Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Oct 1958, p. 20

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' .• ':i-%jA^,^itvtf <y U".1: i. •'=' "' - ' ;V ^ f w *? * ~ \ r 9/ * <**<y «,***.%* ^ jv^ ; P«g« Twenty THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER a Thursday, October 23, i'- w •„ ,JV-1' r McCullom Lake MOTS CLUB SPONSORS HSH FRY.SATURDAY at the infant. During Mommy's hospital ftay, Kathy's mother, Mrs. Margaret Herzog of Chicago, has been assisting Bill in "holding down the fort." Sincere congratulations happy family. An Extra Hour's Snooze If you want to regain that Eye Levesque | hour of sleep that you lost in the Spring, be sUre and turn "The newly formed -McCul- | your clocks BACK one hour on K torn Lake Men's club will be i Saturday night before you re- ^iSfcrving up piscatorial delights j tire! Some people we know on Saturday, Oct. 25 beginning have been waiting many about 8 p.m. at Berenice and 1 months for this pleasureable Whitey's. There will be plen- j chore! Sure will seem strange ^ ty of fish with all the trim-| to have darkness • upon us at mings for everyone. Should be ; the dinner hour. » a good time for those who at-1 I tend. The public is invited. Back From Duty Back from the Islands j; Ruth and Bob Smith return- into the family fold. r ed from their memorable trip mighty long two and a half | And so happy we were to 1 welcome Jake Levesque back 'Twas a .. Much too Short was the recent visit of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ericksen and daughters, Ingrid, Sylvia, and Polly and Shirley's mother, to the Mrs. Inga Ueland. The party arrived from Cooperstown, N. D. late Thursday night and departed on Saturday, before noon. During their short visit, the Ericksen family boarded with Theresa and Willard Schultzf while Inga "bunkied" at the Theodor Olsen home. Coming from a vast farming area, Shirley and Lester were surprised to note that we didn't exactly live in the big city! Plenty of farm land around these parts for them to scan. Perhaps their next trip will include a longer stay. Ducats may be purchased from any- one of the three places of business in the community. Sounds like a large share of ourpopulation ig^planning on attending. "5"/ ft to the Hawaiian Islands last week with enviable coats of tan. Looks like, they spent considerable time on the beachweeks, especially with the storm happening! According to his tales, Jake made landings and stops in Maine, New es--or at least exposed to the : York, Washington, D, C., New Bun! v„. It has been rumored that Ruth intends to start a school of hula dancing. Seems as though she has been thoroughly checked out in this intricate dance. Can't you just see our Orleans (scene of our first meeting!), San Francisco, and best of all Alaska. His squadron racked up a record number of flying hours and cargo hauled. During his two weeks of aclocal belles swaying and undu- , tive dutv Lt Cmdr. Levesque lating to the romantic strains ; was bi]]eted at N.A.S. Minneof "Blue Hawaii" on the beach next summer, Would be worth headlines!! But how about the necessary grass skirts, All leyity aside, we think apolis. The food and quarters were excellent, but he wasn't there long enough to enjoy it! Needless to say, our three siblings welcomed daddy with this was a wonderful way to | open arms Mammas are O.K., but they'll NEVER take daddy's place! celebrate their silver wedding anniversary and a trip they will remember for a long time to come- Village Board Meeting ThV president and trustees Hallowe'en Frolic for the Gals | wjjj meet for their regularly The ladies of the Lake will ; scheduled meeting on Monday, turn out en masse tonight for j QCt 27 at 8 p.m. in the beachtheir annual Hallowe'en party, j house. The public is invited to Last year the costumes were i attend any*, and all of these especially funny and original. | meetings. 