•WW' ipifp- Thursday. October 23. 195» THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEB CLASSIFIED HELP WANTED WOMAN WANTED to work in nursing home on Pistai f Bay near McHenry. Day or . night shift. Phone McHenry 461. 25 FEMALEJ'-^- to work in real estate office. Must know typing and general ^ office work. Apply t Atlas Builders & Heal Este. Phone McHenry 430. 25 Man or Woman For a positiop with a highly reputable national organization and leader in its field. Age 25-55, desirous of rendering an impprtant educational service -- this vicinity in k.Vhool coordination work with 'pkaranteed income, retirement plan based, on profit sharing and group insurance -- opportunity for rapid Advancement for those showing leadership ability. Also a fejv part time openings for teachers or substitute teachers. For interview call MR. SCHOFIELD ' • 9 to 12 or 1 to 7 ELliott fi-1061 Lake Villa, 111. 25 REAL ESTATE New California Contemporary Home 4 bedrooms, 1% baths, thermopane windows, exhaust fan. Modern-fold closet doors, cabinet kitchen, overlooking Fox River between McHenry and Crystal Lake. Situated on large corner lot. Attached " carport. $17,000. Low down payment. Phone Justice 7-2471 25-3 FOR SALE - HOMES - FARMS CHOICE LOTS - BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY KNOX REAL ESTATE 405 Richmond Road McHenry, HI. Phone: McHenry 421-1 42-tf CHOICE LOT 60' x 150', 300 feet from channel in Sunnyside Estates. $1,700. Phone Portsmouth 7-6053. 21-5 FOR SALE ON CONTRACT. 3 bedroom ranch in Island Lake, 1 year old. Phone JAckson 6-5388 after 6 p.m. or Sat. & Sun. 25 PIN SPOTTERS wanted. Apply in person. Palace Recreation Saturday afternoon. *25 EXPERIENCED bookkeeper for full time work in local busiss ip McHenry. Write c/o iHenry Plaindealer, Box 413 stating age, references & experience. *25 nass mi MALE HELP WANTED PUNCH-PRESS DIE-SETTER prefer man experienced in jro shop, but not necessary. Good salary - modern plant - Hospitalization plan and other benefits. / Apply in person or phone for appointment RICHMOND 2031 John Sterling # CORPORATION RICHMOND, ILLINOIS 25 EXPERIENCED silk finisher. Top wages, paid vacation and holidays. Pleasant working conditions. Apply in person. Twin Oaks Cleaners, 33 East Main St., Round Lake Park. *25 T REAL ESTATE 8 ROOM HOUSE; 3 bedrooms; 2 attic rooms; automatic oil heat; large screened in porch; lot 60x150. Quiet •-neighborhood, river rights, close to town. Phone McHenry 1747-R. "25 BUYING or SELLING ft.. H. Gallagher 902 CENTER Clean 3 bedroom Colonial near schools & shopping. Full Dasement. F.A. gas. Attached garage. FOR SALE Pistakee Bay Road Channel Lake Drive 2 bedroom frame ranch, attached garage, fireplace, parquet floor, large lot with nice trees, close in. 7 room redwood Cape Cod on 70 ft. lot. Only 3 yrs. old. Owner will consider trade for smaller home close in. • CALL MR. HEINEN McHenry 2527 BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. 25 TWO ACRE home site. Call McHenry 3239. 25 5 ROOM HOUSE, fireplace, breezeway, garage, greenhouse, automatic hot water heat. Corner lot, 85x138. Round Lake. $17,000. Shown by appointment only. Kimball 6-2898. 25 Fitzgerald's Realty Small, well-established business in heart of one of Mc- Henry's main business sections. This is a business that can be handled by a woman with some outside help, as well as a couple. Owner willing to show all^records. Attractive 2 bedroom home with attached garage. Beautifully landscaped. Priced to sell. Spacious 2 bedroom home with nat. fireplace, full basement and garage. Near schools and churches. 