Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Oct 1958, p. 12

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Sunnyside Estates CMDRENBEGM NNDStGARlBI AT JOHNSBURG From A to Z I' Much to the delight of mothers and children alike, the kindergarten class of the Johnsburg school was finally begun last Monday. After patiently waiting for almos^ two months tlje new room was readied for its young inhabitants. Youngsters from Sunnyside Estates attending classes are Tommy Fjry, Johnny Lakowske, Donna Noah and Laurie Jean Smolinski. for a Sunday visit. They were accompanied by two other couples who made the trip with (hem. All these people arrived \Vhile Bernice and Earl were entertaining other guests, who later were joined by friendsfrom their school days, Matt and Pat Bott. All this sound confusing? Well it was -- one full day of utter confusion but lots of fun. - --We* are extremely happy to report that Joey Hoyle is fin Appointment The chairman of McHenry County Democratic central committee, John Colomer, has appointed. our own Tom Hanahan as democratic precinct captain. If there are any questions on voting you wish answered feel free to call on Tom at McHenry 3427 and he will be happy to serve you. costumeS.So thatthe tiny tots won't be overlooked. in all the confusion, there will be a special party for them in the afternoon. This will give them a chance to parade aroilnd in their costumes with their own age group--this should be fun. Your household is probably the same as everyone else's, hey mom, what can I be for Hallowe'en and how soon is it to Hallowe'en? V Condolences We wish lo extend our sin- ?re sympathy to Legs and ally out of danger and well on j Katherine Bute on the death hi? way to a complete recovery. ; of her mother, Mrs. Eva Keller This little 2% years old had a j of Chicago. Interment was Strd'ugh go of it for a while after j Joseph cemetery after the RehiS operation. A relapse was I quiem Mass at Our Lady of the cause of a great deal of Mercy church in Chicago, concern for his parents, Hugh and Dot tie Hoyle, along with o^her relatives and friends. Now that the crisis is past everyone is happy and thankful for the excellent care and the many prayers on Joey's be- Birthdays and Anniversaries We have a big birthday list this week, which v makes us very happy. The fairer sex is in( the majority again as usual. Happy birthday to: Dolores LEGAL PUBLIC NOTICE COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY (Public Service Company Division) hereby gives notice to the public that it has filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission on October 14, 1958, certain revisions in Rate 23, Municipal Street Lighting, and in Rate 24, -Municipal Pumping and Street Lighting Service. The proposed changes in Lflfmoor /, PROCEEDS OF PARTY WILL - BENEFIT ROADS by Laura Belford Although Hallowe'en is still a week away the spirit will prevail this coming Saturday night at Club Lilymoor. Everyone is invited to attend the annual Lilymoor Hallowe'en party and costume dance. Ghosts and goblins will start arriving at eight thirty p.m. <md dancing will .begin at nine. There will be lots of prizes including those for best costumes. Refreshments will be available including those delicious bar-b-ques prepared by Monsieur Bassi. Plan tot,attend in costume and bring your friends. All proceeds will be slated for the Lilymoor permanent road fund. Wedding Anniversary Rr, a.t e 23 prov•id, e for mercury- ,M „r .. . a.n d, M, rs_. Charles Hall,e 2 * of Fritzsches s Estates wall eel - half. His convalescent period ! Bierchen who will be 5, she and will last a while longer however, so a card sent to him mjght help to cheer him along the road to recovery. Mary Davis share Oct. 25; Mary Eileen Anderson will be 8 and Patti Frisby is exactly twice that (sweet sixteen) on the twenty-sixth. Four people have Oct. 27 (Navy Day), as their birth date; Cynthia Jenkins, a tiny one year old, Pat Kuntz, Dottie Siepman and the only male adult in th& group. Bill Miller. Turning fourteen paign are distributed i °n the twenty-eighth is Jim the International Wo- i Frisby. Hope you all have a Home Bureau The McHenry County Home Bureau is conducting it's annual campaign "Pennies for Friendship" during October. Most of the proceeds from this cfn 8*0ng | , , , s clubs to further educate ] happy, happy day. Anniversary greetings to two young couples, Bob and Carol Lasnek on the twenty-third men fgreign women in improving their homemaking methods. 'The Sunnyside Unit of Home Bureau held its collection and meeting last evening at the home ob Mrs. William F. Gunthpr, Sr. of Sunnyside. Mesdames J. Kerr and A. Von Obstfe| der served as co-hostesses. The centerpiece for the table, a friendship money tree, was made by the unit's publicity chairman, Mrs. Helen Kobys. Lesson for the evening, entitled "Guiding Children Toward Desirable Behavior" w,as given by Mrs. Mary Rose, Home advisor. and Bill and Bemadine Grist on the twenty-ninth. Best wishes for many more happy years together. vapor street-lighting service from Company-owned facilities and discontinue new; installations of center suspensions for lighting units. The proposed Rate 24 revision eliminates the application of the minimum monthly use provisions of the rate to unmetened municipal street-lighting systems. Further information with