Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Nov 1958, p. 15

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Thursday, November 6, 1958 THE M< YPLAINDEALER McCullom Lake VILLAGE MOURNS SUDDEN DEATH OT ETHEL MYERS . Eve Levesque In spite of her history of illness, residents of the community were shocked and saddened to learn of the sudden passing of Mrs. William Myers, 69, last Thursday evening. She had been conversing with mem of her family, when she fell unconscious. Her daughter, Mrs. Ethel """Fox, assumed it was one of Her regular seizures and attempted to revive her. When she failed to respond within a minute, the local ambulance was summoned, and Mrs. Myers was rushed to McHenry hospital, where s h e w a s p r o n o u n c e d d e a d . Efeart failure was the probable cSHse of death. Ethel Lillian Squire was born June 2, 1889 in Dunlap, Iowa and married William J. Myers Sept. 12, 1905 in St. Louis, Mo. After their marriage, the couple resided in the Austin district of Chicago until they moved to McCullom Lake about twelve years ago. They marked their fifty-third weddlfe anniversary in September. During their residence out here, Ethel has been very active in local affairs. She was a supporting member of the Ladies of the Lake and served as sunshine chairman for that organization. Last winter, she and husband, Bill, spent four months in California. During that time, she endeared herself to local residents by rev riwnbenpg them with birthday, anniversary cards, and other cheery greetings. Although Ethel had been ill for the past year, she seemed to rally about one month ago, and began to take an active interest in her surroundings. She was looking just wonderful and seemed to have overcome recurring attacks of flu, etc. She was iw|ed for her cheery disposition and interest in others. Although she had a host of friends, she was especially close to the members of her card club, Mrs. Julia Hecht, Louise Hammerstein and Emma Pyritz. The recent death of Mrs. Hecht was a serious blow to her. Mrs. Myers rested at the George Justen Funeral home S JKere held Monday at 1 p.m. The Rev. Burton Schroeder of Nativity Lutheran church, Wonder Lake, officiated both at the chapel and at the grave. Gravesite rites were also held by members of the Alice Chapter (Chicago branch) of the Eastern Star of which Ethel was associated. Interment followed at Chapel Hills Garden West, Elmhurst. addition to her husband, William, survivors include daughters Edith Mauch of Chicago, and Mrs. Ethel Fox; 3 sisters, Mrs. Maude Buck of C a l i f o r n i a , M r s . G e r t r u d e Dressier of Chicago, and Mrs. Minne Winchell of Downer's Grove. Her three grandchildren are Alberta and Roberta Fox and Edith Swanek and two great-grandchildren, Jimmy and Susan Swanek. It is impossible to sum up the entire lifetime of a person in a few words, but Ethel made her mark on the community and will long be remembered. The devotion that she and husband, Bill, felt for each other was an inspiration to all. Deepest sympathy to her family who have lost a ljgung wife and mother and a devoted grandmother. Some of the firemen had put in long hours in the firehouse and also as special police in McHenry keeping watch for Hallowe'en pranksters. In some cases, the men had just retired when they were summoned to the fire. Details appear elsewhere in the Plaindealer. Local police officers had been patrolling for many hours when they smelled the smoke and prowled street by street until they located the fire. It i s men s u c h ' a s t h e s e , who allow the rest of us residents to sleep, knowing that life, limb and property are being protected! Many, njany thanks to our unsung heroes!!! "Lit Up" At Gate Six At the last meeting of the tillage board, it \yas reported that at last Gate six will be illuminated. Because of failure to obtain permission from the property owners on the west side of Hickory drive, this corner has remained dark. Good neighbors, Mr: and Mrs. Tdrsten Bjork have agreed to allow the electric lines to cross their property, thereby breaking the deadlock. In short order our community should be completely "lit up"! Sand drums have been processed and painted by Don Parenti and members of the road commission, and will be placed at strategic corners before the snows fall. These are village property and tampering with same will NOT be permitted!! Earl Murray was approved by the president and trustees as a member of the reserve police department. The next meeting will be held Monday, Nov. 10 at 8 p.m. After the regular meeting, a re-zojing hearing was held. Because of failure of the