Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Nov 1958, p. 16

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f l" , 'I'* ,» Sixteen *V4*? #1J <'V^ ?H E McHe nRY pLAin dealer V Thu&aay,TT©v0mker B,19S8 tatoland Park WOMEN'S CLUB MEETS AT RIZZO HOME Vickey Bottari 2262-j or 1524-J Baby Boy Mrs. Wohnrade presented her family with their third son bora on Oct. 23 at the Woodstock hospital. His two brothers are David and Robbie,, ages 3 and 1. There will be a meeting of the Lakeland Park Women's club this evening starting at 3:30 at the Rizzo home, 323 Home ave. All members please try to attend this meeting, as further plans for our Snpw Ball dance on Dec. 13 will be discussed and also plans for our Christmas party. Happy Birthday "to Susan Bockman on her tenth birthday. Helping her celebrate this with cake and I ice cream were Cherie Jones, Sandy Dawson, Barbara Meyers, Kathy Becker, Kathy Miller. Judy Porters and Giesela Maier. Correction on Dues As you may - have read in test" week's issue there was a j mistake made by me as to the \ collection of dues. I stated j that this was the fourth qiiar-| ter, but lit is not. so if you have ! paid your dues you paid the j third quarter and , you who j have not as yet taken care of I this matter should, do so as j soon as possible. Recuperating Very glad to hear that Mr. Bockman, Sr. is at home recuperating from a broken rib, which he suffered about two weeks ago when he slipped and fell. Happy Birthday to Mrs. Donna Rode on her over "21" birthday. Meineke's yard which was all decorated for the. occasion. The following girls bobbed for apples, went on a treasure hunt, roasted marshmallows and sang songs and consumed the refreshments served by Dot Meineke, Gert Krug and chairman Barbara Malinowski and co-chairman Joan Kane were Donna Bucaro, Pat Gilbertson, Linda Davis, Judy Meineke, Cindy Smith,' Bevi and Cindy Grote, Mary Theresa Sweeney, Mary Sullivan, Carla Dietz, Sally Murphy, Barbara Murphy, Adrienne Ozog, Sharon Pike, Linda Michalik, Elaine Piasecke Suzy Laurence, Suzy Meineke, Susan Garrison* Maureen Linnaine, Karen Smedberg and Marian Barle. Sympathy The sympathy of the whole community goes out to Mr. and and Mrs. A. Kujak on the death of their oldest son. 15- year-old Tommy. Many of you will remember him as the delivery boy for this paper, the Plaindealer. He is survived besides his mother and father, by his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Donarski also of Lakeland Park, and his two brothers and one sister, James, Allen and Cynthia. The 'Teen-club, of which he was a member, extended their sympathy with a floral piece. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Coleman of Pleasant avenue were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Botsford of Tilden, Nebr. and Mr. and Mrs. Harold and 11 months old twins. Marty and Michalene of St. Louis, Mo. is also extended to Frank Bartos on the death of his father. and to Raymond Rode on the death of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Rode. Wedding Miss Wilma Loewe daughter of Mr., and Mrs. George Loewe of 81 Parkway became the bride of Mr. Erwin J. Hinrichs, Jr. in a candle light double ring ceremony on Saturday at 5:30 p.m. in the Zion Lutheran church with the Rev. Mr. Lobitz performing the very beautiful ceremony. 'Teen-Hallowe'en Party Was held at the. Bottari residence at 116 No. Pleasant ave. and here, the 'teens who took part in all the fun were Don and Janice Parisi. Peppy Cina, Rich and Tom Reining, Larry Swedo, Joan Koerper, Bonnie Bucaro, Pete Parisi, Carol Franklin, Sharon Ozog, Dianne Koerper, Gordie Reberg, Dick Andersort and Frank Sweeney. This party was very ably conducted and of course chaperoned by Frank Parisi with a little help from Tom Gerambio and Mrs. Vickey Bottari. and Larry Glorch. The balloon gartie was won by Steve Cooper, Kevin Lavin, Steven Cirscuolo, Suzy Meineke, Jimmy Franklin, and of course many other games were played with many more winners which I was unable to get. The winning costumes in the evening were worn by Sally Guettler, P a u 1 e 11 e Rizzo, Josephine Cina, Francine Parisi, Donna and Norbie Kwiatek. Village of Sunnyside Children Enjoy Halloween Parly Irma Gunther--1577-J Prize Wihner Please call Vickey Bottari at 2262-J or come to her home at 116 N. Pleasant avenUe for information regarding the prize which was donated by Mr. and Mrs. J. Leone for the Hallowe'en party. Slumber Party A pajama party at the home of Judy Meineke on Oct. 18 in honor of her fourteenth birthday was held for Sharon Pike, Sharon Ozog, Adrianne Ozog, Mary Sullivan and Carla Dietz. All girls, were served a break-* fast of french toast and hot cocoa and some of the girls stayed on for lunch of hot