'Twill be interesting to see j i what ideas have been thought of--for this year's party. The time is 8 p.m. tonight, Oct. 23, in the beach house. Extra tasty morsels have been planned for this year's menu including barbecues, cider, doughnuts, etc. The com Made the Front Page Our own Bill Creutz, trustee of the village, was featured on the front page of the last issue of the Plaindealer. Bill, who has been active in scouting for many years, was named chairi man for the Boy Scout fund Family Night For Vets The Veterans of World War I will play hosts to their families tonight, Thursday, Oct. 23 at 7 p.m. at the American Region hall. McHenry. The men have been planning this affair for quite some time, and are most anxious to demonstrate their hospitality. In addition to the dinner, there will also be a card party following. Allvets of the first war and their wives are cordially invited by Commander Roy Kinsey. South for Treatment Because of his many aches and pains--(and let's face it, old age!) Fred Matthesius will join Hugh McDonald on his annua? jaunt to Hot Springs, Ark. The pair left this morning and expect to be back in a week. Hughie has threatened to let Fred drive and Mr. McDonald will fly down. Why use an airplane with Freddie at the wheel, The two of them should have a good time and have most of the kinks "ironed" out upon their return. Irttteehas promiseeI something ; f the entire McHenry extra special in the way of games so it should be a night of fun for every member of the distaff side. All women of the community are cordially invited to attend. Wee Bundle of Joy Cullom-Knoll - The Cullom-Knoll association will meet on Sunday, Nov. 2 at 2:30 p.m. in the beach-house. With a new slate of officers, there should be renewed vigor in the club. Many plans have been made for fixing up the beach and park. Won't you support your-dub? area. According to Bill, the plan for this year Is to inform the public of scouting needs and to encourage larger con- . Tickets Available tributions from all citizens. Be- For the dance to be held Nov. cause of the tremendousjl at the American Legion home growth in the McHenry area, in McHenry. The affair is unmore funds will be needed if , der the sponsorship of the Meniere s excitement aplenty at the scouts are to have the ad- Cullom Lake Sportsmen's club, the Bill Schlitt household with 1 vantages to which they are en- ' In adition to fine music, there the birth of their new baby j titled. Here's hoping everyone will be door prizes, and refreshdaughter who will be called will do his part. ments offered. Janenne Marie. TTie little bundle arrived at Memorial hospital, Woodstock to be near her mother, Kathy, who just happened to have a room at the same establishment! The date was Sunday, Oct. 19 and Jannie tipped the scales at 6 lbs. 13 oz. have a room at the same establishment!. The date was Sunday, Oct. 19 and Jannie tipped the scales at 6 lbs., 13 oz. At home, big brother Michael, 5, and Pammy, age 3 are eagerly awaiting the first look Tiny Hostess Miss Margie Olsen, only three yeprs old, was a sweet and charming hostess at her birthday party held on Saturday, Oct. 18. Her small fry guests included Janie "and Tommy Frost, Jackie Morris, and cousin D. D. Levesque. Mother Marge had baked a lucious cake for the occasion which was relished by the youngsters. Playing of games rounded out a full afternoon of fun for them. Village) 9! Sunnyside PREPARE FOR HALLOWE'EN PARTlgfiCT. 25 Gunther-- This il the last reminder about the Hallowe'en party for the children on Saturday, Oct; 25, from 3 until 5, and I hope all of you have turned in your replies to Jackie Cios. How «bttut the hayrides? The committee for this affair hopes that: they will be swamped with people calling to make reservations so come on and let's make this a wonderful outing for the adults. fc>on't you think the lights looked good? It sure gives me a nice feeling when I come down'the road because instead of seeing nothing but darki^ess as before I cah now see a brightly lighted village and it sure takes away that scairy feeling I used to get. / < Felicitations To Mrs. Maude Stuhlfeier and Theresa Schultz who share a mutual birthday, today, Thursday, Oct. 23. Tomorrow is the natal day fqr "39er" Joe DeMar and Mrs. Wilma Zody. That is, Friday, Oct. 24. Betty and Larry Murray will be celebrating a round fifteen years of wedded bliss on Saturday, Oct. 25. Here's hoping Betty is completely recovered from her bout of illness. That winds up another week of news notes and gossip gleanings. See you next week? WONDER LAKE GIRL MEMBER OF CARTHAGE CHblR Judith Wielock has been named a member of the soprano section of the Carthage college oratorio choir,' which will present "St Paul", by Felix Mendelssohn on Sunday evening, Nov; 9, in the college auditorium. „ . . This unique choir, which presents a program open to the public each year, is made up of both Carthag4 college student^ and the public from Carthage and the vicinity. About 200 voices are joined to present this