Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Oct 1958, p. 11

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October 23. 195T THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Pisiakee Highlands AWARD PRIZES AT COSTUME nutTYoa.25 Carla Bales--2895-Jf Hazel Morley--640-J-l A Hallowe'en party will be held at fthe,Community Center, Saturday, Oct. 25. Prizes will be awarded for the best costumes. If you don't- feel like wearing a costume, come as. you are! Remember, Saturday, tm? twenty-fifth. . t , | Welcome . . to Mr. and Mrs. William Barron yand ; their .three, children, who are 3n their; new home at 232 Thel^n drive. We also want to welcofne Mr. and Mrs: Fa lk of Christina drive to our subdivision; . to Mr. and Mrs. Stauden A Congratulations vt. maier on the birth of • their baby daughter, Lisa Marie, born Saturday. Stau 'Teen Club The 'Teen club regular meeting will be the first Monday of each month. Nov. 3 will be the next meeting. At this time there will be tryouts for the P®'; Fourteeh 'teens showed up for the basketball Wednesday evening. Don't forget, if you want to go, maet at the store at 7:15. Many of the 'teens are going roller skating in McHer.ry Saturday, but a few are to attend Grant's homecoming. The twenty-fourth of October will be McHertry's last hfeme football game. A ddaannic e will also be held after tftp game. The 'Teens Hallowe'en party will be held at the Community Center on Friday, Oct. 31. This party will be open to members and their dates only. Hftpt»y Birthday to Mark Pfingsten. who celebrated his fifth birthday Wednesday. He was host to a group of children who enjoyed dtfe. ice cream and candy and lots of games. Best wishes also to Wanda Dobecki. Although her birthday was Monday, she, Don and the children, celebrated Wednesday by having dinner at her folks place in Maywood. Brownie News Mrs. Erbin^and Mrs. Dobecki attended the Gtoh- Scout trainin^ course held in McHenry on Thursday. Our congratulations to Wanda, who is now the assistant Brownie leader. Just a reminder, don't forget the Girl Scout and Brownie Fair to be held Ocft. 26 at the American Legion hall in McHenry from 1 to 5. Cub Scout News Our congratulations to Mrs. S^jftvartj who is now a Den moihq?. ; Women'sCIub >. Some of the Women are1 having card games for the benefit of the club. A small fee will be charged and will go toward the purchase of card tables and chairs for the club.' Lbrraine Edmann started it off on Thursday evening at her home.' Marty nice- donations have been received for the benefit party to be held for Terry Phillips on Nov. 1. Don't forget our regular monthly meeting held on the twenty-ninth. Ifete and There We're sorry to hear that Mesyl Fletcher has been on the sick list th^ past week. Noticed that the Haddocks are b&ck from their vacation and. .are how busy working around the house. Gisela ' Hcilgeist, Dolly Novotny and Carla Bales enjoyed an impromtu koffee klutch at Ginny Emmerich's "Thunsday morning. Mrs. Rapp is now home from the hospital recuperating. Get well soon. Marcia and Eddie Dowd and children will visit their friends. Lois and John Farrenkopf in • Chicago, this weekend. Dolly and Linnea Medine enjoyed luncheon" at Janice Janquarts Thursday. Mrs. Boyle moved out of her home Wednesday into an apartment in Skokie. ^Her friends and neighbors will surely miss her. Lorraine Erdmann gave a breakfast for seme of the ladies Tuesday. They also planned f6r the forthcoming benefit. Marie Schlick was a baby sitter the other day for Mark and Tony Bentz. The reason was that Myrtle Bentz and Joyce Heir were olit getting donations for the benefit. They were both famished when they returned, so Marie made lunch for everyone, and then they all went to Lorraine Erdmann's for coffee and cake. Janice . Janquart and Lois Mason visited relatives in Chicago Tuesday. Carla* 3ales enjoyed the card club held at Mag Molidor's Tuesday evening. Wanda Dobecki and Dot Erbin were pleased when they arrived fifteen minutes early for their -children's dentist