Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Oct 1958, p. 17

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1 f „ •* *\ mrsday, October 23* -• *-TiJ?? *•t %t2yt. '• *t$ ? '+ i ' 1958 -- ..: . .%•. 4?5ppff • *, • ! • • •- ^iKiv'V* * * THE McHENBY PLAINDEALER " WWi" -3,. Eastwood Manor . REFORMATION SUNDAY AT BOTH CHURCH by Lois Krebs--2755 .Sunday, Oct. 26 is Reforma tion Sunday and the sermons? "The Continuing Reformation" taken from Romans 5:1-11, is based on that theme. A solo "Thanks Be To God" will be sung by Dorothy Eternick. We extend a cordial invitation to empone to attend this service which will be held at 11 a.m. in the Community Barn of Eastwood Manor. General Information Department As trick or treat day will be here soon, we thought you might be interested in the fact that there are 184 children age 2j^nd over in our subdivision. Sffms like quite a few to buy candy for but we can all be thankful that they spend their time trick or treating rather than spending it in a destructive way--and isn't it fun trying to guess who are under all those masks? Lost and Found Department Does anyone have a garbage c$. that doesn't quite fit the cover as a result of the big wind we had a few weeks ago. If so, please contact Marie, Dalton, who also ended up with a cover and garbage can that don't match. 1 Welcome Wee One Aimee Lee is the name chosen by Hugh and LaVerne Sranor. for their new baby dRrghter who was tJorn shortly before 8 a.m. on Thursday, Oct. 16 at Memorial hospital in Woodstock. Aimee Lee weighed in at 6 lbs. 6 ozs. and was 21" long at birth. Se has blue eyes and light brown hair. She has two sisters, Lynn and Beth and two brothers, Hugh and Joel. . Happy; birthday also to Janet and Janice Engstrom, who are hgg girls of four today, to Mary Ann Alk, who will be 14 years old on Saturday, to Beth Saynor, who will be 8 years old on Sunday and. to Frank Wool wine, who will celebrate his birthday next Tuesday. Side List • .Poor little Pamala Campbell took a fall while standing in the back seat of their car last Thursday and had to be rushed to the doctor where three stitches were taken in the back of her head. Paul Cisewski aI«o had to be rushed into the hospital for emergency treatment when a two inch splinter of glass cut his hand at the thumb joint. Paul was fortunate however, in that it did not require any stitches. Pat also reports that she received word last week that her mother, Mrs. Conrad Mason, had to be rushed to St Anne's hospital in LaCrosse, Wis., as a result of high blood pressure and severe headaches. Happy Birthday 0*) Patrick Cary, who will be 14 years old on Saturday. Patrick will celebrate his birthday on Sunday however, with his three brothers and two sisters and his Grandma Moore, his Aunt Vivian Moore and his uncle James Moore. Little Nancy Olson was completely surprised when several of her relatives came out from Chicago to help her celebrate h*sixth birthday last "Sunday. Happy birthday Nancy. John Anderson celebrated his eighth birthday by having Timmy Martin of McHenry to dinner on Tuesday evening, Oct. 14. John had a choice of food for the big occasion and announced that he would like all the hamburgers he could eat. -i This and That Peggy Garrelts was really surprised when she arrived at the Radner home on Thursday evening, Oct. 16, for what she thought was a demonstration and found instead th^t she was the guest of honor at a baby shower. As Peg has been on the sick list with" a bad cold, it took some fast talking on Betty Radner's part to get her there. Present at the shower were Rosemary Newlon, Patsy Couglin, Helen Birmingham, Ann Ritter, Julie Schmidt, Tony Olson, Delores Wool wine, Marilyn Fultz, Rita Simpson, D o l o r e s L a w r e n c e , W i n n i e Hansen, Pat Kellogg of Mill Lane, Lois McCormack, Mim Hansen, Lois Krebs and Sandy Radner. Peg received some lovely gifts for the future Miss or Master Garrelts, after which a game of baby bingo was played, followed by delicious refreshments. The Neylon family enjoyed dinner at the home of Rosemary's parents, the Sal Gilloffos in Chicago on Sunday, Oct. 12. The Ritter family also journeyed to Chicago on Oct. 12 to the. home of Ann's folks, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Theis, for the celebration of Ann's dad's birthday. Delores and Frank Woolwine have been enjoying a visit with Terry's godparents. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Pomerantz, who arrived here on Friday, Oct.. 17, from San Francisco, for a visit at the Woolwiirnntome. If any of' you hear a nbifce coming from the area of your ^garbage cans and you wish! to investigate, proceed with caution,' as Ann. Ritter opened her door one morninglast week when she heard the"clatter but made a )iasty retreat when she came face to face with a skunk. . Margaret and Francis Pickett were surprised on Oct 12 by unexpected overnight guests from St. Louis. The Jack Fultz/^amily departed on Saturday, Oct?