Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Oct 1958, p. 16

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\ 7-!-%7VTV, . V- h't '*'<* ' V s Ifi/S « v" 1 J- / (' I ' fPafla Sixteen «r *L&keland Park t« fiS^Pr fillSY > i V' 5 '-^ 7v WW HUB SPONSOR fARTY FOR KIDS Vickey Bottaxi 2262-J or 1524-J -M - ft. 0f "iff The Lakeland Park Property Owner's association is again go-J ^ig to sponsor the Hallowe'en party, with Frank Parisi as i ^hairman and the senior 'teen- | 0lub as his able assistants to , lp with the younger group of . :hildren which will have their ; games and costume selections . frith prizes for same from 3:30 1 to 5:30 on Hallowe'en day and ti the evening the 'teens will ; ave their merry making at 7 : »'ith the usual bon-fire and also ! games and prizes for this group, i * We are asking, that all do- : fiations of candy, etc., bes brought to the Parisi home at'} 110 N. Pleasant avenue during ! the week before the party so that the group of ladies who get together to fill the bags Can have this all. done the day tjefore and not have to wait uri- 111 the last minute to do this. ; It's loads of fun preparing for : ^his event, so again, let's have I lots of goodies for the children ' |jrell in advance of the party. . j 1 Mall Tampering t- It has been brought to the attention to the LPPOA that Children have again been tamp- , Wing with the mail in certain : Sections of the subdivisions, i Ivill parents please stress the | portance of mail to their j ildren of all ages and instruct ! them to leave the mail boxes |jlong. The mail man has found ipail laying out in empty lots along the drives. Vacation ^ Mr. and Mrs. William Herzog spent one week's vacation in Webster Grove, Mo. at the home of their daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Walters,, and their, 4 children. Ann says she sure was happy to only be able to hear about the storm we had here from her neighbors and that she did not have to be here to witness it as most of us did. In Hospital Mrs. Helen Haynes, secretary of the Lakeland Park Property Owners association is confined in the University hospital in Madison, Wis. She is up there all alone, quite a distance for her family to visit her. so I am sure she would appreciate • receiving cards from her many friends here in our subdivision. Cards can be addressed to her as follows: University Hospital, 1300 University, Madison, Wis. If you "Want, what yoti want when you, mutTir... then VWJTAPS aye for you! e ot\ back li *• Visitors ,4, at the home of Mr. and MrsA |Ialinowski were Shellia Carso Qhd son, Marge Senate and son, 'Joan Burt and daughter, Mrs. |tohaghan, Barb's mother, Mrs. Shannahan and Barb's two sisters, Rita Butara and Nancy (•rillo, and baby daughter. All who came brought gifts for their new home.. Happy Birthday to Mrs. Jean Parisi on her over "21" birthday on Oct. 17. to Jimmy Franklin who celebrated his eighth birthday with a birthday at hi&, home with the following boys and girls having a gay time the Franklin's large porch: Wayne and Lynn Cygin, Frank Moran. Ray Jett. Kevin Lavin. John Reinke, Ray j and Elaine Bottari, Danny and Ronnie Kamp, Joann Rizzo, j Gary Casardo, Tommy Przeta- j cznek and his two sisters. Deb- , b;e and Valerie, and of course', baby sister. Dale, running here ; and there and big brother, Ray j supervising the games which ] the children played. Marge I had two of her very beautifuPy i decorated cakes and ice-cream j for all who attended, including j three mothers. Mrs. Cygan, | Mrs. Jett and yours truly. . ry' Swedo, Roland Koerper, Dianna Koerper, Tom Reining, Judy Liewe, Dick Andersen, John Sexton, Bea Garilrier, Elaine Piosecki and his two cousins, Joe and John Parisi, and his sister, Margaret Jean, and also his two married sisters and their families, Mr. and Mrs. S. S.'onina and Mr. and Mrs. R. Chalewa, the Jasper Parisi family, Cina family, Frank Parisi family, his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. J. Parisi and Mrs.