210 S. Green St. Ph. 1126 REAL ESTATE 2 BEDROOM ranch; 2 years old; attached garage; gas heat; river rights; fully landscaped; 2 blocks to shopping. $15,000; Terms. Phone McHenry 322; 15-tf INCOME PROPERTY -- 2 houses. Six large rooms, 2 car garage. Knotty cedar paneling. And 4 room house now rented or zoned for beauty shop. On 160' x 300' lots. Will sell on contract basis. $3,000 down. McHenry 3536. 25 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 4 bedroom, newly remodeled home, A-l condition, large living room, full dining room, tile kitchen, and 1 Vz tile baths, 2 car garage, gas hot water heat, located on 1Vz acres of land, close fo schools, in Johnsburg. ALSO Fox River Front, 5 room home, 7 years old, large lot, sandy beach, garage with 4 room guest house, completely furnished, gas heat." For information call at our office in Johnsburg. JACOB FRITZ REALTORS In Johnsburg 1 Ph. McHenry 37 23-tf FOR SALE OR RENT -- In beautiful location on Fox River in McHenry. Lovely 3 bdrm. home, 7 rooms down, 2 extra rooms upstairs. Wall to wall carpeting. Automatic gas heat. 2 car garage. 85 ft. river frontage. Many extras. Immediate possession. Will go to best offer. Will consider selling on contract. Call Crystal Lake 2634. 21-tf NEW Immediate Occupancy 3 bedroom ranch, nat. fireplace, attached garage, automatic gas heat. 100x178 ft lot; $13,000. $1500 down, $8^.40 mo. prin. & int. OR Let Us Build To Your Order VA - FHA - Conventional Financing Jos. Frett & Son BUILDERS Phone McHenry 976 Office V* Mile East of Fox River on Highway 120 Open 8 to 5 -- Mon. thru Sat. 20-tf 25 3 BEDROOM, Year Round home for sale by owner. Large living room and dinnette with fireplace. Full basement, automatic oil heat. Aluminum combination storm windows and screens. 2 large lots, with fruit trees. $11,500. Call Wonder Lake 3051. 25 REAL ESTATE Ranch Duplex Long, low, sprawling brick ranch, side to side with income. 3 bedroom unit and 2 unit. Kitchen built-ins. All 'utilities separate, basement, new neighborhood. F. W. Sudolnik Realty Waukegan MAjestic 3-1302 25 BARGAIN -- CORNER lot 90x150 op top of hill overlooking Griswold Lake. For inf* matioh call 104-M after 6:30 D.m. call 817-R. 5-tJ RIVERSTREAM SUBDIVISION LARGE WOODED LOTS ON FOX RIV&R IN CITY LIMITS IN McHENRY ADJACENT TO COUNTRY CLUB -- PRICED FROto $6,000.00 up J. A. ROESCH PHONE 1071 20-tf BUSINESS LOT 25x132 for 53,500.00, Business lot, 50'xl32' for $6,500.00. McHenry Realty, 532 Main St., phone McHenry 268. 9-tf BULL VALLEY pig nursery on 40 acres with modern 3 bedroom home. Phone Windsor 5-2763. 17-tf FOR SALE 3 bedroom home under construction in Cooney Heights Full bsmt, carport, 80 foot lot. Will decorate to suit. No money down to qualified buyers. GI, FHA, and conventional financing available. Lee Cooney, 113 Richmond Rd., McHenry 119-R. 25 FOX RIVER waterfront, mod-^ ern 2 bedroom home. Full basement, gas heat, small down payment. Owner will carry contract or mortgage. Phone McHenry 3006 after-six p.m. Immediate possession. 