petitioner to show, a continuance was granted which will be held at the next meeting. The petition is submitted by the Minneapolis General hospital Research Foundation, a not-forprofit corporation. "stole the show"! Refreshments followed. At 1:30 in the morning, the "Pinning" ceremony took place which is a public avowal of the couple's intentions. Sixty of Ed's frat brothers serenaded Poppy. Then Poppy's sorority sisters returned the chorus. Came the final touching scene when Ed had to sing a solo to his beloved, and Poppy reciprocated with "I'm In Love With A Wonderful Guy". Receiving Ed's frat pin, the couple sealed their vows with a l a r g e t y p e s m o o c h , a n d t h e ceremony was complete. Dazed by the aura of romance, the Cables were unable to find their way back to their lodgings, (on purpose?) and had to ask directions. The final thrill occurred Saturday afternoon when the Illlni beat invincible Michigan 16-0!! Liz and Bud returned home after the game with a wonderful feeling for the marvelous time which they enjoyed. Ladies and gents alike are gazing at Bruce Brasser, a former resident, and now a member of the community of Holiday Hills, with awe. In a recent bout of fisticuffs, "the Battler emerged victorious in spite of his slight build. From reports, the bout should have been publicized and "done up right"! His opponent shall remain nameless but the footwork was fancy on both counts! "A Day In Court" Is the subject of one of the films to be shown at the McHenry firehouse tonight, Thursday, Nov. 6 at 8 p.m. In addition, Coroner Babcox of Lake county will present some accident films, which may be shocking, but also educational. The films are being sponsored by our local police and the McHenry police department. Free admittance and everyone is cordially invited. c : "Who Sez Romance Is Dead?" Liz and Bud Cable were thrilled beyond words with the Homecoming festivities at the U. of I. weekend before last. T h e i r d a u g h t e r i s a s e n i o r there and pledged to the Tri Sig sorority. They met Poppy's "special", Ed Perry, a 6'5" basketball. player, and "real dreamy"! His fraternity is Alpha Sigma Phi. The Cables also met Ed's .parents and enjoyed a sociable evening with them. Things started with a bang with Liz and Bud battling the traffic all the way to Urbapa. Shortly after their arrival, they witnessed the comedy and stunt show put on by the young collegiates. "Poppy" and Ed both participated. According to the "very unprejudiced" Alice, their daughter and her affianced practically Drawing Nigh Is the "Fowl Party" which will be given by the Ladies of the Lake on Saturday, Nov. 15 at Berenice and Whitey's Many swelj surprises are in store, and the women promise a scrumptious time for all. Donations of staple items suitable for grocery baskets are urgently needed and may be brought to Lillian Ringelstetter or call her at 2432 and they will be picked up. She's the gal in charge. Members of the Ladies of the Lake are requested to bring their donations to the beachhouse for the Nov. 13 meeting. Reserve the fifteenth of November for a night of fun, and help your community at the same time!! No Quorum For the Cullom-Knoll meeting scheduled for last Sunday. Instead, the officers and trustees rhet for an informal meeting and discussed several projects, one of which will be a smorgasbord for members of the organisation and will be held tentatively some time in December. Details will be published at a later date. Any club is only as strong as its membership, and if members don't attend the meetings, nothing is accomplished. It is u r g e n t l y r e q u e s t e d t h a t a l l plan to attend the December meeting! "Battlin' Brasser"! 4-H Hayride An old fashioned hayride party and wienie roast was given by the Busy Three 4-H club last Thursday nigljit. Several of our own youngSfolks were fortunate enough to\be included in the fun. Miss Nor* ma Anderson was the hostess and her dad drove the tractor which pulled the riack. The local kids were Karen ahd Larry Smith, Kenny-, Eppers, Donny Osterby, Delores Piotrowski, Paul Swenson, Ronnie Gelvin, Linda Passalaqua, Chrissie L e v e s q u e a n d y o u n g p e o p l e from other communities. The night was brisk with a lovely Harvest moon and the group was suitably garbed as they took off on the country ride. Sustaining refreshments were served under the stars. making appointments for patients-- NOT being one! Surgery and Hospital Patients Wee Rickie Morris has had a miserable time including an emergency trip to the operating able last Tuesday afternoon about 5:30. It was a critical bit of surgery