appointments at Twin Lakes. But that all changed when the dentist came out and asked them what they were doing there so early. Seems like Wisconsin is back on central standard time. Better luck next 4ime girls. On Oct. 11 Mr. and Mrs. Risto and Lola went out to dinner and celebrated Mr. Risto's birthday. A hearty welcome to the Hull family who have moved into> their new home on W. Ann street. Last Saturday night, Pat and Ron'Jackson and Larraine and Bob Hurckes attended a dance at the V.F.W. in McHenry. The dance was sponsored by the McHenry soft ball league. George Neesien is home on vacation painting and being helpful around the house and yard. Belated happy anniversary wishes to Jim and Ann Mcln- ?rney who celebrated their eighteenth year of wedded bliss on Oct. 12. We hear they had a celebration they will never forget, or is it, trying to remember. The Sandelins entertained Better's grandparents for one bf Betty's delicious dinners. The Sielisches outside chimney was broken open by the wind, it was cracked way inside the attic. More work for the already over worked Wal- 'y- Happy anniversary (his Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. Risto, who will celebrate their fortyseventh anniversary. We wish vou both all the happiness in the world and will be looking forward to help you celebrate your golden one. We hear that Martin Rodge had his pockets picked last week in Chicago on Cicero avenue. There wasn't too much cash, but his train tickets and his personal papers. Frank and Judy Krumwiede have added another member tQ the Highlands, a son. born on Saturday, Oct. 11 at Victory Memorial hospital in Waukegan. Little Clifford Laurairce weighed in a 8 lbs, 12 oz. Welcoming him home were Kenny and Karen. Wally Sielisch went back to work last Monday, the shock was too much for him, he came home ill and had to make a trip to the doctors. Last Thursday Doe Gregg and Emma Eide enjoyed lunch at Hazel Rodge's. Hazel served some of her delicious home-made pizza. Mike Morley is glad to be home after .spending four days last week in Victory Memorial hospital. He was in the hospital because of a bad case, of treache bronchitis. Emma, Laif arjd Rocky Eide went to St. Paul. Minn, over the past weekend to see Laif's mother who is ill in a hospital there. Don't forget the fun fair that will be held on Nov. 8 at the Johnsburg school. There will be many interesting things for everyone? so mark the date and place on your calendar. Nov. 8 Johnsburg school. Dick Conway was home from work last Thursday with a bad cold. There were three wedding anniversaries in one family last week; on the' seventeenth Dick and* Mary Maddock CeIe-: brate their fifth anniversary and on the eighteenth, Bob and Marilyn VanZevern celebrated their sixth anniversary and on the nineteenth, Dick's andM&rilyn's parents, Mr. and Mrs.* Ray Madock celebrated twenty- nine years of wedded bliss; C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s . * f h e f i r s t hundred years are the hardest. Muriel Peterson spent a few days in Washington, D.C. and loved every minute of it, . While Judy Krumwiede Was in the hospital- having' lier baby. Way Sielisch put the, 'Love Thy Neighbbr' phrasff tr work and when Judy came home all her laundry was dfoie and Kay took good Care of Kenny and Karen. A friend in need is a friend Hey! Floyd, tell us how you happen to 'Furnos'. get inantef of CARD OF THANKS The pecple of Pistakee Highlands would like to thank H. Henningsen Lumber Co. of Fox Lake, Saturn Construction of Woodale, Ac-? Hardware of Fox Lake and Arts Signs of Fox Lake for buildingvthe shelter for children who wait for school bus at corner of Fox Lake Road and Nippersink Drive. SCOUT NEWS Troop 464 had its first meeting at the Landmark school and elected the following officers: Denita Tomasello, president; Linda Herdrich, vice president; Linda Blake, secretary; Sandra Fairchild, scribe. On Oct 13, they took a hike from the Landmark school to Valley View enmp as part of their activities toward the second class rank. They roasted wieners--and beans and had chips and carrot sticks. They made "Gooey Loueys" for dessert. They wish to thank the following girls from Troop 89 who helped them plan their hike and cook out. Carol Hughesr Marcy Christensen, Carol Beck, Susan Prawl, Barbara Shannon, Terry Hetterman and Sandra Rodenkirch. 