22-tf 2 BEDROOM HOME in Lakeland Park, 20x24 ft. garage, f e n c e d in l o t , l a n d s c a p e d , storms and screens, birGh kitchen cabinets, $10,500. Call after 6 p.m. 2565-R. 22-tf MOVING- -- Owner must sell 2 bedroom home on choic^ corner lot. Just out of city limits but within 3 blocks of town & depot. Newly decorated, t&e bath, shade trees, new neighborhood. Call 1635 evening^ *25 FOR SALE OR RENT in Wonder Lake. 5 room house with 2 car garage. Ideally located near churches, school & shopping- Reasonable. See "Paul," Paul's General Store, Ringwood Road, West Shore Beach, McCullom Lake. 7 a.m. 10:30 p.m. 25 SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED OFFICE WORK, part time, wanted by retired gentleman. Age 61. Can type or take shorthand. McHenry 1624-M. 25 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED CARPENTER AND cement work. From small repairs to farm and residential construct tion. Cabinet work a specialty. Financing available, reasonable rates. Sandvick, Wonder Lake 3934. 12-tf EXCAVATING, Ml 11 d o z i ng, plowing, disking, land clearing i n d t r u c k i n g o f a l l k i n d s . Smith Brothers. JAckson 6- 8632. 16-13 CARPENTER WORK wanted, remodeling, additions, garages, kitchen cabinets, roofing and cement. Free estimates. Phone Wonder Lake 3931. 12-tf HANDYMAN wants painting, light carpenter work or what have you. Phone McHenry 797-R. 22-5 SHOP AT HOME Halloween Party for Children of McHenry Moose Members Sunday, October 26th 2:30 p.m. McHenry Moose Lodge :c 7" . 25-2 WILL PERSON who "borrowed" Schwinn black racer bike from school yard on Friday afternoon please return to rightful owner, Craig Adams, 705 Green Street or to school rack. No questions asked! 25 CIDER MILL open and running, one mile south of Volo on U.S. 12. Russell Cider Mill. McHenry 524-R-l. 22-5 Annual Hallowe'en Dance Saturday, October 25 at Club Lilymoor Music by the Rhythm Kings Everyone Welcome 25 Let every dawrv of morning be to you as the beginning of life OWNER SELLING two bedroom ranch home, 4 years old. Full basement and attached garage. Automatic oil perimeter heating, carpeting. . ^ Beach rights. Priced to sell. $12,500. Call Wonder Lake 5513. 23-tf 415 W. GROVE AVE. 3 bedroom, 1% bath Ranch 3«gp0 ft. lot. F.A. gas. 220 line. Carpeting. Lovely paneled b r e a k f a s t r o o m . A t t a c h e d parage. IDYLL DELL ROAD 1 mile S. of McHenry, 2 homes E. of No. 31 on the N. side of Road. True Colonial on \V%, acres. 3 large bedrooms, 2 full baths. Full basement. F^. gas. Wonderful buy. 301 N. RIVERSIDE Two apartment on large corner lot. Zoned gas heat. Full basement. 2 car garage. 408 N. RIVERSIDE Owner built 4 bedroom. 1H bath brick home on the River. Den. Excellent closet area. Gj£ radiant heat. DO NOT DISTURB OWNERS ON ABOVE LISTED HOMES. CALL FOR APPOINTMENT. WATCH FOR THE GALLAGHER SIGN A. H. Gallagher & Associates -OFFICE: FOrest 9-6700 ^.Tinn 17 ha James Roesch: McHenry 3549 25 3 BEDROOM HOME for sale. Living room with fireplace. All large rooms. Attached garage, gas heat. Also A room furnished apt. attached, provides a dit'onal income. Call Wonder Lake 5654. 44-ti #' FARMERS! Here ttre bargains you will never see again. We are closing out on these YOU HAUL 2 Smalley 'Hatchet Hammer Mills list 285.00 ea. Our price ea. $100 1 VanDale Silo unloader cpt list 990.00. Our price $500 2 Enders Hay Hoists list 165.00 Our price ea. $100 1 No. 6 IHC Hammer Mill list 165.75. Our price $100 1 10" IHC Burr Mill w-elevator list 128.60. Our price $100 11HC Brand New 50 T. Baler list 2300JO. Our price $1500 J. B«rtT' 't iT, Inc. GENOA CITY. WISCONSIN McHENKY and LAKE AREA Year 'Round Homes. Seasonal homes, farms, vacant. Home sites. Income properties. JACOB FRITZ REALTORS In Johnsburg, Ph. McHenry 37 Rt. 5, McHenry, Illinois 10-tf McHenry Welding & Mfg. Co. We Specialize In Difficult Jobs Portable Welding -- Hard Surfacing Ornamental Iron Work Piers & Overhead Boat Hoists Guaranteed Work Phpne McHenry 836 or 860-W also Welco Gas Station Gas For Less Greasing, Oil Change, Complete Car Service 24 Hour Towing -- Snow Plowing LOCATED IN OUR BUILDING Georgie's Diner Sandwiches -- Plate Lunches Breakfast -- Home-Made Pies Open 7 Days and Nights 6 a.m. -- 2 p.m. T Highway 120 -- Wi Miles East of McHenry TOP PRICE PAID for iron, metals' and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock -- 1610-M-2. 