but he survived in grand style. Parents, Betty and Skeets, brought their less than a year old infant home Saturday morning, but had to rush him back in the afternoon. He is still not "out of the woods" but here's hoping all goes well. At this writing, the baby is convalescing at home. Mrs. Edna Thorp came home from the hospital Wednesday afternoon in better shape than she has been for some time. We were not referring to her figure, but the state of her htealth! According to reports, this plucky gal is up and about and feeling fine. Here's hoping the trend keeps going upwards. Mrs. Betty Houck went under the surgeon's scalpel Monday morning to take care of a deal which has been causing her sheer misery! Hope they took care of the "seat of the difficulty"! Seems funny to be reporting Betty on the receiving end of hospital care. Her job at McHenry hospital is READY-MIX McHenn n VOUR EVE'S A BIT BLACK AND BLUE. BUT THAT DOESNT BOTHER ME .AMYSHOULD McHENRY HURTS READY-MIX CONSIDER IT THEIR DUTY TO SEE THAT TOD ARE COMPLETELY SATISFIED PATCHED LOCM TRADEMARKS. REAOY MIX CO. INC After Twelve Years We'must bid farewell to the Henry Houck family who were reluctant to leave the village. Because of a need for larger quarters since son, Hugh, will soon be coming home from the service, they were forced to move to the McHenry area. Their new abode is located right on the river, in Woodlawn subdivision. Hdving seen the house, they should have plenty of room to accommodate them! Henry and -youngsters Hank . Jr., Roberta, and Geoffrey effected the move on Sunday afternoon. Betty will leave the hospital ahd convalesce in her new surroundings. Hate to see them go, but we wish them every happiness in the new location. put on a spread for her lady friends for her birthday luncheon, Saturday, Oct. 25. Part a k i n g o f t h e g o o d i e s w e r e Marie Hagel, Elizabeth Reiter, Ethel Schmidt, Vivian Essert, E v e l y n H a i n e s and Wanda Dyko. Sunday was family day and they all came out from the city en masse for the event. Present were Mr. and Mrs. John Lennert and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Buri and their youngsters, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wolf. Unable to be on band for the festivities was Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Buri, who are on duty with the Armed Forces and stationed in Germany. Good news from them! A son, Joseph, Jr., Was born to the couple on Sept. 2 and Katie is mighty proud of another great-grandchild! Strictly Unique Were the Hallowe'en costumes dreamed up by Anne Passalaqua for the members of her family. The kit and kaboodle attended a family party at the home of Frank's sister in Niles. Anne, with her "perfect 36 figger", made a hands o m e S u l t a n c o m p l e t e w i t h turban and goatee! Frank played the role of her favorite harem dancer and was costumed in sheer voluminous t r o u s e r s ( w i t h b r i g h t r e d trunks underneath!) a black mop wig, and wore a pink sheer teaser covering his face. He was a doll! Elder daughter, Sandra, was "cute as a button" dressed up as Peter Pan, and Linda was outfitted as-- of all things--a skunk! Well d e o d o r i z e d , n a t u r a l l y ! ! T h e quartet made a handsome group ahd no doubt--stole the show! Marking The Occasion As only she can prepare good groceries, Katie really Almost Of Age!! Next year will be a thrill for Miss Judi Hocin when she casts her first ballot after attaining 21. This year for her twentieth birthday, her employer, Mrs. Mary Dean and all of Judi's cohorts surprised her with a party for the occasion. The revellers included Carol Kizer, Mrs. Dean, Bonnie Lomm, Donna and Mrs. Barbara DeMar, Judy B a r w i g, Charlotte Huda, Mrs. Ronnie Romkowski, Virginia Thoren, Mrs. Mary Lou Miller, Sarah Oeffling and Sue Ambrose. The gals and women gorged themselves on barbecues, cold cuts, relishes of all kinds, THREE bitrhday cakes, and all the ice c r e a m t h e y c o u l d h o l d ! T h e table was beautifully trimmed and Judi received so many lovely gifts. Truly a night to remember!! This was Thursday. Oct. 30. Hallowe'en afternoon after school, Sally and Judi gave a large type party for all the neighborhood small fry from toddlers to all most 'teepsters. About twenty were fed and with the .help of Dorie Brennan.. all ran smoothly. The young ones left about 6 pjn. to tour the neighborhood for "tricks or treats." A hectic time for Sally but she loved it! Back In "Shape"? Haven't noticed much improvement in the shape of their torsos, but Mac and Fred Matthesius had a quiet, restful time in Hot Springs, Ark"., for a week.