-and Theresea Hetterman. J Those earning the first class vvirrhtl-i today were: Class A--iDelores Overton, 93-20, 73 net; Class B, Letty Busscher, 106-30, 76 net: Class C. Pearl Miller. 125-49, 76 net; 9-Hole League, Irene Keim, 33 net. --BOWLING BAR-- Johnsburg Hurry-Up'ers-- L. Schmitt, 204-574; A. Wilcox, 193-503; M. Joyce, 154- 429; R. Young. 148-407; B: Thelen, 141-398; J. Haag, 136- 379. j|as the last day for the travmrig pin. The girl who won the pin the most times during the Season Aow will get permanent bad*e were Karen Christian. possession of it. , Today'a--scores resulted in two ties that will have to be played off at a later date. . In Class A. Delores Overton Heather Fike, Patsy Hamil, May Kirk, Colleen Mahoney, Susan Prawl and Susan Gregory. Delicfous refreshments were served by the troop committee. has tied Dorothy Beckenbaugh j Mrs. H. Rodenkirch, Mrs. J. £or final possession. ._In Class C, Pearl Miller has 5fed Lil Burns. Class B's pin winner for the season was June Rink, and the 9-Hole League's pin was won permanently by Ilavern Gregory. ' Spectaculars on the course today: Mert Johnson shooting over, tjjg^ciieek on No. 8 and sinkirtgtW ball. Katherine Floors with a deuce _on No. 18. Friday nopn is the Jatest to sign up for the Members Mixed Men-Ladies Golf Outing to be bgld on Sunday, Sept. 28th. Foursomes will be. drawn out of the hat on Friday afternoon, and golfers will be notified of their starting tee time. Tee times will also be posted on toe club bulletin board. This \s one Sunday night that we don't have "to dress" fo» dinner -- and we shbuld all be able to get our je^t under the table by 7 p.m/ See you next week. Mahoney and Mrs. R. Justen. Leaders of Troop 89 are Mrs. A. J. Wirtz, Mrs. Robert Beck and Mrs. Ray Hughes. On Thursday, Sept. 19, Mrs. Frank Gans and Mrs. Milton E. Olson attended a district meeting in Ridgefield at the home of Mrs. Robert Lenth. The basic leadership course which starts at 9 a.m. on Oct. 14, will be given at the American Legion heme in McHenry: Adult Girl Scouts of Valley View and the north section who plan to take this course are urged to mail the registration forms promptly. For further information call Mrs. Frank Gans or Mrs. David Kent of McHenry. 'President Dorothy Diedrich called to order the first meeting of our new year Sept. 15.- 1958. Dorothy Weichmann, junior chairman for last year, p r e s e n t e d j u n i o r a , u x i l i a r y member, Mary, Pat 'Mrachek; with an awjirti for winning third place in the staters "Famous American WomM and Men" scrapbook - contest: Marie Howe reported on a party held at the. Woodstock Children's home. Lena! Carbanaro, Henrietta Ahrens and Victor and Marie Howe attended this party and brought treats of ice cream, cake, comic bookls and a western movie to W? children. ' George and Ruth Mrachek, Victor' and Marie Howe, John Weichmann, Skip Wirfs, Dorothy Diedrich, and Delia Freund went,, to Downey hospital on Sept. 11. They took the usual ice cream, candy, magazines, etc., to the boys at Downey! Mrs. Marie Howe, rehabilita- Gray. Please cooperate with J , MARRIAGE LICENSES these girls when they call as j MorrJs L_ Carlsoh and Phylthey are all working had to iis N Lincoln both of Wonder win this membership drive. Lake GoodI luck to, l>o& captains j Rexford ^ StocktaU and and their tea^S. .. Mary A. Johnson^ both of.Mc- A very thorough report was; Henry. , given by MarievHowe cfti the thirty-eighth annual State convention held in Chicago. Delegates to thi% convention were Dorothy Diedrich, Tiuth Mrachek, Marie Howe, Eleanor Reid*and Lauretta Homo. Alternates who attended the'convention were Sue Wirfs, Frances Matchen and Henrietta Vycitifl. Our Unit 491 received recognition for our fine membership and our wonderful sale of veteran's craft during Abe past year. President Dorothy Diedrich. Dorothy Weichmann and Delia Freund attended a county meeting held at Huntley on S e p t . 5 . - v " ' , Baby congratulations were sent to Dolores Overton, .Joan Kennebeck, Lorraine Smith and Betty Schmidt; Get Well cards were sent to Barbara Weber and Beulah Vachet; and a sympathy card was.sent to Jeannie Schaefer. B'rthday congratulations were extended to Alice Brda, Sevrina Unti, Lena Car banaro, Frances Matchen, Loretta Meyer, Marie Diedrich tion chairman, requested that the donating ofmagazines to the hospital. She requested j Ann Kane and Jean DeCarle. a little more care be given to Our n£xt meeting^will be that only magazines in good > held on Oct. 20, please try to condition be sent to the hos- [ attend. Social chairman will pital. Also, the usual n e w s | be Mary Freund and the folmagazines when given to the hospital are so old they are useless. Mrs. Howe will be glad to furnish you with further information as to the type of magazines the men could use most. Once more it* is membership time, and we urge all members to pay their dues by Oct. 10. 