- Bucaro and Mrs. Koerper. He received an assortment of gifts. After having sung the happy birthday song to Pete, they all sang happy' birthday to Pete's aunt, Jean Parisi, and presented her with some very lovely gifts. This of course was quite a surprise to Auntie Jean but she was very happy that they did remember her. of the 'Teeen-Club who participated with the sale of peanuts on "Kjwanis Kids Day". A certificate was also awarded to the entire club. These certificates will be presented to tjiem at their next meeting. They are still looking for new members, so' come on all you 'teens, join a club in your own community who really have loads of fun when they get together. * Happy Anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. Malinowski fn^their eight years of wedded Bliss. Happy Birthday to Pete Parisi who celebrated his sixteenth birthday with a party at his home at which time his mother served hot turkey sandwiches and hot barbecued beef with all the trimmings to the following teens: Bonnie and Sandy Bucaro, Gordie Rehberg, Chuck Andersen, Mike Hansen, Sue DahlqUist. Don and Jan Parisi, Bill Oeffling, Peppy Cina, Rich Reining, Sandy Laurence, Tim Tiffiny, Roger Nelson, Linda Pedicone, Joan Koerper, Lar- 'Teen-Club The Klwanis club of McHenry Township awarded certificates of award to the members News, News It seems that all I write about is the same thing and same people, but this of course is through no fault of my own, because it seems that no one calls me but I have to call you so I have decided to take so many names out of the telephone book each week and call you whether we know each other or not and in this way we may be able to get news from others in the community wh©, I am sure, have news but are either shy or something to c$ll it in. Hope next issue will have lots more news. i - FORTY YEARS AGO From issue of Oct. 24, 1918 The McHenry publif school, which lias been closed the past two weeks on account of influenza, will re-open on Monday, Oct. 28! Children coming from homes where any sickness prevails must present a certificate from the family physician. Mrs. George Chestnut, the former Etta Meyers, daughter of Mr. .a'nd Mrs. George Meyors of this city, passed away at her home in Crystal Lake of influenza Oct. 18, at the age of 21, and Edward Simon, 39. ilso fofme'y of McHenry, died in the same city of the same disease on <)ct. 22. Both were brought to" St. Patrick's cemetery here for burial. Violet Clpre Kramer, twin daughter ofv Mr. and Mrs. George Kramer, passed away of influenza, Oct. 225^She would have been 2 years olaNov. 3. A carload of potatoes sold on the track at Ringwood last •week-for $1.25 a bushel..- They went like hot cakes. From Ostend comes word that Pete Ingle must be lost in the windy city: He went in Friday last, and promised his employer to return on Monday. As yet he has not put in his appearance. - Miss Julia Marie Freund, J1 * f? * V- lC, t * * ^ daughter of tllr. and- Mrs. Joseph Freund of this city, was united ip. marriage to Mervin Kent of Chifcago at St. Benedict's church irv that city on Oct. 19. - b -..'VrC j ursda?, October . 23,; 195$ TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO from issue of Oct. 20, 1933 Fipyd, Foss, who has been assistant cashier at the West McHenry State bank for the past six months, has been made a director and cashier of the Richmond State bank, which opened Saturday. He has already assumed his "new duties. Tremendous rains, accompanied by thunder and lightning, fell in this locality Saturday. A hunter was killed at Slocum Lake early Saturday morning when struck by lightning. John Pint, 78. one of thp-pU oneer blacksmiths of this locality, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Harry Hartley, in Chicago Oct. 22. He had failed rapidly since the death of his daughter, Mrs. Anna Meyers. On Oct. 3. ; j Children and grandchildren of Hubert Weber surprised him Tuesday evening, the occasion being his eightieth birthday. A happy reunion took place at the John Vycital home last week, when Frank