Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Oct 1958, p. 11

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inrsday, October 9, 1958 v THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Wonder Lake ; -• P.U COHSiERS (HUE BALLOT AT OCT. MSTM6 |. . by Jane Dno«v• 2781 i Betty Boras--5301 | The judicial amendment and other legislation to be voted lupon Nov. 4 will be considered by the Harrison school P.T.A. at their meeting Tuesday, Oct. 14 at 8 p.m. The I.C.P.T. officially ^ endorsed the amendfrXkt to the judicial article at ttie state convention last spring. Balancing the ; serious with the frivolous a review of Jean Kerr's book "Please Don't Eat the Palsies" will; be given by Van Sells. This hilarious account by the mother of four boys of the anecdotes In the daily,„ life of the Kerr family s^QjUd demonstrate to "mother- that others share her tribulations. t Queen of Homecoming Miss Mary Etheridge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Etheridge, was crowned homecoming queen at McHenry high at 11 p.m. Friday night at the dance which climaxed the activities. She was one of six C'aAlidates (three of whom yvere Wonder Lakers) who are chosen by the senior class. Terry Brady of Lakeijioor was frowned king. Blt>le Church News •> The Ladies Missionary Guild will -meet at 10 a.m. at the church, TTiursjday, Oct. 9. The ladies will have an evening megjting next Thursday, Oct. 16, at 7:30 p.m. Friday night, Oct. jG/ several of the families fr<wn the church will meet at the home pf Wayne Foss, church organist, in honor of his birthday. Mr. Foss has ^nany interesting antiques in his home in Ring, wood and it is always a precious time when the folks have this annual get-together with huQ A youth rally will be held at tlje church Saturday, Oct. 11. at 7:45 p;m. in cooperation yC$th other Bible churches in tfie lake region area. Included in, this rally is a wonderful tcjam of students from Wheatoh, who will be in charge of the entire service. Light refreshments will be served af- ^ards. rangem'ents Tiave been made and special speakers have been contacted for the Missionary conference to be held at the church nightly at 7:30 p.m. from Oct. 26 through and including Wednesday, Oct. 29. More details will be given later. troop reporter, Jeanette Mc- Cali, secretary, Louise Rug* gero. : . . ••• • * - . . Nativity Lutheran- -- . Church News "Hidden Power" will be the topic of pastor Schroeder's sermon at the 8 and 10.45 a.m. services Sunday, Oct. 12. A nursery is provided for young children at the 10:45 service. At the regular meeting Sunday evening, Oct. 12, the Luther League, will complete its plans for the October and November socials. In the planning stage is a hayride on Oct. 19, and a fall festival Nov. 29. As pastoral advisor for the Fox Valley District Luther League, Rev. Burton S-chroeder will lead the pastors and lay advisors worshop to be held in Glen Ellyn next Sunday starting at 2:30. terwar Wts Open House at Rectory There will be an open house newly completed Christ the King rectory, Sunday afternoon, Oct. 12 from 4 to 6 plfn. Father Vanderpool, pastor, wishes to extend a cordial invitation to all the adults parishioners to come in and see the lovely ranch type building. The hosts for the afternoon are tiie couples from the CFM group, who will be on hand to escort you. . ( < § Girl Scout Troop 490 /The Girl Scouts of Troop 490 met W£dffesaay, Oct. 1, and elected officers for the riext Six weeks. This was the Second meeting of the troop this year. Officers elected to serve, were, president, Judy Rnackstedt, vice-president and Altar and Rosary Sodality News Rosary and Benediction of the blessed Sacrament preceded the meeting of the Altar and Rosary sodality last Thursday evening. The meeting followed at the new school hall with Mrs. Jack Rice, president, presiding. This year the sodality will again sponsor a Brownie Group in Wonder Lake. Mrs. Billie Willig sent a message asking for more choir members, anyone interested in joining the church choir will please contact her at W.L. 5611. Books are needed by Mrs. Estelle Wasielewski, library and literature chairman, who asks that any good Catholic books and children's book's be given in order to