Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Nov 1958, p. 7

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Tbundayi Ifovsmlxr 13, 1958" TOE McHENRY PLMNDEAM5R FOR . BENT MODERN 3 ROOM heated apt. Stove, refrigerator and washing machine included. Phone McHenry 742. 16-ff 2 iSTORY buildings 920 sq. ft. area. Ideal for storage and garage. Newly remodelled with electricity. Located 304 Elm, McHenry. Phone 743 347. 19-tf FOR RENT OR SALE -- store building with 7 room apt. up. 520 Main street, McHenry. Ph. McHenry 293-R. 24-tf MODERN 4 ROOM, year 'round house. Gas heat, large pprch, suitable for small family. $65 per month. Call Mc- ~ enry 1538-J. 23-tf lND NEW beautiful 3 bed r o o m r a n c h h o m e f o r r e n t with option to buy. 1% tile bathfe, modern cabinet kitchen, $125 per jnonth. in Crystal Lake Manor on U.S. 14, V*. m i l e w e s t o f R t . 3 1 . T u r n south at Crystal Drive-in sign Call Crystal Lake 2731 or RAndolph 6-3907. 1-tf HELP WANTED HELP" WANTED Man for warehouse receiving & Shipping. Experience desirable, but not necessary. Applicants will be interviewed Friday 9-5, Sat. 1-5, Sun, 1-5. Applicant accepted will be notified Monaay. Marine Distributors 104% S. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111. 28 MAN FOR RETAIL store work used to meeting the public. Knowledge of estimating helpful. Reply must state minimum Hurting salary desired. Age is not important. Write c/o McHenry Plaindealef^Box 416. 28 TURRET LATHE OPERATOR Must be able to set up and operate. Good starting pay -- plus Production Bonus Excellent Employe^ Benefits Permanent • Apply Barco Manufacturing Co. 500 Hough Street-- Barrington, 111. Phone DUnkirk 1-1700 28 HELP WAHTEB SALESMAN Married man. Direct to home sales experience preferred. New program. Excellent earnings. Rapid advancement. Car^ necessary. Call OLiver 8-7983 FHday, Nov. 14 Between 1:00 p.m. & 5:00 p.m. 28 GIRL FOR general office work, typing, shorthand and bookkeeping experience preferred. Skysweeper, Inc., McHenry 1090. 28 Women Wanted Applications' now being accepted for our 3rd shift. Light machine, work. 5 day week. 12:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Paid vacation. Hospitalization benefits. Excellent working conditions. Good starting salaries. Apply in person. Monday thru Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Precision Twist Drill & Machine Co. 10 Woodstock St. Crystal Lake, 111. 28 REAL ESTATE 3 BEDROOM HOME for sale. Living room with fireplace. All large rooms. Attached garage, gas heat. Also 4 room\ furnished apt. attached, provides a dit'onal income. Call Wonder Lake 5654. 44-w FOR SALE , 3 Bedroom Ranch, full basement, large birch kitchen, large living room. River rights. Must leave town. Will sell on contract, $14,800. 2 Bedroom Ranch, attached garage. 200 ft to river. Gas heat, fully landscaped. 2 blks. to shopping. Ideal for retirement. $14,500. PIN-SPOTTERS wanted. Apply in person. Palace Recreation, Saturday afternoon. • *28-2 MAN WANTED to work at Chain-'O-Lakes Game Field and private hunt club. Apply in person, Route 134, Pistakee Bay Road, 1 mile west of Hwy. 12. 28 PRECISION INSPECTOR For Floor and Surface Plate Lay-out Inspection Highly Diversified Machine Sjjhpp Excellent Employee Benefits •Jfcrmanent Res{Jonsible Position ' • Barco Manufacturing Co. 500 Hough Street Barrington, HI. Phone DUnkirk 1-1700 28 2 Bedroom Ranch, brick, garage, full basement, 2 baths. A home of ybur dreams. % mi. from McHenry. $18,500 or best offer. Restaurant on main highway. $18,000 complete. \ We have 50 other homes to choose from. For information phone McHenry 430. ATLAS BUILDERS & REAL ESTATE 2 Blocks East of Bridge on Route 120. 26-tf REAL ESTATE FOR SAJLE - HOMES - FARMS CHOICE LOTS - BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY KNOX REAL ESTATE 405 Richmond Road McHenry, HI. Phone: McHenry 421-J 42-tf REAL ESTATE 4 bedroom, newly remodeled home, A-l condition, large living room, full dining room, tile kitchen, and 1% tile baths, 2 car garage, gas hot water heat, located on acres of land, close to schools, in Johnsburg. ALSO Fox River Front, 5 room home*. 