dogs and all the trimmings. Mother had a good time too, but she did admit that she was rather tired1 Oh well, Dorothy, i'm sure it was loads of fun. Youngsters Hallowe'en Party This party of course was held in the afternoon for the i very young from 3:30 to 5:30 and the winners of the cos-1 tumes were Debby Leone, j Herbie Kane, Debbie Halas i Thanks All the mothers and fathers wish to thank Frank Parisi and George Leone and, the group of 'teen-agers who took of their time to help out with the Hallowe'en party all day Friday. Again thanks, and we Last week the children had a good time at the Hallowe'en party and because the weather was cold it was held in Schuman's basement. . Gosh there sure was an assortment of costumes. The children filled up with plenty of hot dogs, doughnuts and chocolate milk. Prizes were given for the best and funniest costumes. , - Bill and I missed. a good will all get together for this occasion next year. time, because of Bill's 'cra'i*ked; rib, we were unable to go on the hay ride. Those who went said they had such a good-time that it will be sometime before they forget it. Thirty girls came to Pam Obst felder's house last Thursday for their Hallowe'en party, the girls followed the arrows pointing down the ghostly trail that led to the rendezvous. Games were played and then the girls were divided into groups and went on a scavanger hunt to see which team could bring in the most items. A very good time was had by all.. to the following men who on Sunday got together to put back in place the bus shelters that were moved during the wind storm we had: Joe Leone, Foster Glorch, Steve Kotryck, Melin Mecic and Chester Gilbertsen. Boy Scout Bill Linden is our acting chairman for the boy scout drive and he will appoint the village trustees Etnd the police department to go out canvassing the homes one night between Nov. 10 and 14, so when these gentlemen come knocking at your doors be generous because it is for a good cause. I PEPPING*SON I | CEMEMT CONTRACTORS | | Phone 409 | I COMPLETE LINE OF CEMENT WORK 1 = 1 nlllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllliniilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllB Birthdays Chris Williams had her ? birthday last week on*1 the twenty-fifth. Happy birthday a little- late.. Chuckie Herman celebrated his birthday on the thirty-first and his brother Bill who is in the service was 21 on Nor. 4. Anniversaries Mr. and Mrs. Fritz will be celebrating ten years of marriage on Nov. 6 and Mr. and Mrs. Herman will be celebrating their twenty-third anniversary on Nov. 7. Heartiest congratulations to both families. • Sick List Little Michael Muleski is still on the critical list in the1 hospital. Mrs. Irene Garrity is doing yery well now that she is home." Mr. and Mrs. Heitz had a phone installed in Irene'| bedroom so that she could answer the phone without leaving her bed. Mrs. Vickie Bogal Js recuperating nicely at home fitso, and if you neighbors could: spare a little time why don't you visit the sick ones and help them to make the days seem shorter. P.T.A. Don't* forget the fun fare given by the Johnsburg P.T.A. on Nov. 8. It means fun for all ages so let us all pitch in^x help them make this a succeS. If it will please her at her age, why not tell her she's beautiful? But don't yawn when you say it. HESI IT MAY COST YOU MONEY OUR INSURED FREE BUDGET PLAN THENNES OIL CO. PHONE 32 704 S. Front St McHenry, 111. Girl Scout Fair Two tables full of different items made by our Girl Scout troop starting from match-box sewing kits to clothes pin planters were on exhibit at their annual fair held last week. There were dozens of things made and this was done in only five short weeks. The only thing was that the girls and their chairmen worked so hard and there were just not enough mothers out to see their accomplishments. Next time let's try to make a better showing for their affairs. Glorch's Haunted House Haunted for sure, skeletons, squeeking doors and even graves in the back yard marked "I'm Gloom", "I'm worried" and the third read "H-- with the both of you I'm going in for a good time," but of course before you could get in you had to go through three doors with lights going on and off and upon entering there was a coffin with a skeleton in it; gads, what spooks arid the spooks that came all dressed up for this affair in costumes from Rudolph Valentino to bathing beauties of the early nineteen hundreds were Mr. and Mrs. I. Becker, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. I. Becker, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. O. Abbinante, Mr. and Mrs. F. Glorch, Mr. and Mrs. George Boberg and of course the ghost and ghostess, Ed and Lee Glorch. Lots of food, etc. was served and