1 The leaders of Troop 464 are Mesdames Clarence Regner, William Keller and Robert Myers. HARDEST BUSIEST CHEAPEST WORKER!? -i$t fbWN PL AINDE ALER WANT ADS home furnishings eir match .... • : ' i • a • • a a FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEM^NN COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS , Route 120 - Just East of Route 12 - Vdlo, HL Phono McHenry 667-W-l McHenry Shores CHILD SAFETY TOPS LIST OF OUR DUTIES by Clare Mueller Aj the October meeting of the McHenry Shores club, a committee, headed by Lee Whetherhult, was approved to survey, select, purchase and install safety signs along the more populated streets in our community. These particular areas, to be surveyed, do have a lot of our youngsters playing-- and as youngsters--they are often apt to forget all else but the game they are indulging in. These signs, we hope and pray, will be observed and obeyed by all drivers to help protect our loved ones as they dart on and off of the streets. Lee states that all final arrangements, by the committee, for arid about the signs, have been taken care of. They'll be spotted and in place shortly. With Millie by telephoning McHenry 305-1-R. Housewarming ' Mr. and Mrs. Bill Corcoran were two of the many friends to attend the open house held at the beautiful new twelve room home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Miller on Sunday. Oct! 12 in McHenry. Don't know how Mrs. Miller handled it but the abundahce of food served buffet" style was delicious. Whitney who celebrated birthdays last Friday. Understand Alex Duncan has one today. i Pardon *In last week's column we did not mention the time of the Hallowe'en parties to wit: the children's party will be at 6.30 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 30 on the beach. Our party will start at 8:30 p m„ Saturday, Nov. 1 at Oountrv Motors. ISecrets? Bah! The cats out of the bag--tonight's the night that we Dads have to baby sit while the girls hm-e a good old fashioned "Kaffee Klatsch" on Meadow Road. While you're at it girls, listen to Millie Whetherhult's plan to form a mixed bowling league. Anyone not attending and interested can get in touch Anniversaries Edwin and Jerry Olbinski celebrated their ^ tin wedding anniversary Oct. 16. Ten years ago today, Jack and Gloria Schramm took each olher for better or for worse. Charles and Audrey Whitney will be married three years, Sunday, Oct. 26. All three couples joined by the Ward Chamberlains of Chicago, Fred Starks, Charles Lindwalls, Ken Schopps. Raymond Olszewskis arid Arthur Cicchinis--all of McHenry Shores- went to the Moose Lodge in Crystal Lake last Saturday to celebrate the event. Heritages Those of us who accepted the invitation extended by the Womans' Republican club of McHenry township really enjoyed the debate on the blue ballot last Tuesday. Leading candidates, Republican and Democrats, tossed back and forfh the pros and cons of the issues at stake. It was food for thought--so fis good citizens-- let's ,make it a point to all get out and vote next month. Birthdays Congratulations are in order for Gordon Hatton and Audrey -lOK't--HESWATI- . IT MAY COST YOU MONEY INVESTIGATE OUR Fp •-- mm INSURED il E- t BUDGET PLAN 704 S. Front St. THENNES OIL CO. . PHONE 32 McHenry, III. Reunion Five brothers with their wives, children and grandchildren gathered from parts of Iowa and Chicago at the home' of Edmund A. Hogan recently for a good old Hogan family get-together. The visitors totaled forty-five, quite a houseful. eh Ed. Mrs. Hogan's mother, Mrs. Labon Trusell from Souix City, Iowa, is now Visiting them. Cheers Several members of the McHenry VFW post and auxins iary visited with the boys at Downey Veterans hospital