- 11, for Valparaiso, Inck with Grandpa 'Rockey, who returned home' after spending a few weeks visiting with the Fultz family and recovering from his accident. They met Marilyn's brother and sister-in-law, Jerry and Donna Rockey, in Valparaiso, where 4 they all enjoyed dinner, then Marilyn's brother drove on home with Marilyn's dad and the Fultz family drove to Park Forest where they spent the remainder of the weekend with Marge and Bob Youngblood. Warren and yfur reporter really had fun when we attended Warren's high school class reunion--20 years--on Saturday evening, Oct. 11. Warren couldn't understand why everyone aged but him. Pat and Don Cisewski and Tony and Jim Olson took off On Saturday evening, Oct. 11, for an evsning of dining and dancing at a country club in Wheeling to celebrate Pat's friends from Chicago. Pat reports that Jim sang over the microphone and . sounded like a second Perry Como. The Tim McCormacks had a full house on Sunday, Oct. 12, when Tim's brother. Tom and his family, arrived from Norwood Park, followed by Mr. and Mrs. Irving Becker of Chicago. Mr. Becker is a coworker of Tim's in Chicago. Pre and Bob Lindemann had overnight guests on Wednesday, Oct. 8 when Pre's brother and sister-in-law, the RileV Mc- Granes, arrived for a day of fishing and hunting. They were followed on Saturday by Pre's mother, Mrs. Michael McGrane and her girl-friend and family, the Bill Flemings, all of Chicago, who all spent the night at the Lindemann home. As they were departing on Sunday, Bob's sister and her husband, the Bert Bertuccis, of Highwood, arrived for a short visit. Irene and Moyse Cary drove to Chicago on Saturday, Oct. 11, to attend a wedding and reception at St. Hilary's church. The bride, Susan Birmingham, was Moyse's second cousin. Grace and Dick Gruhn were hosts to Dick's sister, Beverly DeMaio and her family, on Sunday, Oct. 12, when the De- Maios came out to Eastwood Manor for Sunday dinner at the Gruhn home: Frank Eternick of Milwaukee, Wis., Elwyn's uncle, and Mrs. Ella Duplain, Dorothy's mother, were weekend guests at the Eternick home over the weekend of Oct. 11. On Saturday they ail journeyed to the home of Dorothy's sister,-Mrs. Phyllis Palmer, in Brookfield. to celebrate the birthday of her son, Gary. Peg and Homer Anderson were surprised and delighted with an unexpected visit from Peg's brother - in - law, George Sabol, wjio arrived here on Friday, Oct. 10 from Salt Lake City, Utah and spent the weekend at the Anderson home. On Saturday Homer took George sailing at Nippersink, alcng with Peg and Mary Hadley and again on Sunday Homer ^ind George spent sometime sailing before Homer took the boat in for the winter. We are glad to report that this weekend Homer came home with both shoes. Joyce Engstrom enjoyed celebrating her birthday in Chicago on Sunday, Oct. 19, when the?Engstrom family drove in for dinner at the home of Joyce's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Klein. Rita and Tom Simpson journeyed to LaGrange on Wednesday evening, Oct. 15 for the celebration of Tom's folks forty - first wedding anniversary. -The family took Tom's folks, tne George Simpsons, out for dinner and followed it up with a surprise party in their honor. Mary Lou and John Barry drove to Chicago last Saturday evening to celebrate John's birthday along with Mr. and Mrs. Merle Kaufman. The Kaufman family is planning to move to Eastwood Manor .in the near future. Lena and Lon Campbell enjoyed the company of Mr. and Mrs. Graham Ross of Fox Lake, who drove here along with their son and daughter for dinner at the Campbell home on Sunday, Oct. 12. Mr. Ross is a student at the Baptist seminary in Chicago. Helen and Dan Mathes had a wonderful time when they attended the Northwestern-Michigan football game on Saturday, Oct. 18.r The following day Dan's sister, Ann Mathes, arrived from Memphis. Tenn. for a short visit at the Mathes home. Rita Simpson and/ Patsy Coughlin travelled to Chicago on Sunday, Oct. 12 to attend a baby shower at the heme of Patsy's brother and sister-inlaw who had adopted a baby girl; Patsy's new niece arrived the following day. 1 9 Meet Your Neighbors The James Newton family of 145 Manor Lane moved into the Mueller home on Nov. 7, 1957. Jim is a flight engineer for an airline based at Midway Airport. Charlene and Jim are the proud parents of Diane, who was 3 years old in March, and Bruce, who was 2 years old last Sunday. Charlene reports that her hobby is baking and that Jim likes to read and play softball but has been too busy since moving here' for any ball playing. Both Charlene and Jim were born and raised in Birmingham, Ala. The Kennard Noonan family, moved into their home at 133 Clover Lane on Jan. 29. 