respect, to these revisions may be obtained either directly from the Company or by addressing the Secretary of the Illinois Commerce Commission in Springfield, Illinois. A copy of the proposed revisions may be inspected by any interested party in any business office of this Company. COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY By H. H. Nexon Director of Rates (Pub. Oct. 23-30, 1958) ebrate their eleventh wedding anniversary on Oct. 26. The Ha lies, formerly of Libertyville, have operated the grocery market at Fritzsches for the past several years. ' On Sunday last the Herman Crawley family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Grady of Hazelcrest. On Tuesday and Wednesday the Crawleys entertained Mrs. Crawley's brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Scheppler of Kankakee. We all wish a speedy recovery for Mrs. William Gray Who underwent surgery at McHenry hospital on Tuesday, Oct. 14, after entering the hospital on Sunday. Cycle Races Miss Laurel Hueckstaedt and Miss Sharon Counley spent Sunday, Oct. 12, at the motorcycle marathon Sponsored by the Fox Valley riders. Feature of the day was a fifty lap race with about fifty bikes entered. A five lap 'free for all' followed. Proceeds benefit the riders treasury. • Our Error A recent iteWi in this column erroneously listed Mrs. .Anthony Varese as hostess to a W.S.C.S. circle.' It should have read Mrs. John Varese, as the attractive Shingle in front of their recently acquired new residence in Orchard Beach reads, 'Ann and John'. All In A Sunday On their way back to Owen, Wis.> after an extended trip to the south. Ber/iice Fry's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Hendricks, "dropped in" Hallowe'en Party The committee planning the party for next week is very | p l e a s e d w i t h t h e r e s p o n s e i t , has received. They have de-1 cided to use the empty lost ad- ; joining the Red Davis residence j since the use pf their basement I for the grownups has been offered. This will be a boon to us oldsters who aren't too adept at juggling a coffee cup in one hand and a doughnut in the other while trying "to keep warm. There will b? refreshments for all and prizes for the best It's too bad that the fellow who gets carried away with his cleverness isn't. Property Transaction ' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Anderson of South Avenue, longtime summer residents, have sold their cottage to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hughes. Both families are residents of Chicago. Roy and Ethel were well known and will be missed. We extend a hearty welcome to the Hughes and will mention' more about our new- neighbors later. Hospitalized Peter Wj. ^uiten £? Son OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone McHenry IJlymoor Association Meets Regular monthly meeting of the association was held at Lily Lake schQolhouse on Tuesday, Oct. 14. A slate of officers for next year was presented by the nominating committee. Election of officers to serve the association for the coming year will be hel<l at the November meeting. Plan to attend. Neighborhood improvement in Lilymoor depends on the association. Birthday Party Miss V a 11 e r i e Schiavone, observed her sixth birthday on Saturday, Oct. 41, with a party given at her home. Games .vere under the direction of Mrs. John Boro of Lakemoor, who. ably assisted Mrs. Schiavone. About two dozen young guests received ice cream, cake, jello and favors. After the ice cream was gone, Vallerle opened her many , lovely gifts. • ; Those present included Vince. Mike and Johnny Schiavone; Kay Lee, James, Mark, Jo Ann and Bobby Krein; Susan and Jackie> Bitterman, Marlene Karmel,0. Debbie and Scott Arnold, Janet, Nancy, and Linda Lawson; Donna Schiavone, Patty Zabrowski, Vallerie Schuringa, and Earel, Diana and Cynthia Belford. '* On Sunday, Oct. 12, which is really Vallerie's birth date, \she had her two grandmothers present at her home for a birthday supper. Rugs i upholstery ehami in your own homo • NO messy . ^ soaking! 9 NO harsh ^-scrubbing! • and NO harmful soapsI Award winning .Duraefbair REVIVES COLORS! RESTORES LUSTRE! RAISES PILE! EVERYTHING READY TO USE SAME DAY I for FE8SI estimate call DURACLEAN SERVICE - By FALK McHenry 3418 NINTH ANNUAL STATE AUXILIARY MEET OCT. 29-30 I l l i n o i s w o m e n ' s h o s p i t a l auxiliaries will hold their ninth annual stater conference Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 29 and 30, at the Pere Marquette hotel; Peoria. John M. Danielson, administrator of Evanston hospital,^ will address the group at its banquet Octl 29 at 6.30 \ P-m|. His subject will be -'Is thej Hospital Patient Getting t His Money's Worth?" Mr.'Daniel-l son has been a member of the* American Hospital associations j committee on volunteer \ seillf ice ,in hospitals and the Illinois Hospital association's council on professional practicei ®f)anbS2ibing Jfuit LASTS ALL YEAR LONG ...IN PICTURES Make us he.adqu.cirters for Kodak: cameras .