Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Oct 1958, p. 5

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r' ; •-• • •• •-. Thursday. October 16. 195S "L* W^: TfiB McHENRtf PLAINDEALER PERSONALS .. Mr. and Mrs; Ray Scott of Los Angeles, Calif., spent a few *%ys week in the home of *• sister, Mrs. R. I. Overton. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Warren Holly .have been vacationing at Washburn, Wis. the past couple of weeks. ' Mrs. Alpha Pedersen, Mrs. Kathryn Worts, and Mrs. Ethel Holly attended a meeting of the McHenry County Past Oracles club at the home of Mrs. Freida Behrens in Algonquin *^?sday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stoffel, William Stoffel and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Williams attended the funeral of Mi's. Catherine (Rena) Stoffdl »Davis in Joliet Thursday. .Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Klontz returned Wednesday from a three months trip through the west. ^Irs. Mike Lavelle of Streator spent a few days the. past week with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Schaefer and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wegener were recent visitors at Holy Hill. Wis. Mrs. Mary Fuchs of Humphrey. Nebr.; is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Vera Reinboldt, and otter relatives in this vi- ! ' cilSty' ivlr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago spent the weekend with McHenry relatives. Among the McHenry folks who paid their last respects to rtenry Steil at the Daleiden funeral home in Aurora, last week, or attended his funeral on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. John Thelen and son, Mr. and John R. Schmitt, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Schmitt, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schmitt, Math N. Schmitt. Mrs. John N. Schm'tt, Jos. N. Schmitt, Mr. and Mrs. Math Schmitt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freurtd, Mrs. Elizabeth lUichaels, Mr. arnj Mrs. Alex Adams; Joseph Adams. Alfons Adams. Mr. and Mrs, Vern Thelen. Mr. £Uh1 Mrs. Harold Smith. Mrs. Jroeph Aldenbrook and Mrs. Christina Miller. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Johnson and children of Skokie were Sunday guests in the George H. Johnson home, i Mr. and Mrs. Nick M. Justen, daughter Clarene, and Miss Rena Scheid were dinner guests in the John J. Scheid home in Woodstock Sunday. Jflr. and Mi*s. Elmer Wjrikeln were ditti^r ^ieSts in the Robert Goll home in Harvard Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Steve S. Schmitt and family of Elkhorn, Wis. spent Sundpv in the home of Misses Julia, Rose and Margaret Stilling. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl returned recently from a trip to Minnesota where they att^ ded the wedding of a relative in Mankato and later visited an uncle and aunt in Minneapolis. Mrs. Etta Reed has returned to her home in California, after a visit with her sister, Mrs. George Lindsay and other relatives in this vicinity. Mesdames Kathryn Worts, . Elizabeth Thompson and Lillian Stoffel accompanied by I®s. Louise McMahon of Elgin arc spending the week at Chetak, Wis. Among the McHenry folks who helped Mr. and Mrs. Peter Adams celebrate their golden wedding in Richmond Sunday, were Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller. Mrs. Emma King, Mr. and I Mrs. Bfcn Stilling. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Meth Schaefer, Miss Christine "ams, Mrs. Susan Adams, Henry Schaefer, Mrs. Christine Miller, Miss Laura Weber, Mr. nad Mrs. Jos. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Math Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Adams . and Mrs. Vince Adams. Also Joseph Weber. Mr. and | Mrs. Nick Adams, Mr. and j Mrs. Victor Adams and family, i Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Freund, ' and Mrs. Alfons Adams, f Joan and Joyce. j Mr. and.Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maude Granger ' have returned from a two weeks trip through Wisconsin, ! Michigan and into Canada. | The Robert Bruger family of; Kenosha. Wis. and the Richard • Sedar family of Waukegan, ! were Sunday guests in the Fred , Rienapfl home and helped Mrs. j winapfl celebrate her birthday. | Miss Maud Granger spent a , few days this week in the Har- j ry Alexander home in Hebron, j Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Reinert and William Smith of El- I gin visited McHenry relatives ' Sunday. ! ! Mr. and Mrs. Jack Goettl (newly weds) of Mankato, 1 Wcin. spent a few days last . "•iVtek "Sii •-- home. i Wilfred Blake, Jr., and Ed-' ward Haack are attending the I national F.F.A. convention at : Kansas C'tv. Kan., this week, j Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Schoew- j er oJf Waukegan were McHen- i ry visitors Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blake I have returned from a trip to WED 57 THE JOSEPH P. MILLERS-- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Miller, who reside^at the corner of Green and Washington streets, are observing their fifty-seventh wedding anniversary today, Oct. 16.' They are marking the occasion with a mass at St. Patrick's church this morning. Bow Valley, Nebr.. where they visited the former's sister, Sister Jeremiah O.S.F. Enroute home they spent some time with relatives in Austin, Minn, and Stacyville, Iowa. ^ * Clinton Martin attended „ a meeting of the delegates of the Pure Milk Association held in Chicago Wednesday. The Jerry Long family visited Miss Terry Long at Lisle, 111., Sunday where she is attending school. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Crabtree of Hillsboro, N. C., who are visiting relatives in this vicinity were McHenry visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Walter and children of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Dowell and daughter, Shirley, and Harold Walter of McHenry were dinner guests at the John Eshoo home in Elmwood Park on Sunday. Miss Louise Tonyan, a freshman at Sacred Heart academy. Lisle, 111., spent the weekend j with her parents, Mr. arid Mrs. | William Tonyan. Mrs. Charles Adams and son. Graig, Mrs. LeRoy Smith and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Davis, of -Kingman, Alberta. Canada, visited Mrs. Clarence Heul, mother of Mrs. Adams, at Gages Lake, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tonnlinson and daughter, Lynn, were dinner guests of Mrs. Ralph Walkup at Greenwood Sunday. NOT1C % In the matter of the appli-. c a t i o n o f HERBERT H. FREUND for continuance and extension of a non-conforming use under the Zoning Ordinance of the City of McHenry, Illinois: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in compliance with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of McHenry, Illinois, a public hearing will, be held by the City of McHenry Zoning Board of Appeals, relative to a replacement and extension of a nonconforming structure, in accordance with . the prayer of the petition filed with the City of McHenry Zoning Board of Appeals, on the property desj cribed as follows?--r---- I The East H of Lots 2 arid 3 | in Block 20 of the Original Plat of the City of Mc- I Henry, and the North ll [ feet of the East of Lo1 6 in Block 20 of the Original Plat of the City of McHenry, Otherwise described as being near the Northwest comer of Pearl and Court Streets. j Said hearing will be held in (the City Hall of the City of 1 McHenry at the hour of 3 j P.M. on the 31st day of October, A.D. .1938. All persons interested may I attend. j Floyd E. Covalt, Chairman ( Zoning^ Board of Appeals 1 City of McHenry, Illinois Publish Oct. 16, 1958 HEADS COMMITTEE Joseph D. Lohman, Democratic candidate for state treasurer, had a very pleasant surprise when a group of women called at his headquarters announcing tlfby had formed a Joseph D. Lohman telephone coinn)ittce. Mrs. George Hoffman of McHenry is chairman of the committee and Mrs. Jftmes Manns, Springfield, is co-chairman. SHOP IN HcHENRT FRESHMAN REPORT CARDS The freshman five-fceek report cards were sent home with students last Monday, Oct, 13. First quarter exams will' be given Oct. 31. N O T I C E Due to our present and future expansion plans to make this the finest entertainment center jn the Chicago-land area we felt it necessary to CHANGE OUR NAME FROM Johnsburg Bowling Resort TO <1o4naAello-r6, WE WELCOME EVERYONE TO COME IN AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE ALREADY ACCOMPLISHED AND LET US TELL YOU OF OUR FUTURE PLANS. \> JUST COMPLETED 12 New Modern AMF Automatic Bowling Lanes Due To The Additional Lanes We Now Have OPEN I0WLING 7 DAYS A WEEK (Watch For Our Grand Opening) U.S.