PLAIftbSALER Lakemoor J Page OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. to 6 P,M, FRIDAY «9 A. M.ta 9 P.M. NOW GpING ON AT YOUR NEWLY REMODELED SUPER-MARKET 303 Elm St McHENRY, ILLINOIS s ^ ss^ J * -• >. 4* *\ * SNSv» Sft. vo ABSrtW ;sW.v v>-- •'*;• •:«.•: • •" v *3* $:• # ^ 5 ^ ^ ^ ^ ""+as ^ % - jo ^ ^ V Nfc * , ~ V . . > , „ „ » . » . » « ••"••••• •••••-"v- •'• ••• •"• ' " » « -V: n" #» ^ s Sft > -^N ^ ^ ^ ^ O sK N>% V^*. ^~ N«%* ^ \ , «Ws^v«fic "&* <N*>»~. * : •>.•••• • •^vXs\'.v:&<>>. :•:$•;•; :<•. *>>.•• ^ w 1 5""$. ^ t SJ**" * ^ ** ^ s* * * \ •» * ^ \ fe ;i;#.«»^::S:.' SvX^ .•> ifcSSxSfc ci>. S$?\>.s«. ^ vsss to &. \ ..v&.s'v •> C1- ^ V 'te \ ^ -- ^ ^ ^ -* W. v> 5 * X. X n •<* V *fc *vNC> •x-:9-. <> •' ;s, ' -S i s - * * % a ' s * i" «# t **-*? \^:r H t *?* * ^ s £ V v£ s <£. * N V s -s-V ^ *s * ••>S?"x>"-x:-- .sx •••X' -\ v.*£<:••'•••*• \v # .;.»x^ a*:' *. '"' v,:'v r $&. ';..-.':\\-v:,-> •«:>%::•:•#:• xi*\$WSfc*. TOTO$49*. >:': >:#•• vr-S^-.^^ ;-::.-:^:<;.^-: S^;:-:-XsK^<^w^^-^:^-:>^sr>9i^--.- <sv -.ifcyX;' ..•>»: ^ -XV- «y«S«W; S¥: . <S" "'!': • * ' - ^ •• ' - • • "- - -- :;;::: ZENITH HI-FI - 2« RECORD PLAYER = There's nothing to buy of pay. Just fill in your name and address on a free entry ticket at your newly remodeled A&P Super Market, 303 Elm St., and deposit it in the Box. This contest ends Saturday, December 6th. Drawing for prizes to be conducted Monday, December 8th at 3:30 P.M. Winners need not be present. They will be notified. Don't delay--enter today! 25 S. Turkeys E ma a i 1 Nothin8 t0 • • I§ © • Buy or Pay Fill in your name on an entry ticket. Drawing Saturday, Nov. 22 at 2:00 P.M. JA; t PARKER 8 INCH SfZE Pumpkin Pie » OVEN REG. FRESH 49e 43 JANE PARKER LARGE Angel Food Cake REG. 49c JANE PARKER A M&m CRACKED --WtEAT Light Fluffy REG. 19c EACH , 0 ;*« OQc loaves fctjr Wr a $25w A&P Gift Certificate Nothing to buy or pay. Fill in your nam® on a Free ticket! Drawing Saturday at 5:00 P.M. Eight 0'Clodc COFFEE LOWEST PRICE SINCE 1950 1 LB. BAG Jane Parker Cinnamon Rolls Pkg. Bake 'N Serve Rolls I *** Stuffig Bread ^ £" 25c *9 0 35c Warn Children Using 6B Guns ' by Marion Sulok-^»92-R-l T" v. Once again we must stress the issue on Jhe children carrying BB guns in. the village. Police chief John Kraus has given warnings time and again and no heed to this was taker!. Now Chief Kraus or any one of his officers will prosecute the parents of any child seen carrying a gun. It seems a shame that the youngsters must destroy public property such as twenty-four street lights which the Public Service company has reported shot out in the village, windows in homes shattered and animals hurt by this fowl play. Please keep the guns away from the children, if lights in the village are shot out, windows shattered and animals hurt, the next could be one of your loved ones. So parents take heed of this warning for everyone's protection in this village. happenings at the library convention that was held in Rockford. Mr. Buchwalter reports some interesting developments may restilt fot this Wea with the opehing of our new library. Further details will be known after the library, board Of directors have their next meeti ing. j The meeting for December will be at the home of Mrs. C. Hyatt with Mrs. Alberta Bross- ! man as hostess. Don't forget | your one dollar grab bag gift. ! The men are to bring a man's I gift and the ladies to bring a 1 gift for the ladies. After all the discussions of important matters the president closed the meeting and ; the members played cards and I bunco with the awards going to ! the highest scores, Mrs. Beah- !er served coffee and cake to finish the evening of fun. Sunnyside Estates Open House At.St. John's From A to Z Sick List Mrs. Agnes Simmons has returned home from the McHenry hospital but is taking it easy for awhile. Glad to have you back in circulation. Agnes. Mrs. Walter Beiiil has returuned