outstanding program. Miss Wielock, a' freshm&h majoring in physical education, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roman Wielock of Wonder Lake. . . s -i Bazaar I hope ail bf you are making plans to attend the bazaar which Will be given by St. John's P.T.A. on Nov. 2 from 3 in the afternoon until early evening. There v^ill be booths where bakery goods, fancy goods, white elephants, plasticware, household items will be sold and bodth where you may exchange outgrown articles, plus game booths. A light lunch vtfll be served Continuously. ' • .j • 1 believe: most know that tjhe money that the P.T.A. collects for dues and tne proceeds made on moneymaking affairs helps to * buy many needed things for the school, things that the sisters need for the different classrooms and which they could never get any other way, so let us all make this & wonderful success. * of women on Wednesday night when we were invited there for a demonstration. We played some games in between the showing of the. lovely items and afterwards we were served coffee and some home-made delicasies. Convention Eugene Kalmes was away for a couple of days down at Moline, 111., for a police convention. He enjoyed it very much especially the entertainment. While the boss was away Mrs. Kalmes and children took a holiday--too and went visiting grandmother in Evanston, so a good time was had "by all of the family. 4-H The Cardinals had their meeting on Wednesday and have? started on their sewing project which will be a skirt. The beginners learn without the store bought patterns and it is a challenge to see how well they can do, and I know thG parents will be proud of their girls when they see how much they will learn by belonging to this wonderful organization, the 4-H. As this paper goes to press we haye two gravely ill neighbors in the hospital. In McHenry hospital little Michael Muleski is a very sick boy and we hope when this edition comes j out that he will be" on the happy road to recovery. In Harvard hospital, Mrs. Irene Garrity is very ill after having suffered a Stroke and we also hope that her recovery will be a fast one. 'fore. I imagine a lot of city I people wouldn't believe the damage that was done in the outlaying towns ' around here unless they,saw it on black and white. .1 know we won't forget , about the storm for quite a While because my husband wHl^ be . walking around with cracked rib for the next rcw weeks, the aftermath of a fall 'while taking care of some broken trees in the neighbor's yard. » Visitors We had company from the city on Monday arid they sure were surprised when we told them the damage that the storm had done the week be- Who's WKo I will have more stories about our neighbors in next weeks column, and believe it or not I purposely skipped these past two weeks to see if someone would call me on it and I'm afraid I was disappointed. Many scientists have quit wondering how old the earth is and ha^e begun pondering how much older it will get. Demonstration Sue Schuman had a houseful READY-MIX McHehn n THERE /ARE TWO YOU WILL V^RITE THfc WOPDS I NEVE© , , WANT YOU TO SA< SOW OKIE'S LOUSY AND THE OTHER'S SWELL WHAT WORDS OF PRAISE FOR McHENRr READY-MIX AND THEY WILL PRODUCE THE MUSIC OP PERFECT SERVICE FOR YOUR BENEFIT REAOY MIX CO tNC Most of us know precisely: what we want, but can't afford' it. \ McHENRY 920 > ANTIOCH • /=*?/? 7CU-L r&££ Tfyuw GRAYS LAK E • £M7lrffP/?/«?£9200 MCHENRY "I wouldn't have to get warm this way if you'd remember that 'Flying A' Heating Oil is hotter-burning!" € ORDER "FLYING A" HEATING OIL t CASH DISCOUNTS PLUS KING KORN STAMPS McHENRY COUNTY FARMERS CO-OP 523 YVAUKEGAN RD. PHONE 729 McHENRY ^iiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimii!iiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiitiuinnt° I PEPPING&S0N |CEM ENT CONTRA* | Phone 409 | COMPLETE LINE OF CEMEMT WORK jjj ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii \ t V. F. W. ANNUAL COSTUME HALLOWE'EN PARTY , Ott 25, 1958 PUBLIC INVITED PRIZES FOR BEST COSTUMES . / • 11 1 , COME ONE COME ALL COSTUMES NOT COMPULSORY "X- • m tfMtmii GUARANTEED to GO thriT ICE, MUD or SNOW 4P ALL ^ASSEIKEK TRUCK AND IKACTOft TIRI 20 TO 40% OFF CHECK THAT BATTERY NOW! FIRESTONE'S FAMOUS DRY eHAi©i SMURIES As High as $6.00 Trade-in on Your Old Battery AS LOW AS | I600 McKENRV TIRE MART 526 MMca n Street WALT FREUND, Prop. PHONE 294 t^<g [Henry

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