last week. Daisy Smith reports that the Hallowe'en party put on for the group brought joy to their hearts. Music, card playing and refreshments closed a delightful evening well spent. Visitors Mrs. Julie Ruprecht from Iowa is visiting and helping Trent R. Middlekauff take care bf Irene who, as you know, has just returned from the hospital. Our daughter, Mrs. Henry Both, Jrr of Meadowdale, with her husband and children dropoed in for a visit the twelfth. We took off for Elmhurst last Sunday to visit the Michaels. That's Irene's (my better half) sister. Musing Wonder--why someone just flew in to cut a lawn and then flew back to Philadelphia? How it feels to batch it . oxt, Riverside drive .while the wife is away? If the news calls will come through to 2897 nexta week? I hope so--but all in , all it' was fun with your cooperation. ,, - Ghosts and Goblins Agree NORCROS8 > Halloween Cards "' are sheer witchery 'vpmwTmc' Mftt SwfaiMMlbfe STSWU rampt OH DISPLAY SH THEM WORK OVEH PUMPS IN STOCK EASY TERMS McNtnry Coenty W«l & Pomp C& t Select yours now at BOLGER'S rmxs DRILLED OB DRIVW W« tops** tad ffervtca ALL «T IVHM! TifilH Ia tho c3 McCoUaM Ub Om mite (ton McH*«ry cm ud Wonder Ukca RmI PBOHE7U Phone 40 DRUG STORE McHenry, HI. Go tORDWABD FOR 3AW1NGS V - V .»- *r< Your Doctor'* rdor I# our law** r • • • w®'8l compound It without flaw) O Bring your Docy>r'f prescriptions to this profession*! phonscy where precise compounding is « specialty. Skilled Registered Pharmacists snd smplo osocks ©aalble us to compound ell prescriptions promptly *nd exactly as the Doctor directs, £«ch step uuuuic-tLitktu i&g accuf&ey. Yet, oaf prices are always fail. Try us next time! iolger's Drug Store . 108 So. Green Phone 40 McHenr •• M • • Top favorites of the nation's leading decorators and home fashion editors, O'Brien's beautiful Symphonic Colors are now yours for the choosing. See them today in our store. You'll find just the colors you want to give your rooms that "picture book look". There's hundreds of incomparable colors to select from -- all available In O'Brien's famous Liquid Velvet -- the easy-to-use flat enamel which imparts a flawless finish on any wall and ceiling surface. For the finest decorating job ever -- make sure to use Liquid Velvet in your favorite Symphonic Color. N PAIN? SINTER PHONE 1115 418 MAIN STREET McHENRY, ILLINOIS FREE! New 16-pogo booklet filled with docorating ideas. Got your copy today. mmmmmm mm resotuij mo AT? Gallon r '.t NEW FORD TRUCKS NEW FORD STYLESIDEI Not# the handsome new hood and grille, stronger wrap-around bumper. NEW FORD RANCHERO! New from longer wheelbase to greoter loadipace I ^ NEW TANDEM TILTS! Rated up to 75,000-lb. GCW. • They're new--Ford trucks for '59! They're here to take you Ford-ward for savings, style and durability! Ford's modern Tilt, Cab tandems and 4- wheel-drive pickups are brand-new additions to the Ford line. Ford's rugged Short Stroke Six now gives you even better gas economy. And behind every '59 Ford stands the industry's outstanding record for durability. An independent study of 10 million trucks proves, for the 13 th straight year, that Ford trucks last ipnger. See your' Ford Dealer today . . . and go Ford-v>'ard for modern style and savings! « Ford hM SAFETY GLASS in every wJntfota FG®1!> TRUCKS COST tcss V® OWN...LESS TORUM ...LASTL&tSGgR, TOO! e in No*vf- NEW 4-WHEE1 DRIVE! Built by Ford--at low Ford prices! There's power at all^wheels to tame -the toughest oflF-road'goiog, takes grader of over 60%. And, new 4-wheel-drive models give you modern Short Stroke oower, Six or V-8. Available in holfton and 34-ton model*--early 1959. NEW CAB INTERIORS! You II think you're in a passenger carl Deep, comfortable seat is covered with new nylon-reinforted fabrics tho^teofc smarter, wear longer. In ad.dffion, ths colorful new Ct/sforo Cab (available ot extro cost) features two-tone trti# and foam rubber seat. PAINTS BUSS MOTOR SALES 531* Main Street Phone McKteffiSY 1 McHenry. 11L

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