1958 to avoid the raise that is forthcoming. Georgia Steuben is membership chairman and Frances Matchen wilt act as her co-chairman. There are two teams-as usunl. F»r<st vice-president, Ruth Mrachek, will captain one team with the following members: Betty Lehinann, Lauretta Homo. Blondie Karls, Kay Stephenson and Marge Hiller. Captain of the other team ^s^second vice-president Marie Howe. Her team is made up / of the following members: L<Wta Meyer, Henrietta Vycital. \I|tean DeCarlo, E l e a n o r C r e u t z y l U d E l a i n e lowing committee: Lillian Jensen, Annie Brown, Alice Barb i a n , L o r r a i n e F r e t t , V e r a K a n e , E i l e e n L u d t k e , H e l e n Low, Mary Kilday, Marge Hiller, Lorraine Frost, Esther Jobes. Mary Hettermann, Clara Nell, Genevieve Heyward, Ther esa Kania and Angeline Martin. Remember, the membership drive is officially oii, so be sure to pay your dues and try to bring in a new member or two. Don't forget our Junior members. This year promises to be a big year f<>r the Juniors. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all those who called, sent cards and their good wishes for my recovery during my recent stay in the hospital. 21. Mrs. Beulah Vachet SHOP IN McHENRIT FALL FLING OCTOBERIS. 1958 Earl M. Bowman of Wonder •Lake and Kate F. Hoffmann of Chicago. Rexford R: Stockwell and Mary A. Johnson, both of Mc- Honn\ Richard W. Gehrig, and Janice M. Hollenbach, McHenry. Earl M. Bowman and Kate F Hoffman, both of Wonder Lake. WONDER LAKE." ACCIDENT . A car owned bv Betty Sanson'e of Rt. 1, Wonder. Lake, was struck,by a driver, as yet Anide.ntifi«?d, as it was parked in front of her" home Tuesday, night. The impact caused her ;uito to roil down a hill and strike, a car owned' by O.. R. I.ichty.' . The average life of motor vehicles has doubled since' 1925. 'dax if ysr jr&tr,-m s While we take c are of ALL your building requirements. • Planning & Estimating • Proper Selection bf Materials' • The Right Contractor for Your Particular Job ,j • Financing -- Both New Home: and Remodeling « McHENRY LUMBER CO. 611 Main Street McHenry, Hlf PIfONE McHENRY 46 M » -• -•£% . , . P L U S QUALITY AT Y©»R SUPER CERTIFIED NORTHERN GROWN YOUNG HEN TURKEYS 10 to 14 lb. avg. BUY SEVERAL FOR YOUR FREEZER AT THIS LOW,) LOW PRICE SPONSORED BY McHenry Council Knights of Columbus AT rsink Manor Resort GENOA CITY. WIS. Cocktail Hour 6:30 Smorf ©sljord . .... 7:30 Gala Pi@or ife@w ... 10:30 DANCING TILL 1:00 A.M. $4.50 Per Person Tickets Must Be Purchased In Advance IN RICHMOND -- See or Write Arnold N. May IN McHENRY -- Clifford Olson, Crystal Lake Rd. Grade A -- Whole U.S. Gov't. Inspected IFRYING CHICKENS ••.rv CHICKEN PARTS LEGS Large Size 2 - 2Va Lb. Average LCAIiJ ill BREASTS 49 69 HATH THICK SLICED SAVE 20c Pkg. Wait for it: rox VALLEY £ RIDERS •i"!1 • '81 <• '}• ^ The Fox Valley Riders Motorcycle club held their regular Wednesday night meeting at the Champagne Hour club in Fox River Grove. ** Details are being worked out for our first annual 50 lap Marathon Scrambles race we are having on Oct. 12. Prap- "^25 vV;!! at lujulr and the race will start at 1:30. Donation will be $1.00 and refreshments will be serveci" The marathon will be held at our ScrMnbles track off of Barreville% road or take Route 176 to Burton Bridge. ,tkks«-pk«3'«'*1H 3^1°° The American Way: Using instant coffee to dawdle away hour. ICELANDER 1 lb pkg for if: ! Gallon in fdr/Ci Chicken of The Sea TUNA Chunk Style AT ^OUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED QU A LIT VDE ALER'S IDAY, O TURKEY A E Drumstick 13 c lb. TOP QUALITY STANDING Rib Roast 69 RIB STEAKS 79c lb. lb. U.S. NO. 1 WISCONSIN RED POVTIAC 0TAT0ES'»«» 29 2 Stalk. 17 EXTRA FANCY PASCAL MILN 6ta59l Tall Tins Pure Domino CAM! SUGAR 5 lb. bag 49 '/i tin Certified Red Label B 2 Vi tin 3'« 89' PEACHES 4'« $1°° Sliced 6r Halves USE OUR FREE CUSTOMER PARKING AREA IR NEW SUPER tPT- - -'-23- CERTIFIED. FOOD STORE Cor. Green & Elm Sts. Phone 80 McHenry. I1L

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