start a parish library. A large box will be in the vestibule of the church Sundays for any books you wish to offer. --Mrs. Rice spoke of the dedication, C)ct. 26, and asked for help in the preparation on Saturday and serving the dinner on Sunday. The dinner will take place at about 7 p.m. following the 5 p.m. Solemn Pontif- icial Mass: Anyone who can spare anytime for this occasion, please contact Mrs. Rice or any of the board members. Starting the first Sunday in November, the sodality will receive Holy Communion at the 9:30 Mass. Nov. 2, immediately following the Mass, a mother and daughter breakfast will be served at Millie's Pizza for all the ladies of the parish. Reservations can be made by calling Millie's. Father Vanderpool expressed his sincere thanks to Mrs. Raymond Mendyk for the use cf her home for the sodality meetings all these years and she was presented with a gift from the sodality as a token of appreciation. Mrs. Russ Beishaw was welcomed as a new member and Mrs. Leonard Smith was intro-." duced as a guest. Dusthimer, son of Mrs. Loll9 Dusthimer of Woodstock. The wedding is being planned for December. • .*. legion Auxiliary News The American Legion auxiliary canasta dub will meet the third . Wednesday of each month, 11:45 a.m. at the Legion hall. All ladies interested in rtaying are invited to come. Get a group of four women together, bring a sandwich and come to the Legion hall for a few < hours of relaxa tion. Coffee and cake will be served by the auxiliary. Several members of Unit 1169 attended the county meeting held in Harvard Friday evening, Oct. 3. Legion News The regular t monthly meeting of Post 1169 will be held Monday, Oct. 13, at the Legion hall. Plans will be made for the annual children's Halloween party. All members are asked to attend. Come As You Are The Pledge club gave a "Come as you are" party last Wednesday at the home of Gloria Coughlin in Wonder Center. The results were hilarious. The following ladies had the courage to come as they "were": Neva Fuhrer, Margaret O'Connor, Harriet Van Kanegon, Grace Markel, Louise Johnson. Karla Chrisman, Gloria McMahon, Pat Gallas, Bernie Misiak, Jackie Mortimer and her sister, Monique. Pre-Nuptlal Shower Mrs. Gail Wrede was hostess at a surprise, miscellaneous shower honoring bride-to-be, Jean Selsdorf, at her Wooded Shores home Friday night. Old friends gathering for the occasion were Mrs. Roy Noren, Mrs. Mel Sellek, Mrs. Leah Cormier, Mrs. Chase Koch, Mrs. Joseph Kolar, Mrs. Andrew Knackstedt, Mrs. John Ducey, Mr®. James Selsdorf, and the groom's mother and grandmothers, Mrs.. Arietta Rogers, Mrs. Charles Sweetland, and Mrs. Katherine Counts. Daughters, Jane Ann and Peggy Wrede, assisted with the serving of coffee, tea, finger sandwiches and cookies. The Mrs. Fred Sells and Dorothy McEachren were unable to attend. Betrothed Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jarvis of Chicago have announced the engagement of their daughter, Patricia DeWald, to Donald Girl Scout News Mrs. John Kremer of Deep Spring Woods has come forward to take over the responsibility of the Girl Scout finance drive, which chairmanship Allen Schimke was forced to relinquish due to previous commitments. Mrs. Russell Spuehr and the Scouts of Valley View North, which to express their gratitude to Mrs. Kremer with a great big thank-you. The next neighborhood meeting will be held at the Richmond Community church Oct. 15, at 10 a.m. The ladies are asked to bring a nose bag lunch and coffee will be served. A first year Brownie troop will be established if the leaders and committee women can be found to support such a troop. All mothers of girls in second grade who are interested in becoming Brownies, are asked to call Mrs. Velma Sinclair, troop organizer, by Oct. 26. Mrs. Sinclair may be reached before 10 a.m. or after 5 p.m. at -W.L. 4751. Business & Service Directory oi Wonder Lakt GUSTY and STiNDEBACH ufeneral Contractors Uniform Exchange ft;. - We know that quite a few of the Brownies and Intermediate scouts have outgrown their uniforms, so ftt&ther, will you please put your name on the garments, the size , and price and take th|iai"to Dean's store. ,Ti The fourth grade Brownies are meeting at Harrison school in the band room on Thursday afternoons after school until 4:30. Hiei* leade* ; is* Mrs. Fern Paetow and f committee women,;are .Mrs. Marilyn Topp an<£ Mj^ifyn Maxstedt. '-jJle V". v.. . ..v m • ; <k.