1956. They were the first family to move to Eastwood Manor. Ken is a salesman -and travels throughout Wisconsin. ' Florence and Ken are the parents of Eileen, a pretty brunette who was 15 years , old in June, and Mike, who was 12 in March. Ken collects guns as a hobby and enjoys hunting, and Florence loves gardening and sewing. Florence was born in* Waterbury, Conn, and Ken is from Chicago. Thanks to all of you who --*~r called with news this past week, and there were far more calls than usual. Believe me, I certainly appreciated them. Keep up the good work and we'll see you next week. NEW APPOINTMENT M. .S. Leach, northern division manager of the General Telephone Company of Illinois at Belvidere, announced that Peter A. Walsh has been appointed Commercial representative* for Richmond. He succeeds John Sell, who had been transferred to the northern division office in Belvidere last month. SLOW DOWN ernttml r BR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street, McHenry « (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS • HOURS: DAILY 9 TO 12 A.M. and 1 TO 5 P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:80 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 Atlrerlinmrnt WINTER IS COMING! WEATHiR-PROOF YOUR HOME WITH STORM WI S C O WINDOWS Erom where I sit... iy Joe Marsh Dad Knows His "A-Bee-C's" Quite a "to do" on Main Street yesterday--lucky that Dad Qlake was on the scene. Seems a swarm of bees appeared from some place and hovered low over, the sidewalk between" the bank and Post Office. ..Everybody got sorjt ol panicky. Then Dad appeared... He borrowed .a. woman's, purse-mirror and flashed a beam of sunlight into the swarm. Then he swung the beam slowly across the street into the eaves of Allen's warehouse. Right! The bees followed the light and roosted there. From where I sit, every problem needs Just one rood solution. And it occurs to me ' that in living: with our neighbors, our Founding Father*, gave ns the vtyhrJdea. It's . ..called, Mto'8ersmce.":.IiL ©s&st U mean* $&a£ your choice of tea or buttermilk s&mld be as honored as my preference for a glass of beer. Makes for a "hive" of good neighbors. Qoe Copyright, 1958, United States Brewers Foundation # CHEVROLET SAW NEW UK BODY EL: m Let your eyes linger over Chevrolet9s fresh, finely shaped contours. Relax in the roominess of its elegant new interior, get the exhilarating feel of its hushed, silken ride. No other car says new like this one! Here's the car that's definitely new in a decicledly different way. The '59 Chevy is shaped to the new American taste with new Slimline design. It brings you a roomier Body by Fisher, vast new areas of visibility. There's a new Magic-Mirror finish that needs no waxing or polishing for up to three years. A new Hi-Thrift 6 and a wide choice of vigorous V8's. bigger, safer stopping brakes. An even smoother ride. A^your Chevrolet dealer's right now! CHEVROLET what America wants, America gets in a Chevy! definitely new, decidedly different! The nqp Impala i-Door Sedan, likt aO new Chevies, has Safety Plate Glass all around. ® see your local authorized Chevrolet dealer CUSK CHEVROLET SALES'; 204 W. Elm St. Phone 277 McHenry, 111. tllttli lliili ^5^" \ v| v u. SPRED smin An all new formula gives you NEW DIC01IT0R SOFT BtMIY • FASYHEASIER BillSHING • GREATS DURAiiilTY We've improved Sn the perfect to give you the truly best wall paint of today! And in a greater than ever selection of years ahead colors. Try 100% Latex no-fume-no-odor SPRED SATIN today! 101 an 0\IINO«OO» AftIA VONOft 1AM AllA MINIY Ueti? BEAUTY AND QUALITY OF THE GROWN STORM AND S&REEB000R MAM Of am HtAvr txrsmm Aimmm Unsurpassed in Beauty and Elegance of appearance-- the extra thickness creating a greater depth of the panel inserts--thus achieving a more massive exterior appearance in keeping with the modern trend in design of exterior doors. Beautifully designed "Z" bar jamb with two concave projecting surfaces and mitered corners. * Vinyl weatherstrip for "no slam" quiet operation. Rugged construction with heavy reinforccd corners --will not sag. Just one look at the new Crown ttorm door will eon~ i met you of iti superiority* in design, construction, operation and appearance. See the new Crown--b«for* you bvy fMt inum storm ond Kroon door. •VII VMIIV All A OUR NSW LOCATION IS EASY TO FIVfP OUR COMPETENT STAFF IS EQUIPPED TO ASSIST YOU WITH ANY BUILDING PROBLEM «» , ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. 'THE BEST Of EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" On Highway 31 -- South of y@in Street -- McHenry, ISEnsis PIHiONE 1424 "ALWAYS FIRST . . . SERVICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS"

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