7 years old* large lot, sandy beach, garage with 4 room guest house, completely furnished, gas heat. For information call at our office- in Johnsburg. JACOB FRITZ REALTORS In Johnsburg - Ph. McHenry 37 23-tf OWNER SELLING two bedroom ranch home, 4 years old. Full basement and attached garage. Automatic oil perimeter heating, carpeting. . . . Beach rights. Priced to sell. $11,500. Call Wonder Lake 5513. 23-tf FOR SALE 2 bedroom house, living room, dining, kitchen, bath, sun parlor, hardwood floors, basement, oil heat. Ideal location for schools and shopping. Waukegan Rd. Immediate possession. Price $13,000. Office Ph. McHenry 1655 Home Ph. McHenry 1216 26-tf BULL VALLEY pig nursery on 40 acres with modern 3 bedroom home. Phone Windsor 5-2763. 17-tf BARGAIN -- CORNER lot 90x150 on top of hill overlooking Griswold-Lake. For information call 104-M after 6:30 p.m. call 817-R. 5-tf FOR SALE 3 bedroom home nearly complete in Cooney Heights. Full bsmt., carport, 80 ft. lot. Will finish to suit. $15,500 complete. F.H.A. and conventional financing available. May be seen any time. Lee Cooney, 113 Richmond Road. r McHENRY 119-R 28-tf 2 BEDROOM ranch; 2 years old; attached garage; gas heat; river rights; fuily landscaped; 2 blocks " to shopping. $15,000. Terms. Phone McHenry 322. 15-tf Jak-Ana Heights "Moderate Restrictions for ^ your protection" In Johnsburg Three Bedroom Bi-Level • Living-Dining Rooms • Birch Cabinet Kitchen •1% baths - upper tile • Oak Floors • Plastered Walls • Recreation Room (13' x23') • Utility Room (11'x20') • Natural Gas Heat • Attached Garage • Face brick on all four sides • Lot (100'x 200') • Immediate Possession Full Price $23,750. Terms Subdivision adjoining \St. John's church, sdhool ,and playgrounds, 2 blocks to District School. For inspection Cjall at our office on Main' street, in Johnsburg. Phone McHenry 37. JACOB FRITZ REALTORS Route 5 McHenry, El. 26-tf $3000.00 DOWN $90.00 MONTHLY F.H.A. TERMS Natural gas heat. 3 bedrooms, full basement, fireplace, studio ceiling. Carport, patio, on 70' hilltop lot beautiful McHENRY SHORES -- move in now. ENGVALSON CONSTRUCTION CO. Fine homes since 1933. We build or remodel anywhere in McHenry County. Get our bid. Key at McHenry Shores Office PHONE McHENRY 1322 28 REAL ESTATE 2 BEDROOM Rancn, stone and brick, attached .garage, finished, gas heat, washer & dryer. 300 Ahne st., Edgebrook Hgts. Phone McHenry 1025. 27-tf REAL ESTATE $11,000 BUYS year round, 3- bedroom home. Full basement, auto, oil heat. Alum, combination storm & screens. Located on 2 lots. Call Wonder Lake 5513. 28 BUYING or SELLING A. H. Gallagher 3 Bedroom Colonial In town near schools and shopping. Only 10 years old. I n XXX c o n d . B a s e m e n t . Breezeway. Att. Garage. $17,- 000. 3 Bedroom Ranch With floored attic. Attached garage. LaJ*ge lot in town. 1% baths. Good floor plan. Carpeting incl. $23,500. 3 Bedroom Colonial On 1%. wooded acres. All rooms extra large. Separate dining room. 2 car garage. Basement. School bus at door. $23,500. Income Property Two apartment in excellent cond. in town. Zoned gas heat. 2 car garage. Large corner lot. $31,500. Pistakee Frontage Well built large older home in good condition. 4 bedrooms, 1 % baths. Basemen^. Year 'round. 2 car garage. $31,500. 4 Bedroom Brick & Cypress home. Den. 1% baths. Room zoned radiant gas heat. Attached garage. In town. Screened porch. $39,500. WATCH FOR THE GALLAGHER SIGN A. H. Gallagher & Associates OFFICE: FOrest 9-6700 Jinny Gallagher: McHenry 1629 James Ro6sch: McHenry 3549 28 FOR SALE OR RENT to elderly couple. Two bedroom house. Oil heated, new kitchen, breezeway. Located in Emerald Park, McHenry. For a good deal call evenings VA 4-2052. 28 McHENKY and LAKE AREA Year 'Round Homes. Seasonal homes, farms, vacant. Hotn£ sites. Income properties. 1 JACOB FRITZ' REALTORS In Johnsburg, Ph. McHenry 37 Rt. 5, McHenry, Illinois 10-tf 6 ROOM HOUSE at McCullom Lake. $4500. Will sell on contract. Inquire Kountry Kitchens, Rt. 120, Lilymoor. 28 $150.00 Down Model Home Closeout Move In Now 2 Bedroom -- $6895 Cedar walls and ceilings, oil heat, 50x150* Lake Right site. Oak Floors. . 2 Bedroom -- $11,895 Stone" and Log. Massive fireplace, studio ceiling, floor to ceiling windows. Scenic view of lake. . 