home from a Chicago hospital and would like to have her friends and neighbors drop in and say hello. Hello Ma! James Bush waiter has been under the weather the past week but is up and around. Hope you're feeling better, Jim L. I. A. On Wednesday evening t^e club members met at the home of the Ted Beahlers with the usual group in attendance. The minutes of the last meeting was read by the club's secretary, Mrs. John Bender, then the treasurer's report was given by Mrs. John Sulok. James Buchwalter, the president, gave avery interesting report on the Wedding Plans . Are in"the air for Dale O'- Leary, son of Mr. andv Mrs. Frank O'Leary of Lakemoor, and Miss Carol -Bohan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Shark of Mundelien. The wedding will take place in the Santa Maria Del Polopola church in Mnndelien on Jan. 10, 1959. Dale and Carol became engaged this past September. Both young folks are known here in the village and the forthcoming wedding is one to look forward to. LINCOLN SHRINES New Salem State Park and the Lincoln shrines continued ' to be a prime target for tour- ' ists in 1958. The Illinois Departmental Information Ser- : vi^e revealed that replies from questionaires, mailed to thousands of people who requested travel literature earlier this year, indicate that the lure of Lincoln is still one of Illinois' major tourist attractions. Carl G. Hodges, supervisor of the department, said that informaj (ion compiled from the questionnaires showed that at least ! three out of every five visitors | to Illinois this year made it a ; point to visit one of the Lincoln ' shrines. Don't froget Monday is "open house" night at St. John's school. There will be. no business meeting of the P.T.A. so that the entire evening can be devoted to the conferences of parents and teachers. This is an excellent opportunity for all parents to become acquainted with the sisters and see just how their children are progressing. Refreshments will be served by the committee during the evening. Plan to attend and take advantage of this opportunity, we owe it to our children and to their educators. Travelers To complete a twelve hundred mile trip in less than two days is quite a fete to boast of. B}11 and Bernadine Gris^ did just that over the weekend vvheh they took a train ride. Their destination was Niagara Falls on botlv the American and Canadian sides. This is one way to get away from the daily grind but the question that comes to our mind is how to face it again on Monday morning. Bet it was fun though and we envy Bill and Bernadine their adventuresome spirit. Getting Better With modern medicine what it is today, each day brings a new marvel, even for you and me. Bobby Mischke underwent major surgery on a Thursday and was back home again the following Saturday with just a band aid as her only badge for t h e o p e r a t i o n . S h e c a m e through with flying colors and John, Bunny and Bobby are all very happy it is something they can look back on. Charlotte Gierke becomes 12 on Monday and Raymond Kropf, 14, on Tuesday. The toddlers celebrating week are two thre<e year olds, Diane Noah, Nov. 25 and Mickey Siepman on Nov. 26. Congratulations- to George and Pat Spindler on their wedding anniversary on Nov. 23. On the same date comparative newly weds, married just one year, are Ernie and Gloria Von Oeperi Tom and Dolores Hanahan will be married all of three years on Nov. 26. Hope you have many, many more. Date Set The date for our forthcoming card and bunco party is Friday evening, Dec. 12. As we mentioned last week this party will be to raise funds to give the children of Sunnyside Estates something for Christmas. Aside from helping to swell the pot for this occasion you can plan onr an evening out with your neighbors. Tickets are now on sale and can be purchased from' Polly Stevens, chairman, "Florence Kanter, Marj- Davis, or any of their co-workers. Your price of admission will entitle you to cards or bunco. Refreshments will be served in the usual congenial manner. This is our first attempt at this sort of thing so we hope it will be a huge success, of course that depends on all of us. mum Let Y0UE MONEY Earn For You With Safety at Marengo Federal Savings RESERVES Over . . * a . ASSETS •dffio- 1500,000.00 INSURANCE OF ACCOUNTS Up to $1,001.11 CASH AND Sewn men! teds $830,000.00 Current dividend irate . . . 