i Fourteen Wonder Lake Jane Diif«»v -- 2T31 Betty Burns--5501 "45r'our simultaneous dinners "Dvill be held throughout the Illinois- Synod Friday. Oct. 3, to ^celebrate the fortieth anniversaryJ of the United Lutheran church in America. The dinner for the Chicago Conference will be held for 1200 people, starting at 6:30. This will be an historic event as an exceptional program for the evening has been arranged, highlighted by a closed circuit radio interview with Dr. Franklin Clark Fry, president of tn? United Lutheran church. The interview of Dr. Fry. •called by' TIME, "Mr. Protestant," will be broadcast to all four dinners in Illinois". The evening's speaker will be Dr. Elson Ruff, the editor of THE LUTHERAN, and an outspoken authority on the problems of today. All wishing to attend this dinner may procure tickets irom Bill Nielsen, president of the church council. Several members attended pointed consisting of McCall, /grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. tact Wilbur Ha§k, commander, ^ffarcella Meeker in Denver on I Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Indeli- jurday, Sept. 6. The 5 p.m-.serv£- « a* ..... '*•*; j Aj a i ITT«. ti li-.w 2-- nnnlirtotinn /%am)c . the election meeting which was chairman, Bernard Odeen and A .....i m.... I A. a It *• jl • e \ *> r» 1 »*» j5V ; held at St. Mary's in Woodstock. They were Mrs. T. P. Mathews, Mrs. John Bartz, Mrs. Mae Cheevers, Mrs. Martin Weisenberger, Mrs. Andrew Nemsick, Mrs. Esther Lockband, and Mrs. Leo Wines. The sodality will receive Holy Communion at the 8 a.m. Mass Sunday, Oct. 5. Coming events: Oct. 9--Holy Name Society, meeting in the new. schobl hall, 8:30 p.m. Oct. j 12--Holy Name Commpnion i Sunda>^-itt the 8 a.m. Mass. Social night sponsored by the Holy Name society at the new school hall each Tuesday evening 8:15 p.m. R. Wielook. This committee will draft a simpleN>set of\ bylaws for the^approva^ of) the board at the next meeting. The Youth Recreation committee has staged one party for the 'teens. A hay ride was attended by twenty - eight young people, chaperoned by members of the board, last Fri-„ day night. Two tractor-drawn hay racks made the trip to Keystone Corners after" which there was pop and hot dogs and records for dancing at the Look Out Point beach. The committee plans an ice Skating party in the winter Walker live in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tomanc for application cards, J The Legion extends its con-i of Highland Shores are the gratulations to the auxiliary parents of a baby girl, born Sunday, Sept. 21, at the Memorial hospital in Woodstock. She is the fourth Child born to this couple. for having already reached their recent trip west. Kid's Day Success The Kiwanis club of McH?nry township wishes to thank everyone who participated in the most successful Kid's Day of all time. George Pedersen is took a puppy, sired by ^Meeker's Labaradore, Blackie, to Denver and Mafcella's neightheir 100 per cent membership, bors gave a surprise puppy shower for the little one. The Fill Vacancy With the approval of Charles Milier, chairman of the Republican Council Committee and Carl Hallstrrirn, assistant supervisor of McHenry Township, Charles Bergdahl appointed Stephen S. Vacula, of Indian Ridge to fill his unexpired vacancy of precinct committee- Meekers are very happy in their beautiful home except that Art misses the boats and the lake, is the repQrt. From Denver the Worms went to Las Vegas and Spent four days with Allen Armstrong's^ brother there- Happy birthday to Mrs. attending a convention in Gladys Flannery of Wonder Springfield and will give a full man of McHenry Township 5<- ,^»pods who celebrated her nareport on, his return. Plans j Stephen Vacula is a long time *£\ jay