all had a haunting good time. Ty§ Is not ci national sw@@pstdik@ s th®refore you how a far better chance to win. Entries must be postmarked! no Safer than Dec 15,1953. Happy Birthday to little Suzanne Gerstad who celebrated her third birthday on Oct. 26 in Sun Prairie, Wis. with her grandmother, Mrs. O. Gerstad, and several other members of the Gerstad family. Happy Anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. William Coleman on their thirtieth wedding anniversary. to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rode on their ninth wedding anniversary which they celebrated on Nov. 5. Jr. Teen's Hallowe'en Party was in the home of Mr. and, Mrs. J. Rogers with thirty-one pre-teens present. .They started at 7:30 and broke up at 10:15 and in this time they bobbed for apples, played other games and were- served hotdogs, candy, cake and pop. Girl Scout Hallowe'en Party was held for the girls in i -J\. - tjj.'M F i re pi ace installs less than a day! Uni-bilt MAKE V0UR HOME a showplace in less than a day with the sensational, new Uni-bilt Fireplace. Provides all the warmth and charm of a real wood-burning fireplace. Increases the value of your home*. The complete fireplace'with its own Chimney comes ready to install ... no masonry, no mess. Engineered to draw right. Tested and approved by Underwriters' Laboratories. 'Accepted by F.H.A., V.A. and local banks for new home or modernization financing. Smartly styled matching shovel and poker set (a $20 value) given FREE with your purchase of a i iini-bit* Fireolar-o between 5 to Nov. 89 Ptaus ESOD lor tree estimate! Phone McHenry 1717 After S i Michmershuizen "We Are All Ignorant, But On Different Subjects" Author's Name Below No one can master all subjects. A wise person knows this and contacts e x p e r t s w h o s e s p e c i a l training enables them to understand the problems involved. When you buy any medicines or health-aids get them from a pharmacist. Let our years of study, licensed supervision and traditional Code o f E t h i c s p r o t e c t y o u . You pay no more for this expert service Yet some day, a word of caution about proper use, may save you much trouble a n d p e r h a p s e v e n y o u r very life. YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE McHENRY 26 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE Pick up your prescription if shopping near us, or let us deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people entrust us with the responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May . we compound yours? X NYE DRUGS PHONE 26 129 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS WE DELIVER •Quotation by JUtlUJW Vi»# dealers appsMflPfPf entry blanks n Electros ful|y automatic • Electric Dryers will do a whole load in 25 to 30 minutes • Electric Dryers take the Crinkles out of "Wash and Wear" garments • All-Electric Dryers are automatic (no pilot to lighting igniting devices • Nothing dries clothes cleaner than pure, radiant electric heat • Clothes come out fluffy, sweeter smelling • Steady, accurate controls protect even your daintiest things L ani EfesM® Dryers cost $3@ to $60 less to [ LOAD OF DOLLAR BILLS ait your dealer's. Write name and address--mail it--that's all! 1st PRB1E WINNER will receive *5000cash and a new automatic Electric Dryer Electric Drryors a® 2nd PHllES! give®. ©way @mh week for 6 weeks NOTHING TO BUY I fftothta® to writ® but your name and address 9 Q Public Service Company if you buy an Elect Dryer and then win Commonwealth Edison Company OFFICIAL RULES • Just write your name and address on the official entry blank. Mail to 'Electric Dryer Swoe pa takes, P.O. Box 6669, Chicago 77, 111. Q Ten Electric Dryer Second Prire Winners will be chosen by drawing och week for sis weeks from entries received by noon each Monday beginning November 10th. All entries ineluding weekly winners are eligible for the First Prize drawing. © If yon buy an Electric Dryer during this sweepstakes (Nov. 1 to Dec. 15, 1958), and then win one, your money will be refunded. All entries must be postmarked no later than Dec. 15,1958. Only one winner per household. Drawing supervised by R. H. Donnelley Corp., Chicago. This sweepstakes is oped'to all residents 18 years of age or over in areas served by Commonwealth Edison or Public Service Company, except employes of these companies, their advertising •gents, co-operating dealers and distributoro and their families. Subject to all federal, state, and local laws and regulations. $ I Will Rogers (1879-1935) famous brands will be given ams® FRIGIDAIRE • GENEIALSLECTRIC* H0TP9INT • H£i.VINAT0R • KENM0RE MAYTAG • N0RGE • RCA WHIRLPOOL • SPEED QUEEN • WES7INGH0USE

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