3i% SAVE REGULARLY AT Martni© Federal aaVU[n]§]§ ASSOCIATION MAffii©©, ILLINOIS 102 N. Stale SL Phone JOrdan 8-7258 SERVING NORTHERN ILLINOIS SINCE 1925 | Party For her sixth birthday, Mary Jane Lnkowske entertained a number of her little friends at i lunch in her home. The favor- ' ite sandwiches of all American children, peanut butter and jelly, along with other party favorites were served to Robin Domin, Donna Frisby, Nancy Kieffer, Debbie and Donna Noah, Joanne Roy, Laurie Smolinski and Susie Thelen. The girls enjoyed themselves play- [ ing games and just being girls. SAftTf SAVINGS Birthdays and Anniversaries A nice long "Birthday Iifet this week . . . happy birthday to: Larry Kayler who will be 8 on Nov. 21 and Kelly Bute turns 4 on the twenty-second. Our senior trustee, A. S. Kimbro, celebrates another one on the twenty-second and Jackie Smolinski, the only other adult this week, one the twenty-third. Reminder By now all the school children should have been told about taking care of the bus shelter. Since it was put there for their convenience, they are the ones to be entrusted withits condition. There have been a number of boys hunting in and around the subdivision with BB guns and bows and arrows. We can't stress too strongly the need for proper instruction and direction on the part of the parent both for his own child's safety and the safety of other children who might be tagging along for the fun. PUBLIC AID PROGRAM The state's five public assistance programs showed a slight upturn in September, according to a report to Gov. William G. Stratton from the Illinois Public Aid Commission. There were 338,726 persons on the rolls in September, with expenditures totaling $15,831,886. In September, 1957, 282,687 pergons received $13,672,004. Saw® More by Shopping at Home RUBS and UPHOLSTiMfX \/CUMMBih scientific way \ f All work done in your own homel 8 Everything ready to use same dayl 8 No messy soaking, no shrinking! For FREE estimate, call McHenry 3418 DURACLEAN SERVICE PARENTS; by FALK ray INSULATE YOUR HOME!! ZONOL9TE COVERS UP TO 26 SQ. FT. PER BAG CUTS FUEL ilLLS OVER 40% $1 O 9 bag ARMSfliNG CEIU1G ?§BJ 12" x 12" - I/2" Plain White lO^c ea. 12" x 12" -- 1/z" Decorative 131/2c ea. 12" x 12" -- 1/2" Accoustical ^ 15c ea. 12" x 12" - 9'16" Textured 23c ea. ALL NEW! I •# CLASSIC CUSHION TONE 12" x 12" 17c ea. Free Use of Stapler for Application FIBERGLM1 INSULATION 18" x 24" WIDE 1!/»" Economy 3.5c Sq. Ft. 2" Medium 4.6c Sq. Ft. 3" Thick 6.1c Sq. Ft. 2" Medloajfim Foil 8.3c Sq. Ft 3" Thick Foil 9.9c Sq. Ft A MINUM COMBINATION DOORS . . 1" THICK • FULL PIANO HINGE • COMPLETE HAitPWAiE *29.5© ea. 3 LB. BAG Sectional -- Overhead GARAGE DOORS 8x7 4 Section $47.95 9x7 4 Section 51.95 16x7 4 Section 129.95 All Doors Complete With Hardware Make Your Own Plastic Storm Windows Flex-O-Glass 36" Wide 25c Lin. Ft. Wyro-Glass 36" Wide 35c Lin. Ft. Glass-O-Net 36" Wide 23c Lin. Ft. Plastic Glass 10W Wide 20c Lin. Ft. Wood Moulding for Frame - 1 Vic Lin. Ft. PROTECT YOUR CAR THIS WBWfER COMPLETE 12'x24' Single 1347.8® §§ PACKAGES 22#x24' Double Build S&om yourself and save. Moitlily fiymeits $11.16 SEE ACTUAL MODELS ON DISPLAY Delivery Arrangements -- If Necessary IP Qiintii T M o titiflL - THE CASH W/t SPRING GROVE Across From Depot Spring Gro^o, I1L Open Monday thru Saturday 7:1 CASH & CARRY LUMBER CO. FI1ANI11Q AVAILABLE 5:00 PHONE Richmond, HI., 2732 1 BLOCK NO&m HWf. 12