Saturday. Bible Church News The Sunday evening service will begin at 7 p.m., starting Oct.' 5, instead of at 7:30 as in the past, so that the young people can have fellowship after the service. The youth choir and ambassadors for Christ groups enjoyed themselves last Saturday evening .when they went on a hay ride and later had refreshments at the Repke farm. The Pioneer Girls Colonists club is now in full swing and meets every Friday j night -in the church basemenr at 7 p.m. A basic Christian course meets every Tuesday afternoon at 4 World Communion Sunday The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will administered at both the 8 and 10-45 a.m. services on World Communion Sun-!g0Vernment are all a part of Yacht Club Banquet Thirty - eight members and friends attended the Yacht Club banquet held recently. At this end of season affair trophies were awarded to the following: First place to All Sinden's "Blue Jean", second place to "Fancy Pants", * sailed by Hal Georgeson and Bob Ploog, arid third to "Wet Pants", whose skipper are Peter Georgeson and Stanley Schufft. Citation for the most improvement in > skill went to Peter Georgeson. The "fastest time" award went io Peter Georgeson. The Lyle Schufft trophy was won by Red Bierstrom, the LaGreca cup by "Fancy Pants", as well are being made for the football banquet Thursday, Dec. 4. Paul Maridli and Bill Hutchinson, who coach football at McHenry high, were the guest speakers Monday, and talked about that activity at their school. resident, of Wonder Lake. His / Neighbors in Highland Shores p.m. at the church. Pastor Wright is conducting this class I as the George Georgeson Me for boys and girls between the moriaLjCup. The last place ages of 12 to 14. Bible Truth, trophy weht to "Wind Blown" Christian doctrine and church | an(j will adorn the ThorstSn day, Oct. 5, at Nativity Lutheran church. The sermon for that day is entitled, "The Triumph of Time." "Each One Bring One" The program for the next "Women of the church" meeting Monday, Oct. 6. will be ..presented by George Westby, association director of the Lutheran Home Finding Society, who will speak on adoption and foster homes. The ladies urge that each one bring one, and come and hear about children of our time and one of our greatest social problems. The meeting begins at 8 p.m. There will be a meeting of the Sunday School teachers and officers Tuesday,, Oct. 7, at 7:30 p.m. ^Fhe church parsonage will be the meeting place of the Altar Guild Wednesday- evening, Octv8/at 8 p.m. All ladles are) welcome to this meeting to heTp make plans for the care of the altar and church decoration, for the coming months. this interesting course. Ladies Missionary Guild meets as usual at 10 a.m. next Thursday, Oct. 9, at the church. Mrs. Edwin Dornbush will be the hostess. The paper drive foe the new- Sunday school bus is coming along fine. If you have any newspapers or magazines you would like to contribute, please call W. L. 2862 to have someone pick them up. Sunday, Sept. 28, was rally day and Harry Richards, drew lovely pictures for the Sunday School classes and gave a very short talk. .Winter Mass Schedule The new mass schedule at Christ the King church will go into effect Sunday, Oct. 5. For October ONLY Sunday Masses at 8, 9, 10, and 11 a.m. Confessions on Saturdays 7 to 8 p.m. always. Starting Sunday. Nov. 2, the masses in the new church will be^at 8, 9:30 and 11 Ei.m. high mass, daily masses at 8 a.m., except Tuesday and Saturday, when,mass will be said at 11:30. Dedication of the new church will be Sunday, Oct. 26, with His Excellency, Bishop Loras T.jiLane of the Rockford diocese officiating at the Solemn Pontifical Mass. 1 Obituary John Bartz, 72, of Highland Shores,. passed away suddenly, Wednesday, Sept. 24. » He was born July 23, 1886 in Dorr, Mich, and lived in Chicago most of his life, moving to Highland Shores® three years ago. Mr. Bartz was active in. politics in Chicago, in the 49th ward, and held a position as bailiff in the I Municipal court. ! Surviving *re his widow,' Marie, his son^Clmer of Crystal Lake, and agister, Sister Mary Juventina, O.