-SPONSORED SCIENCE LIBRARY AT LOCAL SCHOOL DEMOCRATS AT RALLY An application for participation in the Traveling High School Science Library program by McHenry high school has been accepted by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and 200 outstanding, evaluated, up-todate "best seller" type books in the sciences and mathematics -will circulate to the school library from Washington, D. C. All branches of science will be covered and the reading level will range from books the brilliant junior-high student will find interesting to some that will give the outstanding high school senior a taste of advanced work. The collection lists for more than $1,000. The idea for this experimental program, aimed at interesting more students in scientific and technical careers, originated with the National Science foundation, an agency of the federal' "^government established in 1950 "to. promote the progress of science--" TheAAAS was requested to administer the program. ^ The AAAS was organized in 1848 and is the oldest national scientific society. It is a federation of 279 scientific and professional societies and has McHenr\y PIain<lealet*|; Phone 170-171 1 Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by the McHenry Publishing Company, Inc. JATIONAL E D I T O R I Al ( x .x * jvv. BURFEINDT, Genl. Mgrr i A DELE FROEHLICH, Editoc Pictured among other enthusiastic Democrats at a buffet rally held in McHeriry recently were these prominent party members: Margaret Rogers, 14 th district chairwoman; George Tusisey, Peter Feifer, candidate for U.S. Congress; John Petit, state central committee chairman: Joseph D. Lohman, sheriff of Cook county; Mrs. Lohman, William Bolger of McHenry, Feme Carter Pierce, state representative; and James Ronan, state chairman. si; us In >CRIPTIi MoIIenrj over 56,000 individual ..mem-- , bers. It accepted the NSF I grant, and in 1055 selected and (administered the first library of 150 books vhicn circulated to sixty-six schools. From this modest beginning the program has expanded until during.1958 J -59 the library will go to about j 1,400 schools in every state in i the union, Hawaii, Alaska, the , Canal Zone, Puerto Rico, the ' American Community School !I ,~o f' Paris (France), an- d to U. S j Army dependents' schools in France, Germany. Italy and Okinawa. . " i The 200 books are circulated ' 50 at a time to four" high I schools in geographical prox- I imity. the cases rotating every j two months. Since the world began, peace has always been all dressed up with no place to go. ION RATE y County •/* 1 Year $3.50 " 6 Months . . . $2.00 * 3 Months $1.25 * . Outside McHenry County 1 Year $4.00 6 Months $2 25 ^ 3 Months . ... .. . $1.50* Entered as second-class mat* ter at the post office at Mo- Henry, Illinois, under the act of May 8. 187$. iq r^u . '• •-.'•nf.v Iff • „•£ Among the books ^recorded at the Amerieafl°r-FdAndatioai for the Blind toV' 'disVributiorf to America's 350,6bb ?t>lind petf^ pie by the1 Library of Congress is Helen Keller's latest, "The Open Door." READ THE WANT ADS Mmury foods FINEST BUYS ANYWHERE ALWAYS AT CERTIFIED KNEIP'S KOSHER STYLE Boneless Rounds CORNED BEEF 3 Lb. Average Weight 59 c IB. Lean Juicy Tender All Meat I CUB STEAKS FRESH SMALL STEW or BRAISE OXTAILS Fresh Lean Boneless PORK Tenderloin 95 lb. Red Band Breakfast Slices BACON 43i LOOK WHAT YOUR $ $ $ WILL BUY AT YOUR CERTIFIED STORE IN McHENRY! ^aaaedij. ^3~ood ^^edtiual TOP QUALITY MERCHANDISE SOLD ONLY AT YOUR CERTIFIED STORE MIX or MATCH 'EM 3 For $1 J Siloed or Halves -- 2'» Tin FREESTONE PEACHES 2 ' j T'n Halves BARTLETT PEARS 80S Tin Crushed PINEAPPLE 25 Oz. Jar APPLESAUCE 46 Oz. Tin TOMATO JUICE 3 For $1 .00 Cut Green SOS Tin ASPARAGUS 3 For $1 .00 303 Tin PEE WEE PEAS 4 For $1 00 . 303 Tin CANDIED YAMS 4 For $1 .00 303' Tin TOMATOES f «m:i , "jtfiroS., Incr (Formerly The Johns,burg Bowling Resort) PHONE McHENRY 1475 J3HNSBURG, ILLINOIS Extra Fancy Cello Carrots Macintosh Real Fancy APPLES,.'.125 5 For 5 For $1.00 5 For $1.00 6 For $1 J 4 Lb. Cello Bag1 USE OUR FREE CUSTOMER PARKING AREA Y04JR NEW mm as-* mmm m a 5S™" ^ t 1 E I" I E. D FOOD Cor. Green & Elm Sts. Phone 80 McHenry. HI.

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