3 Bedroom -- $17,500 Full basement, 2 fireplaces, separate dining room. On 75" Lake Shore Dr. location. Keys at SUNRISE RIDGE OFFICE West side Wonder Lake ENGVALSON CONSTRUCTION CO. Fine homes since 1933. We build or remodel anywhere in McHenry County. Get our bid. PHONE - McHENRY 1322 28 SMALL YEAR 'ROUND partially furnished home at McCullom Lake. Call McHenry 3257-J. *28 BUSINESS LOT 25'xJ32 for $3,500.00. Business lot, 50'xl32' for $6,500.00. McHenry Realty, 532 Main St., phone McHenry 268. 9-tf SITUATION WANTED CARPENTER AND cement work. From small repairs to farm and residential construction. Cabinet work a specialty. Financing available, reasonable rates. Sandvick, Wonder Lake 3934. 12-tf EXCAVATING, b u 11 d o z i ng, plowing,-^disking, land clearing a n d t r u c k i n g o f a l l k i n d s . Smith Brothers. JAckson 6- 8632. 16-13 CARPENTER WORK wanted, remodeling, additions, garages, kitchen cabinets, roofing and cement. Free estimates. Phone Wonder Lake 3931. 12-tf WILL DO IRONING in my h o m e . M u s t b e b r o u g h t a n d picked up. Phone . McHenry 1141-M. 28 HANDYMAN service. Phone McHenry 437-R. *28 FOX RIVER waterfront, modern 2 bedroom home. Full base-' ment, gas heat, small down payment. Owner yvill carry contract or mortgage. Phone McHenry 3006 after six p.m. Immediate possession. 22-tf WILL CARE FOR pre-school child while, mother works. Call after 6 p.m. on Thurs., or any other time. 1214-W. 28 WILL CAR FOR children of any age. Excellent references. Phone McHenry 627-R-l. 28 SITUATION WANTED WANTED -- ironing at home. Mrs, George J. Miller. Call McHepry 77-W. *28 WANT IRONING to do in my home or housework by the. day. Phone McHenry 1968. 28 WANTED TOP PR-ICE PAID for iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock -- 1610-M-2. 43-tf RIDERS wanted to Larson Junio^ high school, Elgin. Call between 7 and 8 p.m. McHenry 2281. 26-tf WANT RIDE from Johnsburg to McHenry. Leave between 8:15 & 8:30 a.m. and return after 4:30. Call-McHenry 3007. after 6 p.m. *28 GENTLEMAN NEEDS ride to Crystal Lake mornings, Monday thru Friday to catch 6:05 train. Phone McHenry 3383 or 97. 28 WANTED TO BUY WANT TO BUY pool tn ' •. Phone McHenry 1032. 28 WANT TO BUY used play pen. Phone McHenry 560-J-l. 28 WANTED TO RENT 3 BEDROOM HOUSE by Dec. 15* Will furnish references. Call Howard Dowell, Crystal Lake 1372-J-l after 5 p.m. 28 LOST AND FOUND STRAYED -- white German boxer named "Duke." Children's pet. Phone Richmond 3653. 28 MISCELLANEOUS GRAND OPENING Nov. 14. Free gifts, samples. New 'Teenager Room open. Restaurant, grocery store. ^ gal. ice cream 59c. Meals (all times) 75c. Beefburgers with fries, 39c. Hotdogs with fries, 29c. Shakes and malts, 25c. Kountry Kitchens, Rt. 120, Lilymoor. 28 TO BE GIVEN AWAY PUPPIES •-- 6 weeks old. Ph. McHenry 1096:M. 28 FEATURE LUNA$ PROBE ROCKET AT SCIENCE MUSEUM A three - dimensional scale model of the United States Air Force's "Lunar Probe Rocket" and of the full sized instrumented satellite successfully launched last Saturday morning from Cape Canaveral, Fla., to an altitude of 79,120 feet went on display last week in the main rotunda of the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry. Admission to the exhibit is free. The exhibit is sponsored by the U.S.A.F. and the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of Defense, Presented visually and by narration is a full-sized replica of the "Pioneer" Lunar satellite which spins-on its axis at 150 revolutions per minute while- travelling through tfpace. Instrumentation on tlje outer edge gives the housing a gyro effect to keep the "Pioneer" in a constant attitude. Light enters the outer rim to activate an infr^-red device which transmits signals to the earth. Other transmitters report temperature, meteorites, magnetic fields, and longitudinal acceleration. A diagram identifies the twenty-two primary parts. The trajectory, or path, the "Pioneer" was programed to follow to the vicinity of the moon is graphically shown, as are the five special tracking stations around the globe which received the voluminous data from the instrument package. Credit is given to the primary aircraft and electronic industries that cooperated to produce the first true space vehicle. The exhibit will