Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Oct 1958, p. 13

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m Thursday, October 23. 1958 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Wonder Lake umeuNs ARE ASSURED NEW CHURCH by Jane Ducey -- 2731 Betty Burns--5501 At a special meeting of the church council and building committee last Tuesday evening, the Rev. George Hoog, secretary for Missions of the Illinois - Synod, assured Nativitikpf (financial support to build tlTOr church from the board of American Missions of the United .Lutheran church. This support qame as a result of the fine response of the people to the building fund drive in August. Now,, with the continued gifts of the members and friends of Nativity, and the support of the board of American Missies, plans for the new church can be completed. After the plans have been approved by the congregation and the department of church architecture of the United Lutheran church, working drawings will be made and bids solicited, which is slated for the first of the year. JLuther League Hay Ride W> Saturday The Lutheran League of the church will have a hayride this Saturday evening and all are to meet at the church at 7. The hayride will be held at the Erber farm in McHenry. All young people who would like to attend are to have their parents sign the permission list that is being circulated by n^pribers of, the League. Reformation Sunday October 26 The contributions and influence of ,the great reformer, Martin Luther, will be the emphasis at the worship services on Reformation Sunday, Oct. 26. The sermon topic will be "In Times Like These". This will also be property and lot S^^day when a special offering is received that will go to four new missions in the Illinois Synod to help them purchase church sites. > The junior choir Hallowe'en party will be held Friday eve nlng, Oct. 31 starting at 7. Legion Auxiliary News The first meeting of the Leauxiliary canasta club was very successful; according to reports. About twenty women enjoyed a few hours of relaxation and fun. Winners of the table prizes were Marie Bendl. Sybil Johnson, Josephine Roti and Prudence Grabovy. The next .meeting will be Nov. 19 at 11:45 a.m. at the Legion hall. All ladies at the Lake are invited to get a table of four playeT^ and join in the fun. Bring your own sandwich. Cake and coffee will be served. The junior auxiliary has been invited to attend the meeting of the Harvard junior auxiliary Sunday afternoon, Nov. 9, at 3 p.m. membership at the district meeting" held in Woodstock, Saturday evening, Oct. 18. At this same meeting, Lois Weeks was installed for the third consecutive year as assistant sergeant- at-arms of the 11th district. Annual Hallowe'en Party The annual Hallowe'en party 'or children up to the age of 14. will be held ait the Legion hall, Friday evening, Oct. 31, at 7 p.m. The party is sponsored by Post 1169 and the Auxiliary unit. A dance for the "Big Kids" at the Lake will be held Satur» day, Nov. 1, from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m. at thfe Legion hall. Costumes are optional. Come and join the fun. Pag# ThirtewP the Lake. He' was uty sheriff and a^S^arter mem-1 ber of the Nativity Lutheran , church, serving oil the first church council. The community feels the loss of a friend as well as a valuable worker in civic betterment. Bridal Shower for Classmate Mrs. Katherine Nolan hostessed a miscellaneous bridal shower honoring Jean Selsdorf Sunday afternoori at the Nolan apartment in the Town Club in McHenry. Mrs. Nolan, who will serve as bridesmaid at the wedding, used a pink and white color scheme in the decorations and refreshment table. The gifts were attached to streamers tied to an umbrella for the shower theme. Guests were Jean and Jane Blake, Joan Young, and Mrs. Marlene Robert all of McHenry, Mrs. Phillip Armstrong, Mrs. Joan Radant and Mrs. Betty Selsdorf all of Wondetr Lake, and Mrs. Duane Rogers and Mrs. Katherine Counts, mother and grandmother of the groom, both of Woodstock. Unable to attend were Barbara Schroeder of McHenry and Gloria Forte of Chicago, who will serve as maid of honor. Jean will be married to Robert Sweetland of Woodstock Nov. 1 in the newly dedicated Christ the King church. News Briefs The forty-fifth anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Koenneker of White Oaks Bay was celebrated Friday. Oct. 17, at a j combination party which also I honored Bud Houda on his | birthday. The Mike Hermans. Ferdinand Fuentes ai^d Howard Hills were guests. ' Another birthday was that of Jack Moore of Wonder Woods who was 15 years old last Wednesday. This is the first year that Jack and Dorothea did not have a party for their son, but Mom made the family dinner celebration splen- I did with a specially decorated j cake. i Laura and Joseph Girten of : Chicago have purchased the J Bernice Peterson home in Deep | Spring Woods, but will not be : living at the Lake until next i year. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Shlot- I ter and children, Tim, 16; | Kathy, 12. Kenny 6; Dick 5; . and Rita 4; have moved from McHenry to occupy the Girten's home. Jacqui Sue Burr entertained six classmates Friday after school at the home of her grandparents, the Leon Svvitzers to celebrate her ninth birthdajP. Refreshments were hamburgers, ice cream and cake and the girls were festive in crepe paper hats made by Mrs. Switzer. Present were Edilh Grabovy, Katherine Johnson. Jackie McMahon, Lizon Alicoate. Janice Jurgensohn and Dorothy Maxstedt. Legion Post 1169 Wonder Lake was one of five parts in the 11th District of tine American Legion, which is composed of fifty-eight posts, tlint reported a 100 per bent j Obituary We extend our sympathies to Mrs. John McGraw and John Philip in the loss of husband and father. Following a prolonged illness, John McGraw of White Oaks Bay, passed away Monday morning at Weiss Memorial hospital in Chicago at the age of 58. S e r v i c e s w e r e c o n d u c t e d Wednesday at Drake and Son Funeral Home, Chicago, with interment in Waldheim cemetery. He leaves one brother. Leroy of Chicago. John McGraw was one of the founders of the White Oaks Bay Property Owners association and served as president for three years. He worked with the district 10 community council for the ten years he lived at Baby Boy Sellek A triple celebration took place at the Mel Sellek home last week climaxed by the arrival of Melville Jack II, born Wednesday, Oct. 15, at the Memorial hospital and weighing 7 lbs. 2 oz. He. missed the, twenty-fifth anniversary of the couple by a day, Grace taking a rain check on a dinner date for Oct. 14, and his Dad's birthday by two days, Mel's natal day being Oct. 13. Other members of the family are Barbara, Randy. Doug, Leanna, and David. What a cake baking week for mother this will be over the years! P &^eiicioud WUL The Easy . . . Economical Way! • Baked Lasagna • Pasta Fasula • Bar-B-Cued Chicken & Ribs • Home-Made Bakery • Salads Many More Tasty Dishes To Choose From P« try. ^J£)eli 134 N. Riverside Dr. PHONE McHENRY 754 c a c i e d McHenry Really FRESH... <3m5 nnkeM>au CANDIES fl PR@SHGa the day they're made r NOW AT & - - < DRUGSTORE McHENRY PHONE 40 mortal hospital. Joseph has four sisters, Mickey, Jackie, Patty, and Barbara, and two brothers, Roger and Andy." The maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Lowery, and the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hansen, all reside in Wonder Center. A combination front door, sliding doors, and other items were taken. Mistress Martine A little girl named Martine Alicoate was born Oct. 8, at the Memorial hospital. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Alicoate of Wonder Center, she has a brother, Vincent, and three Sisters, Lisanne, Annette and Jeannie. The paternal grandparents* Mr. and Mrs. James Alicoate live in Chicago, and the "^maternal grandparents, Mrv and Mrs- G. Zan Pamel, live in Belgium. New Bridge Club at Lake The Catholio Woman's bridge club held their first meeting Oct. 14 at the home of Alice Condren. These women are all avid bridge players and have decided to meet once a month to pursue their interest. The proceeds of each meeting will be donated to the new Christ the King church. Members of the club are the Mesdames Selsdorf, Houda, Thoma, McCall, Higgins. Van- Kanegan, Shrosbee and Condren. Hunters, Art Doyle. Pat Fallon and Joe Sullivan, returned from their trip to Canada. The boys bagged a 200 lb. deer, and a 900 lb moose. The meat will be used in, the forthcoming "Ten G a-iifg e r" Sportsmen's club dinner. Lois Haak of Indian Ridge severed her arm while trying to protect a small dog from being attacked by a larger dog. While holding on to the dog she hit a window and her arm went through the glass. Edward Druml, Jr. haS^ been elected president of the junior class at St. Mary's seminary in Crystal Lake. Pledge Club News The pledge club had such a tremendous turnout for their j luncheon they have decided to have a "Madhatter's Party", I Oct. 30. at the home of Mrs. Harriet VanKanegan. Mohawkf Drive in Indian Ridge. A prize | will be given to the one who I wears the most^original funny I hat. Raby-sitting will be provided by Mrs. Coughlin at no charge For information call W.L. 5574. I Celebrating birthdays this week are Jeanette McCall, Kathleen Huebner, Hank Lustre. Billv Wright and Meddie Margalski. Beverly and Dick Backus are celebrating their eleventh wedding anniversary on the eighteenth, Mary »and Orville Yager celebrated their anniversary the ninteenth. and Kay and Ed Druml are celebrating their seventeenth anniversary. Congratulations! Get well wishes are in order for Mrs. Sophie White who had emergency surgery at McHenry hospital Sunday. Speedy recovery to Mrs. Iren€<, Savei; rk. H'Pavelin. Rill Williams, Terry Burt and Leo Wines. W.L. Fiestas Meet The Fiesta club discussed their own members at their last meeting, in order to find out each one's interests. A motion Was made that a point list be made to help control the actions of each member, and their abilities towards hotrodding. These young people are endeavoring to promote safety while driving, aid motorists in distress, and learn about the working parts of care. Bible Church News The missionary conference will begin Sunday, Oct. 26, and continue until Wednesday night, Oct. 29. The speakers for the eonfefertce are: Rev. Donald Brugmann, assistant director of