^jjF. Arlington Heights. Funeral services were Saturday from the George Justen funeral home in McHenry to Christ the King Church, Requim Mass was read at 10 a.m. Burial was in St. Joseph's cemetery in River Grove. Altar and Rosary Meets October 2 Thursday, Oct. 2, the Altar and Rosary sodality will meet in the new school hall at 8:30 p.m. The meeting will be proceeded by the recitation of the rosary in church at 8 p.m. in honor of the Blessed Mother. Plans for the dedication day dinner will be made and a report on the NCCW convention which was held last week in St. Louis will be given. The sodality was very honored by the re-election of Mrs. LeRoy McCall, former president of the group, as president for a second term of the McHenry County Deanery of the NCCW. Advisory Board Elects Officers At the meeting of the Prop erty Owners Advisory Board last Thursday the following officers were elected for the coming year: William Leidtke, chairman; Robert Kiddell, vice-chairman; Leroy McCall, treasurer; and Mrs. Boyce King, secretary. McCall and Mrs. King were re-elected to their posts. Ten subdivisions were represented at the meeting which took place at Harrison school. A by-laws committee was apmantle this year. The gathering observed a moment of silence as a tribute to the memory of George Georgeson who passed away in April of this year* It was decided to have a dinner meeting-on May 23, 1959 to start the sailing season next year. Also there will be a winter party, date to be set by the social committee. At the meeting of the Yacht Club S^pt. 7, officers were elected for next season. , They are commodore, Ross Dexter; vice" - commodore and racing commissioner Stanley Schufft; secretary-treasurer, Don Coumbe and social committee. Bill Fitzgerald. Oluf Neilsen and Hal Georgeson. Back To School Five ladies of the community are taking college credit courses this fall, three on the DeKalb campus and two in an extension course offered in Fox Lake. Motoring to DeKalb each Wednesday night are Pat Wrede, who is enrolled in educational measurements (hm, sounds interesting), Gladys Gustavsen, who is taking a library science course, and her sister, Claire Nielsen of Wonder Woods, who is taking a graduate course in Amercah literature. Jane . Setzler and Eleanor Wright are both enrolled iii the art course t for elementary schools being offered in ^ox Lake. Legion Auxiliary News Friday, Sept. 26, Nancy Elbersen, Lois Haak and Marion Cannon of Unit No 1169 went to the Children's Home in Woodstock, bringing ice cream, cupcakes and a film for the entertainment of the children. The McHenry County auxiliary council meeting will be held Friday evening, Oct. 3, at the Harvard Legion home.' All Auxiliary members are invited to attend this meeting. Plans are being formulated "•to start an auxiliary card club. All" members or ladies interested in joining this groun are urged to call president Nancy Elbersen at W.L. 5272 for further information. At this writing, the gettogether will be held Wednesday afternoons, once a month. Futher information will be printed at a later date. Two New Babies Patrick Daniel is the name of the baby boy weighing 10 lbs., 2 oz., bom to Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Walker of Indian Ridge, Sept. 20. Welcoming him home are his three sisters, Mary Jo, 5, Kathy, 6, and Suzanna, 7. His big brother, Carl, is away at school. His