Vycital of Alamota, Kans., paid a surprise visit. It was the brothers' first meeting in thirty year^. Mr. and Mrs. D. I. Granger entertained a ' group "of relatives at dinner Sunday in observance of their twentyseventh wedding anniversary. Slim Williams, the Ajjaskan who drove his team of Huskies 4,600 miles to the worlds fair, is spending all his spare time in the natural woods part of the Wisconsin state exhibit, expressing himself as bored with the city skyscrapers. TEN YEARS AGO from issue of .Oct. 21, 1948 -McHenry is mourning the loss of two old time and popular citizens. Math Baur, a fortyyear resident, 78, died at his home on Elm street Sunday, following a stroke the previous Sunday, and "Uncle JEd" Smith 57, died V/edneSday morning of a heart attack while at work •on the new garage under construction for R. I. Overton. Three well known couples of this vicinity observed wedding anniversaries recently. Mr. and Mrs.( Frank Wegener of Spring Grove were married fifty-five years on Oct. 18. Mr. and Mrs. S- W. Smith, of Ringwood, fifty-nine years on Oct. 20,; and Mr. and Mrs. Joseplr . Huemann of Johnsburg,fiftyeight years on Oct. 23. * % Sister M. Jerome, the fofhi* er Barbara Williams of Mcf Henry, observed her sixtieth anniversary of entrance to thie convent at St. Anthony's JtoSr jiital, St. Louis, on Oct. 13. shig celebrated her eighty - fifth birthday, -Aug 11. .( Weddings the past week included Miss Alda Miller and Mr. Roy Ether at the Zion Lutheran church on Oct. 16; Miss Betty Lou pruml and William ,Kamprowski at Christ the King churcfi, Wonder Lake, Oct. 16; and Mary Ann Stoffel and Vern Thelen at St, Patri^l's church this (Thursday) morning. Mrs. Lillian Larsen entertained present and former employees, of the McHenry State bank at a bridal shower at her home, honoring Miss Kathryn Nye, a bride of the near future. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Thelen entertained 150 guests at tteir home near Johnsburg Oct.^7, honoring their twenty- fifth, wedding anniversary. ^llllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIimillL | VILLA NURSING HOMI ( i ON PISTAKEE BAY NEAR McHENM | 5 • 5 g Home for the Aged | 1 S E N I L E . . . . BED P A T I E N T S ' EE 5. 2 'S | PHONE McHENRY 461 ? I i i ?iiitti!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiin!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniir? We hove the New Revolutionary TRAHSKA P L A S T hix(HiuHfe For Windows Ol All Kinds & Hundreds Of Other Uses Crystal Clear -- Flexible -- Shatterproof --• Long Lasting Oelf lia. ft (M Inch** Wide) Storm Doon and Windows. Porck Eacloxares. mrer eta lami Barn, Poeltrv and Hog How Protects wall* bofilBSl stovas. OIDEIB, iabloe. Ctialr Covara, fiarreanl Bag*. Shower Curtains. "REMEMBER, J. B., WE NEED THAT FAST' Holds In Heat -- Keeps Out COid -- Cheaper Than Glass Cut With Shears & Tack On -- Easy To Seal or Sew VYCITAL'S HARDWARE 132 So. Green St. Phone McHenry 98 McHenry, 111. "In this office we've got to get things don^ in a hurry. If we need something, we look in the Yellow Pages. find it fqst in ihe Yellow Pages 12 AMF ITOMAT LANES CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO THE Gland emtta OF THEIR TH1E FINEST IN BOWLING RECREAT NEWLY REMODELED BOWLING ALLEYS BETTI SPECIAL ATTRACTION if BILL imilTA • 3 ABC TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS • 6 NATIONAL MATCH TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS EXHIBITION BOWLING IVENIN®. MOW. 1st SURROUNDINGS FOR BETTER BOWLING SATURDAY NOV and , . . iing Room ^suture PL Lar<|]@ Hew I Cocktail Lounge * Banquet and Catering Services JooLto TQMASELLO'S ^ U m 7 DAYS & MlfiS A WEEK 11 A.M. TO CLOSING SOUVENIR DOOR PRIZES GIVEN FUN FOR ALL 3 Newly H@modeled Snack Shop • fkq. Goods • - J----qr- --& -----^ ."TT~ -V-* Famous Tomasello'i Delicious Pizza out* to^tainment L^enter v TOMASELLO BROS« Ii?ee (Formerly The Johnsburg Bowling Resdrt) PHONE JOHNSBURG 1475 - JOHWS1SI1MG, ILLINOIS

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