the Greater Europe Mission, who will speak on "The Lord of the Harvest" at the Sunday mornirig service. Sunday evening he will show pictures and describe present day conditions concerning the church and communism and spiritual darkness in the European area. Monday night, the Rev. Arnold Parker, missionary with the Great Lakes Seaman's Mission, will tell of the great amount of foreign ships with crews that have never heard the gospel, makings a foreign mission field only thirty miles away. Tuesd^v and Wednesday nights,"Rev. Everett Swanson. m i s s i o n a r y e v a n g e l i s t , w i l l speak, having recently worked in Korea especially among the orphans. The public is invited to hear those speakers. ! porch,- and Vacula's . Cardinal Food Store. Both these mer- J chants are generously donati ing the space for the Harrison j school graduating class bake j sale. Purpose of the sale is to raise , funds for the annual eighth grade educational trip to Springfield. Tor which the class | must raise the necessary monj ies. | Offered for sale will be cook- | ies, coffee cakes and assorted ' pastry and layer cakes, doj nated by the mothers and stui dents of the class. This home- ' made bake goods will be on j sale at both locations at 9 a.m. ' and continue until sold out. The officer slate for the Mcy*. Henry Township Kiwanis £lub is as follows: President, FrecfV Zandier; first vice-president** Leonard F_reund; second vice*, president, Tom McMillan; trea-* surer, Allan Schimke; and sec-* retary Paul Schwegel. Members of the board Jce Cina, Horace Wagn&f; Frank Higgins, Mike. Herman, Joe Lundborg, Guy White jmd Art LaGreca. Girl Scout Fair I The Girl Scouts of Valley ; View, north neighbors are having a Fair to exhibit the arts j and crafts projects they have ; made over the past year. The Fair will be held Sunday, Oct. i 26, from 1 to 5 pm. at the Lej I gion Home in McHenry. | Three adult scouts attended an all, day course on badge work and advanced leadership : in Barrington recently. These ladies were Mrs. George Rink, i Mrs. Virgil Burch and Mrs. Stanley Wilson. | 8th Grade Hayride . j It's that time of the year^ ! again--Thursday, Oct. 16 wasf" 1 the annual hayride for the." '• eighth grade class of HarrtsoiiiJ i school. Hogan's hayrack pick-" ! ed the students up in front of j school at 3:15 and took then^ . on a scenic ride to Keystone^ Point. J* The boys built the fire and the girls roasted the hot dogs. 1 The party broke up at 6:15 p.m^k | Chaperones for this well beUr ' haved group were Mrs. Kate*' Vacula, Mrs. Shirley Sorenson ', Mrs. Ann Dolan and Mrs^, ! Clara Bruscato. h* Bake Sale Benefits 8th Graders There will be a bake sale Saturday, Oct. 25, at Viola's Midwest store, on the back ' Executive Committee Meeting I The executive committee of ; the Harrison school P.T.A. will meet Tuesday. Oct. 28, at 3:15 in the library- of the school. | This change of meeting date is l due to the fact that the Noj vember meeting had to be j moved up a week, to Nov. 4, ; and the previous Monday falls I on a school holiday. ' Officer Slate For Kiwanis After the government haflt^ taken enough to balance th©- budget, t he average p e r s o n 1 has to budget the balance. -/<» Don't Add ANTIFREEZE This Year... News Briefs The home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Krueger of Wonder View was broken into Sunday. ~ |--M--.-L-LR-U-J~LTL~U-U~I_RJ-I_ 4 Business & Servici Directory oi Wonder Lakt CRUSTY and Another Boy for Muss Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Muss Hansen of Wonder Center are the proud parents of a boy, Joseph Jay, born Oct. 16, at the Me- STiNDEBACH ueneral Contractors NEW HOMES Phone Wonder Lake 54*2 While we take c are of ALL your building requirements. • Planning & Estimating • Proper Selection of Materials • The Right Contractor for Your Particular Job • Financing -- Both New Home and Remodeling McHENRY LUMBER CO. 611 Main Street McHenry, 111 PHONE McHENRY 46 ...without first having your radiator cleaned^ and repaired 1 Ami-freeze in a leaky or clogged radiacor is money wasted. Our modem-. Factory Method clean?, r ing and repairing -- , checked by our In; ' ) land FLO-TiSt , Machine -- coatr little -- protects your- _ anti-freeze! 0 Adams Bros. Repair Service PHONE 783 800 EAST ElfM ST. Located in rear of Stillin,". Phillips 66 Station •- *4* If The Newest of Everything GreatI The Greatest of Everything New. iCC'C * * Tfese seats swing out to invite you in! The moment yoV&pen the door, you discover the newness and the greatness of the '59 Dodge. You discover new in-and-out ease*" Dodge Swivfel Seats swing out to invite you in. You find new push-button case -- a touch of a button controls both driving and weather. There's new handling ease -- Level-Flite Torsion-Aire smooths out the road, levels the load. New case of Msibitky -- outside mirrors adjust from the inside, inside mirrors adjust themselves electronically. There's even new case of maintenance - a Lustre-Bond baked enamel finish that keeps its sheen twice as long. For the newest of everything great, see and drive the new *59 Dodge. A S . BLAKE MOTOR SALES 301 E. PEARL STREET McHENRY. ILLINOIS

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