• equipment " film BROWNIE .0 OUTFIT With Starflash Camera in your choice of colors at Everything needed for day-and-night snapshooting. New Brownie Starflash Camera that takes Ektachrome color slides as well as black-and-white and Kodacolor snapshots. Built-in flasholder. Plus batteries, flashbulbs, Verichrome Pan Film, instructions. Camera available in your choice of four custom colors: coral red, skyline blue, alpine white, or jet black. BOLGER'S Drug Store 108 S. Green St. PHONE 40 McHenry, 111. LAST CHANCE! NOW, at a new,home heating rate THE LUXURY OF ELECTRIC HEATING For the new-home buyer who wants the very finest--sootless, dustiest, odorless heat Uses no fuel, needs no chimney! jr-- If you are like most people, you may think electric heating is a little like having a yacht, nige if you can afford it. 1 Modern electric heating does cost a few dollars more, but it is well within the reach of most newhome buyers, and far superior to old-fashioned heating methods. Because here--for the first'time--is a heating system that's just as safe and clean as electric light! You see, it uses no fuel. There's nothing to burn, no open flame. With nothing burning, there's no smoke or soot to create dirt. And with new electric heating, you'll enjoy a wonderful new peace of mind. There's nothing to escape, drip, leak, qpnell or boil over! Radiant Electric Heating--a miracle of comfort Radiant Electric Heating is absolutely silent -- with no moving parts, no furnace noise. It produces a deep-down penetrating warmth that feels jjust like the sun. And it's easily controlled (as easy as tuning your radio) by separate thermostats located in each room. You can keep the bathroom at 80° for bathing comfort, keep the living room at 72° for lounging comfort, keep the bedrooms at an even 65° for perfect sleeping comfort. And you can add summer air conditioning during construction or any other time you choose. Economical to buy, install, maintain, u*e Radiant Electric Heating is available in various forms. For example, it can be a compact baseboard installed along, the base of exterior walls. It can be embedded in the floor or the ceiling. Or it can consist of radiant glass panels, installed in the walls. But in the majority of cases, a Radiant Electric Heating system will cost less to install than conventional flame-type systems. Of course, proper insulation and storm doors and windows are a necessary part of any Electrically Heated Home (electric heating is not recommended for a home without them). But you T need no chimney, no hot water pipes or radiators, no furnace, no fuel,storage,space. Radiant ^Metric Heating takes no usable floor space. And there's nothing to adjust, nothing to keep clearl. Upkeep is just a fraction of what you'd pay to keep a conventional heating system in operation. The All-electric Heat Pump--for year-round air conditioning If you want both electric heating and air conditioning in one unit, you'll choose the new Heat Pump that both heats and cools electrically. With this all-electric system, the air in your home is warmed or cooled to the exact temperature you select, filtered clean, gently and quietly circulated to every room. The Heat Pump is a compact unit that'can be installed in the basement or crawl space. Costs no more than you'd pay for conventional heating with air conditioning added. And just as with Radiant Electric Heating, there are no flames, no fumes--nothing to disturb your absolute peace of ihind. The new electric heating rate On July 28th, 1958, the Illinois Commerce Commission authorized Commonwealth Edison and Public Service Company to put into effect a new electric heating rate that cut the cost of heating with electricity by about 30%. This new rate, together with new developments in heating equipment and better standards* of home insulation, puts electric heating well within the means of most new-home buyers. As a result, new electric heating has already been specified for more than 900 Chicagoland area homes and apartments. Operating costs of electric heating obviously will vary according to the size and type of home and family living habits. Commonwealth Edison and Public Service Company, or your home builder, will be glad to provide electric heating estimates based on the specifications of the home you plan to build or buy. Remember, electric .heating ts available now! There's no waiting list ana no permits are needed! So if a new home is .on the horizon for you, look X MAKE IT EASY ON YOUR FUEL OIL BUDGET SIGN NOW! OCTOBER IS THE LAST MONTH FOR OUR INSURED BUDGET PLAN LOOK AT THE ADVANTAGES -- YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS 1. fffiE OIL When you neeel it most. In the event of sickness, accident or death, your family will continue to receive oil free. No more payments.„No pay backs. 2. Small Budget Pip@ifs , 7 •' : " You pay only for the oil you use in small monthly 3. Automatic Delivery We compute your consumption by our electric degree day. No running out of oil. 4. Premium Blue Heat payments, next June. The insurance is free. Last payment Saves on burner service by helping to eliminate soot build-up, nozzle clogging, condensation in tank. DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY PHONE NOW! FOB THE VERY BEST IN HOME HEATING BE SURE TO CALL THENNES OIL Co FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Inm mirno.lo <->f hAnfirwr find it in the finest new homes available today ™gJSCK^Il. iDle todav! For more information about New Electric Heating, phone your nearest Commonwealth Edison or Public Service office U Public Service Company P)C. E. Co. . 704 FRONT ST. McHENRY ILLINOIS

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