remain* on display at the Museum indefinitely. To Test Soil Ht'-) Farmers should secure .soil' tests this fall, especially if they desire to use limestone or rock >' phosphate under the 1959 AC program, according to a -statement by Ray Noe, member oif the ASC office. * Beginning with the'1959 calendar year, a new program requires that a proper soil test must be on file before costsharing assistance for'1 limestone and rock phosphate can be approved under the Argicul- . ^ural Conservation Program. There are a number, of advantages in handling this matter at this time of year. Fields having been harvested ace generally accessible for taking,the4 soil samples. Approved testing laboratories are usually iff a position to give prompt service during this period. The' needs of the land will be known during the time when operating plans are being made. And, information will be available to permit the county committee to promptly consider and act on any requests for limestone and rock phosphate costsharing under the ACP that the farmer may desire to file. Free sample pick-up service is still being offered by the McHenry county A.S C. officp. In this case the only charge would be the laboratory fee of apK proximately 10 cents per acre for complete map and recommended amounts of lime, jthosphate or potash to be applied. CHARTER GRANTED 7 A charter has been granted, to the McHenry Humidifying Co., Rt. 120, McHenry, Hi Ralph Bennett, president, Dor^ othy Bennett, secretary; to deal in and with all kinds anff varieties of mechanical appliances, materials, material apu pliances and machinery; to deal with heating equipment, air conditioning and all similar ap^ pliances and materials. HOUSEHOLD CHORES Service." Ba^ments, attics and garages cleaned and hauled. Windows, walls washed. Wood finishing and light hauling. Reasonable. Call McHenry 515- M-l or 427-R. ' *28 NOTICE ACCORDIAN and guitar lessons available now at Steffan's Jewelry and Records. Beginners and advanced. FOr further information call McHenry 123-J. 19-tf Join the McHenry State Bank Xmas Savings Club Now. Adv.--27-tf FEATHER PARTY Saturday, Nov. 22nd OLD BRIDGE TAVERN 140 NO. RIVERSIDE DRIVE Door Prize - Refreshments 28-2 LAKE FRONT HOME, Wonder Lake, year 'round. 3 bedrooms, full basement. Ideal for 2 families. Sacrifice' $15,990 Small down payment, balance like rent. 4701 N. Beacon, Apt 205. SUnnyside 4-2091, Chicago. 28 To Settle An Estate Gas heated frame 2 bedroom on a 60x350' lot. Full bsmt., garage, chicken house. Walking distance. Best offer takes. Zoned Business 2 bedroom frame home. Gas het&ted. 1 lot 66x132, the other 50x132. 1 block from Fox River on state highway. Ideal for a motel or store. Investigate. „ CALL MR. HEINEN McHENRY 2527 BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. - 28 3 .BEDROOM BRICK veneer ranch on choice corner lot. Full basement, Neater softener, aluminum storms & screens, gas heat. Landscaped. $15,000. McHenry 705-W. 28 McHENRY And Surrounding Territory Year 'Round Homes Home Sites Business Locations 210 S. Green St. Ph. 1126 28 0LSEN FURNITUR SAVE $50°° NOW ONLY ^J^lenru a Styie (^redt .Store 5-piece Early American SOLID HARDROCK MAPLE Living Room Group FOR IMS CONVENIENT TERMS £5? TO FIT YOUR BUDGET AmMotCiA rut£At Flotirs at Olsen ^ 1 Your cholc* of Ihl iota bodglvas yon lh* utility of an ulliuUin ufa yd b oas9y co» verted to o m) roomy k%\ full six* «ofo bod. Sleeps two comfortably. lav *torago rowporfctni hi ding. ft CKOICE C? ©AVE^OWOR SOFA BED at WING CHAR IK TWO MATCHING STEP TABLES # COCKTAIL TABLE SMn of ethaiHtt Fabric 6*ton MMig Platform RokStw $59.95 Vam CHtOi^ly dKkb to complete your ffcrnlAlng» wiMi lftofetg and coaifortbW* plotfcrto radar d»iTgn«i> lo match. SAVE on iiMayuMe Mow ytw con tot fly enjoy Sht proud ownorsSilp o? this CHARMING COLONIAL MAPLE group flA LOW COST during this SALE. Never out of style. Built for fong lasting Wear and Comfort AimS you con always add to your "MAPLE HOME" in the FUTURE with the confidence 'APT thli gtoup vviO (be as lovely then as d is today. FREE *59.95 Platform Rocker With Above 5-Pc. Saving You $109.95 Now Making It 6 Pes. For OLSEH fURNITURE 519-521 MAIN

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