* Just what Fred needed! In6 addition to the baths, the fellows took several sightseeing tours through the Southern mountains. One of their journeys' took them along a w i n d i n g m o u n t a i n r o a d which led not over---not .under --but right through a scenic and wet! mountain stream. Hugh McDonald was terrified that they might be* stranded in the event of engine trouble. Not a house, car, or sign of habitation for miles around. Br-r-r-r! Gets mighty cold in the hills at night. On the way home early Friday morning, Fred took a wrong turn and they almost ended up in Texas! Excitement aplenty. But they made it late Friday night and the trip measures approximately 825 miles. Good driving for one day, in spite of the detour. While Jean was "minding the Page Fifteen store,' she moved something heavy and strained a muscle which has caused her a terrific^ amount of pain. Now SHE is a candidate for the baths! Best Wishes To Laurie Jean Murray who will be a great big seven years old on Tuesday, .Now 11. Whew, plenty of activity this week, but I love it!! Keep the news coming. That's it for this week, and well see you next Thursday!! .{• .fr •I-t- -1 IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE SLOW DOWN ««<tUV£! Your Doctor'* •rdtr If eur law** AdcertUemimt Rom where I sit * 6y Joe Marsh Called Passing the Buck"? Sitting on my porch the other night, Buck Hanson told about a nifty new warning light for his tractor. It gives him protection on the highway fit night--cost. Just 75 cents. ^ Buck made the light irom an old windshield wiper motor with a taillight attached in place of the wiper blade. He clamped the motor on to the rear of the tractor. When the motor is hooked to a hot wire and grounded, the light moves back and forth and sure attracts attention. (The wires work off a battery, a headlight--anything "hot.") From where I sit, it's a tradition in America for neighbors to get together and exchange ideas. We're a better country for It. Tell yon what--drop in on the next session on my porch, have a glass of beer and Join in. If you'd rather have a glass of milk--fine! Respecting people's preferences--that's an ^.American tradition too. Qoe Copyright, 1958, United States Brewers Foundation c^rapoipfiil 19 §i@fft \ • Bring your Doctor's gmscriptfont to this professional gsharaiaey where precise com* pounding Is a opodalty. Skilled Registered Pharmacists and ample oeoska enable ua to compound all pmicripdoaa promptly cad ozmctly as the Doctor directs. Each step doable-checked for aeraracy. Yet, oar price* are always Cur. Try as nest time! Drug Store 103 So. Green Phone 40 McHenr TOP TV--The Dinah Shore Chevy Show--Sunday--NBC-TV ond the Pat Boone Chevy Showroom--weekly on ABC-TV^ Be our guest for ® pleasure test! McHENRY 920 + ANTIOCH • /=&/? 7&V-/L- f <5RAYS LAKE • 9200 MCHENRY Verbal Orchids To Members of the McHenry Fire department and our own p o l i c e d e p a r t m e n t f o r t h e i r prompt response to the fire call early Saturday morning. Who Said Taxis Are A Luxury? Add the cost of cleaning this man's rain-soaked clothes and you'll agree [oor-to-door taxi actually •sJa ves money. A cab can help in a hundred different ways. When yon need one. Radio Dispatched - McHENRY CAI PHONE 723 $ Really FRESH... tantue CAND1 FR02£1B PUgSH the day they're made I NOW AT DRUGSTORE McHENRY PHONE 40 NEW FEEL One look shows you Chevrolet's all new all over again. And the longer you look, the more you find to like. Chevy's Slimline design, for example, with new and roomier Body by Fisher, makes for more comfortable seating and surrounds you with vastly increased visibility area. Chevrolet's remarkable new Magic-Mirror finish keeps its shine without waxing or polishing for up to three years! And there's new feel, new efficiency beneath that beauty. Smootherthan- ever suspensions.^Bigger brakes for safer stops. A new Hi- Thrift 6 that delivers up to 10% greater gas economy along with more usable horsepower at the speeds you drive most. Everything you want in a car is wrapped up beautifully in the *59 Chevrolet. It's new right down to its easier riding, easier rolling Tyrex cord tires--but strong as ever in those traditional Chevrolet qualities of economy and dependability. Drive it at your Chevrolet dealer's now. '59 CH CHEVROLET what America wants, America gets in a Chevy! The new Biscayne t-Door Sedan. Every window of every Chevy is Safety Plate Glass. The new Impala Sport Coupe, see your local authorized Chevrolet dealer CLARK CHEVR0LET SALES T 204 If. Elm St. Phone 277 McHenry* HL f|

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