43-tl WANTED TO BOY -- ----Is, WANT RIDE to Crystal Lake 5 mornings a week, Monday thru Friday, to catch 6:05 train. Phone McHenry 3498. 25 WANT TO BUY , good goi» business or will invest as wording partner. Phone Crystal [Lake 1391-R-2. *25 NOTICE RELIABLE COUPLE with good references would like to make a personal loan of $3,000. Payable at $100 per month. Write c/o McHenry Plaindealer Box 412.. v. *25 WANTED TO BUY ACCbRDIAN and guitar te# sons available now at Steffan's Jewelry and Records. Beginners and advanced. For fuith- - er information call McHenjy 123-J. 19-tf TO BE GIVEN AWAY WANT TO BUY all types of live poultry. Weighed and paid on your farm. CaH'Chas. Klabunae, Genoa City, BRowning 9-6614 or Harvard 909. 25 2 FEMALE PUPPIES to t>e given away. Great Dane father & Irish setter mother. Phoflfe McHenry 613-W-l after 7:$) p.m. 25 Be sure to read the Plaiiidealer Want Ads each Week. Claire Beauty Sfioppe 200 S. Green St. PERMANENTS McHenry 10 to meet your budget SWEDISH MASSAGE STEAM BATHS The Finest In Cosmetics PATRICIA STEVENS omes THE LEE THE LEE^--a friendly home designed for happy living, sturdily built so you can live richly on a modest budget. Just one of many of Til ton's 25th Anniversary Specials. ON YOUR LOT $9665 C«h Ppoe© DECORATION OPTIONAL TIL HOMf 9 With No Money Down To Qualified Buyers # FHA and Conventional Financing MODEL NEARLY COMPLETE MAY BE SEEN BY APPOINTMENT Others Priced From $9,695 to $39*000 I1LT0N HOMES . PHONE for information, LEE J COOHiY kte^enry 119-R i ] lis RICHMOND ROAD LE SABRE, the thriftieet Bit irk, in eye-stopping new i-door, i-tcindow hardtop bodf ttyl* BEFORE YOU BUY A CAR WITH A LOW-PRICE NAME...SEE WHY t If you are about to invest in extra equipment on a lesser car than Buick, stop and think a minute. Think about the stunning new 1959 Buick and what it could do for you . . . at no more money. Here's not just a new car . . . but THE car. With it you'll have the finest built Buick in almost 60 years of Buick quality. You'll have Buick's stretchout roominess and ease and quiet. You'll have the finest ride today. You'll have the warm pride of owning the most beautiful of all today's cars. Before you put that money on the line, see and drive this Buick. Let your Quality Buick dealer show you how to make your money make more sense and buy more pleasure. ITHA New Equipoise ride • New super-quiet Bodies by Fisher • New Magic-Mirror finishes • Safety plate glass aU around • New fin-cooled rear brakes, aluminum front brake drums • N<h electric windshield wipers • Thriftier, more powerful Wildcat engines • New Buick Easy Power Steering V Exclusive Twin-turbine and Triple-turbine transmissions* • New Automatic heat and fresh air control* (^Optional at extra cori on certain models.) I 4 t * 24-4 BUICK If SABRE Tht tkriftit*/ 8««ti %#OECTRA Tkemaat*gs*i£&l Btiitt " • • • • • i i t P ' « « • m « Tktmotl htmrtMu Baiek SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED QUALITY BUICK DEALER NOW. YOUR QUALITY BUICK DEALER IN THIS AREA IS: R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES Q 403 FRONT STREET PHONE 6 McHENRY- ILLINOIS .. • • -