grandmother, Mrs. Kate Culloton lives next door and his paternal Legion Post 1169 News At the 11th District meeting tb be held in Woodstock Oct. 18, all posts in the county have been requested to turn in membership cards. Therefore, all unpaid 1959 members are requested to get their dues in as soon as possible in order that these cards may be turned in the night of the district meeting, giving Wonder Lake Post a 100 percent membership. All veterans interested in joining the Legion are askecT*to conwife, Kathryn and he have oi daughter, Lorrie, 13. Mr. and Mrs. Larry'^Kno ton of Oak Park, Who Olive been summer resfdents at^the Lake for thirteen years, sold their Wonder Center home to Mrs. Barbara Dee, xiaughter^of the Mel Selleks, who live next door. Seaman Neil O. Thurneau, USN, son of Mrs. D. Thurneau, is serving aboard the amphibolous force flagship USS Pocono. The ship is attached to the U.S. Sixth Fleet off Beirut, Lebanon. Mary Lou. and Suzanne Miller and Mary Ettieridge are three Wonder Lakers in' the group of twelve students voted by the senior class to select candidates for Homecoming King and Queen at McHenry' high. ^ The Wonder Center Canasta club had its first fall meeting at the JW>rfte of Mrs. Neva Fuhrer Thursday, Sept. 24. The following, playing for the benefit of the Memorial hospital in Woodstock enjoyed an evening of cards, chatter and refreshments: June Kiddell, Lenore Jaeschke, Marie Milbrandt, Grace Markel, Ann Weretka, and Pat Gallas and Melvina sKnacksteadt, who had high scpres. Mike Elsworth, son of Betty and Harry Elsworth of Wonder Woods, entered Elmhurst hospital for a tonsillectomy Wednesday. Joe and Katherine Worm spent three days with Art and Jrad-a surprise baby shower for Mrs. Virginia Welsh. The }»dies all brought their favorite dish in addition to a gift for the expected one.- The gathering was at the home of Mrs. Mary Lou Baudin and those present &were the mesdames Dicker, Laird, Baiers, Gliva, Laing, Backus and Bernacki, Mrs. M., Yager sent a gift but was unable to come. Mr. and Mrs. John Gustek returned from a five day trip to Mackinac Island in time to celebrate their fifteenth anniversary. The£ received a special blessing from Fr. Jamtes Vanderpool after the Mash said for their intention Sunday, Sept. 21. Two Highland Shores couples are celebrating. their anniversaries this week. .They are Don ah<J Dorothy Laird, and Roberta and Bill Dicker. They cato and their son, Danny, en-/ joyed a trip through the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago. They had an op-' portunity to go . through the first captured "U" boat of Germany, the U505, which they found most interestirig. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Corrado are happily telling their friends about their grandson, Jimmie Lonigro, a former theatrical producer in Chicago, who has entered the Divine World Seminary S.V.D. at Miramar Island Creek, Mass., a preparatory Seminary for Missionary work. Jim Van Kancgon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jonn VanKanegon, is starting his schooling at the University of Illinois at Navy Pier, where he will major in business administration. Among ^the many who will celebrate birthdays this week are Mrs. Ed Raske, Mrs. Catherine Noble, Mrs. Ethel Van- Kanegon, Jerry Raske, KatHy Pedersen, and ^ Scott Baudin. Two birthdays celebrated last week were those of Jeff and J^teve Van Kanegon. PS DRIPPING PIKS^ INSULATES hot or cold water lints. lo*y Do • It - Yourself Installation without dirt or muss. Takos point. $1 Pkg. of Fibtr v Glass Insulation with Vapor Seal Tape covers 17* of Vi" pipe taftist on Wrap>Oa -- the full value quality product. VYCITAL'S Hdw. 132 S. Green St. McHenry PHONE 98 Exchange Vows Carol Anne Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip L^wis of Western Springs, became the bride of jonn Scott Davidson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davidson of Wonder Lake, Sat- Business & Servict Directory oi - Wonder Lakt CRISTY " and STENDEBACh oeaeral Contractors NEW HOMES Phone Wonder Lake 5432 ice was performed by Rev. Edf ward Monthei of the. First Cori| greg^tional church of Wester^' Springas; in Howes Memorial chapel on the Northwestern:' University campus. . . The1 couple is at home at 726 11th Street, Wilmette. John^tf attending Northwestern ana the bride is employed by a put lishing company in Chicago. John is a graduate of McHenry high. By Shopping At Home / o NO messy soaking I tyO harsh ^-scrubbing! • and NO harmful soaps! Award winning Duracleanr REVIVES COLORS! RESTORES LUSTRE! RAISES PILE! EVERYTHING READY TO US&SAME DAY! for f?l!E estimate call BUBACLEAN SERVICE By FALK McHenry S418 PARENTS HAVE YOU CHECKED YOUR FARM SERVICE WAY AUCTION HENRY FREEMAN & WILLIAM RUSSELL, Auctioneers MWho Said Taxis Sure A Luxury? Add the cost of cleaning this man's rain-soaked clothes and you'll agree door-to-door taxi actually gives money. A cab can -help In a hnndred different ways. When you need one. E&adio Dispatched Md Y CAB PHONE 723 Having decided to discontinue farming the undersigned will sell at Public Auction on the Mathison Farm located 3 miles East of Hebron, 111., on Hy. 173 then *2 Mile South on the Greenwood blacktop or 4 miles West of Richmond, 111., on Hy. 173 then J 2 mile South or 9 miles Northeast of Woodstock, 111-., on MONDAY. OCTOBER $. 1958 Sale to Start at ll:0Q" A IVt. D.S.T. 42 HEAD of CATTLE - HI-GRADE HOLSTEI I This is' a young HI Producing herd of good quality cattle. | 41 Cows, 22 Fresh or Springing, bal. milking good; 1 Bull, 18 . months. | MILK EQUIPMENT--DeLaval Milking Machine, pump and j motor; 3 DeLaval Units; t>ari-Cool 200, gal. Bulk Tanks; 2 Wash Tanks; 30 gal. Elec. Water Heater; Pails, Strainers, etc. HOG EQUIPMENT--3 Hog Feeders, 3 Hog Troughs. POl LTRY--175 Grey Leghorns. POULTRY EQUIPMENT--Feeders, Founts, etc. GRAIN, HAY, FEED--1400 bales Straw; 18 Acres Soybeans. 4 TRACTORS--Allis Chalmers WD 45 with 3-14 in. Mounted Plow and Wide End; Massey Harris 44; Massey Harris 101 with cull.; McD B with Cults^ TRACTOR EQUIPMENT--MH 3-14 in. Tractor Gang Plow; McD 2-16; McD 9 ft. Tandem Disk; New Idea Manure Spreader, McD Field Digger; New Idea 7 ft. Power Mower; New Holland P.T.O. Hay Baler, like new; J.D. 4 row Corn Planter; Freeman Manure Loader, will fit all tractors; Kelly-Ryan 42 ft. Elevator; M.H. Combine with motor, like new; McD "24" •Corn Picker; M.H. 10 ft. Grain Drill; Brady Stalk Choplpfer. FARM MACHINERY--11 ft. Cultipacker; 2 Lever Drags, 4 Sections, Fertilizer Sower on Rubber; Wagon with flat rack; Sel_LUnlo\din^ ^ Two Wheel Trailers- ,Rr;aHy Pnwpr Corn Sheller; A.C. PTO Side Delivery;^Side Dresser for 2 .row Cult. 1 | Usual Friendly Farm Service Way Terms | Available to all Farmers j ALBERT MATHISON, Owner BOB KEEFE - SALES MGR. MILT REIK - CASHIER DICK TRATT - CLERK J? LOOK AT YOUR DRIVER'S LICENSE IF IT HAS A ON ITS FACE YOU ARE POSSESSOR OF A LUCKY RUSH RIGHT DOWN TO THE HOUSE OF FURNITURE AND RECEIVE IN CASH TOWARD THE PURCHASE OF MOST ANY Bedroom Set Living Room Set Sectiona THIS OFFER GOOD ONLY TO THE FIRST PEOPLE TO PRESENT THEIR LUCKY AT OUR STORE. SO HURRY AND RECEIVE YOUR IN CASH TOWARD THE PURCHASE OF A LIVING ROOM, BEDROOM OR SECTIONAL SUITE. \ Easy Terms -- No Payment Before Nov. 1st. The Store With You In Mind u A e HILL VIEW SHOPPING CENTER RICHMOND, ILLINOIS (WE DELIVER) PHONE RICHMOND 3461 Siojre Hours: Daily 8:30 A.M. lo 5:30 P.M. -- Monday & Friday to 9:00 P.M. n 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 777 7 7 7 7 7 77 7 7