-. > ,• ;}t . ; ' • {j Slumber Party ;; -' Walterine Rochowicz was hostess at a pajama party last Friday which started at 7:30 p.m.. and carried on untiljS a.m. the next day. Mother Rochowicz was the chaperone for the eighteen guests who enjoyed this gala evening and "she can now tell you how the old wo man in the shoe felt. The girls spent part of the time singing songs for a tape recording and listening to the play back. Guests included Sharon Hoffman, Sandi Larsen, Leanna Sellek, Ann Pliner, Jackie Hansen, Donna Setzler, Laura Lee Perry, Karen Weeks, Kryczia Oleszczuk, Pam Parker, Pam Bethke, Kathy Bruscft|o, pianne McMahon, Leslie JD^ker, Joan Justen, Jar# ;-s3|i^eh, Laura Wilson and Jardcet lPot^ ter. 4-H News 4" The Wonder Workers 4-H group met Monday, Sept. 22, at the home of their leader, Mrs. Muss Hansen. Officers were elected for the coming season, as follows: president, Lorrie Vacula, vice-president, Patty Hansen, secretary - treasurer, Jackie Hansen, and reporter, Anne Pliner. Refreshments were served following the meeting. At the October meeting the girls will -organize their projects for the coming year. NEW HOMES Phone Wonder Lake 5432 •News Briefs , Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gabel of Wonder Center are the happy -parents of a boy, named Ronald Glen, borh Saturday, Oct. 4, at Memorial hospital. Ronald has two sisters, Pamela and Jeannette. The paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gabel, reside in Chicago. The new baby girl in the Peter Brennen family will be called Jeannette. She was born Sunday, Oct. 5 at the Memorial hospital and she weighed 9 lbs. and 3 oz. Aside from a brother, Danh.y, she has sisters, Sharon, Barbara, Therese and Diane. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brenner reside in Deep Spring Woods and the maternal grandmother, Mrs. Theresa Brenner, lives next door. News Briefs A little lady named Linda Catherine is the new addition to the family of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sherwin of Wonder Lake. Born Sept. 27v at the Memorial hospital she weighed 7 lbs. 5% oz. Her two older brothers are Timmy, 5and Stevie, 3%! The maternal grandmother, Mrs. Mary Schulz and great grandfather August Schulz are from Huntley. The paternal jgrandparents are Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Sherwin and th# great grandmother is Mrs; Anna Pugh, all of Woodstock. ^ A little fellow; named Christopher Lee, is the .new son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Jones of Wonder Lake. Born Sept. 29, at Woodstock he weighed in at 5 lbs.' 14 oz. His brother, Mich •ael Allen, is just 2. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Jones, Sr. of Deep Spring Woods are the paternal grandparents and Mr. and Mrs. Jose Dattamo. the maternal grandparents, live in Chicago, but have a summer residence in Indian Ridge subdivision. News^ Briefs ' Joe Sullivan, Artie Doyle, and Pat Fallon left for Vermillion Bay, Canada, where they will tread paths hunting deer and bear, and do a bit of fishing for the next two weeks. They expect to be home for the next gathering of the "10 Gaugers" on Oct. 18, at the Rod and Gun club. Movies will be shown, and refreshments served. Mrs. Alice Condren enjoyed a trip to California where she visited her son whose home is in "-Saratoga, near San Francisco. They went sightseeing from Monteray to the Redwoods, before she returned to her home in Wonder Center. Robert Kolar, son of the Joseph Kolars of Indian Ridge, is home on a two week leave from Maryland, where he has been stationed. Rob, a corps- ' man in the Navy, has brought • a buddy with him, and they plan to spend a few days at Dick Schwartz's home in Minnesota and do some, hunting before going, on to the West Cpast, where Rob will now be stationed as a Navy cofpsman with the Marines. Judy Kolar spent the weekend at the Lake to visit her brother, coming from Quincy, where she is enrolled at Quincy college. John Sirtak, Jr. was home j from Carthage over. the week* jend visiting his folks, and at- | tending Homecoming in Mci Henry. He also helped Joann i Hays celebrate her eighteenth birthday Saturday. NeJrt weekend the senior Sirtaks, accompanied by Miss Hays, plan to attend Homecoming at Carthage college for three days. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hill and daughter, Jackie, of White j Oaks Bay took a trip oyer the • weekend to Green Bay, Wis., i and ferried to Washington Island to enjoy the autumn landscape, which is in full now. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moreaii of Rhinelander, Wis., spent a^ week at the Lake visiting Libby's brotheT, Joe Raboin of Deep Spring Woods No. 2. The Moreau's are former residents of Deep Springs No. 1, moving away nine years ago. They brought son Bobby with them, and daughters, Roberta and Dianne, are being cared for at home by Libby's sister. A letter from Delia £heney brings news of the boys; Lynn, a Navy Air cadet, is stationed at Pensacola, Fla:, for ten weeks, learning to fly jets, and Dan, "Booney" Cheney is enrolled at * the U. of Stanford, where he must live on the campus for one year. " Mr. and Mrs. Art LaGreca had their annual party last week, taking their guests for a cantonese dinner in Crystal Lake. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pipowski, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. D£n Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fiala, Mr. and Mrs. Jim LaGreca. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Fossum and daughter Sharon LaGreca. The Chris Rasmussens were unable to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Indelicato have returned from a trip to Winona, Minn., where they visited their son. Brother Landrick Arthur, a member of the Christian Brothers order, who is studying at St. Mary's ed*; ^ l^gP- t. ; New residents In the 'tadi&A ; !idge area are the Brzenk and.; Janke families, former summer , residents, who now plan to live { at the Lake the year around.* The population is increasing in Highland Shores; we extend a welcome to four new I families who have moved into . | homes there in the last month. .They are the Davis, Caresella, '/Taranprini, and Kasper fam- < jVjlies. ^ Checking off another yejiir5 • with Father Tkrie are the following whose birthdays are due in October: Denise Carlson,. Howard Dolce, Vicki McCall, | Frankie Howorka, Brad Wyatt," | David Kinsey. Jimmy Marke, / Mrs? Stella Brenner and Mrs. , i Theresa Brenner, The Paul Schwegel family , took advantage of the fine October weather over the , weekend to drive to Galena and visit the historic landmarks in this old settlement. Bible Translator David Henry who is a Wycliffe Bible translator will visit the Wonder Lake Bible church;' Sunday, Oct. 12, at 7 p.m.. to present a film entitled "Unsheathed," which tells ^f the life of a bible translator. The general public is invited' to this service. READ THE WANT ADS DISPLAY i THEM WORK ©¥ii W PUMPS EKI STOCK EASY McHMry Conrty A hmp C» wells bulled ob dhitui •* • i1,1 "« »«• ui una w rem LmM la Ik* VOhg* of --, r.w OH mOrm f raa mW MaacdHeer nLrya mte IIMk* M tCttm SAVE UP TO 3 BUY im QUALITY MATE Rill - THE CASH (ALUMINUM ation Doors ^ftSQ # Full 1" Thick v§ # Piano Hinge # Complete wilh Hardware Compare and YouH See This is Your Best Door Buy PROTECT YOUR CAR THIS WINTER gaTag™ $347.00 PACKAGES 22'x24' Double $585.00 Build ihem yourself and save. if Pi its from .16 SEE ACTUAL ON DISP Delivery Arrangements -- if Necessary 0W! [Petes Have DUiPPED! Fiberglass ECONOMY 3.5c Sq. Ft. Fiberglass AAE0SUM 4.6c Sq. Fl. Fiberglass TOBCK __„__6.1c Sq. Ft. HOUSE FILL Z 0 N 0 U T E . . . p e r b a g $ I . 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THE ROPER RANGES ADVERTISED HERE ARE SPECIFICALLY ENGINEERED FOR USE WITH PYROFAX LP GAS AND NATURAL GAS I 36" RoH»r wlth Tem |tcr 3e Auton,.fic Top Burner SALE PRICED AT *209s0 WTH YOUR OLD RANGE c 'oy care^c» cook'R n9 D | f:°TerTi'- Trol" r°?uJes Timer Al«rm-T«me Also ® . • _ 0ven a Cl°ck' ^other^Value-High" *eahost o* o^er # hires. Buy on easy Across From Depot Spring Grove, I1L SANCING A LABLE PHONE Richmond, 111., 2732 LeRoy M. S Hi. 120 West of RR. Tracks McHenry 370

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